• long running

[eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books


Verso is giving away a whole lot of their ebooks about Palestine. Anthony Lowenstein just won a Walkley award for his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology of Occupation around The World", so you know journalists think it's the real deal.

Plenty of others there if you'd like a deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now.

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          • @gamemaster: In a way you can see why Hamas HQ is hiding around a hospital - they are facing a much more powerful army that could wipe them out easily if out in the open. But it sure is intersting listening to people who are convinced Hamas HQ is nowhere near hospitals… where do these sort of people get their news? The Hamas official social media channels exclusively ???

            • +1

              @slick7: The claim is made by Israel so the onus is on the Israelis to prove the claim, which they haven’t. Don’t you remember the entire Iraq 2003 war? All based on lies. Israel is doing the same IMO.

              Anyway it’s pretty barbaric to attack a hospital regardless. Killing one hamas is not justified by killing one or more innocent civilians. The moment you start justifying innocent civilians being killed, you’ve lost your humanity and become the monster you are fighting against IMO.

              • +1

                @gamemaster: "The claim is made by Israel so the onus is on the Israelis to prove the claim, which they haven’t."

                Do you hold the other side accountable to their claims as well?

                Israel has offered evidence in support of their claim. I take it then, that you have seen it and don't believe it?

                • +1

                  @Strange1: Their claims have been debunked including by western media. Some of the claims were comical.

                  I believe all claims should be reviewed regardless of “sides”. At the same time claims shouldn’t be dismissed just because it comes from the “other side”. Unfortunately using lies and propaganda is a part of war. It’s up to the media to verify the claims, I don’t think they have done a good job at that.

                  • +1

                    @gamemaster: Indulge me and share with me the Western media that have debunked the claim about Hamas having operations underneath the hospital (Western media). I've seen no major Western media do this.

                    You'll agree there is a lot of mis-information around (both sides), so it never hurts to discuss these things.

                    Here are some links from CNN/BBC


                    • @Strange1: Try the ABC's Media Watch for starters,(it mentions several news reports) and before you regurgitate the 'lefty' slur, the host was completely unbiased on the topic.If you think Israel & Mossad don't spew BS you live a sheltered life. Israel has committed war crimes.Terrorism by statehood

                      • @Protractor: Hi @Protractor - i regularly watch Media Watch, and saw this particular episode. You are right that he pokes holes in some of the Israeli claims, but his conclusion at the end is that we aren't sure. It certainly was not "debunked". And i think the host himself would not appreciate people making claims that aren't actually reflective of what was said … that's kind of the point of the show. I also note that this episode aired before further evidence was provided (that sealed door wasn't open - and really that's the most compelling evidence).

                        It's not really helpful that you are putting words in my mouth "lefty slur", accusing me of living a sheltered life. I read media from around the world including Al Jazeera. I think i've been respectful to anyone posting in this topic, with exception to a couple of choice posts that are blatant racism (but these thankfully got removed).

                        There is a lot of mis-information on this conflict - i don't pretend it's one sided (nor do i believe the person i was responding to believed it either).

                        And as for whether media watch is completely unbiased - i don't agree. That's my opinion. Just like your opinion is that it s.

                        • @Strange1: Username spot on

                          • @Protractor: Name calling? You don't have the necessary skills to debate me on this, do you?

                            Thought you would thrown in that you watch "Media watch" and "you live a sheltered life", to give the impression to others that you are somewhat an expert in this area.

                            It's a pity. And why this sort of conflict will continue for many more years to come.

                            • @Strange1: Rubbish. You claim to not be one eyed and then go on to side with Israel. I pointed out Media Watch as a starting point for readers because I was impressed at how they walked a straight line. The main point you deliberately missed on that episode was this BS claim about the so called extensive Hamas HQ under the hospital. At the time Israel claimed to have evidence of it. Yhey had no such thing.All they showed was their own footage not media or independent) of weapons and other sundries located in a few locations. The tunnel section found days later was short and had a dead end.
                              MW exposed BS on both sides but only one side has relentlessly proceeded with a political Armageddon much akin the the principles the Jewish ppl built their martyrdom status on. Hypocrites much?
                              IDF is FOS and you'd be pretty gullible or desperate to trust anything Mental Yahoo says.

