Bendigo Bank - Ready Credit Card - $0 Annual Fee, 0% International Fee, Travel Insurance » All Comments

  • -4

    Bendigo Bank is also considered an 'ethical bank'

    Haven't they merged with Adelaide Bank?

    • +6

      If you check the link both Adelaide and Bendigo apparently don't invest in fossil fuels.

      • +41

        I don't have fossil fuels investments either, does that make me ethical?

        • +13

          In the area of fuel investments, it does. If you have any other despicable investments, then you are not. Class dismissed.

        • +31

          I don't have fossil fuels investments either

          Considering 99% of everything is made with Fossil Fuels, including every single renewable energy project, we are all invested in it. ESG is just a racketeering scam, don't fall for scams

          • @1st-Amendment:

            we are all invested in it.

            Including Bendigo Bank then?

            • +11


              Including Bendigo Bank then?

              Indirectly yes. ESG is pure a virtue signalling wankery.

              They use electricity, steel, glass, concrete, wear clothes, eat food, then yes they are invested in Fossil fuels just like the rest of us.

              • +18

                @1st-Amendment: They also give their customers plastic cards !!! 😲

                • -1

                  @jv: What's that got to do with it? Surely you're not suggesting plastics are produced from fossil fuels? 😂

              • -1

                @1st-Amendment: If these capitalists were really as virtuous as they claim, they would give all of their money to the poor, or build housing for the poor and sell it to them for $100.

                • +3

                  @RefusdClassification: The old simplistic hair shirt/all-or-nothing argument raises its juvenile head again.

            • +5

              @jv: The whole ESG thing is quite hypocritical. Companies won't invest in fossil fuels, despite the fact that energy underpins our whole society, yet have no problem investing in China or Russia, countries which are responsible for serious and ongoing human rights violations.

              • +4


                countries which are responsible for serious and ongoing human rights violations.

                They are also the greatest polluters

                • @jv: In which way? Historical or per capita?

                • @jv: Not per capita.

              • @Grandslam: How dare you speak logical.

          • @1st-Amendment: An index that made ~500% in 2 weeks is a scam? No way

        • Do you have any barrels?

        • One more step jv. You need to get yourself a Bendigo Bank - Ready Credit Card, then you level up.

        • In the same way eating gluten free bread makes you gluten free, no

        • I don't have fossil fuels investments either, does that make me ethical?

          No, you are a holder and user of Words of Mass Destruction.

      • +3

        Why would he check a link when he just wants attention for being strange

    • +2

      Irrelevant to the card offer….Poor pickings!

      This is a Fantastic credit card
      Equal in benefits to the all-mighty Bankwest Zero Platinum Mastercard
      But without the Platinum minim income requirements!

      • +3

        From 3 September 2024, we'll be removing the complimentary overseas travel insurance as well as other insurances cover from Bankwest Zero Platinum credit cards!

        • +1

          Yes, I just received that TERRIBLE notice.
          Banwest have now crucified that card.
          A Platinum card with no tangible benefits over other credit and debit cards.
          All that remains is fee free foreign purchases and thats becoming standard on many debit and credit cards anyway.
          So time to switch to the Bendigo Bank Ready Credit card.

          And furthermore BankWest no longer has brances in NSW except in the city whilst Bendigo bank has one in the adjoining suburb.

          • @Dr Phil: Heads up with Bendigo Bank after applying for thier Ready Credit card.
            Youd think its a relatively straight forward process…..
            But not with Bendigo Bank!

            Ive recently discovered, upon applying for the card, that they have an extraordinarily painful application process.
            Much more detailed and complicated than other banks.
            They want to know absolutely everything about you and want copies of all your documents.
            Seriously its overkill to the max.

            Bendigo Bank treat a simple credit card application with $3,000 credit limit same as a $2M loan.

            Just saying - might put some people off. (like me)

            Im just about to cancel my Bendigo Bank Ready Credit card application and apply for the much better (FREE) HSBC Premier World Mastercard.
            Its great for those that satisfy their qualification criteria. ($75,000pa income + HSBC Premier Status)

            It has everything the Bendigo bank ready credit card offers
            (except fee-free overseas/foreign exchange transactions*)
            But also offers:
            2 airport lounge entry passes per year
            Discounts up to 10% with Agoda and expedia
            HSBC Instant savings!
            Points, points and points

            See here:

            • *many Bank debit cards now offer Fee-Free Overseas/Foreign exchange purchases as well as FREE overseas ATM withdrawals. Hence no longer a necessary requirement on a Credit card
              eg Citi Bank Customers migrated to NAB, uBank Spend account Visa Debit Card, Bankwest Tranasction account Platinum Debit mastercard, Macquarie Transactioon account Platinum Debit mastercard etc
            • -1

              @Dr Phil: It astounds me the number of fools on this site that NEG vote THE FACTS!
              Its not like you can change THE FACTS by NEG voting them.
              Seriously…GROW UP!

            • @Dr Phil: This looks to be a good option.

            • +1

              @Dr Phil: Update on my applications with Bendigo bank and HSBC credit cards.

              Bendigo bank took over 3 weeks to approve and then didnt grant me the higher credit limit I requested.
              the card took over a week to get to me once approval was given.

              I then applied for the HSBC Premier World credit card.(Im already a HSBC Premier Customer which helps)
              Minimum questions asked. They just wanted to see my bank account statement to verify my income and also the most recent Tax assessement notice showing my taxable income.
              so very simple process.

              HSBC approval given in just 3 days and card received in mail just 3 working days later.

            • +1

              @Dr Phil:

              Its great for those that satisfy their qualification criteria. ($75,000pa income + HSBC Premier Status)

              Achieving HSBC Premier Status has additional qualification criteria, which make it a bit more difficult:

              Hold $150k+ in a HSBC account or deposit $9k every month into an account.


              • -2

                @Russ: Correct!

                Which is why I didnt make it a recommendation.
                It doesnt suit most OBers.
                But for those that do, ts great.

                Im just comparing the "process"

                The Bendigo bank Ready credit card is a GREAT ONE CARD DOES ALL credit card.
                Great once you jump through all the hoops and get approval

                • @Dr Phil: I replied because your post made it sound easy, until I looked up the requirements to get premier status. Which wasn't easy, HSBC make it sound like only a one-off transfer of $9k is needed. Only when I read OzBargain comments did I find out that's a monthly requirement.

                  Commenting so other OzBargainers don't waste time researching the HSBC offer when most won't take it, after they eventually find the full requirements.

                  • -3

                    @Russ: As I said. I did NOT recommend the HSBC card.

                    Yes, the process was easy for me with HSBC !!!
                    But amazingly difficult with the Bendigo Card
                    Thats the point being made!

                    I also qualified my response with..
                    "Im already a HSBC Premier Customer which helps"
                    So just comparing the application process and making a point about how Bendigo bank was so difficult for me whilst HSBC was fairly straight forward.

                    Pls dont shove words down my mouth and make mountains out of molehills.

                    And at no stage did I suggest you apply.
                    And yes, each person should conduct thier own research and inquiries as you have done.
                    We are not here to offer personal financial advice.
                    If you dont qualify for the HSBC card thats your problem….

                    However the point here is that plenty of responders have complained about having thier Bendigo bank "online" applications refused.
                    Same happened to me.
                    I have made a suggestions on how to be successful with Bendigo Bank

                    And this discussion is about the Bendigo bank Ready Credit Card.
                    Not the HSBC Premier World mastercard

                    So pls take your unwarranted complaints elsewhere.

                    • -1

                      @Dr Phil:

                      And this discussion is about the Bendigo bank Ready Credit Card.
                      Not the HSBC Premier World mastercard

                      Do you recall that it was you that brought it up first?

                      apply for the much better (FREE) HSBC Premier World Mastercard.
                      Its great for those that satisfy their qualification criteria. ($75,000pa income + HSBC Premier Status)

                      Practice what you preach. It seems foolish and hypocritical to me.

                      • -3

                        @2025: Thx for bring this up.
                        Yes it was a bit of a "sideline mention" only as most OBers wont qualify.
                        With some added information as a courtesy if anyone wanted top know more, as OBers always ask.
                        Hence NOT a recommednation as such
                        Russ obviously missed this post

                        The qualifier for Russ being….
                        Its great for those that satisfy their qualification criteria. ($75,000pa income + HSBC Premier Status).

                        But in future pls dont "cut out" important information as you have done to put this out of context.
                        That is not the OB way of doing things.

                        here is what I actualy said..
                        "Im just about to cancel my Bendigo Bank Ready Credit card application and apply for the much better (FREE) HSBC Premier World Mastercard"

                        How do you call that a recommednation?????????????????.

                        Thats 2 to me and Nil for Russ and Nill for you too.

                        And so yes, I do practice what I preach as it wasnt a recommendation.
                        Just a quick mention.
                        As you recall, I didnt make a "big deal" about it.
                        Other than how easy the application process went compared with Ready card (in a later post)

                        • @Dr Phil:

                          How do you call that a recommednation?????????????????.

                          Calm down, Russ never said that you recommended it, neither did I, there really is no need for misspellings and excessive punctuation.

                          In any case, now that you mention it, did you know that according to the OED, recommend means:

                          recommend | ,reka'mend | verb
                          1. put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role

                          The phrase

                          much better

                          Conveys your enthusiastic approval, does it not?

                          You then go on to list some benefits of the card, like some kind of shill.

                          So you’ve met the all the components of the definition. Maybe by accident, but you have recommended it, unless you have a slightly different definition of the term “recommend”?

                          Thats 2 to me and Nil for Russ and Nill for you too.

                          It’s not about points or anything, we can only guess how you awarded yourself some. Maybe just look at the votes on the comments since Russ’s reply, that’s a bit more of a transparent process of earning your fabled “points”

                          It’s not a big deal, Russ was simply pointing out the requirements further up the comment chain to enhance the visibility for all to see. You in particular know all about replying to the first comment for visibility, don’t you?

                          • -3

                            @2025: WRONG!
                            as you quoted:
                            …put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or role

                            ……That never happened.

                            I was just justifying my own actions.

                            You butted into this without invitation
                            It wasn't any of your business

                            now pls butt out

                            • @Dr Phil: You’re all over the place with your comments, R U OK? Whether it’s a bitter divorce, health concern or something else, you’re not alone, there is someone to talk to.

                              You butted into this without invitation
                              It wasn't any of your business

                              You’re implying OzB users need invitations to make comments, you’re trying to tell me I can’t do the very things you do. What is that word for that? I don’t like to repeat myself… But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps your mind isn’t as capable as it once was. Here is what I said:

                              It seems foolish and hypocritical to me.

                              Let’s come back to that definition of recommend, break it down, and go to the Oxford Learners Dictionary, perhaps you’ll have some positive outcomes if I dumb it down a bit

                              put forward - 1) to suggest something for discussion
                              you brought up the card first
                              approval - 1) the feeling that somebody/something is good or acceptable; a positive opinion of somebody/something
                              you said how great it was, even linked to website with the benefits


                              being suitable for a particular purpose or role
                              QUOTE: “It has everything the Bendigo bank ready credit card offers”

                              It appears that in the context of your comments, you were recommending it.

                              When I saw your recommendation, I looked into it. Its benefits aren’t quite as wide as the ones I currently enjoy. The point cap, dollar spent to point ratio, and points required for gift card redemption are worse than my current card, so yes I agree, it won’t suit every OzB user. This isn’t an unwarranted complaint about the card you spruiked, it’s simply a cold hard fact.

                              Even if I ignore the textbook definition of recommend, and concede that you didn’t recommend it, why did you have a go at Russ for simply highlighting the additional requirements?

                              now pls butt out

                              I’m sorry but I won’t comply with your irrational demands.

                              Please, will you graciously accept this “neg” from me?

  • +1

    Going to the US next year, trying to find options to avoid having a bunch of cash on me. This seems reasonable to me? I was also looking at a Wise card. Anyone have advice on the most affordable/safe way to spend/convert ~10k?

    • +10

      Everyone is different.

      I personally see credit cards as a good backup payment method and for when deposits are needed on things (Hotels, Car Rentals)
      Then your own cash is free to spend on the day to day stuff.

      Bendigo Bank owns UP Bank. UP Bank has native integration with Wise.

      Maybe have something like this?

      • UP Bank (Debit)
      • Wise (Backup Debit)
      • Bendigo Bank (Credit)
      • what about 28 degrees?

        • +4

          This Bendigo Bank ready card seems to be the better offering for me personally.
          Everyone will value stuff differently.

          • They haven't had a data breach (yet) haha.
          • Lower credit limit requirements
          • Joint accounts
          • Insurance/ Extended Warranty, etc.

          If you were lucky enough to be on the original 28 Degrees card from years and years ago, they have this special purchase protection thing that no one else offers anymore. But you miss out on the other features listed above.

          • +1

            @E5TOQUE: I prefer the frequent cashbacks, free international data roaming and free lounge access at airports with the 28 degrees card…

            For Insurance/ Extended Warranty I use my free Amex and CBA Mastercard…

            • +1

              @jv: How do you get free lounge access with the 28 degrees card? I thought only for flight delay

              • +18


                How do you get free lounge access ? I thought only for flight delay

                Just fly Jetstar….

            • @jv: What’s the free Amex and CBA card that offers travel insurance?

              • @ozbmm: Both my cards offer free insurance. They always have.

            • @jv: There dont appear to be any ZERO annual fee Amex cards that include Free Travel insurance.
              The Bendigo Ready Credit card has trumped them all

              • @Dr Phil:

                There dont appear to be any ZERO annual fee Amex cards that include Free Travel insurance.

                Mine does…

                Free lounge access too…

                • @jv: What’s the card please?

                • @jv: Definitely NO Travel Insurance with a FREE Amex card in thier current offerings.
                  And thats all that counts here.

                  See here:

                  Dont know which card you have or how much you pay for it.
                  And you wont provide the information - people have asked.

                  The Commonwealth Bank granted me a Free Amex Gold credit card some 30 years ago which came with free travel insuarnce.
                  But these are long gone now so no point in mentioning it

                  • @Dr Phil:

                    Definitely NO Travel Insurance with a FREE Amex card in thier current offerings.

                    It's not a current offering, I've had it for decades.
                    Gold Card and free…. and award points…. and insurance…. and discount offers…. and free additional cards…

                    • @jv: Exactly

                      No point in even mentioning it other than a personal brag.
                      As I said, I had the same card - decades ago!
                      No point mentioning it here

                      We comment here to help others mate.
                      And as far as that is concerned the Bendigo Bank Ready Credit card is the CLEAR WINNER today!

                    • @jv: So, what's the product name? Why the secrecy?

                      • @YesPleaseThankYou:

                        So, what's the product name?

                        Amex Gold Card

                        Why the secrecy?

                        No secrecy

            • @jv: What kind of cashback does 28 have?

              • @DrScavenger: No idea now.

                I cancelled when they introduced monthly fees.

          • @E5TOQUE: Does Bendigo charge insurance premium base on closing balance?

          • @E5TOQUE: Heads up with Bendigo Bank after applying for thier Ready Credit card.
            Youd think its a relatively straight forward process…..
            But not with Bendigo Bank!

