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[eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books


Verso is giving away a whole lot of their ebooks about Palestine. Anthony Lowenstein just won a Walkley award for his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology of Occupation around The World", so you know journalists think it's the real deal.

Plenty of others there if you'd like a deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now.

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                    • @gto21: I don’t understand what you said but I can tell you it is forbidden to kill women and children and non combatants

              • @sarah965: To address your other claim, Hamas and some Islamic governments quote that hadith to advocate the genocide of Jews. Not me; I'm just reporting what they said.

                • @gto21: Nope not true , read the 2017 charter again, no mention of Jews

              • @sarah965: Quran 5:32 was a command for the Jews: 'For that cause, We decreed for the Children of Israel…'"

                You deliberately omitted part of the verse and took it out of context.

                The command for Muslims is in verse 33.

                You even quoted: "…without [its being guilty of] manslaughter or corruption…"

                This means Jews had authority from Allah to carry out capital punishment for specific crimes committed in the land. Which land do you think it's referring to?

                • +1

                  @gto21: Here u go a whole list of verses from the bible Old Testament declaring death to disbelievers.


                  Lol ur a sad guy and with ur back against the wall being the antagonist in this discussion u have to throw out racist attacks to back ur self. Israel are evil doers and the world knows it mate.

                  • @Hay09: If it's wrong it condemns Muhammad as a false prophet. As Muhammad confirm the Torah and Injil. Which mean Muhammad did not find those verse problematic. Maybe that make Muhammad evil for confirming it.

        • +1

          Lol this guy, go read the Torah and how it’s basically a guide book on how to kill “disbelievers”. Everyone is a servant in the eyes of zionists and is a lesser human. Islam on the other hand puts an emphasis on equal human rights.

          All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.

          • -1

            @Hay09: If the Torah has any immortality, it proves that Muhammad was a false prophet, as Allah and Muhammad confirmed the Torah.

            • +1

              @gto21: I’m not here to discuss religions with the deaf and blind. I’m here to tell ur that u are a supporter of genocide and should be ashamed of ur self!

          • -1

            @Hay09: The Quran says that the Jews are worst than animals.

            • +1

              @gto21: Israeli literally called all Palestinians human animals and this was in 2023! You would think humans have evolved since the Quran 1400 years ago or even the Torah 3000 years ago! Still calling humans animals in 2023???! And ur talking about historical anaologies! Here mate in real time ISRAEL CALLING PALESTINANS HUMAN ANIMALS!!! How revolting!!

              • @Hay09: The minister specified that Hamas are animals in some videos. You should examine everything he said, not just one video or one taken out of context.

                Regarding the evolving situation. They quran is a book for all-time. Jews are referred to as worse than animals in the Quran. However, you didn't express concern about that, did you?

          • @Hay09: Regarding what you quoted:

            S.F.H. Faizi, an Islamist and author - …but the authenticity of the texts thereof is still doubted by ulema…

          • @Hay09: Since you are talking about blacks, it reminds me of this chapter name, and it's talking about blacks. 😳

            Chapter: The permissibility of selling ANIMALS for ANIMALS of the same kind and of different quality

            Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported:

            There came a slave and pledg- ed allegiance to Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man)


    • Anyone who supports Hamas should be deported to Gaza immediately. If that’s too frightening, how about the West Bank or Lebanon. I’m sure the Hamas-supporting West Bank Palestinians and Hezbollah would be quite accomodating.

      • +3

        I thought Hamas does not have a presence in the West bank at all?

        • +1

          They don’t, but the PA have a very weak hold on the reins of power there. WB Palestinians want Hamas, or a similarly violent regime in charge.

      • +1

        You need to enjoy your time in hell :)

      • +1

        Shallow and ignorant

      • +1

        There is no Hamas in the Westbank. I’m not sure what information sources you use but I would suggest you should question them.

        • Can you read? You support Hamas but they’re not in Australia. West Bank Palestinians openly support Hamas.


          • +1

            @gasman70: I don’t support hamas so already your entire argument falls apart. Try again.

            • @gamemaster: Yeah, right.

              My point still stands. Many West Bank Palestinians support Hamas. Get it?

        • "There is no Hamas in the Westbank"

          Are you sure about this?

      • +1

        U should be deported for being so dictator like, last I checked we have freedom of speech in our country. No one is supporting terrorism here mate, ur obviously anti-Muslim and it just puts ur moral compass on display here.

  • +5

    Anti semites might have the louder voice, but that's not going to stop Israel from doing the right thing and completely destroying hamas. The western world is WITH Israel.
    You want a ceasefire? Fine… release the hostages, and surrender!