                              • @Protractor: "the principles the Jewish ppl built their martyrdom status on"

                                Bang. Thanks for at least being honest about your motivation behind your posts. I rest my case.

                                • @Strange1: There you go. Your total denial of the 180 degree back-flip on what defines the Jewish ppl. Apparently their morality is interchangeable. Also your dishonesty in claiming to be unbiased, and the hypocrisy that followed was a beacon, in your 1st response. This is why Israel will continue to fail every test of humanity, and it's supporters keep shutting down any scrutiny of the decades long ethnic cleansing.Even Israels own non fundamental population are calling it out."

                                  You can fool some of the ppl ,some of the time….

                                  • @Protractor: I responded respectfully to another poster on an event. To be fair, that poster was very respectful in his/her tone, even if i disagree with his/her arguments.

                                    You responded to my post, made a claim (which i debunked), and for good measure put words in my mouth and used terms like "sheltered life'.

                                    We could have continued discussing the Media Watch interview (and the conclusion that you should be drawing is that no Western Media that i'm aware of has successfully confirmed or denied the Israeli claims)


                                    You started name calling. Then you brought in generalizations about people of a entire religious group. There are others in this topic labelling all Muslims as terrorists. You are as bad as them. There are literally millions of strangers with a pro-Palestinian viewpoint - i'll debate the topic respectfully with the many of them out there that are respectful, and don't resort to cheap racism.

                                    And for the record this is the second time you've accused me of claiming to be un-biased. When did i ever do that? I'm clearly arguing from a pro-Israeli perspective - but I'm certainly aware of the complexities of a two-sided conflict over many decades, where a lot of blame falls under both sides.

                                    • @Strange1: "You responded to my post, made a claim a recommendation to view MW (which i -I wish I'd debunked),"

                                      Your last sentence / paragraph is the same hollow apologist chaff the Mental Yahoo IDF churn out to milk weapons from the USA.

                                      Michael Frante sung it best. "You can bomb the world to pieces, but you can't bomb it into peace"
                                      The facist thinks he can. Do you seriously think the world and Israel is safer now, and will be safer post this obliteration?

                                      Not often I hear posters complaining about being called unbiased. And I'm glad you are 'aware of complexities'. Personally I think those complexities are going to create a whole lot of hurt across the planet,beginning with Israel, for decades to come. Maybe climate change impacts will head it off…

        • -1

          Stop speaking logic. The terrorist simps here will go back so far and talk about the kingdom of Palestine. I mean kingdom of Israel and maybe even Judah. Unreal.

          See that Jackson Hinkle tanky actually posted a Jewish coin from the early 1900s stating it was Palestinian… its SMH stuff.

  • +1

    Anti-Muslim may be the better legal term. And also the term terrorism shouldn’t be associated with a religion or nationality. Should read the definition of terrorism closer to understand this. Anti hate crime legislation are in place to protect anti-Muslim and Anti-semitism violent crimes. To call it a myth is really ignorant.