            Ive recently discovered, upon applying for the card, that they have an extraordinarily painful application process.
            Much more detailed and complicated than other banks.
            They want to know absolutely everything about you and want copies of all your documents.
            Seriously its overkill to the max.

            Bendigo Bank treat a simple credit card application with $3,000 credit limit same as a $2M loan.

            Just saying - might put some people off

        • @edumacation did you end up doing any further comparison?

          • @ignited141: Nah I didn't, I was trying to remember the issues with 28Degree recently but E5TOQUE reminded me about the info leak recently.

        • there's also CBA Catch 22

      • +4

        I've blown through about $40k on travel recently and my loadout is:

        • Up Bank
        • Macquarie Bank (Platinum Debit Card)
        • Bendigo Bank (Ready Credit Card)

        All fee-free, mastercard rate.

        • Good setup. Though, I would add a VISA card to your line up still depending on where you're going. My folks have spent the past year traveling every second month through Asia and they've come across a few establishments that only accept VISA.

          • @Mugsy: It's actually a struggle to find one these days, Visa just don't have options when it comes to fee-free, I think HSBC Everyday Global is likely the best, but the only other options really are Ubank (NAB backed) or Suncorp (Dogshit)

            • @dbnewman89: I'm guessing you weren't a Citibank Plus holder and won't be getting the modified NAB classic debit card?

              Yeah, Ubank is a popular option for fee free travel VISA debit cards. The new SpendME debit card from ME Bank looks good on paper for travel too (I only have legacy ME Bank transaction accounts so cannot comment on the new one). Suncorp's one looked OK on paper but I didn't order a card when I got my loan… if it's crap then I'll take your word for it).

              HSBC I use and so does my Dad. It's great domestically for the 2% cashback. Dad uses it when his Mac debit cards have issues overseas and the HSBC hasn't failed him during these times. But for the 10 currencies that you can load on the card, HSBC will use their own exchange rate rather than the VISA exchange rate IIRC. Just something to be wary of and thus why a different bank's international fee free VISA debit card may be better.

              • @Mugsy: I only opened the Citi Plus in May and used it once overseas. What do you think of the transitioned Citibank-NAB account? Is it still as good if using in Japan later?

                • +1

                  @1bargain: General international fee free debit card advice for travel…

                  1. Have at least two cards from two banks, one MasterCard and one Visa.
                  2. Use MasterCard first as it generally has better exchange rates.

                  I use Macquarie for the MasterCard.

                  For Japan, get cash out from the 711 7Bank ATM between 7am and 7pm. Supposedly it's free free between those times.

                  • @Mugsy:

                    Use MasterCard first as it generally has better exchange rates

                    I always understood that Mastercard cards first convert your purchase into USD then into AUD. As such you are paying double conversion fees, albeit small.

                  • @Mugsy: when you say cash out, do you mean you load the card with money before withdrawing? i recall i used to be able to use the 28 degrees above my credit limit where i would deposit money in and when i withdrew it at an ATM it was not charging cash advance interest rates?

                  • @Mugsy:

                    For Japan, get cash out from the 711 7Bank ATM between 7am and 7pm. Supposedly it's free free between those times.

                    I can confirm this worked in October 2023, using Up Bank card. I withdrew cash eight times during my holiday, and was never charged a fee. Earliest time was 8:03am, latest was 5:43pm.

                  • @Mugsy: Can confirm 711 is free. You have to make sure to get the money in JPY not AUD otherwise you get charged their exchange rate. Also I have never used a better ATM in my life. It was incredibly user friendly and hi tech. Like playing a Wii game.

              • @Mugsy: I actually closed my citi account when I opened my Macquarie one lol, heard about the NAB takeover and noped out of it.

                • +1

                  @dbnewman89: Yeah, I was gonna do the same thing but Citi disabled their account closure function on web banking… and I didn't want to wait on the phone .

                  Lucky for me I guess as I later found out that with NAB's banking app, you can deposit cheques with it. Saves me opening a standard NAB debit card.

                  But for yourself, for fee free options, I would choose either Ubank, ME Bank (especially if you have a use for their HomeME savings account) or HSBC (for their 2% domestic card tap cashback). The VISA is just there as a precaution in case MasterCard isn't accepted anyway. You'd want to use the MasterCard more.

                  • @Mugsy:

                    Citi disabled their account closure function on web banking

                    I used the Citi web banking account closure request just last week. The account was closed within a few hours.

                    I don't think the function ever got removed—it's just awkward to find.

        • Yes Mastercard Ive found that has a great exchange rate.
          Well above the cash exchange rate.

          And when you get fee free foreign transactions/purchases its hard to beat
          Such as with MAQ Debit card and Bendigo Ready Credit card

        • -1

          Depends if you require a Credit card with free travel insurance (Bendigo ready Credit Cardd) or happy to spend your own money using a fee free debit card (Macquarie debit card)

      • I have an impression that currency conversion that debit cards use are more favourable than the credit cards i.e. credit cards try to rip off more (or have more margins, in a nicer language). Is it right? OR do they all use the same conversion rate?

      • Thx

      • +1

        Heads up with Bendigo Bank after applying for thier Ready Credit card.
        Youd think its a relatively straight forward process…..
        But not with Bendigo Bank!

        Ive recently discovered, upon applying for the card, that they have an extraordinarily painful application process.
        Much more detailed and complicated than other banks.
        They want to know absolutely everything about you and want copies of all your documents.
        Seriously its overkill to the max.

        Bendigo Bank treat a simple credit card application with $3,000 credit limit same as a $2M loan.

        Just saying - might put some people off

        • For those that have the Bendogo Bank Ready Credit Mastercard and what to set up automatic direct debit payments on the due date, here is the form you need to complete
          (Unfortunately some Bendigo branches dont even know this exists).


          But it needs to be taken to a Bendigo Bank branch for processing.
          They check everything at the branch before submitting it for processing

    • The US is very cash-centric, their banking systems are straight out of the 1980's. It will be hard to go fully cashless there like we do here

      Anyone have advice on the most affordable/safe way to spend/convert ~10k?

      Travel Money card works for me. Load up when you think the exchange rate is decent, then use it like an EFTPOS card in the US. As per above, I usually have to withdraw cash once there.

      I'm with CBA so have the travel money card linked to my account and can transfer to and from it on the fly using the app with whatever the current exchange rate is. Makes it very easy.

      • +6

        This is bad advice imho. If you could reliably time forex in your favour you wouldn't be posting on here. And Travel Money cards are terrible. Dud exchange rate, weird loading mechanism. Also why do you bank with CBA?

        • weird loading mechanism

          On mine it is in the app the same as my regular accounts, so loading is as simple as transfer from one account to another.
          Generally when I know I'm traveling I keep an eye on the exchange rate and wait for a bump in the market in my favour then xfer. Sure it's not reliable, but it works more times than not as is the case with my USD at present. When in hit 75c it was a high point so jumped in, and since then the dollar dropped to almost 60c (slowly creeping back up now) so it turned out very good for me since I'm traveling again next month.
          If I relied just on a credit/debit card at time of purchase I'd be at the mercy of the spot rate which is an even bigger gamble IMO since you have to execute at the point in time. The flexibility of choosing when to exchange is an advantage IMO

          Also why do you bank with CBA?

          That's where my money is… it does what I need it to do… I know how it works… and moving is too much risk/effort.

          I also have an NAB account and an UP account but found them not as good for me.

    • +1

      Used Bendigo in US quite extensively and can confirm it's good as long as you don't need cash because of Cash Withdrawal fee. Used ING back when they had international ATM fee rebates. I had gotten Bendigo when they had the 16 months interest free on purchases promo then maxed it out while travelling in the US while keeping equivalent cash aside in Offset.

    • +1

      I've been using Wise for years all around the world and I have no reason to complain. It's so easy to use and convert currencies, always with reduced fees and best rates compared to MC/Visa/AMEX usual rates.

      • One issue with Wise is that it is not part of the Financial Claims Scheme in Australia, refer

        If Wise ever went bust, you would lose your money. Of course, you can limit any potential loss by not keeping a lot of money with Wise.

        • Same as revolut i guess?

    • +5

      I would have recommended getting a citibank plus transaction account as no international transaction fees and there are many citibank ATMs in the US to also withdraw cash and avoid ATM fees. However unsure if this product will exist in the near future - ive recieved comms from NAB about my citi plus account being converted to a NAB account..not sure if ill be maintaining this citi perk.

      Otherwise Ing transaction account also has no international fees, however you must meet the monthly criteria. Not sure if there are ING atms in the US to avoid atm fees when you deicde to withdraw cash.. but sure that wouldnt be too hard for you to find out.

      Note these are both transaction accounts so no need for credit application.

      • +1

        ING got rid of the international ATM fee rebates. That's was a deal breaker for me so in the process of closing down ING and moving elsewhere.

        • Were these rebates when withdrawing from non-ing atm? Surely ING doesnt charge an atm fee if withdrawing from an ING atm?

          • +2

            @Doesnotcompute: The rebates were for all ATM fees. It basically meant you could withdraw $20 in foreign currency whilst overseas and not have to factor in a $10 ATM fee etc.

          • +1

            @Doesnotcompute: ING doesn't have ATMs in AU or US. These were from all non-ING ATMs (local and international). They still do local ATM rebates if you meet their eligibility criteria each month.

      • -1

        We've been converted to NAB Classic Banking accounts which have no such perks :(

        • +6

          The NAB card that is being issued specifically to replace existing Citibank Plus cards, still has zero account fee, zero forex fee, and zero foreign ATM fees. This differs from anyone applying for a new 'regular' NAB Classic Banking account.

          • @StingyGeek: And for new customers the Platinum debit card exists.

          • @StingyGeek: Thank you. I couldn't find any confirmation that the rate is still the base rate (I guess Visa's instead of Mastercard's?), has anyone been able to find this or ask NAB?

          • @StingyGeek: To clarify, do you mean 'zero foreign ATM fees' like ING used to do, where they'd actually cover any ATM operator charges?

      • From what I read with the new Nab Classic Account I think they might maintain the same benefits as the Citi Plus. I’ve only joined Citi in May for travel in September so when looking at the 2 accounts, they both seem similar (no fees, no international fees…)
        Has anyone looked into the details of the transfer? I feel like it’s being grandfathered but the info is not very easy to find regarding the international fees.

      • I have just recently closed my Citibank account due to the fact they kept refusing to authorise transactions. I even rang them before I went on a cruise and they still didn't authorise the holding deposit for the ship.

      • I have been notified my Citibank transaction and savings accounts will be moved to nab by Feb next year. New nab accounts already set up and waiting.

        Looks like confirmed my Citibank card won't be working at that time. Shame as I found it very useful when I was overseas

    • +2

      I recently came back from 3 week trip to US (LA and Vegas) and I say safest way to spend that much money is with credit card. Only time I really had to use cash was gambling and tipping at buffet. You can tip using your credit card at restaurants so cash is not needed. However, do take some cash for emergency just in case you go somewhere that do not accept credit card. As for getting USD, you can purchase via fx exchange in oz before you leave (auspost has bad fx rate) or just take a debit card with no fx fee and international atm fee (you may be charged atm fee by US banks) and take money out there.

    • +2

      Too bad Citi bank Debit card wound up… that card would been perfect.. you can use it overseas, even withdraw ur own cash for free from citibank ATMs in USA.. no fees, no conversion fees but NAB bought them and are in process of closing those accounts

      • +1

        The benefits were transferred over to NAB - same as CitiBank

    • +4

      If you are looking for debit card, try Ubank (Owned by Nab). No transaction fee and overseas ATM fee
      if you are looking for credit card, try Bankwest Zero platinum card. No Annual or foreign transaction fee + free insurance + all mastercard platinum benifits
      Credit cards are always safe because if you loose your card overseas or someone use your card, you can just dispute.

      • Do Ubank change currency conversion fee? Or do they convert at a commissioned rate?

        • +1

          No, they charge spot rate by visa.

      • +1

        From 3 September 2024, we'll be removing the complimentary overseas travel insurance as well as other insurances cover from Bankwest Zero Platinum credit cards!

        • +1

          Damn, that's disastrous. It was the last card I had that still had travel insurance. Might have to actually buy insurance for the next trip!

    • +8

      I am going to the US this month. I have been trying to find out which ATM's are the best ones to use regarding fees, to draw cash, but have been unable to find info online.
      I am taking:
      1) Ubank visa debt (Good for shopping at Costco USA as they do not take MC!)
      2) Up debit Card (MC)
      3) Macquarie debit (MC)
      4) Citibank debit (MC) ( the one you can not get anymore and stops working on 24 Feb 2024)
      5) and hopefully, the NAB card being issued to replace the Citi card (if it arrives in time.)
      My plan is to see which one is the best one for drawing cash.
      ALL of these cards have Zero annual fee, zero forex fee, zero foreign ATM fees, and use the MC or Visa exchange rate.
      The only unknown fee is what the ATM operator may charge to use their ATMs. This is what I want to find out.
      I promise to report back to the Ozbargain community on my findings.

      Other than that, I have the Combank Ultimate Credit card as my primary CC and the 28Âş card as a backup. (both MC, both zero forex fee, both MC exchange rate)

      Not directly related to your question whatsavage, when you travel get yourself an eSim for your phone. Cheaper and/or easier than other options such as Roaming or using a local sim. (I use Airalo) There is plenty of info on Ozbargain about this.

      • @StingyGeek I have maple leaf lounges for sale to use US and domestic, let me know if you’re interested. TIA

  • Is the exchange rate for this card just the MasterCard rate, or does Bendigo Bank apply an extra margin?

    • +1

      From comments I've seen online Bendigo Bank use the Mastercard rate you see here:…

      I can personally confirm that UP Bank also uses the mastercard rate (I've personally cross checked that one)

      • With 0% International Fee (as opposed to eg. CommBank having 3% fee), that would make it absolutely comparable with Revolut. For the most popular currencies at least.

      • Thanks for the reply!

    • -1

      You find all banks will pass on some sort of currency / margin for exchange rates. No one will give you pure Spot Rate.

  • +4

    This also has rental vehicle excess insurance even if you're not interstate (a lot of credit cards rental insurance only applies interstate/overseas). For zero fees this alone makes it pretty useful.

    • Which credit card would be best if you are going to rent vehicle overseas considering no annual fee & no international transaction fee and also has better rental vehicle related insurance cover?

      • No idea sorry

  • 0% International Fee

    this means if I use the card in different country or online transaction for Non-AUD currency then there won't be any currency exchange fee?

    • -5

      Yes but they still will use their own FX rates which are often juiced compared to current market rates.

    • -10

      then there won't be any currency exchange fee?

      Any place that offers 'no-fee' will have crap rates to cover for the lack of a fee.

      No-one is doing this for free.

      • +2

        This is just not true - if Bendigo uses the official Mastercard rates (like Bankwest and 28 Degrees) then they are essentially the best rates you can get on purchases in foreign currency.

        Certainly way better than the rates used for cash conversions or travel money options.

        • -9

          they are essentially the best rates you can get on purchases in foreign currency.

          Not in my experience.

          Certainly way better than the rates used for cash conversions or travel money options.

