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[eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books


Verso is giving away a whole lot of their ebooks about Palestine. Anthony Lowenstein just won a Walkley award for his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology of Occupation around The World", so you know journalists think it's the real deal.

Plenty of others there if you'd like a deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now.

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      • +3

        To be honest even if Hamas was removed from the equation, Israel would just find another group to make the enemy. They did it with the PLO before hamas. Additionally Israel initially backed hamas, so in a way you can say they help create the problem.

        • +1

          Hamas, an extreme Islamic group—please refer to their agenda—took over Gaza by force, throwing PLO officers from rooftops in the process. Once Hamas is eliminated, I hope international forces will be positioned to prevent any terrorist organizations from ruling Gaza. The goal is to ensure that the education system does not teach children to bomb themselves while dying in honor of killing jews. Israel seeks peace, the palesininas have rejected and missed nine peace agreements. For Hamas, it is not about land; it is a religious war. I strongly encourage you to read Hamas' ideology for a deeper understanding.

          • @yanivsr: But the fact that Israel has killed over 10000 innocent civilians just means more Israeli hatred will be blossom. If someone killed your child would you be so quick to forgive?

            Hamas is one issue but the toxic Zionist beliefs are equally as abhorrent. It’s why many good Jewish people are speaking out against Zionism. Which in my opinion is a terrorism ideology, not one of peace and unity.

        • +3

          If Hamas wins the war, they may seek to spread Sharia law worldwide. It's uncertain who the next target would be, but it wouldn't stop with Israel.

          • +1

            @gto21: Hamas is a tiny group in Gaza with no military. That will never happen. But thanks did the laugh.

            • +1

              @gamemaster: I agree to some degree with your comment. Hamas is that delusional. I guess that's the power when you believe Allah is on your side.

      • +1

        Yeah dude, it's called the West Bank. No Hamas, and yet Israel still illegally occupies them, subjects them to an apartheid regime, and illegally settles their land. Israel violates international law with reckless abandon.

      • +1

        Free Palestine*
        *with the purchase of another Palestine of equal or greater value.

    • +4

      Yup, good too see the ratio. Common sense and humanity rule

      • More like blind following the blind.

        • +1

          Sure, tell yourself whatever you want to make yourself feel better while the majority of us use critical thinking and speak up for humanity

  • +5

    Wake up genocide supporters, millions around the world are marching against Zionism and Israel Govt. If you don't have the right facts, go dig deeper. Learn, educate yourself and stop being a fool. Free free Palestine!

    • +5

      And lot of countries are opening their eyes to the scourge of Islamic terrorism.

      Netherlands being the latest one.

      • +3

        :) open ur eyes to all terrorist if ur gonna go there, don’t just pick and choose.

    • +1

      there's that bullshit cry of "genocide" again… If they wanted to finish off gaza, they could have done it in an afternoon without putting their soldiers in harms way….
      The western world are FIRMLY in support of Israel… You fringe terrorist supporters are loud but a minority…. back in your box

      • +3

        They have shared their intent to and are currently implementing. Israeli politician was quoted saying we should drop a Nuke there. Go read the proper international law definition of Genocide and u will come to know, what is occurring is clear genocide! And we are not waiting for the wipe out of their existence to call it out. Go back in our box? Did u support Gaddafi? U sound like a dictator.

      • Except they couldn't, cowards :)

      • +3

        No. Your puppet politicians that are bought and paid for by Zionist interests do though.

      • +2

        Hahaha which western world are you talking about ? You mean corrupt Zionist bootlicking politicians ?? As far as facts are concerned, the whole world stands with Palestine. You need to stop watching 9 news and Fox News

  • +6

    If anyone wants to go to Palestine World Pride 2024, I will pay for the flight tickets.

    • +10

      Don't think return tickets will be required.

  • +3

    I am not into politics of the world but it's interesting to know the history of these non stop war between these two countries during these modern times (5 wars!) It's surprising to see the two country is still ongoing with it.

    Our current two/ three super powes of the world depending how you view them. ( the ones with more nuclear weapons besides economy wealth or land size…)

    Israel - we need to do business with them so no comments business will resume as usual.

    Palestine - we shared our silent support with you guys as you are the original colonial people but you guys are on your own.

    Israel - We are against the hamas terrorism….we will supply weapons to you guys, just keep fire spamming and we will continue to sell you more.

    Palestine - our hearts are with the people of Palestine, we will donate… ( psst psst, how much money did we make/aid on the weapons sale, 3.8billion Mr P) erm $100 million usd!

    Israel - We are still friends right? I need to get business support from middle east countries since the West have cut out our income.