  • I am apolitical and this humanitarian crisis is none of my business

    Save the whales

    Save the
    African forest elephant Critically Endangered
    Amur Leopard Panthera pardus orientalis Critically Endangered
    Black Rhino Diceros bicornis Critically Endangered
    Bornean Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus Critically Endangered
    Cross River Gorilla Gorilla gorilla diehli Critically Endangered
    Eastern Lowland Gorilla Gorilla beringei graueri Critically Endangered
    Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata Critically Endangered
    Javan Rhino Rhinoceros sondaicus Critically Endangered
    Orangutan Pongo abelii, Pongo pygmaeus Critically Endangered
    Saola Pseudoryx nghetinhensis Critically Endangered
    Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus Critically Endangered
    Sumatran Orangutan Pongo abelii Critically Endangered
    Sumatran Rhino Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Critically Endangered
    Sunda Tiger Panthera tigris sondaica Critically Endangered
    Vaquita Phocoena sinus Critically Endangered
    Western Lowland Gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla Critically Endangered
    Yangtze Finless Porpoise Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. asiaeorientalis Critically Endangered
    African savanna elephant Loxodonta africana africana Endangered
    African Wild Dog Lycaon pictus Endangered
    Asian Elephant Elephas maximus indicus Endangered
    Black-footed Ferret Mustela nigripes Endangered
    Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus Endangered
    Bluefin Tuna Thunnus Thynnus Endangered
    Bonobo Pan paniscus Endangered
    Bornean Elephant Elephas maximus borneensis Endangered
    Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes Endangered
    Fin Whale Balaenoptera physalus Endangered
    Galápagos Penguin Spheniscus mendiculus Endangered
    Ganges River Dolphin Platanista gangetica gangetica Endangered
    Green Turtle Chelonia mydas Endangered
    Hector's Dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori Endangered
    Humphead Wrasse Cheilinus undulatus Endangered
    Indian Elephant Elephas maximus indicus Endangered
    Indus River Dolphin Platanista minor Endangered
    Irrawaddy Dolphin Orcaella brevirostris Endangered
    Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Endangered
    Mountain Gorilla Gorilla beringei beringei Endangered
    North Atlantic Right Whale Eubalaena glacialis Endangered
    Red Panda Ailurus fulgens Endangered
    Sea Lions Zalophus wollebaeki Endangered
    Sea Turtle Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae families Endangered
    Sei Whale Balaenoptera borealis Endangered
    Sri Lankan Elephant Elephas maximus maximus Endangered
    Tiger Panthera tigris Endangered
    Whale Balaenoptera, Balaena, Eschrichtius, and Eubalaen Endangered
    Whale Shark Rhincodon typus Endangered
    Bigeye Tuna Thunnus obesus Vulnerable
    Black Spider Monkey Ateles paniscus Vulnerable
    Dugong Dugong dugon Vulnerable
    Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Vulnerable
    Giant Tortoise Vulnerable
    Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias Vulnerable
    Greater One-Horned Rhino Rhinoceros unicornis Vulnerable
    Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius Vulnerable
    Leatherback Turtle Dermochelys coriacea Vulnerable
    Lion Panthera Leo Vulnerable
    Loggerhead Turtle Caretta caretta Vulnerable
    Marine Iguana Amblyrhynchus cristatus Vulnerable
    Olive Ridley Turtle Lepidochelys olivacea Vulnerable
    Polar Bear Ursus maritimus Vulnerable
    Snow Leopard Panthera uncia Vulnerable
    Southern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes chrysocome Vulnerable
    Albacore Tuna Thunnus alalunga Near Threatened
    Beluga Delphinapterus leucas Near Threatened
    Greater Sage-Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus Near Threatened
    Jaguar Panthera onca Near Threatened
    Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus Near Threatened
    Plains Bison Bison bison bison Near Threatened
    White Rhino Ceratotherium simum Near Threatened
    Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares Near Threatened

    • +3

      Common denominator in this sad list and this tragic conflict……us humans.

  • Lol

  • +6

    (profanity) war crimes and (profanity) everyone thinking war crimes can be justified as "self defence"
    If you are using terror to combat terrorism, you are a terrorist yourself. So (profanity) you

    • take your meds and latibulate.

    • So true. I say just let the iron dome do its thing. Seems fair. Smh

  • +1

    I’m not going to + or - this deal as to do that is to pick a side, but can humanity just behave like civilised people for once. While we’re busy fighting pointless battles and wars over whose version of whatever sky fairy is “right” or “wrong”, the real loser is planet earth and the environment. It’s almost as if the powers that be WANT us to be divided so that we don’t unite against THEM!