          Also not in my experience. Travel money gives the benefit of choosing when you exchange so you can play the market. eg My last trip to the US the USD was 75c so I have a bunch of cash in there for next time that I kept because I anticipated the drop. Show me anywhere where I can get that rate now?

          • +4

            @1st-Amendment: The CBA Travel Money card uses their own exchange rate table, which is noticeably worse than other options like cards using the MasterCard exchange rate or the Wise debit account (which allows currency preloading like TMC does).

            For example as of right now, the TMC load rate for USD is $USD0.6318 per $AUD1, so loading $USD1,000 will cost $AUD1,582.78.

            For the same amount, Wise converts at the spot rate of $US0.6591 + $AUD7.28 fee = $AUD1,524.50. That is $58.28 or 3.7% less than TMC!

          • +1

            @1st-Amendment: Please provide an example based on your experience which gives a better exchange rate at the current spot rate.

            The second point isn't even relevant - I'm surprised you didn't just say you exchanged the cash in 2010 when AUD / USD was parity, and "where can I get that rate now?".

            You said any place that offers "no-fee" will have crap rates, which is clearly not true for the Mastercard rate. If you had used the Mastercard rate the last time to the US, you would've gotten a better result than travel money. You can then decide to get some additional USD via travel money if you were "anticipating a drop".

            Of course if you time the market you can always try to get a better rate, but the flipside is you can get a worse rate too.

            • -3


              Please provide an example based on your experience

              I did exactly that above, can you read?

              which gives a better exchange rate at the current spot rate.

              I specifically said that the advantage of travel money is that you have the choice of WHEN you buy into a rate, but you chose to ignore that…

      • +1

        They use the Mastercard exchange rate.
        It’s very close to the actual exchange rate.

    • There are no exchange fees, but the other thing to consider is the buy sell spread.

  • How do people fare with approvals for Bendigo credit products? I've had zero success with them and their subsidiairies (Tic Toc), and suspect being a credit card churner is the reason.

    • +1

      Bankwest Zero Platinum offer the same thing, and I found they were great at approvals. Got called up next morning after applying for a couple questions from the local call centre and got approved a few mins after

      • Min 6k limit though

      • +1

        I haven't read the PDS yet, but Bankwest reduced their level of complimentary insurance a while back.

        So Bendigo may have an edge on them here

        • OK, I have read (skimmed through) the PDS and it looks like for my needs Bendigo's insurance is much better than Bankwest.

      • only trouble with them now is they are stopping the travel insurance after 1st week Sept

    • +2

      Myself and 4 friends have applied, 3 were approved. We all applied with 5/6k limits with excellent credit ratings (1 enquiry in 12m, stable positions, stable incomes, minimal liabilities).

      45k salary casual - no other lines of credit Denied
      55k salary FT perm - one other 5k card Denied
      65k salary FT perm - no other lines of credit Approved
      80k salary FT perm - no other lines of credit Approved
      125k salary FT perm - one other 6k card Approved

      • I see myself out. Got 4 cards under my bell right now.

  • Would you replace 28 degrees with this card as the default international credit card?

    • +1

      Depends which 28 degree card you have. If you have the card from years and years ago with that price protection insurance, I doubt you would give it up.

      For anyone else, this seems to be the better card.

      • oo. it was rejected - "did not meet credit guidelines". waiting to churn a few cc so holding more credit cards than usual. might try again at some later time to replace my 28 degrees.

  • +1

    Can anyone comment on the application process please?

    • Pretty straight forward when I applied two months ago. Only issue I had was my application was too long, so wasn't able to log in. A quick call sorted out that issue.

  • so this or wise?

  • Okay, I've never had a credit card - I'm looking to travel in May. The travel insurance could be useful for me.

    Is this essentially a no cost card? In that if the balance is at $0.00 you don't have any fees at all? Is there anything I should be aware of when owning a credit card?*

    Edit: *besides paying off the balance before accruing interest.

    • +5

      Yes there is no cost as long as you pay off your balance at the end of each statement period. Nothing you need to be aware of except for the fact it is easier to buy something with a credit card as you don't have to think about whether you have the money in your acct or have to transfer money across etc.

      If you aren't financially mature/sensible you can definitely end up spending more than you would have before having the CC

      • Awesome, thanks for that! I wasn't sure if there were other monthly fees or rates that aren't clearly listed.

  • What do people use for withdrawing cash from foreign ATMs?

    • -3

      you don't

      • +3

        You definitely do.

        • well try to avoid it

          • +3

            @Poor Ass: It's my primary method to get cash if you're at a destination that needs cash, beats money changer every time.

            • -2

              @lawyerz: negative

              if you know a reputable money exchange at the country it usually has better rates

              but if you use your card it's no fuss no fake money and more convenient

              I guess what I mean is there is no one method that wins everytime

              • @Poor Ass: Hmm. This is all good and well but how in the world would you know a reputable money exchange when travelling? Trustpilot reviews??

                • @Naigrabzo: can be hard but those that get a lot of positive mentions wouldn't be too bad

                  but if you were in a dodgy country I'll try to avoid

                  • @Poor Ass: yeah this is my problem. If I am in dodgy country I can't trust neither ATMs nor money exchange… HAHA.

                    • @Naigrabzo: lol maybe walk into a reputable bank that looks legit haha

                      or take cash over and get robbed by corrupt customs / cops

                      • @Poor Ass: I know right. Corrupt customs are so scary. Had one in Cambodia who wanted USD and kept me in the queue for a long time for no reason.

                        • @Naigrabzo: ya that's where all the murderers go to hide

                          what was the going rate USD for customs now?

                          • @Poor Ass: So he wanted me to pay and put it in the passport and hand it to him.

                            Honestly I only had 5 bux in my wallet (Ozbargainers should only have velcro wallets). So I gave him that. He wanted more but I didn't have. He eventually let me go.

                            He was very surrepticious though.

                            I think I was very naive throughout the whole situation. I was a bit shaken afterwards.

                            • @Naigrabzo: Just makes us feel how good we got it here

                              • @Poor Ass: AGREE! Every time I return home, I am so F#$%^ happy.

                                Some of my travels are just to illustrate to kids (and my self) how good we have it here.

    • +2

      UP card. Signed up, card in my apple wallet and transferred money across in less than 10 minutes.

      • what's UP card? ;)

    • ING or ubank.

    • +1

      ING, Up card, Ubank, Citibank - in that order

      • +1

        Using your card overseas or online
        Card purchases and ATM cash withdrawals

        Some ATM operators may charge a fee

        1) Do they charge fee for currency conversion or just convert at commissioned rate?
        2) Would this mean main/local banks are the free ATMs and just third-party ATM charge fee?

        • 1) they just convert at whatever the current rate is - whenever I checked, its better than money changers and far more convenient.
          2) depends on the bank - some banks charge an ATM fee for any other card other than their own card, just like Australia did not too long ago. Some don't.

          ING - if you meet their increasingly annoying requirement the month prior, gives you 5 fee-free ATM withdrawal, they rebate you any 3rd party atm fees.

      • Curious to know why you have left the Macquarie Bank Platinum Debit card out? I thought that was a good option as well? $0 FX fees, $0 ATM Fees, including International (albeit Operator fees are not covered, same for ING) ?

    • depends on the country. Check the fx rate at local fx changes and mastercard/visa fx rate.

    • +2

      It's a little complicated. Lots of cards (see those recommended elsewhere in the comments) are pretty good, e.g. UP, Wise, Maquarie (what I use), all have small pros and cons, all have no foreign ATM fees (as charged by the card itself) and use the visa/mastercard rate (as good as you'll get).

      Some ATMs in some countries will charge an additional fee, which is hard to avoid (I think some cards e.g. 28 degrees might offer to reimburse for these fees but IDK I've never tried). The last places I travelled are Indonesia (no fees for any of the ATMs I used) the US (no fees), Mexico (no fees), and the Phillipines (every ATM charged a flat fee so the play was to find the ATMs with the biggest withdrawal limit). All of that comes down to the bank you withdraw from so it's subject to change.

      I strongly disagree with the commenter recomending money changers. Maybe there are some countries where this is true but in general they charge a much worse spread than mastercard/visa.

      • You mentioned you use the Maquarie card. I have recently got one and plan to use it in the US to draw cash. Can you tell me which US ATMs had no fee?

        • Hi stingygeek. So I tried to look into it, and am now worried that I might have misremembered the US experience. In retrospect I believe there were fees (something like a few dollars), but I was able to withdraw large amounts (e.g. 1K US) which made the fee a small percentage.

          In terms of what ATMs to focus on in general, I previously had a citi card and found this resource very handy. I'm not sure whether other cards (e.g. Maquarie) are exactly the same in terms of ATM fees as citi was but it wouldn't surprise me if ATMs had a consistent 'foreign card fee' which is the same for every card, in which case this info might actually generalise decently.…

    • Yes with debit card. Big no no with credit card :)

  • @E5TOQUE do you know until this offer it's valid? Or it's unknown? I mostly likely will travel next year so this deal looks very good.
    And thanks for posting. 👍

    • Its been out for about a year. I am guessing this credit card is a product Bendigo Bank will be keeping around for a while yet.

  • Which is better? This or the Bankwest Mastercard Zero Platinum card? They seem to offer the same thing…?

    • I would like to know this too (have been using Bankwest zero platinum for few years and can't recommend that enough.) Although the insurance isn't the best (i.e. NAB credit card insurance is much better than Bankwest one)

      • +1

        From what I could glean from another poster:


        • 90 days travel insurance (vs. 31)
        • $3000 minimum limit (vs. $6000)
        • Extended Warranty on purchases
        • Purchase Protection on purchases

        - Minimum $500 spend on travel expenses to activate travel insurance

        I don't know if that's worth the hassle of opening/closing a new card though.

      • but NAB credit cards mostly have international fees now and $500 to activate for international insurance coverage

        • Anz only $250. I have the rewards one which is about $70 a year (which I mostly earn in points).

  • We recently applied and used this card for our Japan Trip last month. Great card for the added free insurance. We only prepaid one of our hotels via Agoda to activate the insurance early on.

    Only gripe is the app lacks basics features like in and out transaction notifications.

    For atm cash withdrawals, we use our ING card.

    • Does it tell you if insurance is activated, or do you have to keep track yourself?

      • Nah as soon as you spend at least 500 towards the trip, the insurance is implied.

  • +11

    My Ozbargain travel tips:

    • Use AMEX for booking and their Travel Insurance (tends to be the best).
    • Use a Mastercard/Visa Credit Card with no FX fees. Even better if your no FX card (1) earns points, and (2) has a sign on bonus. The Commbank Ultimate Awards and Bankwest Zero Cards come to mind. Use this for all purchases overseas. You might meet enough minimum spend for a few thousand FF points towards your next holiday!
    • Use a debit/travel card with no FX withdrawal fees for cash. You can either use a card which you can pre-convert currency (Wise, HSBC, Revolut etc) or just convert on the fly with other cards (Ubank, UP, etc). Up to you to predict on the exchange rate.
    • I have AMEX but their eligibility requirement kills the benefits of the travel insurance. NAB has similar insurance but eligibility criteria is much better (plus much less annual fees).

      My quick recommendations:

      1) NAB signature card for insurance
      2) Bankwest zero platinum for credit card transactions
      3) ING for cash withdrawals + any debit card requirements

      • Check Anz, I think they are the best.

        • ANZ and NAB has same insurance I believe. But who wants to deal with ANZ credit card application? No thanks for that experience.. lol. If you have an ANZ credit card, good on you..

          • @npnp: I didn’t know it was hard to get a credit card with them. It has been very easy for us.

    • What's FX?

      • +1

        Foreign Exchange (currency conversion)

    • Thanks for the tip!

      Interested in Commbank Ultimate Awards but noticed its only fee free if spend at least 4k per month.. big requirement, otherwise have to cop $35 fee pm which is quite steep..

      Bankwest Zero does not have reward points, does it?

      Atm im using 28D and Wise/Revolut..

  • +6

    Is this really a deal considering Bankwest Zero Platinum offers the same thing, it's more an everyday price rather than a deal or hack.
    The other benefit is they run on WA time so you have more time to contact them in the afternoon

    • no free travel insurance after sept this year though

  • Useful deal

  • Are there any cards out there that also have $0 Annual Fee, 0% International Fee and Travel Insurance?

    • See the Ozbargain wiki thats linked in the original post.

  • +1

    I already use the Bankwest card, but more options & competition is always a good thing !

  • does anyone know if this uses the same no fee exchange rate as 28 degree, Coles mastercard, UP or could there be different rates for the same amount?

    • Uses the Mastercard rate.

      Same as UP, Bankwest, 28 Degrees, etc.

  • is there a website or page that compares all the travel insurance cc's?

    • This 500$ spend
      Anz 250$

  • +5

    Everyone is talking about using ING card for cash withdrawal but they have started charging fees now. It's not completely free. Is there any card (debit or credit) for free cash withdrawal overseas?

    • Shit didn't know this and going on a trip soon.
      Looks like Ubank has free international ATM withdrawals

    • ING can reverse charges made by the international bank (up to 5x a month if you meet qualifications) even if the ING side won’t charge you.

      The other banks like ubank for example won’t charge you on their end, but I don’t think they have the feature to rebate whatever the international bank will charge you.

      I don’t think there’s any other banks aside from ING that can do the rebate on the charges made by the international ATM.

      • +1

        You're a few months too late, the atm rebate feature is gone.

        • For some reason, I have mine rebated just last November 10 in a 7-eleven ATM terminal in Japan. Shown as "International ATM Fee Rebate +$5.00"
          Is that different?

          I believe they will still do the first 5 international withdrawal rebates free per month if you meet the requirements vs the old unlimited rebates.…

          • +1

            @ozchobie: Interesting, except the linked article appears to contradict itself. One comment (not official ING T&Cs) says they will conditionally offer 5 free rebates here and OS, whereas what seems to be an official ING quote at the end specifically excludes international fee rebates. Iirc you've mentioned your actual experience on another deal (?) so maybe they're selectively applying a rebate.

          • +4

            @ozchobie: 5$ is ING’s fee which it waves first 5 times for eligible customers

            Maybe you got lucky and that ATM did not charge any own fees

            • @evgpek: Doh! That's it. They're rebating ING fees not OS ATM owner fees. Was also discussed on a previous deal.

    • What fees are they now charging? I must've missed that.

  • 3k credit limit. I wonder what's the payslip requirements to get this approved?

    • +1

      Wonder if me Cenno will cover it…? 🤔

    • Apaprently people can manufacture their own payslips!?! There was an article on ABC about this.

  • +3

    Looks like you need to spend a minimum of $500 on prepaid travel costs before leaving Australia to get the complimentary travel insurance.…

    • Yes, Bankwest card does not require you to spend anything to get the insurance.
      I wouldn't call this a deal for that reason, as well as the fact that it's available all the time and not a "hack" like a lot of other reposted deals are

      And it's not like these cards are not known about, if you google annual free cards or international fee free card they are easy to find and compare

      • +3

        Bendigo has some advantages over Bankwest too.

        • 90 days international travel insurance (Bankwest is 30 days)

        • Travel Cancellation cover (Bankwest doesn’t have it)

      • Thanks, I'll get a Bankwest card instead.