    • +10

      Can you not articulate a point without having to resort to resort to the antisemite card? It seems like a tactic to silence opposing voice than to actually call out hatred of Semites, of which Arabs are semites too.

      • speaking of the weakest of points to latch onto lol.

        • +6

          It’s a legitimate question, feel free to answer.

    • +9

      Lol this guy with the anti semite card, poor victim crying crocodile tears while bombing babies and blowing their limbs apart.

      • hamas are the aggressors, Israel are the victim, and hamas needs to go….

        • +2

          Some people love their Hamas. The hatred for Israel is so deeply entrenched in them that they can't see the truth or they willingly ignore it.

          • +4

            @RSmith: Israel commits the crimes so don’t be surprised if people call those actions out. You do realise people can oppose hamas and also the action of Israel at the same time. It’s not one or the other. Only an extremist would support hamas or the IDF without question. We need less extremists if there is any chance of a resolution to this issue.

            • @gamemaster: If you haven't been touched by the scourge of Islamic terrorism, you won't understand.

              • @RSmith: Please explain rather than resorting to emotive language and straw man arguments.

                • @gamemaster: Why aren't the other Arab countries supporting Palestine? Because they know what kind of problems they'll have to deal with.

                  • +1

                    @RSmith: They support Palestine and the the Palestinian cause. They oppose the actions of Israel. But if they get involved they been turned into the enemy and become a target. When you have the US, UK backing Israel, you can hardly do much in intervention.

                    • +1

                      @gamemaster: Funny that… Saudi Arabia, Jordan etc don't allow taking out rallies in support of Palestine. When it can happen in western countries, it would be natural to assume that it occurs in those countries as well.

                      • @RSmith: You are using strawman arguments.
                        Using your rational why doesn’t Germany take back the Jews?

                      • @RSmith: Just FYI, i am palestinian, who lived my entire life in Jordan, because my grandparents barely survived 1948 then 1967 and then kicked out to jordan walking from Telaviv barefooted to Amman (from one country to another), and to let you know that 70% of Jordan occupation is palestinian people originally, who REFUSE that palestinians in the west bank to leave, and ALL are looking for the chance to return and retrieve their land that was TAKEN BY FORCE AND FIRE. the reason the all pelestinians reject this, because once the people out, then there is no return, just like what happened in 1948. My grand parents were living in Hefa, which is not Telaviv. right now, if the person does not hold an israeli passport is not allowed to enter, and whatever you had, is not yours anymore!!!

                        Funny that you speak of zero knowledge.

  • +2

    It’s like saying the rapist is a victim and the victim is a bigot

    • +3

      the rapists were hamas…. in your infinite wisdom, how were Israel to respond to 7/10?

      • +2

        Nope I’ll be clear israel are the rapists sorry am I anti semite now because I said that?

      • +1

        It’s 7/10 everyday in Palestine at the moment.

        • +1

          you're revolting… you're comparing the barbarity of what hamas did with the people dying because hamas hides behind its civillians? You're sick….

    • -1

      Some Islamists called the women attacked by Hamas "whores."

      • Non Islamic women are to be treated as such according to the skybook

        • Please point to the part of the Quran which says that?

  • +2

    They say anti semite because they have run out of options to defend the atrocities of the Israeli perpetrators

    • +1

      atrocities? hysterical…. Israel is the most moral army on the planet. No army in the history of warfare has shown as much regard for their enemies population, unlike hamas who love every point they score when one of their own is killed when they hide behind them…

      • lol I don’t know what ur moral compass is like but to call the killing of newborn babies unnecessarily due to not supplying basic resources moral, is kinda cookoo.

        • +4

          You're talking about fuel? You mean the fuel that hamas has plenty of and hordes to themselves, and refuses to accept fuel that Israel tries to deliver? You are completely blind to the tactics of the terrorists that are hamas….

        • +3

          Israel isn't targeting newborn babies. They target Hamas terrorists who are notoriously known for embedding themselves within civilian buildings (schools, hospitals, mosques) and using Gaza citizens as human shields, as well as preventing civilians from leaving despite the IDF giving warnings of strikes in advance. Meanwhile, Hamas deliberately targeted civilians on 7/10. There's no moral equivalence.

          • +1

            @Charlieeee: More lies. If you know there are civilians in a building and you still drop a bomb, that’s on you. You’ve killed that child. The fact that this human shield lie is still propagates is comical. Many people see it as BS.