    • Aren’t you being antagonistic and divisive by using the term “sky fairy”? Seems a little hypocritical tbh.

      • -2

        Ok we can use the term god, divinity, father.. whichever. That’s ok. It’s something that doesn’t physically exist. It’s just an idea that has developed over many millennia by different groups of people. They are free to support whatever they want to support.

    • That’s very disrespectful and unnecessary. This is not about religion. Educate your self. Israel has a major political agenda and that is to kill/push the Palestinians out so they can steal their land.

      • -1

        Research the history of Beersheba (for example) and the history of Palestinians. Then tell me whether it's about religion and who's land it is.

      • -1

        And Hamas aim is to kill all Jews.


  • +4

    On a side note: Love how so many people think that when you start and lose wars you actually get to define the terms. This land that was never an Arab state has been given so many chances. Though much can be blamed on Yasser and the other warmongers surrounding this Holy land.

    The river to the sea crowd are a total blast. Wish I could crowdfund random rockets to on the side just fund my retirement. Crazy stuff. If it wasn’t so real and sad you’d laugh.

    • +3

      I know! How dare these people refuse so many chances for giving up their land to other people!

      • +1

        Except that it was never their land. Before Israel, it was ruled by the British. Before that, the Ottomans. Then the Mamluks, Crusaders, Fatimidis, Romans, Greeks, Persians, Israelites.

        • Just because it was perpetually colonised, does not mean that there was no native population.

          Many nations in Africa were colonised by the British and the French, does that mean the native populations do not exist and/or the land belongs to no one?

          • +1

            @DewinDell: Just curious about the point your making - would you say the rule of the game is who ever gets there first owns it forever?

      • Maybe buy a history e-book too boss.

  • +2

    Maybe it will make a difference, maybe not but one of the best books you can read is a peace to end all peace….it explains how much of what has occurred in the middle east developed as a direct result of imperial meddling from the British and the Russians, and then the other European powers, between the 1800s to the end of WW1…
    It might help to understand what a mess this is, how responsible all parties are for the general situation, while being able to state unequivocally that the murder of civilians is unacceptable, as is their use as human shields and tools for a terrorist resistance.
    Peace ✌️

    • Don't you wish you could turn back time?

      • +1

        Bring me a battleship and I can turn back anything lol

  • +7

    Looks more like propaganda to me. Every single one of these books is anti-Israel.

    • which part of which book? I take you have read these books to make that claim?

    • +1


  • +7

    Free propaganda! I'm getting one for everyone in my family so they can better sympathise with Hamas. Thanks OP!

  • +1

    Has Mental Yahoo's golden boy joined the fight yet?

  • +1

    I've run away from them all the way to this other side of the planet, just to see their crap also exist here.

    • +1

      But why did you click on the deal, login, make a comment? Wouldn’t it have been easier to ignore the deal. It’s some free books, no one is forcing you to download and read them?

    • +2

      Id love to hear more details if you feel like sharing

      • +2

        Well, I didn't want to "politicize" the comment section, but I guess it's too late.

        I lived in the region under religious law (see, I don't even have to tell you which religion) for most of my life and was taught about the religion, (their) ethics, hollybook, etc. for years in school. So I know enough to know it's not about freedom, children lives, etc. If it was, we should have seen free books about the 85000 children (of the same religion of course) who died from starvation during a war raged by (between) the biggest supporters of Hamas.

        There's just too much to cover here. And for me it's not just about this, it's about how they treat women, children (read little girls), homosexuals, journalists, minorities, etc. It's 2023, there should be some eligibility criteria to form a country. If they are willing to implement Australian constitution/law, then I'd be the first one supporting them, but we know that's not going to happen.

        Again, too much to cover. What makes me even sadder though, is that I saw hundreds of millions of oppressed women forced to wear hijab there, but here it's being promoted as diversity. I know all it takes is a minority of crazy people to take down a great nation, while the majority is silent; yet here I see a small minority shouting crap in front of the Oprah house, and yet the majority of people are like, meh.