      • +2

        True but with Bankwest you have to pay upgrade fee for further benefits such as

        Additional expenses, cancellation costs, special event expenses, rental vehicle insurance excess, baggage delay expenses, travel documents protection, travel delay expenses, domestic pets boarding, overseas funeral or cremation expenses, travel services provider insolvency, and resumption of journey costs, as well as coverage for loss of income.…

        Free cover is basic

      • +2

        bankwest are withdrawing their complimentary insurance from Sept this year………

    • Buying plane ticket counts?

  • +10

    For those comparing Bendigo Ready and Bankwest Platinum Zero :

    *Bendigo Ready can cover up to 90 days consecutive international travel vs Bankwest Platinum’s 31 days
    *Bendigo Ready includes travel cancellation cover in its complimentary insurance vs Bankwest Platinum Zero does not, and you have to pay for an upgrade to get this covered
    *Bendigo Ready requires you to spend at least $500 towards your travel to activate the insurance vs Bankwest Platinum Zero has no minimum cost requirement.

    (Can correct me if I got anything wrong)

    • Minimum credit limit of 3k with BB, 6k with BW

  • Wise debit card allows free cash withdrawal up to x2 /month (presumably calendar month) for a total of $360AUS equivalent, after that there is a $1.50 per transaction and an added 1.75% transaction fee ( also there is often a 3rd party atm transaction fee on all withdrawls)
    I do like the using the wise app and setup. There is no reliance on SMS for authorisation - which sometimes is a hassle OS, but internet access is required for app access. There is no need to inform Wise about your travel arrangements. Debit cards dont seem to work well at hotels for holding fees.
    Its always a good idea to have a backup credit card for eftpos transactions, I use my legacy 28degrees (Latitude) card as eftpos OS. But you have to notify them before about your travel through a tiresome phone system and may need an SMS system to keep the card working. Some of the more remote Asian Banks/Merchants may not accept your Mastercard/Visa Network card even though it has the machine has the logo.
    Have a paid NAB card that has travel insurance if you use card to pay >$500 of your trip.

  • What about HSBC global?

  • +1

    Stupid question but how exactly will they make money on this? For someone who sets up the necessary direct debit etc. I am basically using someone else's money for 30-40 days with no interest.
    Are they just hoping people go crazy with spend and then miss payments at which point an interest at exorbitant rates kicks in?

    • +1

      Banks also get fees from users of their card (ie merchants). I suspect (but don't know) that's what generates most of their card profit. Their service fee is why ALDI for example adds a 0.5% fee for c card use. Other businesses simply defray the cost over all sales.

    • Yes

  • will this ask for a payslip?

  • Is hsbc global Better because it has all of these features and you also get 2% cash back?

    • Eh? Isnt that the debit card? You dont get any features aside from the 2% cashback. This is a credit card with platinum features.

    • This is a credit card while HSBC is debit card.

  • Only downside with this card is your slugged a $3 for a purchase via The Lott. Never happened with other credit and debit cards I have.

    • +3

      Never use your credit card for gambling.

    • +2

      Never happened with other credit

      Which bank/vendor? Thought most if not all of them either outright don't allow online lotto purchases or treats it as a cash advance hence the fee?

  • +1

    Time to bend over to Bendigo?

  • Came back from Japan recently. I always bring ING and Macquarie debit cards for ATM and Bankwest credit card for purchases/hotels.
    ING still rebates the international ATM fee of $5. For ATM cash rates, I found I got better rates using the Macquarie debit card than ING (one hour later maybe the rates changed ?).
    Please be reminded that the Bankwest free travel insurance does not include travel cancellation (flights, hotel, tour etc.). Cancellation is an option now and the quote I got for adding cancellation is more than getting a full Allianz Travel insurance. Cancellation is still included free on other credit cards with free travel insurance.

    • +1

      ING still rebates the international ATM fee of $5

      ING is rebating its own fee (only). ING is no longer rebating the operator fee.

      • Hoop jumping 101… create a fee and make customer meet requirements for said fee to be waived.

        The smart customer will find a better bank that just doesn't have said fee.

  • -1

    usually with the 0% international fee they rip you off with horrible exchange rates. maybe i will give this a try, seems like people like it.

    • +2

      Read the OP.
      They use the Mastercard Exchange rate. Its pretty close to the real exchange rate.

      • There is no "real exchange rate" as such.
        There is always a buy and sell price and its always changing.
        There is a "mid-point" which is the common reference point.

        But yes, Mastercard offers great exchange rates.
        Usually somewhat better than the "cash exchange rate"
        Makes no difference if a debit or credit card, nor if a free card or no foreign exchange fees or 3% fees or annual fee.
        Those are all the banks call.

  • Now that my go to card for atm and purchase while overseas, the Citibank debit card is going to be discontinued, Im lookinh for something similar.

    If I'm only looking at debit cards only with no credit card application needed
    Is the ing card the closest? Or the Macquarie one?

    • ING is good however, you have to meet their requirements to get the monthly advantages. If you can do this then yes it still is the best. Ubank is my preferred now for less hoops after I cancelled my citibank. It has a great app and good interest rates for savings.

      • +1

        Have you looked at the Nab Classic which is being set up for Citibank transfer? Doesn’t it have no foreign transaction fee and a few things from the old Citi account? Wouldn’t it be good to keep as there’s no fee anyway?

        I long to have a Citibank for traveling and only set up in May this year and got to use it first time and last time. What a shame. But I thought the new account will be grandfathered?

        • I have nab debit just for my extra shopback rewards already. I only signed up recently. I have too many bank accounts already so I find something that has extra pros for me like good interest rates which ING and ubank has. Also their apps are really good. I found the apps for other banks like Citibank and HSBC were really badly designed.

          • @ozchobie: Oh my bad. I thought I have NAB, it’s the westpac debit card that I have sorry.

        • The thing is nab doesn’t have atm overseas if I’m not wrong

      • Yeah ING was my second option but the conditions are a hassle. Thanks for the suggestion though

  • Can anyone comment on the transaction settlement date on Bendigo Bank transactions? With Macquarie and ubank the transaction posts on the same date it was made which makes finding a past transaction on a statement quite easy.

    I ditched ING because the dates on transactions were all over the place and made accounting very difficult.

    • Just went to one of my Bendigo CC transactions and it has Paid on 25/11/23 and Processed on 29/11/23 in the transaction details screen

  • How good is this for travel insurance? We always get travel insurance from a third party, seems wasteful after seeing its included.

    There is quite a bit of talk about using an ATM, does this Bendigo CC charge for using an ATM or is it only if there is a charge from the ATM owner fees?

    • This is a credit card. ATM withdrawals will be charged as cash advance and are always expensive. Get a debit card like ING or ubank for atm withdrawals. Allianz Global provides the insurance.

    • Please never use a credit card for ATM withdrawals, both here and overseas

  • Bankwest Mastercard Platinum travel insurance doesn't include cover for cancellations (you need to pay for upgrade), so this looks like a better deal considering all other things are the same?

    • Correct. I did mention this in my comment above among the major differences.

  • No COVID-19 cover

  • I have issues with the verification process because of name length and eventually rejected. Went directly to Bending bank, they gave me a paper form. I thought they would just verify my ID and complete the same form. But no.

    Checking the comments and tried Bankwest, same result.

    Any other bank offers similar Credit cards?

  • Can anyone recommend a fee free debit card for withdrawals in Europe? Have citibank but not sure how it will be after NAB takeover.

    • Ubank

    • Up

      And never accept the ATMs conversion rate, you can tap decline and still get money out @ your bank's conversion rate

  • +1

    @jedimaster UP bank

  • Are there many international travel opportunities where the $500 minimum spend per person would be difficult to hit? With the cheapest tickets somewhere overseas ($250 return?) and a few nights of accommodation, that should do it right?

    • mainly to avoid the international transaction fee, which is usually 3% of the purchased value, it's $30 for $1000 foreign purchase, quite a stink to OzBargain community.

  • Not sure should i ditch ANZ Rewards Travel Adventures Card for this one 🤔

  • Wouldnt recommend this mob. Put in an application and got a call requesting payslips without blacked out information. Only stuff i had blacked out was irrelevant information such as annual leave balance and super contributions. Have done the same with various other institutions such as Amex, citi with zero issues so quite embarrasing that their "processes" require this information. Withdrew my application and going to go with the Bankwest card instead.

  • Major negative from my end. I opened the card, only to find out you are required to come to one of their branches IN PERSON to set up a direct debit.

    Will likely cancel the card again.

    • Direct debit to pay external invoices or for a credit card bill?

      • To pay off the credit card each month

      • I assume you can pay credit card balance using BSB transfer.

        • Yes but that's a manual process each month. DD is set and forget.

    • +1

      You will cancel for something as simple as that?

      The Bendigo Bank website suggests that DD can be established over the phone:

      Set up a direct debit
      Set up an automatic direct debit from your transaction account. Call 1300 236 344, or contact your nearest Bendigo Bank branch to find out how.


      • Thanks. I did call the call centre. Got through after 2h wait. Was told to contact my branch. Took me 2 weeks to finally get hold of them since they don't really answer their phone. Was then told I needed to attend in person as they need to witness me signing the DD form. I asked for alternatives, there were none.

        • Go through the Bendigo Bank complaints process, pointing them to the instructions on their own website.

      • -1



        It says "Call 1300 236 344, or contact your nearest Bendigo Bank branch to find out how."

        You have misinterpreted this wording I'm afraid to say as I know exactly from experience.
        All they will do is either email to you or hand you a direct debit request form

        You must complete this form, sign it and then take it to your local Bendigo bank branch.
        So if you collect the form at a branch, complete it then and there to save you a trip back to the branch

        For those that have the Bendigo Bank Ready Credit Mastercard and want to set up automatic direct debit payments on the due date, here is the form you need to complete
        (Unfortunately some Bendigo branches dont even know this exists).…

        But it needs to be taken to a Bendigo Bank branch for processing.

    • +1

      Actually it is impossible to set up AutoPay from an external bank account. I just spent 30 minutes at a branch and they couldn't do it despite calling someone. They now tell me it is only possible from another Bendigo Bank account.

      There is no way to do it online or in the app. I messaged them via the app, and they told me I had to call up. Called and spent 50 minutes talking to 3 different people. Then they said to go into a branch as they couldn't do it on the phone.

      Half the Bendigo Bank people don't even know what AutoPay and I had to explain it to them.

      Embarrassing that a bank can't do this, given that every bill can do it.

      I think they want to make money by charging $15 late fees

      • If you already have the Bendigo Bank Ready Credit Mastercard and want to set up automatic direct debit payments on the due date, here is the form you need to complete
        (Unfortunately some Bendigo branches dont even know this exists).

        And yes, it can be paid from any bank account as the card has its own BSB and account number!…

        But it needs to be taken to a Bendigo Bank branch for processing.

    • This is normal, so is Westpac

  • Anyone actually done a joint application?
    I can't see anything on Bendigo's site or terms specifying that it's available, and even the linked Finder page doesn't include it (if you drill down to this card's page, it specifies "No" on joint applications)

    • I did. A bit of pain in the ass, only through a paper-base form via branch, but once you've got it approved, then it's relatively smooth sailing from there (considering it's old-fashioned Bendigo). PM if you need more details.

  • Does the insurance cover additional cardholders (aside from the primary)? The T&Cs aren't clear

    • +1

      Spouse only, you also need to spend $500 prepaid of their travel expenses to activate.

  • +1

    a pain you have to go to a physical store to open and account for the first time….closest is around 40 minutes away

    • +1

      I didn't have to do it to apply for this card. I just applied online.

      • ok, the savings accounts you have to go in store if you aren't already a customer

  • Do they do Interest free transfers?

  • Surprised no one has mentioned the coles CC. 99 bucks annual fee but no FX fees. Also earns flybuys points….

    • +4

      3% FX fee coming 1st July 2024
      And does it have free travel insurance?

      • Just saw that. Nightmare. Im overseas till August and have been smashing the card. Its in my wifes name so i wouldnt have seen the email. I love ozbargain!!!

        • +2

          Only reason I’m looking is Bankwest are stopping their free insurance on their zero platinum card, giving us a lot less options now.

          This Bendigo bank card does seem like the best card now, shame as I was a big advocate for the BW card and it’s been my primary card in between churning.

          • @Brick50: Wow didn't know that, such a shame has been good for a lot of OS trips

  • I wish it had rewards points :D

    • Then you are likely have to pay for an annual fee.

  • I wish they bring back the 15 month interest free on purchases deal.

  • Sounds good but there is no rewards program?

  • this vs 28 degrees?

    • +1

      28 degrees is bad. Had it in the past and canned it. Bpay to pay your card bill had a surcharge. Secondary cardholder was a nightmare.

      Bankwest was so good. Alas they ended their free travel insurance.

  • Is there any credit card which gives free travel insurance, without having to spend $500 on prepaid travel expenses?

    • +3

      Bankwest zero platinum
      Ignore this - looks like this is getting canned

    • ANZ is only $250.

    • CBA does not have spend requirement. Just need to fill in an online form and you will be covered.

      • CBA does have a spend requirement now. They've changed T&Cs.

  • +8

    Bankwest credit card changes. From 3 September 2024, complimentary insurance offered through Cover-More will no longer be available on your Bankwest Zero Platinum credit card. This includes overseas travel insurance and other insurances.

  • +2

    Thanks, will move from Bankwest to Bendigo Bank card for travel / overseas online purchases

  • don'tya just love how they did not talk about the interest rates A.P.R in the post? what is it? 24% or 29%?

    • +4

      It's irrelevant, I have NEVER looked at the interest rate on a credit card before. Couldn't tell you what any of my current cards are

      • Funny how irrelevant things like this is what the law says must be clearly shown and even explained.

    • +3

      With no annual fee/usage fees, APR is the rate advertised - 19.99%

      If you have to ask though, you're not a credit card person and should avoid.

      • Thats like taking a mortgage and say oh if you're asking interest rates you really shouldn't be borrowing money which is essentially what a home ownership is.

        • But the difference is with a mortgage you’re going to be paying interest, you don’t pay interest if you use a credit card correctly.

          I have churned 10+ cards in last couple of years and haven’t paid interest once.

          I’m not sure you actually understand how credit cards work.

          • @Brick50: If that was the case for majority of Australians firstly : the banks would just collapse and the government would not require lemders to display all the credit card interests visibly there would be no use for bankruptcy courts, collection agencies, credit reporting agencies all would be out of work > all of which indicates the way you use cards is not what the entire Australia would be using it for

            • +1

              @paloverde88: More people pay off their cards in full each month than don't, and do you think the people stuck in a hole paying credit card interest would be on Ozbargain deciding what's the best bank to pay interest too?

              I would suggest those paying interest on credit cards aren't very financially savvy and likely aren't on here choosing cards, if you are going to pay CC interest you're better off not getting one at all.

              • @Brick50: Like i said if everyone was savvy and have enough dosh to pass around then banks would collapse let alone the big4 more like the tiniest 5

                • +1

                  @paloverde88: I think the banks would be fine considering the average home loan is 615k in Aus, regardless why are you on here arguing about interest rates?

                  If you're even asking about interest rates this card is certainly not for you, it is irrelevant to pretty well everyone here considering this card or else everyone else would be complaining it is not displayed.