    • Agree

  • +2

    Or do should we only value israel lives? And discard the human animal Palestinians right?

    • +3

      Did I say that? I mourn all innocent lives lost in both Israel and Gaza… the deaths in Gaza are SOLEY the responsibility of hamas!

      • +1

        Nope the IDF are launching them missiles not Hamas it’s like saying a murderer is not responsible when he clearly stabbed someone to death because he was rightfully provoked!??? What sort of justice system do you stand for?

        • +4

          innocent gazans are being killed because Israel was forced into a war they didn't want by HAMAS, who hide behind and underneath their civillians…

          • +1

            @Mike911: U just repeated justification for my example. Killing of innocents is not justified. U call them human shields I call them innocent babies. I’m calling for a ceasefire and a resolution that meets international law and humanitarian requirements.

            • +2

              @Hay09: there will be a ceasefire when the hostages are released and hamas are no longer in a position to attack Israel, which they've said they will do over and over and over again…..

            • +2

              @Hay09: You do understand what a "war" is, right?
              What exactly should Israel have done? come in and raped JUST the right number of gazans? put JUST the right number of babies in ovens and made their parents watch till they died? You've got no idea what you're talking about…. this proportionality argument is futile…

              • +1

                @Mike911: Lol here lies the difference, u believe anything that comes from where u are morally inclined to ( support Israel at all costs ). There is no doubt Hamas committed atrocities but the question of burning babies and rape is still open and not evident to say it occurred unequivocally. I love the question of what would I have done? I feel like being the leader of the worlds most technologically advanced military, my options would not just be limited to indiscriminate carpet bombing? But instead i would take that route if I want an eye for an eye or an opportunity to wipe existence of Gaza. Thanks for asking.

                • +4

                  @Hay09: there was evidence of those atrocities… and if you honestly believe Israel has carpet bombed gaza, you have no idea what warfare is…. Israel have sent troops in… if they wanted to erase gaza, they could have done it in an afternoon…. the war would have been over on 8/10… So your accusation of carpet bombing is ridiculous…

                  • @Mike911: U don’t accidentally kill 5000 babies and 13000 innocents without carpet bombing? If that’s the IDF being surgical then damn that’s crazy, mind u Gaza is the most densely populated location on earth, but u already know that. How many HAMAS operatives have been killed? That’s how I would measure the success of their offensive really, I think it’s weak when u aim ur weapons at innocents

          • +1

            @Mike911: Rapists and murderers have used this same analogy in a court of law to demonstrate remorse and hopefully incur a lesser punishment. The judge would still label them murderers and rapists regardless of motive and provocation.

            • +1

              @Hay09: Hamas fits the bill perfectly.

              • +2

                @RSmith: In ur racist and prejudice mind, but in my scenario I’m sorry to disappoint u, the Israeli defence force are the rapist and murderers in this story my friend.

                • +1

                  @Hay09: And Hamas must be saints in your deviant mind…

                  • +1

                    @RSmith: Nope I can be clear about this and say Hamas are guilty and must be convicted, but I cannot do this and ignore the atrocities by the IDF, I hope this gives u a better understanding of my position. Thanks and I wish u the best

                    • @Hay09: How is it the fault of idf if Hamas hides in hospitals, schools, mosques etc?

                      • @RSmith: Where did you see that they were hiding in hospitals, schools, mosques, churchs or whatever? please give me 1 100% proven lead. non mentioned on the IDF is proven to be true, even declined by the western biased media.

                        waiting your sources my friend.

                        • -1


                          non mentioned on the IDF is proven to be true?

                          What does this mean?

                          • @RSmith: very clear, whatever ISRAEL says about what they found or think is 90% a lie.

                            They said that Hamas, or palestinian resistant bombed Al-Ahli hospital, they even provided video and audio. it was revealed by multiple investigating authorities that both video and audio were edited, and revealed the true video, and the audio was recorded in a studio, not a phone call as they claim. and if they can interfere this phonecall, why they cannot find them yet?, also, the damage of Hamas rockets can never do quarter the damage of the rockets or bombs of israel, which was proved to have attached that hospital.

                            Another lie, after they said it was resistant who bombed al Ahli hospital, they have bombed another 13 hospitals or more, they bombed 3 churchs with christians in them, they bombed 89 mosques up until last week, they bombed UNRWA hospitals. Hamas did all that?

                            Another lie, they said they found in Rantisi hospital names of terrorists shifting in surveillance of hostages, they are all named of the days of the week (wow what a coincidence ), also, the room was 4x4 with no tunnels and only 1 exit, what a great Hamas base they have found.