    Palestine - we will provide 60 tons of survival items, we cannot sell you our weapons but…. Psst ppst we can sell you USA weapons 🤣 we confiscated from the Ukraine war and remember not to tell Israel.

    Among the G20, nine countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey) have recognized Palestine as a state (Indonesia and Saudi Arabia only recognize Palestine) while ten countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States) have not

    Sigh, human history is always built on the pathway of blood of innocence and war, guess it will never change and will always be in a cycle. I pity the people who are the victims between these war just not fair.

    Vinland Saga: Thorfinn:" I have no enemies, it is not okay to harm another human being. "…. What a waste he can really fight 🙄

    • +4

      Says the man not into politics lol we need more people like u, good stuff.

      • Yeah, lol… did he just get all that pertinent information from the back of a fag packet.

  • +4

    I am Indonesian, what I can say is Israel land belong is to Jewish people, FULL STOP

    if you don't agree then read the history

    Here to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mR2W43t6tI

    • +5

      Yeah perhaps ur right and the Jews there built a mosque (masjid al aqsa ) in 1035 AD out of the goodness of their hearts. Lol everything may be made in China and so is ur baseless claim.

      • What about the Western Wall that was built many years before the mosque?

    • +5

      Cool. So being Indonesian makes you an automatic authority?

      • +1

        Being a citizen of the most populous muslim nation in the world would surely lend some insight and credibility.
        Not authority but definitely an important view.

    • +2

      Did you know in Israel, it is illegal to do a DNA test , you know why ? Because they will find out they are not native to the land. They will all be from around the world. You can convert to Judaism and go to Israel and become a citizen .

    • +1

      Thanks man. Being Indonesian made you more credible than anyone else.

  • +2


  • +4

    If this is a bargain, then next thing I can post here is free e-bible and mark as a bargain.

    • +3

      These books were previously not free, they are now. How is that not a bargain?

    • +1

      Do so at ur own risk,
      U may be labelled an anti semite!

    • +1

      You're comparing apples and bananas, what would be closer/comparable is if you posted free e-Books of academic works or in depth books written by reputable academics and journalists who wrote about the Bible - whether it's to do with it's history, it's social impacts in a specific era, liguistic or translation choices and their political consequences, etc, etc.

      I'd love to (add to my already massive reading list) read a free and legally obtained scholar's analysis on liguistic choices on King James bible and the socio-historical and political reasons behind them without having to pay, I dunno, $50 dollars for a jstor article or something.

  • +7

    Thanks OP. I've been meaning to pick up a copy of "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World" ever since listening to Antony Loewenstein speak on a podcast. It's fascinating and horrifying how Israeli companies develop these surveillance technologies by testing them on Palestinians. Surveillance technologies which are used around the world by governments against minority groups, politicial opponents, political dissidents, journalists, and activists. I remember reading awhile ago an article which mentioned that while there are laws (in Israel) against selling these technologies to countries with bad human rights records, they're very weak and easily slipped past, which is how they get into the hands of the governments of places like the UAE. Keen to read and do a deeper dive into this.

    Also interesting in the other books, though my reading list is already way too big.

    • +1

      Blessed are those that seek knowledge, good stuff man

    • +2

      I've grabbed a copy. Thanks

  • +2

    Recommend: On Palestine - Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappé

    • +1

      Chomsky? Give us a break.

      • Chomsky…..is he one of those what you label a "self-hating Jew"?

        Pain in the arse aren't they.

  • +1

    Basem Naim, Hamas Head of International Relations has just claimed that the IDF carried out the atrocities of 7th October, and not Palestinians. Israeli jets killed 1200 Jews and 200 Palestinians, and the tunnels found throughout Gaza were constructed by Israel to blame Hamas for terrorist activities.

    In other news, Palestinian and LebaneseTV/Radio are broadcasting that they must continue the fight to defeat, destroy and eradicate Israel at any cost, through Jihad. Also, it calls for identifying all Israelis as soldiers and therefore targets.

    Any people still support this scum? Lying, murderous, intolerant, terrorist filth. They’d cut all of our throats just for the ‘honour’ of doing it.
    Many have no idea of the monster they’re supporting.

    • +4

      U my friend need to cut down on watching the racist sky news and read a book.

      • +1

        You’re a complete buffoon. The guy said it himself.

        Are all of these terrorist supporting posts all from you? I’d say an IP ban should be exercised.

        • +2

          Don’t be so harsh when the truth is simple and obvious.

          • +1

            @Hay09: Found the Hamas sympathiser

            • +1

              @pformag: Found the genocide supporter

    • There's plenty of hate and propaganda on both sides. The divide is growing.