        The OP posted free books, let me just mention one free wikipedia page here:


  • +1

    From the river to the sea there is only one flag U see 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

  • Why do most Western governments (aside from Ireland) including ours support Israel unconditionally though? Old mate Albo used to support the Palestinian cause back in the days but did a 180 recently, does Israel have dirt on him?


    • +4

      Lobbies and money.
      Politicians get bought and change their ideologies based on economic influence, money and and media. Even if it means supporting immorality. They rather stay in power even if they have to be complicit with questions actions of foreign influences.

    • Israel is also a nuclear state.

    • +2

      They want the billion barrels of natural gas and oil off the coast of Gaza.

    • Maybe because they were the victims of a massive terrorist attack recently?

    • -3

      At least partially because they're the only functioning democracy in the Middle East. Further, across the spectrum their human rights are out of this world compared to their neighbours, for example take a look at this LGBT+ rights index graph.

      One could easily argue the rest of Middle East need to follow the Israeli lead. Western governments certainly realise this.

  • +4

    Interesting dicussion thread. Always intrigued by how other people's minds work and what factors contribute to their misinformation and biases. On the topic of this being a deal, it's not. You could spend your Black Friday looking for some actual bargains instead…

  • +3

    Not the time and place for this. Keep this politics off here.

  • +8

    The title alone is in stark contrast to the claim of providing a "deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now". It is nothing more than propaganda masquerading as a deal. I find the whole thing abhorrent.

    • +3

      It’s a book. You don’t need to read it. It might be insightful to others. I can’t see the issue. It cost money before and now it’s free.

  • +1

    For those that think this is about Hamas please do your research and think again. Why did the west try and invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lybia, the west has been a cause of destruction in the Middle East even the genocide happening now in Congo, all for the theft of natural resources

    Why is the Us and Britain so heavily involved in this war ? We’ll have a read :

    ‘New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin are in the range of 122 trillion cubic foot while recoverable oil is estimated at 1.7 billion barrels, according to the study, entitled “The Economic Cost of Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential.”
    This offers an opportunity to distribute and share about US$524 billion among the different parties in the region and promote peace and cooperation among old belligerents, the study notes.’


    Have you also heard of the Suez canal ? Well Israel and the US want to make their own and to do that they need to take over Gaza and let me tell you that they won’t stop at Gaza.

    • +7

      Oh is that why Hamas raped young girls and burnt babies? Because of the West, natural gas, and the Suez canal?

      • -3

        No evidence to the rape or burnt babies by Hamas . It’s only what Israel claims and Israel did massacre a lot of its own people with their helicopters and tanks. Have you heard of the Hannibal directive protocol Israel implement? They would rather kill their own people than have them be hostage. They implemented that protocol on October 7 hence why they massacred a lot their own people with their tanks and helicopter and hence why there were burnt people and cars. Hamas didn’t have any tanks

        But honestly there is so much more to October 7 that the public doesn’t know yet. Did you also know the venue of the nova music festival was changed 48 hours prior and Hamas was not even aware so Israel changed it with a purpose , I wonder why ?

        The amount Israel has lied is just beyond ridiculous

        • +6

          There's no evidence that there are 14,000 Palestinians dead, this is only what Hamas claims.
          Also have you heard about the misfired rockets that Hamas and Palestinian Jihad fire? Including the one that destroyed a hospital?

          • -1

            @fredblogs: There is actually video footage of every attack and every destruction and every person murdered by Israel. There are billions of witnesses to the genocide Israel is causing because it is happening live for the world to see.

            The one that hit your hospital was from the fault of the rockets fired from your own iron dome.

            • +5

              @sarah965: There's video evidence of the Hamas atrocities of October 7, often filmed with their own GoPros. Hamas is actually proud of their rapes and murders of Israeli children. One terrorist called his mother proudly telling her he had killed 10 Jews with his own hands. The phone belonged to a Jewish woman he had just murdered. The dad calls him a "hero".