                  • @Brick50: This 'place' is hardly representative of your average Australian worker or is it?

  • how does it compares with 28degreescard? i hv been use 28degreescard for oversea travels for ages

    • +1

      love 28deg card for international spend. I have got exchange rates as per google or even better sometimes. Will hold on to the card as there is no annual fee.

  • how does this compare to 28 degrees

    • -1

      Somebody please compare with 28 degrees for desperate card users

  • +3

    Thanks. Signing up for this and ditching my 28 degrees as their direct debit is so damn slow, if you are near your limit for the month it takes like a week for the direct debit to land and they bill you like $2 for the privilege of making a BPay which is faster.

  • +4

    Bendigo Bank give you a BSB and Account No on the credit card - and Bendigo Bank support OSKO. So transfer in via this method are instant.

    • I'm comparing this to my experience with Bankwest. With Bankwest, I could PayID into a free savings account and transfer funds to the card to top up the available balance without any delay if I was reaching my credit limit. Are you saying the Bendigo card will reflect any payments into it directly without needing to process and clear the inbound payment?

      I'm concerned about potential issues while overseas. If I need to approve payments while abroad, will there be any delays or complications or does it request authorisation via the app?

      It mentions 'digital wallet payments'. Do you know which digital wallets are supported?"

      Any disappointments at all with this card?

      Thanks very much :)

      • +1

        Bankwest has gone completely down the girlgler unfortunately.

        After having a Bankwest Zero Platinum Mastercard for over 20 years (This was easily best travel credit card) along with an everyday account and Hero savings account, I am now dumping BankWest all together and moving to the Bendigo Bank and their Ready Credit card which has all the original Bankwest Platinum card benefits

        1. Closure of Bankwest branches in the eastern states including the one I used only 3 min walk away
        2. Conversion to a digital bank (how dumb - they will never compete)
        3. Lousy savings account interest rates
        4. Unlike Westpac and St George, I am unable to deposit/transact at local Commonwealth bank (who owns Bankwest)
        5. Removal of all insurances from my BankWest Zero Platinum Mastercard rendering it rather useless compared with my Macquarie Platinum Debit Mastercard- which also has lower terminal costs
        6. Bendigo bank has a local branch and staff are super friendly and helpful

        So for me all the disappointments are with BankWest - enough to given them the flick after 20 years!

    • Huge benefit really.
      It means you dont need to have a bank account with Bendigo to make voluntary payments to the card

  • Any other no FX cards with reward points now coles is introducing 3% charge? Not interested in travel insurance….

  • Spending $500 on prepaid travel for this card to activate travel insurance is a deal breaker. Indirectly you need to book either the tickets or hotels using this card, which will not earn any points.

    • +2

      What credit card do you know of that you don't need to spend anything to get complimentary insurance besides from Bankwest zero which is discontinuing the travel insurance in Sep?

    • What points???

    • If you want Zero Annual fee Credit card with Travel Insurance included (min $500 spend) plus rewards points, then look at the HSBC Premier World master card

  • why this over 28degree card?

    • 28degree no complimentary travel insurance

  • Do you have to spend a certain amount before travelling for the trip-related booking to be eligible for travel insurance?

    • $500 prior to departure

      • What constitutes 'travel expenses'?
        I would assume tickets and accomodation are the obvious ones, as per their examples in the T&Cs.
        Would new luggage (for the trip), or car hire (to get around) be included under 'other prepaid overseas itinerary items'?

      • Thanks, that’s the same as almost all other credit cards.

  • So… I spend $5000 for the tickets in and of March and I will be travelling in Juli do I need to call Bendigo bank to activate my travel insurance or will be automatically activated?!

    • +3

      If you spent at least $500 using the Bendigo card, it is automatically activated when you depart Australia.

      You do not have to tell us or Bendigo that you will be travelling. Provided you meet the eligibility criteria (see Part A - Eligibility for Cover) and comply with the terms and conditions of this insurance, you will be entitled to the benefits of the cover available.

      Full T&C

  • +2

    might just cancel my comm bank gold card that I got only for travel insurance and get this one. Zero fees is awesome.

    • +1

      Travel insurances have different inclusions and exclusions. As well as excesses. Make sure it works for you. :)

      • Yeah. When getting hit by a vehicle, it's so hard to check first that the driver is not under the influence of alcohol, which excludes cover.
        Nonsense exclusion, and a bit of a deal breaker.

      • Bendigo Ready Credit card has "the works"
        Typical excess per claim is $250

  • +2

    Moving from BankWest after their changes as I want free travel insurance. Looking at this one but Commbank Smart Awards looks better. I’ll spend 2k a month so means the commbank card will be free too. Anyone got any more insights on this?

    • +2

      Commbank Smart Awards and Ultimate Awards is competitive against the Bendigo Bank Ready card if you want to earn points on your spend.
      The only negatives with the Commbank cards are:

      1. 44 Days interest free period vs 55 days with Bendigo Bank
      2. No option for joint credit card application. Bendigo Bank is one of the few banks that allows this
      3. If you don't meet the minimum spend for whatever reason - you will be hit with a $19 or $35 monthly fee. No chance this will happen on the Bendigo Bank card.
        Points can be a false economy, make sure you convert them into a dollar value to see how much you are actually earning. Getting hit with the monthly fee a couple of times a year might wipe out alot of the points value you would have received.
      4. Unsure if Bendigo Bank or Commbank have the better travel insurance offering bundled with their cards though. You need to read the PDS to confirm.
      • Thanks good summary

      • +4

        Followed up with some research for everyone’s benefit:

        • If you spent say $3000 per month on the CommBank card, you’ll earn around $21 of gift card rewards.

        • Travel insurance limits on CommBank generally higher than on Bendigo Bank, however CommBank excess is $500 and Bendigo Bank is $250.

        • CommBank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder on travel costs to activate the insurance. Bendigo Bank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder AND $500 spent for any spouse or dependents travelling.
        • CommBank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder on travel costs to activate the insurance. Bendigo Bank requires a $500 spend by the cardholder AND $500 spent for any spouse or dependents travelling

          Not sure if you have any further info on the third point? If not I might follow up with CBA themselves (though Bendigo were next to useless when I spoke with them).
          Since CommBank is not a joint credit card (like Bendigo), would this mean the travel insurance only covers the cardholder?
          Or does it also cover family members travelling with the cardholder as well (like Bankwest)?
          Or would any other travellers need their own supplementary card to be covered?

          • @toastfacegrillah: CommBank will cover the cardholder, their spouse, and dependents. You only need to spend $500 in travel costs total on the card.

            • +1

              @Blakus: Thanks for confirming, that's good to know. Just need to ensure minimum spend is met to avoid monthly costs, if going with CommBank.

      • Have a look at HSBC Premier World Mastercard

        Ticks almost every box……..if you qualify.

        The only thing missing is the fee-free foreign purchases/exhange.
        But most debt cards from the non-major banks have fee-free foreign purchases/exchange.

  • How is this compared to Latitude 28 deg card?

    • +2

      It’s better.

    • -1

      28 Sucks now.

      • -1

        I see the Neg-voting TROLL is hard at work here

  • Get this just for the free travel insurance and zero annual fee. Booked a flight to UK recently for my 78yo mum. Travel insurance quotes were all around $1000! Got the insurance free with her Commbank credit card.

    • +1

      Most credit card insurances have age limits

      • +1

        You have to complete a form which included DOB to get the free travel insurance which was approved in her case.

  • I am currently using Bankwest Platinum Mastercard for my overseas travels, it’s pretty much the same. $0 international transaction fee, travel insurance with $500 spent on the trip before travel.

    • Aren't they going to remove the travel insurance in Sept ?

    • Just be aware that the complimentary travel insurance with BW is only very basic, and that you need to pay for the full coverage.
      I found this out after contacting them after a last second cancelled flight (last second as in after going through customs) and being told that I hadn't purchased the 'full' policy, and there was nothing they could do.

      In saying that, I don't believe there was any necessary spend requried (or so I was told), as long as the cardholder was travelling on the same flights/itinerary as their spouse/dependants.

    • -1

      You obviously didnt get the "memo" from the boss with the bad news.
      Time to ditch the old Bankwest Zero Platinum Mastercard and move onto the Bendigo bank Ready Platinum Credit card

      • -1

        I see the Neg-voting TROLL is hard at work here

  • Submitted an application for Bendigo. Lets see the outcome.

    • And?

      • Card approved and dispatched.

  • For anyone who has this card, can you please advise regarding the web and mobile application experience?
    1. Does the app/website categorise your spending?
    2. When completing an online purchase, is it a 6 digit SMS OTP or is the 2FA via the mobile app like Macquarie?
    3. Can I add the card via Apple Pay/Google Pay right after approval?
    4. Is there any chat support in the app? Or is it voice phone call only?


    • +2

      You're dreaming about all of it! It's Bendigo, community bank, not some technology masterpiece like Macquarie. Having said that, I have this card because of joint account, no fee, low credit limit, and travel insurance. Good "forever" card for a couple/family.

      • -1

        Well summarized!
        1. ???
        2. ???
        3. Yes
        4. Call your local branch

        • -1

          I see the Neg-voting TROLL is hard at work here

    • +1
      1. No - but they recently introduced a 'recurring bill' section within the app/website.
      2. It pops up depending on how much is spent. No idea what that limit is. But I have had to get approval done for some high value transactions.
      3. Bendigo Bank does have instant card provisioning.
      4. They have a 'messaging' section under the support section of the app. It is not live chat however. But they do generally reply within 24 hours or less. Otherwise you can call. I've never had long wait times when I've called them.

      Bendigo Bank does support Open Banking. So if you want really in depth bill tracking/budgeting, then sign up for Pocket Smith and integrate Bendigo Bank (and all your banks/credit cards) into it. I think it's only $10 a month and it's a brilliant service. Very powerful.

    • Appreciate the replies! Thank you!

  • +2

    Sadly, an application system so restrictive and brain-dead, that those with 2 middle names cannot apply online, as their online ID check will fail (since the application doesn't allow spaces in the middle name, and IDs have two middle names with a space between!).
    Worse, rather than holding the application, and simply doing the ID part manually, these cretins reject the application and force you to go into a branch AND REAPPLY (not just complete the existing app). OMG.
    Not the first time Bendigo has been idiotic in my experience.

    Great product, let down by hopeless IT systems and processes.

    • those with 2 middle names cannot apply online

      ??? what about no middle name?

      • That should be fine. It's the programming error not to allow spaces that seems to be the problem.

    • Same boat. Need to get the document to the branch and the branch say they dont know what to do with my document. All going around 2-3 times until I contact them again

  • +2

    Heads up with Bendigo Bank

    They have an extraordinarily painful application process.
    Much more detailed and complicated than other banks.
    They want to know absolutely everything about you and want copies of all your documents.
    Seriously its overkill to the max.

    They treat a simple credit card application with $3,000 credit limit same as a $1M loan.

    Just saying - might put some people off.

    • Also my experience.

      • +1

        So far its taken me 3 weeks to get the required docs to Bendigo Bankl via back and forth communications
        Their secure upload link kept failing so had to print out and drive to local Bendigo bank.
        Then they tell me it will take another 15 working days to process!

        And then they might require even more docs

        If thats the case Im just going to tell Bendigo Bank to forget about it and apply for the HSBC (FREE) Premier World Mastercard

        Already a HSBC Premier customer so should be a breeze

        • Definitely do that - I'd go HSBC Premier if I could qualify - enjoy! (I'd also go Bendigo anyway, but looks like I don't qualify! In fact, according to their ridiculous parameters, I shouldn't have ANY of my existing credit cards, or my mortgage! I simply don't have enough income to even survive apparently - maybe that's why I'm so often overseas! Their approval algorithms are seriously crazy.)

          • +1

            @jrvb42: Agreed.

            Seems Bendigo don't like churners. I closed a $15K CC from ANZ and then applied for a lowly $3K CC from Bendigo but got an instant rejection. I then went apply for HSBC $6K CC and got approved without hiccup.

            • @timhn: Thanks for the feedback jrvb42 and timhn

              I will give Bendigo Bank the time they require as my interaction with the branch staff and even the branch manager has been amazing.
              Its good old fashion service that no longer exists in any other bank.
              Also HSBC is pretty good as well.

              But yes, if Bendigo bank's approval system cant handle my "preferred" income status (like you guys) then its off to HSBC where they will without a problem.

  • +1

    Bit of a waste of time this deal. Applied over 2 weeks ago and have spoken to Bendigo Bank twice about where my application is at. Was provisionally approved initially and had to submit pay slips which I did immediately. Have heard nothing since. I've rang them twice asking about the status and they've said that there is a large backlog of applications due to this specific card. Already have an AMEX but wanted this for when I go away in a couple weeks. At this stage I'm doubting it will arrive or be approved remotely in time. For reference I am mid-100k salary plus additional income of 40k per year post tax. No other debts or expenses owing. Applied for 5k limit. I would say don't bother applying based upon feedback from others and own experience.

    • Yes as I warned.
      A very tedious application process with Bendigo Bank unfortunately.
      They wanted 2 years of complete 16 page tax returns (not just the one page taxable income assessment) , loan statements, bank statements. share holdings statements and a full living and investment expenses declaration.
      They treat everyone as a high risk 20 year old in thier first job earning only $500pw.

      I eventually got my Ready card approved but it took about 4 weeks and they gave me a very ordinary $6,000 card limit.
      This after I had a $10,000 limit with Bankwest over the past 20 years.What an insult!

      I then applied for the HSBC Premier World mastercard with a minimum $10,000 credit limit.
      This is actually a much better credit card, also with ZERO annual fees (but with 3% Forex fees if you buy/use o'seas) and got my approval and credit card within 4 days!
      But I had already qualified as HSBC Premier customer which I felt helped a lot.
      HSBC only asked for 2 pieces of paper…. My Notice of Tax assessment showing my taxable income from last year and my most recent bank account statement showing my regular income going into my account. Too easy!

      • My Notice of Tax assessment

        Would be more than that for self-funded retirees - zero taxable income.

        • HSBC asssume you refer to) also ask to see your bank account statement showing your deposited income for last 2 months.

      • That's weird, a guy in my office applied three weeks ago and the only two things he had to upload were a payslip and his last ATO notice.

        I was going to apply myself, but I can't be bothered if the shenanigans are as complex as they were for you! Is there something special about your situation ? Are you self employed ?

        • -4

          Yes. self employed/ property investor/owner.

          As I indicated Bendigo Bank are set up for "simple/uncomplicated customers".
          ie Your typical weekly wages/salary income earner with minimal savings

          Whereas HSBC are set up for "Premium" customers with high incomes and assets

          • -2

            @Dr Phil: What MORON would neg vote a simply reply to a question within 5 seconds?

            Seriously the number of "jealous pea-brains" here with NO IDEA asnd NO MONEY AND NOTHING ELSE TO DO is incredible.

            GROW UP AND GET A LIFE!

            • -2

              @Dr Phil: Dear neg voter…
              Pls go and play somehere else or make a constructive comment like I do.
              Im here to assist people and provide guidance…you are obviously here to annoy people.
              You are what others commonly refer to as a TROLL!