  • +1

    As someone who supports the rights of Indigenous Australians to their land, naturally I support the indigenous peoples, whose uninterrupted presence for millennia in the region, gives them the right to inhabit their land. Never Again will Jews be subject to the horrors of Nazi Germany.

    • +1

      So Christians have right to claim Nazareth? Because Jesus was born there

      • Jesus is Jewish, he’s also the promised Messiah of both Jew and Gentile.

        • I thought the Jews are still waiting for their Messiah to come.
          The Pharisees hated Jesus.

    • +5

      Never Again will Jews be subject to the horrors of Nazi Germany.

      The sick and dark irony of this is that they became the very thing they swore to destroy

  • +4

    Three-quarters of Palestinians Support Hamas’ Attack on October 7, Says New Poll.

    I’d say the same proportion of Lefties would agree.

    • +4

      People who dumb down issues into lefty vs righty are probably the ones who only read clickbait headlines and not the articles.

        • +3

          Again with the personal attacks. If you can’t articulate a point without personal attacks why bother posting. Just stay on the sidelines if you don’t have any valid points.

          • @gamemaster: Every point is valid. The fact that you sidestep every one is your issue, not mine.

            Perhaps you need to pull your head in a little, or at the very least, know what the hell you are on about.

            • +3

              @gasman70: Being critical of Israel is not antisemitism. If anything calling it’s against violence and genocide is a noble cause. I fully support that. Under no circumstances is killing innocent children and babies acceptable.

  • +5

    That’s because 100% of Palestinians have been living under occupation and oppression for 75 years, what do u think they wouldn’t support it? Put ur self in their position? Would y just take a bone ur whole life and accept that u will have no past present or future?

    • -2

      Occupation and oppression? OMFG. Keep drinking the cool aid.

      • +2

        Actually, its a concentration camp to be aligned with definitions and living conditions.

    • +1

      Prior to Israel ‘occupying’ the West Bank, and Gaza, Jordan and Egypt occupied each region respectively. Prior to Jordan and Egypt, it was Britain, prior to Britain, it was the Ottoman Empire, prior to the Ottoman Empire, it was the Byzantine, prior to the Byzantine, it was the Roman, prior to the Roman it was the Greeks, prior to the Greeks it was Medo-Persia, prior to Medo-Persia, it was the babylonians and assyrians, etc. There was one population who consistently lived there the whole time.

    • +1

      Yea, I’d be oppressed too if I tried to start several wars by rounding up the gang and getting beat every single time.

  • +1

    Peace and love!

  • +1

    So adamant to drag Australia to a war that had nothing to do with them lmao

    if u love the middle east so much why not migrate there?

    • +3

      It sounds you are projecting your opinions rather than commenting on this deal.

      • +1

        because its not a deal same as Games for Gaza bullshit

        This isnt PoliticsBargain

        • -3

          It has been for yonks. Blame the right wing (profanity) who saturate the space.

    • +1

      Australia is providing weapons to Israel and patting satanyahu on the back as he commits a genocide. We have already become involved

  • +3

    Another typical response when trying to defend innocent Palestinians babies. I wish to live in my beautiful country of Australia but I fear some speech here creates threats of anti semitism and Islamophobia, so I choose to speak out against such hate crimes to maintain the status quo that is a peaceful, loving and respectful majority nation we are.

    • +3

      Islamophobia is a myth, it was created to stop people pointing out the bad ideas of Islam. Criticising a religion isn’t a phobia.

      Is Scientolophobia a thing? Mormonphobia?

      • +1

        Is it possible you feel islamophobia is a myth is because you want a free pass for hate speech towards Muslims and Islam? At what point does it become hate speech or all comments acceptable?

        • +1

          Who said anything about muslims? Why do you keep misreading everything? Are you Cathy Newman?

          Islam is a religion, and while I think little of any religion, I feel Islam is by far the worst. We don’t see baptists or Catholics loving death more than we love life, or killing in the name of their religion. Also, when was the last Mormon killing of a gay person, or apostate? Do Jews routinely kill their daughters for brining ‘shame’ on their families?

          Do you think criticism of religion or bad ideas is a line that shouldn’t be crossed.

          • +3

            @gasman70: Over 1.5 billion worshipers and all you have is your biased cherry picked views of Islam. I hate to break it to you, the majority of the people are regular everyday people who just want to live a peaceful life.

            I can also cherry pick…
            Christian’s and the multiple crusades embody hate and death. The illegal wars in Iraq based on lies perpetrated by western democracies would be a big another murderous act. Buddhist murdering Rohingya in Myanmar would be considered evil. The Christchurch terrorist. In fact more terrorist acts are committed by right winged groups.