              Not sure what you mean by "your hospital". It was the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza City, hit by a misfired rocket from Palestinian Jihad.
              The video footage you speak of showing destruction was also caused by misfired rockets. But it's common for Hamas to blame Israel for every misfortune that befalls them.

              • +2

                @fredblogs: U know I’ve tried so hard to find these videos u speak of as u make it sound very accessible for people to witness, but I keep getting to a road block. I want to believe what ur saying but unfortunately it just seems to be speculation on ur part. Only evidence I stumble across are innocent Palestinian children without limbs or innocent women and men lay dead on the ground amongst rubble massacred by indiscriminate carpet bombing.

                • +1

                  @Hay09: Oh and you’re looking in the wrong places if you can’t find the video. Follow Motaz Azaiza a young journalist that has been documenting everything and there are many like him. It’s a shame Israel massacred 60 Palestinian and 2 Lebanese journalist in the last 45 days

                • +3

                  @Hay09: You can't be looking very hard. Took 5s to find this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omTTRqZhw8Q
                  Just curious, do you also deny the holocaust?

                  • +2

                    @fredblogs: If you call that video evidence then that’s just very embarrassing. There was no proof of rape or that Babes were killed. That really showed nothing but the after math of Israeli tanks and helicopters because as far as I know I don’t think hamas has any tanks or helicopters, maybe home made grenades but they don’t cause damage like that

                    This here is what evidence means


              • -1

                @fredblogs: You mean those calls staged by Israel ?
                Also look up cnn and the guardian, no evidence to rape . Keep up with the upto date information

                Hahaha and you believe Hamas hit their own hospital ? Another lie created by Israel and then they go and bomb every other hospital out there .. please

          • +3

            @fredblogs: IDF actually publish the death count too my friend… goto their website it’s all there buddy. Israel are crazy mofos specially that mental yahoo acting off emotion.

      • +3

        Of course America has NEVER done stuff like that during their faux reasons wars…

    • +3

      They want the billion barrels of natural gas and oil off the coast of Gaza


      ….New discoveries of natural gas in the Levant Basin…..

      Hit it right on the nail Sarah965…as the saying goes "Follow the money"……and who usually has most of the money?

  • +4

    Sure go ahead and read these but also read other points of view, dont be a bubble person.

    It is fundamentally wrong of verso books to offer a free bundle with only one side. It's propaganda.

    • +2

      Books aren't the problem.People are. We are tribal.Period.
      Humans bang on about "humanity" and the state of the world shows we have bastardised that word till it shrivelled up.
      It's as over used as 'moral high ground'.
      At this point someone should just call those swallowing the US Israel versions as woke. LOL

      Mental Yahoo is a rabid facist

  • +7

    terrorist propaganda ……. or alternatively you can just read Hamas's charter … what a lot of BS

    • +2

      The charter for 2017 states they want a two state solution with Palestinian having their own recognised state.

      • +2

        Which part if you don't mind? I looked, I couldn't find it. I found this in page 6, point 20:

        Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

        They define what they mean by 'river to the sea' on page 2:

        Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah in the north to Umm al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit.

        I.e. all of Israel.

        • +1

          If you’re gonna cherry pick a statement at least mention the whole statement . It continues on with “ Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.”

          Do you know what the line of 4th of June 1967 is ?? That was right of Palestine, but Israel continuously been stealing more their land. Just google the map of Israel and look how over time they have taken over more and more land for the last 75 years

          • @sarah965: Hamas outline the obliteration of Israel as I mentioned above, and your statement mentions only a Palestinian state, with Jerusalem its capital. Can you link to a map of where Hamas agrees Israel should remain as their own state?