  • +2

    Decided to apply and cancel our 28Degrees card - first time I’ve ever been declined on an application!!

    Very odd, now I’m gun shy to apply elsewhere.

    • Same.

      The online rejection of my application was due to unable to verify ID online.

      The confirmation email said it did not meet our credit eligibility guidelines.

      • I got the same credit card REJECTION online.
        Their online credit card application software is atrocious !

        Best to go into a branch or call them and get them to send you the application form.
        Complete it and send it back to them via thier secure upload link….do not attempt to email it back.
        You need to contact the staff and get them to send you an email with the secure upload link.

        Thats how I got my application approved.

        • I called in and they asked me to go to the branch to apply. Where did you call to get them to send you an application form?

  • +1

    Just applied! Another one moving on from 28 Degrees card

    • +1

      Ditto. Just put in cancellation request for 28 degrees card due to upcoming fees.

    • +1

      I wonder how many are moving across like me from the Bankwest Zero Platinum mastercard.
      This has now had all the "Platinum" insurances removed so stripping it of any platinum card benefits

  • 28 degrees now charging a monthly fee. Time to find a new credit card for international transactions!
    "A card fee of $8 per month will be introduced. You will see this fee being charged on your first statement from 17 September 2024. "

  • +1

    Hi, your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application has been received. Due to an unprecedented increase in applications in the last few days, the impact on application assessment times is unknown.
    If you have not uploaded the required income verification documentation, please follow the instructions on your application progression email or email your documents to [email protected] as soon as possible. No SMS reply available.

  • +1

    I've applied for this card a few days ago and just received this message "Hi, your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application has been received. Due to an unprecedented increase in applications in the last few days, the impact on application assessment times is unknown.
    If you have not uploaded the required income verification documentation, please follow the instructions on your application progression email or email your documents to [email protected] as soon as possible. No SMS reply available."

    Mass exodus of 28Degrees customers is happening now. Maybe we should mark this deal as OZBargained?

    • I just got that too.

    • I just got a rejection from Bendigo Bank but they didn't clarify the reason. FYI, I churn credit cards on a regular basis to chase QF points. I reckon they don't like this.

      Looks like I'm going to get Bankwest instead.

      • Yes seems so. I've applied (and got rejected by) them twice in last two year - 12 months apart.

        The irony is that I can then apply for a higher credit (15K from ANZ vs $3K from Bendigo) from a different bank and got approved without issue.

        • +1

          I found the same when i applied online.
          You need to apply directly with a Bendigo bank branch rather than online.
          Call the local one and get them to email you an application form together with a secure upload link.
          But even with thier secure upload link some of my documents wouldnt upload.
          The process was very frustrating and in the end I have to print out my supporting documents and take them into my local branch.
          Thier online system is more than hopeless!

          But yeah.
          Bendigo bank only gave me a $6K credit limit. (I asked for $10K as I had this with my old Bankwest Platinum Credit card)
          And that was after going to and fro over a period of about 4-5 weeks and another week to get the card in the mail.

          Straight after I got approved, I applied with HSBC who gave me a credit card with a $10K limit and it only took 3 days and another 2 days to get the card in the mail…chalk and cheese!

          Bendigo Bank are very padantic but they give good, old-fashioned friendly, customer service.
          Once approved you will grow to like them.

          • +1

            @Dr Phil: think I might have to do this.

            got rejected on 3k limit to replace 28degrees

            taxable income >150,000

            equifax score 966
            experian score 869

            • @89tnp: Its rather unbelieveable.. right?

              I assume you applied online.

              So try the branch application process

            • -1

              @89tnp: You didn't mention your other liabilities and expenses - these are the most important factor.

              900 Credit score and $150K salary don't mean anything if you have high enough expenses and other active lines of credit - banks will only approve you if they think you have enough spare money to repay their particular loan.

              They'll also deny you if there are obvious fibs in your declaration - for example, if you're a family of 4 and you say you only spend $200 a month on groceries, then they immediately know you're not telling the full story.

              • +1

                @Nom: Online process is largely automated.

                If you tick all the boxes and fit within all thier parameters your application gets submitted for approval..

                If not, the system throws your application out and tells you to contact the local branch.

                • @Dr Phil: That's exactly what I said.

                  As long as all the numbers you give, fit into their automated process, then your application will sail through.
                  This process looks at more figures than your income and your credit score - your expenses and liabilities are what get you over the line (or not).

              • +1

                @Nom: The numbers I put in for expenses are low. I live alone, no dependents, no outstanding debts outside of mortgages.

                Unless I am mistaken, I don't recall the application ever asking how much I have in savings either (?)

                Just odd that different organisations are using different metrics to determine whether someone is eligilble or not.

                For example:
                I previously had a credit card with at 15k limit. I applied for another 15k limit credit card and it was granted.

                I am now in the same position with a (single open) credit card with 15k limit, but can't get a 3k limit credit card?

                • +1


                  Just odd that different organisations are using different metrics to determine whether someone is eligilble or not.

                  Yeah it's infuriating - especially because they don't even tell you what the metrics are !

                  A friend of mine got denied on a car loan even though he'd listed savings that were significantly more than the car was worth - they didn't like the fact he had other credit cards so loan denied even though he had more than enough money to just buy the car outright if he'd wanted to - and the application showed it.

                  The system is stupid.

                • +2

                  @89tnp: Thats Bendigo bank for you

                  Dont forget they are not a BIG BANK.
                  So they think SMALL

  • Can someone pls let me know whether travel insurance covers the card owner only despite booking made for whole family, thank you

    • Covers the whole family. But it might require $500 travel expenses charged on card per family member, not just per travel. I'm yet to figure it out how to read that PDS statement properly.

      • +2

        went to PDS at page 15 clause 3, $500 spent on each person to be eligible

        • +1

          And must be living at same address.
          Not sure how you prove this or they disprove this but anyway

  • +1

    Hey, anyone who has got two words in their first name applying this CC?
    Their system doesn't seem to allow two words in the first name?

    • Yep. My partner has the same issue… So silly

    • +1

      Same as in middle name - no more than 2 words allowed. Such a silly, antique validation.

    • +1

      Thier online system is absolutely useless.

      Call the local branch and ask them to email you an application form to fill out.

      You need to get them to email you a secure upload link to send back the completed application form and any supporting documents.
      Or otherwise drop them into your local Bendigo branch

  • +3

    Applied for this card Wed, 07/08 and got approved today 16/08

    • +2


      You must be earning salary or wages, no other income, no loans or other credit cards, and only first and surname???

      So you tick all thier boxes and no questions to ask

      • You're way off there mate.

        I earn salary but have other income, mortgage loan, and 4 other credit cards. I have a middle name.

        Don't know why you're pressing so hard to stop people from signing up to this card by falsely sprouting those nonsense and passing them off as "facts". I see that you've been approved for this card too.

        • +1

          Read all the comments !
          read all the problems many people have with Bendigio bank had including myself.

          Im not putting people off.
          Just sharing similar experience to others.

          WELL DONE.
          How did you do it?


    • +2

      Received the card today. Must have arrived on horse and carriage

      • What's the processing time like? I'm also waiting. Received 2 text messages so far.

        • Applied for this card 07/08 and got approved 16/08. Card arrived 27/08

          • @CodeXD: Pretty quick. Mine is taking time. Let me wait for the outcome

  • +3

    Just wanted to add another data point. Self employed. Super easy process to get approved. I was worried reading the other comments but it was fine.

  • Like many others, I've closed my 28D and applied to this card on the 8th Aug. Also received the SMS about delays, and still waiting today. I've called them up to ask, and they say nothing but to wait as they're busy

    • FWIW just got another SMS: Hi, your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is progressing in the queue. Please ensure you have supplied us with the required documentation. Once we begin our assessment if we require additional information one of our assessors will contact you. No SMS reply available. 🤞

  • Closed 28 degree due to monthly fees. Apply Bendigo, first received email that lots of application, received SMS about delay. Now received email that they have declined my application. No specific reason mentioned :(.

    • Damn :(

    • How many days between the SMS and rejection email?

      • +1

        SMS was on 9th August and rejection was on 18th Aug.

        • Wow, took them that long.

  • I got a text message stating my application is in the queue. Let's see whether they are approving. I have no CC rejections so far

    • Same. Applied on 18/08, got 1st sms next day that they received the application. Received 2nd sms yesterday that now in progressing queue.

  • I have just applied online and couldnt finish the online application because I got an error message which says ' Invalid Public RSA key". Has anyone had the same issue?

  • +1

    Thank you for your application.
    Unfortunately, we can't approve your application as it did not meet our credit eligibility guidelines. If you would like to discuss your eligibility further, please call us on (03) 5485 7848 and quote the reference number at the top right of the screen.


    applied for 3k limit, taxable income >150,000

    equifax score 966
    experian score 869

    • Do you opened and closed CCs that often? Based on many rejections reported here, I believe Bendigo don't like churners.

      I have applied Bendigo in the past for a mere $3K and got instant rejection. Then applied ANZ immediately after the rejection with $15K limit and got approved within 24hrs.

      • +1

        This could be it - but there's no 'bonus points' associated on this card, so there's nothing to 'churn'

    • Ah great, that fills me with confidence. Really want this card for an overseas trip in November due to no sign-up fee and no international transaction fee's. Already have a points earning CC (had it for years) and a mortgage, so not sure if I'll be approved or not.

      Guess they make not like churners as they want customers to hold onto their CC as long as possible….

    • Yeah I went for the lowest limit and also got an instant rejection with the same email you got. Never been rejected before!

  • Just received 3rd msg from Bendigo :
    Hi, your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is progressing. With the unprecedented influx of applications over the last 2 weeks, processing times have become extensive. We are working hard to get back to you. No SMS reply available.
    • -1

      They are getting plenty of latitude customers right now as well as BankWest Platinum card holders as bankwest have stripped those wonderful free insurances out of this card.

  • After no updates for some time, I went to the application tracker and my application was withdrawn. Wtf? No email, nothing. It didn’t t say rejected… is withdrawn same? I doubt it right? I didn’t withdraw!! Don’t know what happened… can’t be bothered calling them.

    • Really. Mine shows pending assessment. No outstanding actions required. I have never been declined for CCs. I heard Bendigo use to reject applications for no reasons.

      • I heard Bendigo use to reject applications for no reasons.

        Ridiculous statement to make.

        • -2

          Bendigo bank have too many square boxes to fill and most people have many round pegs.
          This applies for online applications.

          best to apply directly through a branch.
          Get them to send you out an application form.

          Alway better dealing with a person

          Im quite strong financially with multiple reliable income sources but got "rejected" online.
          No problem when applying directly with branch.
          Just took a few weeks as the branch lending manager was very busy.

          • @Dr Phil: Interesting, never thought about going into a branch these days for a CC application.
            Bendigo Bank are probably swamped with applications and probably skim through the applications are reject many that should be approved.

            • +2

              @Manazuru: Ok so I called up. They did email me and went to my junk mailbox. After sending a few more document, an hr later it was approved and the card is on its way.

            • @Manazuru: As you found out…
              They take thier time at branch level and go through each application very carefully - asking for additional documenmts as required.
              Thats why it takes a much longer time.
              No they dont reject good applications at branch level.

              Only the online system does that because its useless.

              • @Dr Phil: And what fools neg voted my very helpful comment above?
                Seriously I speak from personal recent experience.
                I even had 2 conversations with the local Bendigo Branch manager!
                So I KNOW what Im talking about !!!!

                These neg voters obviously have NO IDEA and so hide behind neg votes instead of commenting and so avoid making a fool of themselves - how sad.
                If you have nothing useful to say then go elsewhere please,

  • Even my online application for the Bendigo easy credt card was rejected despite having a good credit score. I spoke to a personal banker at a local Bendigo branch over phone and she sent me a docusign form for the credit card application and a secure link to upload all my documents, Bendigo definitely asked for a lot of documents from me which included- bank statements, rental income statements,payg summary,existing bank loan statements ,existing credit card statements and salary slips for 2 months.I didn’t supply so much for my other credit cards like ANZ,Citi which are mainly used for getting air miles
    She said they have lot of latitude customers who have come to Bendigo for the ready credit card and they are having a lot of applications hence its taking a long time to process the applications.
    Hopefully i get this as this is one of the few cards avalailble in Australia which offer 0 foreign transaction fee and 0 annual fee, which is quite useful for overseas use.

    • +1

      Just received a rejection after going through the Virtual teller/online Docusign process. This is after the initial rejection in early August due to online ID verification error. Going to try again with the local branch.

      I have never had so much trouble applying for a credit card.

      • Their online application system is a complete waste of time.

        Unless you fit thier "exact" credit card profile you will be rejected, regardless of how much you earn and how financial you are.

        • +1

          You realise there are a gazillion people in this very thread, who have used the online application system with no issues at all ?

          It's definately not a complete waste of time 🤷🏼‍♂️

          • @Nom: Id say "a few"

            Most have suffered unwarranted and inexplicable rejections through online process.

            How did you go with your application?

    • -1

      Sounds like you are in good hands.
      This is exactly how ot went with me.
      However I was looking for $10,000 credit limited but they only gave me $6,000.

      Other OBers have made similar complaints even though their application was successful overall.

      So just giving you a heads up.

      • Sounds like they're very risk adverse.

        • -1

          I would describe them as very "Conservative"

  • no update from Bendigo bank for a month saying the application is in the queue, went to Bankwest approval less than 24hrs and card is on the way.

    eligable for credit limit from 6k to 25k, picked 6k only for holiday spend

  • Curious to know if there are any other similar 0% International Fee CC's out there which allow a $2-3K credit limit with no sign-up fee? I certainly can't find any. I don't know if it's worth my time applying if I'm going to be rejected. Credit rating is excellent. However, already have another CC (points earning) and large mortgage. I think I'll probably get rejected by their cautious systems…

    • Apply via a branch.
      Call and ask them to send you an application form.
      Do everything via branch
      Dont apply online

  • Just wondering if you get rejected will it be recorded on your credit rating as an enquiry?

    • Yes

  • +7

    Applied on 9 August and got approved on 5 September (4 weeks), data point for anyone waiting.

    • In store or online?

      • +1


    • Wow they're really under the pump. As someone said it's the hordes of Lattitude finance customers moving over to this CC as Latitude now charge a monthly fee (from 17/9) for their no international fee CC. Give it time and BB will probably do the same…

      To those who don't desperately need this card, maybe just wait for things to cool down in a couple of months.

  • is there minimun spending to activate travel insurance coverage?

    • The usual $500 per person

  • Unfortunately my Bendigo easy credit card application was rejected via the branch, as they feel i dont qualify for it as i have 4 home loans :) most of the homes are positively geared, even showing fixed assets and cash in the bank didnt help me get the easy credit card, For now im gonna try my luck with Bankwest Breeze platinum Mstrcard .
    I have a Citi premier mastercard which has a limit of 10k, im gonna reduce that limit to 5k and then apply to Bankwest.