            Most of the Islamic beliefs are from Judaism, they are abrahamic religions.

            • @gamemaster: You’re obviously Muslim.
              There’s no talking sense with you about Islam, obviously.

              • +1

                @gasman70: If 1.5B people are Muslim and if in your opinion they are violent why isn’t there violence everywhere. Why aren’t all Muslims killing anyone they see, everyday? The reality is vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. Your arguments fall apart if you don’t cherry pick.

                I would suggest you go a talk to people of the Islamic faith, just have a conversation with them and you’ll see they are regular people who want to get on with their lives. Maybe your hardline views may soften.

              • +3

                @gasman70: You claim him as Muslim because he articulated his response to ur Ludacris post really well. I would say he is somewhat educated and actually seeks knowledge without prejudice. If that is what being a Muslim is then sign me up.

                • @Hay09: Ludacris is a rapper.

                  Just sayin'

            • +3

              @gamemaster: Ok, ok. Just answer a couple of simple, straightforward questions.

              1. Is gay marriage/homosexuality a sin?
              2. Should anyone be allowed to leave their ‘faith’, including Islam?
              3. Should religion be open to criticism?
              4. Is Islam inclusive and tolerant?
              • +1

                @gasman70: U preach too much hate man, ur questions are antagonising and hypocritical. All human values should be respected, that’s the beauty of life, we are all different and to the benefit of each other, not so we can sit there and point and criticise what each human values. Learn some respect man, it’s posts like urs that is triggering and misleading. This conflict did not start October 7 that’s just when u started caring about it. Trot along mate.

              • +1

                @gasman70: Again with the cherry picking. Ask the same question to Judaism and you’ll get the same answer.

                I can see you are trying to project your subjective morality as the only correct view. I’m sorry but you don’t have any moral authority nor any objective means to test your morality.

                • +2

                  @gamemaster: Mmmm. His four questions about Islam are legitimate and deserve answers

            • @gamemaster: Muslims conquered land from India to Spain; one doesn't conquer that amount of land through self-defense. One reason the Crusades happened was because Christians were defending their land. Without the Crusades, Europe would probably be Islamic.

          • +4

            @gasman70: Ur racist straight out mate. Your ad-hominem responses do not do ur case any good.

          • +4

            @gasman70: So you think Islam is the worst. Is that why it’s the fastest growing religion in the world ? And so many more are actually picking up the holy book reading it and converting. Please be respectful in the way you talk about it

            • @sarah965: 'Please be respectful in the way you talk about it'

              Why? Free speech is about being respectful or disrespectful as you want. As long as you're not espousing violence or calling from the committing of crime, you should be as disrespectful as you see fit. Just agree or disagree, debate and discuss. Everyone bring a winner.

            • @sarah965: The main reason Islam is the fastest-growing religion is the birth rate. However, Muslim warn of an impending tsunami of apostasy.


      • Exactly. All it does is stifle some of the genuine concerns that Western society has about the increasing presence of Islam in the West.

        • Maybe if the west stopped bombing middle eastern countries to steal their natural resources people wouldn’t need to migrate. So they bomb their home, take them as refugees and then complain about why they are here

          • @sarah965: Err, okay.

            Believe what you want to believe champ.

  • +5

    Perhaps the worst thing about 7/10 terror attacked Hamas was not the hostages, not even the 1400 dead (which, by the way, unlike Israel who gave Gazan residents 3 weeks to evacuate south before attacking, were attacked without notice), it’s the gratuitous and sickening violence for the sake of violence, that was carried out on women, children and whole families. It is horrifying reading the accounts and seeing the images and videos that were proudly broadcast by Hamas.

    • +7

      3 weeks to evacuate? What planet are u living on. Get ur facts right before u speak please it’s misleading. So approx 3 weeks after October 7 is October 28. Read this https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-10-29-2023-…

      October 28 Israel already killed 8000 innocent Palestinians. Damn people are really blindsided

    • +2

      Your figure of 1400 is incorrect much like the rest of your comments.

      • +1

        Perhaps the worst thing about 7/10 terror attack… was carried out on women, children and whole families. It is horrifying reading the accounts and seeing the images and videos that were proudly broadcast by Hamas.

        • +1

          As bad as it was it was last months news. Many thousand of Palestinians have been killed by Israeli since then. Over 10000, that’s the latest story. The cruelty of the Israelis towards the Palestinian people. Attacking hospitals with false claims of Hamas HQ, lying about Hamas rosters which turned out to be a calendar with the days of the week. Plenty of lie. Maybe you need to keep updated with what is occurring as 7/10 was several weeks ago and Israelis acts are magnitudes more abhorrent.

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