    • +2

      Israeli terrorist

    • +2

      Israel= Nazi Germany

      • +1

        Lol how the tables have turned from oppressed to oppressor

  • +1

    JHC this site is shit to load today

  • Lmaooo, keep going, please.🍿 😂

  • +3

    I’ll never understand the post-modern left. Islamism is a totally barbaric system that enslaves women, defenestrates gay people, and beheads western journalists… But because they’re a slightly darker shade of brown than the indigenous Israelis - whose ancestral ties to that land go back at least three thousand years, to the beginning of recorded history - leftists support them and think that Israelis should be driven into to mediterranean sea (ie Holocaust 2.0)?

    I really think leftists need to explain this inherent contradiction. Do they believe in feminism? Do they believe in gay rights? Do they believe in a free press? Do they oppose beheadings? If they don’t believe these things- then left is evil and should be made illegal and leftists sent to reeducation camps.

    On the other hand, if they do support those things then they MUST oppose Islamism and support Israel.

    Reconcile your hypocrisy, leftists!

    • +2

      Israelis are originally from Poland, do you know it’s illegal to get a dna test in Israel? They’ll do it all just to hide the truth and maintain their pathological lies!

      Do the rightists believe in bombing babies? Removing fuel from hospital that subsequently results in incubators to fail and new borns dieing? Do rightists just support hate crime in any shape or form? Do rightists understand true human values and the beauty of everyone’s difference and how mankind should all be viewed with equal understanding of their own values?? Or do u wish to adopt ways of dictatorship and force people to believe absurdity and lies and call it a democracy? It’s a free world mate anyone can be and believe whatever they want! The only thing the rightist represent is cruel racism! It’s funny cause if we discuss the holocaust and the sheer hate that the survivors have for Germans in comparisons with Gaza concentration camp inmates hating Israelis, you deem this moral incomparable?? They never gave Gaza any hope! Any deal ever negotiated crumbled quicker than u can think because of Israelis position reigning supremacy over the Palestinians! They would give no concessions during a negotiation and expect Palestinians to crumble! U should be ashamed of ur self! Supporting genocide in Gaza and even low level ethnic cleaning in the West Bank where Hamas doesn’t even exist! Shame on you and your interpretation of where moral sovereignty must lie! Be human feel human and share equal standards for all nations! You make ur position one sided and sided with a view of lies, conspiracy and manipulation! You believe anything israel say because ur a slave to the system of the oppressors! Ur weak minded because u choose the strong but morally wrong side to feel superior! Shame on you!

    • -1

      I know right.

      It was years of 'believe all victims'.

      Now they are all like 'but there's proof of rape'.

      What is going on? Like wtf?

    • -1

      Tbh I think both sides are bad. Both sides are commiting war crimes and basically just doing whatever it takes to get a victory. The most dumbest though is the US supplying arms and weapons to a war that has nothing to do with them. If anything would have been better if the US were promoting a ceasefire than fueling the war

      • Also if you neg at least have the decency to comment instead of being a cowardly douche bag

  • +1

    Many thanks, OP. There are some great books there. Appreciate your post.

  • +3

    Before anyone rubbish this deal, this is legit a good book. Here's a review by Francesca Albanese, UN rapporteur. Please educate yourselves by actually reading facts from a Jewish's POV.
    "Not surprised at all that #ThePalestineLaboratory won such an important award. I started reading it on my way back from Australia & I simply could not put it down. Well researched facts, strong analysis, necessary context, and also beautifully written. Well done

  • +3

    We're down voting FREE books now?

    • +3

      It’s just the minority racists that oppose any insight to any view other than their own. Even if it means it’s free, if it doesn’t suit their agenda then it’s false even though this book contains many factual information about the Palestinians.

    • +1

      People be giving you a negative because they are offended but what you say … smh that’s the kind of people they are

  • +3


  • +2

    No matter how many books, tv shows and rallies are out there.. fact is hamas started it, Israel will end it.

    I'm certainly against killing innocents, no matter which side but what options does Israel have if coward hamas leaders prefer hiding amongst Gazans?

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