    • -1

      A couple of issues with your action plan

      1. Bendigo take the full repayment amount for each home loan into account regardless of fixed assets and cash in bank.
      2. Your City Premier card may have a 10K minimum limit so check on that
      3. Bankwest Breeze Platinum is not free - $59/yr which is cheap anyway
  • Just got rejected with the applications after submitting all they asked for. Still don't get it, do I need to cancel my 28 degrees card before applying for another to be more eligible? I was thinking of keeping it just in case I get rejected and have nothing to use or have to reapply again.

    • Try applying in the branch. Go with Bankwest if you get rejected. There's no reason to stay with 28 Degrees. They obviously don't want us as customers.

      • Thanks bud, I was thinking of going to bankwest but afraid that might get rejected again. They were querying about the 28 degree card, and my other loans and cc so might be that. Not sure whether bankwest is super hard on their application process or not. Nice username btw.

        • I dropped off the application in the branch yesterday. Received the rejection today. They should receive credit for the quick turn around and personal service.

          After 3 failed attempts and many hours wasted, I'm not likely to apply for their credit card again unless they run some kind of free money/points promo.

          • +1

            @thangcuoi: yeah that sux, i gave up after getting the whole lots of stuff they asked for and submitting it only finding out couple of hours later of a rejection. On the bight side, I didn't cancel my 28 degree card and now they're giving 12 months fee free. Hopefully will reapply with bendigo next time and see.

            • @derweep: how did you get the 12 months fee free after the 17 sep 2024 period ?

              • +1

                @jaysee-teh: I don't know mate, I didn't cancel my card as I said and had a sms message a couple of weeks later saying 28degree is waiving fee for 12 months. I had this card for a while now, so maybe only targeting the people who's been with them a while??

                • +1

                  @derweep: thanks for your information.
                  it seems that they selectively give people 1 year fee waiver and you are the lucky one

  • Anyone got their Bendigo card approved and how long did it take?

    • I applied on 13 August and still waiting…online sounds like it would've been better going into a branch first

      • +1

        18 August here and still waiting too.

      • About the same. They sms every month to say I'm going up the queue. They had thousands of applications because of 28° closures.

  • +1

    It would appear that they're advocating for you to close your latitude account before they'll approve your bendigo application…

    Good Afternoon XXX,

    We are pleased to advise that you credit card application has been approved, on the condition of closure of your latitude facility.

    Upon receipt of confirmation, of the closure of your Latitude facility we will then fund and send your new Bendigo Bank credit card.

    Please note the closure confirmation email from Latitude must include your name and last 4 digits of your account/card number. Please reply to this email attaching a copy of your proof of closure from Latitude.

    If you are wishing to maintain your current latitude facility, please let us know by replying to this email and we will forward your application for further assessment. Please keep in mind our current turnaround times due to the high volumes of applications at present.

    • To me it reads like that you won't meet their lending criteria if you have both the Latitude and Bendigo Bank credit cards open.
      Closing the Latitude card down would mean you have less credit available to you, and therefore meet then lending criteria to issue you the card.

      People who apply for mortgages/car loans etc go through this all the time.
      Access to too much credit (Credit Cards, Loans, Afterpay, Mortgages), etc is seen as a risk and the bank is only willing to take on x amount of risk.

      Best talk directly with them to confirm. I'm only guessing here.

    • Got the same, it was strange as I didn't bother disclosing my latitude card's existence on the application. Took ages to get approved. Maybe 5 - 6 weeks.

  • Has anyone actually got their card yet?
    Applied in August and received a text in September that it has been approved. I thought this would be enough time given that I am travelling in about a month now! Maybe not!
    Then I received this message shortly after my application:

    Hi, with the unprecedented increase in applications over the last 3/4 weeks, application progression has slowed considerably. Your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is maintaining position in the queue, and we are working hard to get back to you and will endeavour to keep you informed of your progress. No SMS reply available

    • +1

      To me they appear to be an SMS company only.

      SMS 4/9/24:

      Hi, with the unprecedented increase in applications over the last 2/3 weeks, application progression has slowed considerably. Your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is maintaining position in the queue, and we are working hard to get back to you and will endeavour to keep you informed of your progress. No SMS reply available

      SMS 17/9/24:

      Hi, Your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is maintaining position in the queue, and we are working hard to get back to you. The number of applications received recently, has far exceeded our capacity to process them in our usual timely manner and processing times are quite extensive. We will endeavour to keep you informed of your progress. No SMS reply available

      SMS 24/9/24 (yesterday):

      Hi, your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application has progressed in the queue. We are working hard to get back to you as soon as we can and will endeavour to keep you informed of your progress. No SMS reply available.

      • Got another one just then, slowly progressing through the queue etc etc.

        • yep, got one yesterday that my application has progressed in the queue. At least, that's better than maintaining in same spot in the queue , LOL.

          • @timhn: Yeah got that one too. I didn’t think it would take this long since I own other credit cards too !

            Tried ringing them up and was on hold for 30 mins…

            • @pineapple12: Now just received a SMS that my application has slowly progressing in the queue !!!

              The approval team from Bendigo is unbelievable.

              • @timhn: I got this message last Wednesday.
                Hi, Your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is maintaining position in the queue, and we are working hard to get back to you. The number of applications received recently, has far exceeded our capacity to process them in our usual timely manner and processing times are quite extensive. We will endeavour to keep you informed of your progress. No SMS reply available

                I do not believe they are ‘working hard’ seems like a load of BS with all the documents I have given them, and above average salary !!!

                I might try going into a physical branch and seeing if that will speed up the process. The only reason I applied for this card is the 0% international fee which is far better than my Amex. But since I am going overseas in 3 weeks I do not think I will get the card in time.

                • -1

                  @pineapple12: Bendigo bank has one loans manager at each branch that assesses all loans and credit card applications

                  They are also pedantic about dotting the Is and crossing the Ts and getting information overload on every loan and credit card application.

                  Then you have a mass movement of people migrating from Latitude because of the new monthly fees and less features.

                  Add those like myself moving across from BankWest because they have removed the free insurances from thier BankWest Zero (no annual fee) Platinum Mastercard Credit card leaving it completely stripped of any Platinum Features.

                  So what did you expenct with this onslaught of applicants and only one loans officer for each branch?

                  • -3

                    @Dr Phil: Here we go again

                    Another fool that has NO IDEA and neg voting the FACTS!

                    If you are unhappy about the facts DONT BLAME ME!

                    As they say DONT SHOOT THE MESSENGER

  • +1

    So slow - Lodged date:Mon, 12 Aug 2024

    currently Provisionally Approved

    • +1

      Absolutely huge numbers of customers leaving Latitude 28 Degress and Bankwest Zero Platinum cards to go to Bendigo Bank.
      If both of these didn't have T&C changes occur at the same time it would likely have meant much quicker processing times.

      • Isn’t Bankwest still free?

        • +1

          It's free, but they removed their included insurances last month.

          Bendigo Bank Ready seems to be the only credit card that has zero fees, no international fee and included insurance.

          • -3

            @E5TOQUE: There are quite a few matercard and Visa debit cards that have no foreign exchange fees.
            Some like Macquarie even have some free basic insurnaces but not free travel insurance.

            So if you can get away with no annual fee and free insurances included and use your "no foreign exchange fee" debit card overseas then thats one way around this.

            HSBC is one bank that offers the ability to have both of these…
            Their amazing Premier Global mastercard (subject to high qualification standards) has everything you want including points for no annual fee but charges 3% foreign excghange fee. See here:

            But HSBC also offers a Global Visa debit card that has no foreign exchange fees.
            See here:

            So you can pair both of the and have the best of all worlds.

            They dont have to be with the same bank

            Here is another credit card from BankVic that has NO annual fee and Complimentary travel insurance but charges 2% foreign exchange fee. It also earns Qantas FF points and much easier qualification process than HSBC Premier Global Mastercard
            Just pair it up and a No foreign exchange fee debit card.
            There are plenty of then linked to the best savings and transaction accounts in Australia
            For that I recommend the Macquarie Bank Platinum Transaction account which comes with a Platinum Mastercard debit card
            See here:…

          • @E5TOQUE: But the Bendigo bank ready credit card has NO REWARDS PROGRAM either
            Unless you want to pay $89 or $149 for Bendigo's rewards credit cards
            Many people prefer to have "rewards" in lieu of free foreign transactions.
            Especially when the credit card is FREE!

            FREE debit cards with no foreign exchange fees are a dime a dozen

            But a free credit cards with complimentary travel insurnace and more are hard to come by.
            And only the 2 that I mentioned with rewards programs included as well!!!!!

    • Delayed response, but you might be gladdened to know that I took a call from one of the Bendigo Bank staff yesterday.

      They advised me that there's a significant backlog and they're currently working through applications from 14 August, so hopefully not too much longer for your application!

  • I'm another Latitude 28 Degrees refugee that applied for this card over the weekend.

    Took a call from one of the Bendigo Bank staff and on the call they advised me that there's a significant backlog and they're currently working through applications from 14 August, and that it would likely be another month or so before my application would get assessed.

    Suggest others who may be applying for this card to look at other alternatives if you have a pressing need for a credit card (e.g. upcoming overseas travel plans).

    • +3

      I think they might be exaggerating saying 14th of August. We’re still waiting and I applied on the 12th.

      • +2

        Yup still waiting here from 18 August. Don't think it'll arrive by the time I have to fly on the 23rd of October. It has been almost two months.

        • Same here. Applied on 17th and still waiting. Last SMS from them was that my application is "progress slowly". With this rate, hope they'll get to my application by Dec because i will travel in Jan !!!

        • Just an update on this, just got provisionally approved today 21 Oct. Much too late for my trip in two days but I guess that'll be my online international transaction card from now on.
          Meanwhile, Up got my business

          • +1

            @Vavoom: I heard that you can add it to your Google/Apple wallet before the physical card arrived - provided after they fully approved you of course, may be in a day or two.

            • @timhn: Thanks for that. I just checked and yep, I can add the digital card to my Apple wallet so that helps.

    • -4

      If you are looking for other credit cards with no annual fee and free insurances included and are prepared to use your "no foreign exchange fee" debit card overseas then here are 2 alternatives.

      The HSBC Premier Global mastercard (subject to high qualification standards) has everything you want including rewards points for no annual fee but charges the std 3% foreign exchange fee.
      See here:

      Alternatively the BankVic Qantas Visa credit card also has NO annual fee and Complimentary travel insurance but charges 2% foreign exchange fee. It also earns Qantas FF points and much easier qualification process than HSBC Premier Global Mastercard.
      NB: You dont have to be a member of The Police Association of Victoria (TPAV) and the Victorian Ambulance Union (VAU)
      In this case you can pay $10 to buy shares in the bank and I suggest you select "Public Service" from the list of categories in the drop down box.…

      • +1

        NB: You dont have to be a member of The Police Association of Victoria (TPAV) and the Victorian Ambulance Union (VAU)

        That's contrary to what the BankVic site says.

        BankVic membership is open to police, emergency and health workers, government department employees, and immediate family of current members.


        In this case you can pay $10 to buy shares in the bank and I suggest you select "Public Service" from the list of categories in the drop down box.

        Are you suggesting that people do that even where they are not in the Public Service (APS or State Govt)?

        • -1

          You answered your own question

          As you know OBers are experts at such money saving hacks


          • +1

            @Dr Phil:

            You answered your own question

            You're suggesting that people give fraudulent answers to a financial institution.

            That's a good way to get your accounts locked.

            • -1

              @YesPleaseThankYou: I just went through the application process and must be a member of The Police Association of Victoria (TPAV) or the Victorian Ambulance Union (VAU)

              Sorry about that

  • Decided to apply for Bankwest zero as well, applied Friday 18th October, approved and card on the way today. Wife still waiting for Bendigo applied August 12.

    • Chalk and cheese..

      BankWest Zero Mastercard no longer has any INSURANCES. They have all been removed.

      All you get is the fee-free foreign exchange transactions and ATM withdrawals.
      Which you get as standard with any non-major bank debit cards anyway (including the Bankwest Mastercard debit card)

      If you want complimentary travel insurance with Bankwest you need the Bankwest Breeze Platinum Mastercard @ $59 annual fee
      But that still works our much cheaper than buying travel insurance.

      • Fortunately I have another no annual fee card that provides all that plus lounge access. Plus it earns points when I book so never use travel card for that.

        • -1

          Yep. me too….The HSBC Premier World Mastercard.

          Yours is ????

  • +4

    Received the message (+ email) this morning that they have approved my application.

    Applied 17th/Aug, approved 22th/Oct.

    • I will wait for my outcome, applied;Aug 20,2024

      • Update: Card approved. Received the email and sms this morning. Took more than 2 months.

        • +1

          I did well then.I beat the "rush"
          Mine took 5 weeks back in July

          • +1

            @Dr Phil: Finally received the physical card today - nearly 2 weeks after approved. All up 11 weeks since applied.

            • -1

              @timhn: Did you get the credit limited you requested?
              Mine was pruned back

              • @Dr Phil: No, asked only for $5K and got that.

  • I have received my new Bendigo Ready credit card and wish to set up a direct debit payment from another bank to pay off in full each month. Previous recollection when setting up for 28 Degrees payments there was a form to fill out provided by credit card provider. Bendigo Bank customer service has said I need to contact my other bank. Has anyone set up direct payments from external bank and if so, what was the process please.

  • so Im getting a new loan and also wanting to apply for this card. Does the credit check happen when you apply or during that 2 month?

    • The credit check is almost immediately the moment you click submitted!!

  • After months of waiting getting texts apologising for delays and telling us to be patient we logged in today and it says the application has been withdrawn. no notification or anything Bendigo bank stinks

    • If you have other credit cards and loans, most likely thats why you were unsuccesful.
      Bendigo bank is VERY CONSERVATIVE

      • Sounds about right, it was my wife actually but she doesn't have any debt, cards and over 100k in bank, been at her employer for 24 years.

    • How did you log in, did you use your application number?

  • +1

    Applied Sep 1st and got approved today ¯_(ツ)_/¯ this is crazy

    • Lucky for you, got approved!

  • Has anyone seen a Bendigo's enquiry in your credit file? Until now, I haven't seen anything from Bendigo on my credit file since applied in mid August. Other banks would have turn up in my file within a month or two.

  • International Travel Insurance
    Part A - Eligibility for Cover Who is eligible?
    As a cardholder, you are eligible for the cover available under this International Travel Insurance when you meet all of the following criteria:
    1. you reside in Australia (including holders of a visa issued under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) which entitles the holder of the visa to residency);
    2. before leaving Australia you spend at least $500 on your prepaid travel costs, for example, your return overseas travel ticket, your prepaid overseas accommodation, your prepaid cruise, travel or tour, and you charge these costs to the accountholder’s card account; and
    3. you have a return overseas travel ticket before you leave Australia; and
    4. you are aged under 81 years at the time you become eligible for the cover available by meeting conditions 1 to 3 listed above.

    Do you have to notify the bank or underlying insurer to activate this complementary travel insurance or just do point 1. and you’re magical set to go?

    • -3

      Point 2 actually

      • -1

        You must qualify for all of the points there, but don't need to notify them.

        Australia resident + paid at least $500 towards travel costs + have return tickets + under 81yo (this is tricky one , what if you're turning 81yo while travelling? I guess you rather get special insurance than this if you are reaching 80yo )

        • -1

          Correct but Im just correcting the question
          Do you have to notify the bank or underlying insurer to activate this complementary travel insurance or just do point 1

          You need to "action" point 2 to "activate"
          The rest are all "qualifiers" as you correctly stated

    • I mean, it's pretty clear:

      you are eligible for the cover available under this International Travel Insurance when you meet all of the following criteria:

      All means all.

  • 3mth waiting time for them to process a $3k credit limit approval - on lets just say an applicant that had a bloody high score.

    Be aware this bank runs itself like it's the 1970's so you have to go into a physical branch to fill out a paper form to have your account balance paid off fully each month (thus avoiding interest charges). And I found their customer service team incredibly slow - so the card was cancelled after just a week, near 4mths all for naught.

    • They have BPay option as per their help page cant we use that for paying off the statement amount each month? I just got the card after 3 months wait and not used yet.

      • LOL I'm an ex-card holder now - so take this with a grain of salt. I believe yes you can use BPay to pay off the card (fees might apply dunno) but if you want to automatically pay off the full balance each statement period, they make you jump through the hoops going into a branch - why? As they do NOT want you to do that - as it means they get no interest/late fees etc - guaranteed!

        Even Latitude Financial, who are bodgy as had this available via their members online section to easily select - but bendigo?? Paper in brand ONLY, would not even email it to me via a secure request from the online section of your account. Utter nutters in 2024 if that is how they hand;e, wouldn't even explain why this was the case - standard 'Its our policy' BS.

  • a pain that you have to go into a branch to open an account if a new customer….I'm not driving 35 minutes to my nearest. Should be able to open an account online with valid ID

    • Yeah I'd love to migrate to this card, coming from Bankwest but even asking for the lowest credit limit allowed I was instantly rejected after submitting my documents. Would sort it out in branch but none of them are open on Saturdays and I'm not going to take time off work just to do this.

      Guess I'll stick to the ubank debit card for international transactions! (and actually buy travel insurance for my next trip..)

      • I have been using the HSBC card for international when travelling, plus get the 2% cashback here for less than $100 tap

    • I didn't have to go into a Branch at any point during my application process even though I was a new customer. It did however take 2.5 months for my application to be approved.

      • I wanted to open a savings account with them earlier this year but it said if not a current customer had to go in to open

  • Nearly 3 months application time, provisionally approved, only to be declined for really obscure reason (generic reasons). Meanwhile, I went to BankWest and that was approved and dusted within 1 week (3 days if using GPay).

  • +1

    Good luck with these guys, wait times terrible so if you’re travelling in next few months unlikely to get in time. Even a rejection takes months.

  • Liked the look of this card when I did my DD last year but ended up with ING's Orange One

  • It took me less than 3 days from application to approval. I was rejected online, so I booked a time in person with one of the branch. Make sure you have all your financial records in order, income and expenditure. Good luck 🙂

    • you got rejected when you applied online, but then gets approved when you get assessed via branch ?

      • Is that a question or a paraphrase?

        • Question to confirm my understanding

      • Yes that’s correct, they obviously use a conservative algorithm online which in most cases should work with no issues.

        I would still suggest to go in branch because your application can get expedited instead of waiting for the online queue

        • Thank you for your confirmation

    • Ooh. That's an idea.

  • Had mine for around 6 months now, been pretty handy and managed to get it sorted quickly with a phone call for credit check processing. One thing that was annoying is I had to go into a branch and fill out a manual form to setup automatic direct debit. Felt like they definitely didn't want me to pay the full closing balance each month.

  • -2

    No points? What’s the point getting this card?

    • +3

      No annual fee, free travel insurance, no international transaction fees, good card to have when traveling.

    • ☝️

      And the no points (with its fees and minimum spends) can be considered one of the positives when you factor in the statistical increase in expendenditure the average person with such a CC incurs.

    • What’s the point getting this card?

      This is the travel card. Apply and then put in drawer to keep for next trip overseas.

      Also this is the card to get for anyone within 6 months to their retirement.

      The BBS/account feature seems unique for a CC (also Osko-ready). Very handy for quicky top-up when you near credit limit but need to spend urgently.

  • +2

    This card sounds painful to apply for. What's the next best card, I have the Bankwest Zero currently.

    • It is, I applied in October and have got nothing but we are working on it sms messages. I think that's the best according to the responses her for international rates and no fee.

      • I applied during the first week of October and received a call letting me know that they’re currently processing applications from the first week of September. They mentioned it will take another 2–3 weeks before they reach applications from October.

    • get the bw platinum instead

  • Long wait to get approved. Have been waiting since September after submitting all required docs. Comms from the bank have been decent with an occasional sms letting me know they haven’t forgotten me and I’m progressing through the queue.

  • +1

    The application process is more painful than applying for a Russian Permanent Residency.

  • I was planning to apply for this however I got Comm bank diamond and upgraded to ultimate to get the zero internation fees. Saves all the trouble going with this card.

    • Thinking about doing that too, just a hassle to redo all my direct debits. Are you happy with the upgrade? Slightly less points though

      • Sorry just updated, 2 days ago. Not received card yet. So can't give you feedback.

        I already have Macquarie debit card and was looking for credit card with 0 transaction fees as had to cancel 28 degree due to monthly free.

        Thought about getting the Bendigo card but too much hassel based on comments here. Found the upgrade to the Comm Bank Ultimate card and upgrade was so easy (2 min switch in the banking website). It is the same card with 0 transaction fees so should be similar to Bendigo. Now I can only havevone card for my everyday use as well as for internation transaction.

        Let's see how it goes.

  • +4

    I'm currently overseas and Commbank is ripping me off left and right. $22 for withdrawing $450 is insane. Not to mention all the exorbitant transaction fees.

    Commbank is the only bank I've ever been with. I'm switching to something else when I'm back.

    • Commbank is the only bank I've ever been with

      My condolences.

    • Same, had this happen last month. Complained to them and said these fees are unexpected and too high. Asked them to waive it and they complied as a once off!

      • What do you mean they compiled as a once off?

        • They were happy to do it once, but can't be guaranteed in the future.

    • Never be loyal to any bank. They treat their customers like peasants to suck their life savings from. Unless you are that 1 percent. Then the bank will treat you like royalty cuz you are the one sucking the money out of the peasants.

      • Unfortunately, in this case, I am the peasant.

    • they prey on new immigrants, they make themselves out to be the bank of australia

  • +1

    Anyone know if you can open an individual account and then change it to a joint after the fact?

    Getting to a branch is just a bit of hassle atm.

  • For me the process for getting this card was straight forward I went to the bank they fill all the forms after 3 days I received a email that application is approved one week after that I get the card,I used overseas as well no fees,very happy with this card.

    • +1

      Are you suggesting that applying in person is faster than online? Is that because you already bank with them so you didn’t need to supply documentation?

      • Correct if you applying in person is faster than Online and in the same time you will supply all the documents like I did and everything will be done in days.

        • I’m surprised they didn’t tell you to apply online. Most banks try not to deal with customers if they don’t have to.

          What documentation did you have to supply?

  • I applied on 28th September, still waiting in the approval queue. Not likely to be buying Christmass presents or anything else with this card (it ain't arrving any time this year).

  • not recommended - very slow and painful application process

  • So I was approved for a 3k limit, but I'd like to raise it to something higher to prevent maxing out.

    Apparently you gotta go through the whole application process again!!

  • With all the benefit, this sounds like one of the best or if not the best credit cards for those who want to avoid yearly fees however, it requires 0% charge on international transactions.

    Tho, thanks to Ozbargain, we discovered that it's a pain to get the approval. Even for those who have high credit scores.

  • Do not do business with this sorry excuse of a bank. After 10 weeks of waiting, and providing all required documents from day 1 they rejected my application.
    In the mean time AMEX, COLES, VIRGIN, Bankwest accepted my application next day.

    "Thanks for applying for a Bendigo Ready Credit Card. Unfortunately, we can't approve your application as it did not meet our credit eligibility guidelines."

    • Have you asked them exactly what the eligibility guidelines are ?
      "Secret" rules are infuriating !!

      • No need to ask. If you apply and get another credit card while waiting for Bendigo to look at your application, they will reject your applications as not meeting their credit eligibility guidelines when 10 weeks later they do an illion enquiry and find out you have obtained other credit cards. I know that because I checked my illion record and they made an enquiry on the 7/12/2024 (same day they rejected me) - that was Saturday! When I applied (28th September) I only had the Macquarie Black Card that I was planning to cancel as soon as I had another card to replace it with. While Bendigo was on the slow train, I appied and got apppoved for other cards next day. My advice is go for BankWest or Coles (MasterCard), VIRGIN (VISA) or even AMEX. It is not a crime to hold all 3 credit cards. I had and used them all in the past but chosen to just keep one 3 years ago & the reason I had to apply again. Unfortunately some banks will look at the sum of all your available credit lines (even if none is used) and rejections is the immediate outcome - easier to reject than follow up with the applicant to clarify.

        • Unfortunately some banks will look at the sum of all your available credit lines (even if none is used)

          I'm not sure you understand how credit assessment works.

          All credit providers will consider your total available credit, even if the balance is zero. This is because you have the credit available to you and you could use it at any time.

        • While Bendigo was on the slow train, I appied and got apppoved for other cards next day.

          Right, so obviously your application was rejected - I think you need to go and read up about credit serviceability.

          Unfortunately some banks will look at the sum of all your available credit lines (even if none is used) and rejections is the immediate outcome

          Yes, that's what every bank does - that's how credit approval works 🤷🏼‍♂️

          They have various formulas and various levels of care between them, so the exact rejection level is different for every bank.

  • Might apply for this card sometime next year, when the backlog will hopefully have cleared, and then I can close my 28 degrees. How long do you think that will take, for approval times to take about a week again?

    • -3

      Try 10 weeks plus, even next year. And likely to be rejected at the end if you already have other credit cards.

    • Why would you wait? What if the backlog is never cleared?

      Your 'logic' is hard to follow.

      • I'll reduce my credit limit for my citibank card once the payall gets cancelled. There would be no need to keep a high limit on that card as I wouldn't really use it much. That will hopefully improve the chances of getting approval for this card

    • +1

      Just apply for this card whenever you can. If you want to wait to close off an account then do it. No one can tell you how long it will take for approval in the future, only now.

  • Bendigo Bank CC finally approved!
    - Applied 4th October
    - Approved 10th December

    • Add 2 weeks waiting for the physical card arrived - but good that you can add the digital card to your phone.

  • Bendigo Bank CC approved.
    - Applied 12th September
    - Approved 3rd December

    Had to provide additional ATO paperwork as well. Card comes 1.5 weeks later.

    Looking at the travel insurance - I'm surprised that the coverage and benefits are quite reasonable.

  • +1

    Approval came through this morning - went from pending assessment to just straight full approval with nothing else queried or needed to provide.
    Originally applied on 12 Oct so it looks like the 2 month-ish turnaround is still the usual.

    • Yep similar story here, 10 Oct - 14 Dec for me

    • Wow that's crazy, 2 whole month to assess a credit card application

  • +1

    Applied 1/11/24, received email approval and ability to add to Google Pay today. So 2 months including Christmas break. Too long really, fortunately I didn't need it for an upcoming trip or anything.

  • +6

    Be aware that for thier Complementary Travel Insurances
    As of 16 October 2024, Bendigo bank has placed limits on some unlimited expenses, reduced limits on others, removed some categories all together and redefined others, including adding or updating some exclusions

    The following benefits have been reduced
    Overseas medical and emergency assistance - previously UNLIMITED. now $20M
    Hospital cash allowance limited to $5,000pp
    Cancellation - previously UNLIMITED. now $50,000
    Additional expenses - previously UNLIMITED. now $30,000

    The following benefits have now been removed
    Loss of Income
    Assault requiring hospital admission
    Domestic pets
    Kidnap and Ransome
    Funeral expenses

    The following benefit added:
    Rental Vehicle excess up to $5,500

    The new (updated 16/10/24) Complimentary Insurance Policy Information Booklet can be downloaded here:…

  • Applied 27 October. Rejected 30 December due to my "low credit rating".

  • Thanks

  • I attempted 4 times to apply for this card. Every application took soooo long, and eventually ended in needing to ring to sort something out (which I didn't do).

    I ended up applying for a Bankwest Zero Platinum card and took ~ 10 minutes for application, plus an email to provide proof of income. Had an account within a day with cards on the way.
    My understanding is I am missing travel insurance, but I get that from Citibank. So figure I'm finally set for travel after cancelling 28 degrees. (Have Citibank, Up and Revolut for debit cards.)

    • Did you receive any communications from Bendigo Bank with regards to the status of your application at all?

      I applied for one on the 22/1/25 and I received the following text message from them the very next day:

      "Hi, your Bendigo Bank credit card application has been received. An extraordinary number of applications have been submitted recently & assessment times are lengthy. If you have not uploaded the required income verification documentation, please follow the instructions on your application progression email or email your documents to [email protected] No SMS reply available."

      I also received a text message from them yesterday advising:

      "Hi, your recent Bendigo Bank credit card application is continuing to move upward in the queue. We will keep you informed of your progress. No SMS reply available.

      • I never got that far.

        I remember what my problem was for the first 2 attempts: I saved my partial application with email and password, but used a long password.
        When I tried to get back in, I was told password can't be > 20 characters, truncating it didn't work, and no facility to change it.
        After spending another hour loading all the info, I forgot and used a long password again. So that one was def on me :(

        The next 2 attempts, I lost everything after timeouts when I didn't get all the info entered in time, and hadn't saved.
        So I guess you could say it was all user error, but I decided I didn't want to deal with a bank with such crappy systems.

        Bankwest was a breath of fresh air after that ordeal.

    • -1

      Bankwest Zero Platinum Mastercard is bare basics now as they have stripped out all the complimentary insurances
      But it still provides you with Fee-free foreign exchange transactions whereas many other cards charge 3%+
      And its much quicker and easier to apply for.

  • Decided to apply to have another travel card. Filled out the online application on the 17th February sent all the requested information.

    Got a hoilday in June hopefully get it before then lol

    • They are a tad faster now. Took them 7-8 to approved partner's application (but this was over the Xmas-NY period).

  • For me i applied on 9th Jan and got approval on 20th Feb, still took a while

  • +1

    So applied 26/02 night and provided document today (27/02) through online link.
    Got approval message and login via email / text in couple of hours .

    Physical card apparently is on the way . Added via app to Apple Pay and it worked by arvo . Least to say impressive.

    • Nice wish I could say the same, its been 2 weeks and beside the sms on the 18th Feb saying assessment is going to be about 30 days no movement.

      • I lodged on the 22nd Jan and I'm still waiting.

        • +1

          My application has just been approved.

  • Does this card offer any lounge passes for delayed flights?

    • Don’t believe so . There is a $ value limits etc but not lounge .

    • -1

      This Bendigo Ready Credit card is FREE mate.
      And it still includes complementary insurances
      Plus no foreign exchange fee either!

      You have to pay a BIG ANNUAL FEE if you want lounge passes as well ….
      These are only included with PREMIUM credit cards

      But for $199pa (1st year free) you get 2 Dragan pass lounge passes per year + rewards points + complimentary insurances with the HSBC Premier World Mastercard (if you qualify)