                            Another lie, they said they found tunnels under Al-Shifa hospital and made a 20mins video of it, and they have NOT SHOWN A SINGLE ENTRANCE OR EXIT that leads to the hospital, they only showed in a different video A FRESH DIGGED shaft, with all rubble around it, and they said we found this shaft that is going into a tunnel, but we closed it?!?!?!?!

                            Another lie, they showed a video of a nurse was screaming for help, with bombing around her, the woman was in fully lit room (not available in Gaza at the time of the released date), and it was quite and clean and with power and TV, clean mask, clean gloves, and the bombing audio was implanted into the video, and it was the same bomb audio copy pasted all the time.

                            i can keep going, seriously, this is just a tiny portion of what is there!!!!

          • @Mike911: Hello, again Hello,,,,
            Israel was forced into war? Israel are the war its self, please read at least 1 of the books!!!!!

  • +4

    Racist much? Kinda nazi like isnt it

  • +2

    Great deal.

  • I'm only up to page 3

  • -1

    I support the Palestinian/ Arab and Jewish/ Israeli populations, and it’s for this reason that I am against those who willingly use innocent human civilians, women, children and the elderly, to spread hatred of Jews. Reading Son of Hamas, by the Palestinian son of one of the cofounders of Hamas helped realise who the bad guys actually are, Hamas.

    • you should read and listen more, you have 2 ears to listen from both sides of the story, not to one traitor, he was never in hamas, even thought he was son of theirs. Money can buy the cheap souls.

      • Never. Again.

  • btw… @mods… how can a vote be cancelled???? kinda defeats the purpose of having that option.

    • There are guidelines for casting negative votes which includes what are justified negs. Violation of these rules can see votes removed. It’s a system which generally works well.

  • -2

    Hamas, sorry, ISIS, has launched a visious attack on Israel on Oct 7, BUTCHERING 1400 civilians at their homes, parents with kids were burnt alive, parents were shot dead in front of their childs, women and teenage girls were raped, hundreds were slaughtered at a PEACEFUL MUSIC FESTIVAL.

    AND 240 WERE KIDNAPPED INTO Gaza, 40 KIDS including BABIES are in Gaza tunnels for the last 45 days.

    Hamas is ISIS, Israel has to defend itself and fight back and eliminate the Hamas which hides behind civilians popultaion, centres etc.
    Would you ask U.S to stop fighting the taliban after 9/11 or the Nazis?!? PURE EVIL HAS TO BECOME EXTINCT FROM THIS WORLD

    • +4

      What’s that got to do with this deal? These books are about Palestine, not pro hamas. The actions of hamas are widely condemned.

      Also you figure if 1400 is incorrect. Please update yourself with the events.

      • Lol

      • +1

        I mean there's people in this very thread that are justifying Hamas's actions. Also a guy that refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organisation.

        The reality is that this deal was political in its nature and this is the kind of discussion that comes from a highly polarized situation.

        • These books are now free which is why the deal was posted. There is no rule to say books even if political in nature can not be posted. If the books offensive then the sensible action would be to ignore the deal and move on. When people neg a deal, others get curious and take more notice of the deal.

      • -1

        Who are Palestinians, they elected these butchers, murderers, rapists, baby killers. Hamas and Palestinians are same.

        • Sounds like what a psychopathic genocidal propagandist for Israel would say. Boo to team genocide.

    • Idiot facts are wrong

    • +1

      You know Israel's continuous oppression and illegal occupation literally created Hamas right? Israel also funded Hamas which embarrassingly backfired.
      By the way,I condemn Oct 7 and also Oct 8, Oct 9 , Oct 10, Oct 11…etc because my moral compass is not biased to only 1 day. Save the kids first

    • Let's not forget that Hamas also fired 5000 rockets into Israel. Their aim was to inflict maximum casualties on Israel. Luckily Israel had the iron dome system which managed to intercept most of these rockets. Even if you take a conservative figure of 5 lives lost per rocket, there would've been 25000 casualties of civilians.

      • +1

        you have just started watching this, first of all, in total hamas fired more than 100,000 rockets in its entire life, however, Israel killed 100's of thousands of palestinians in 1948 and 1967, bombed and tanked and missiled them, they even killed babies, kids, mothers, elderlies, in all ages and colours and religions. this all happened even before Hamas was established in late 1980's.

        Educate your self. so shameful to speak with ignorance.

    • you must have started watching only this season, which started on 7th of October!!

  • +5

    207 plus votes v 20! Palestine is winning this war! Free Palestine!

    • +4

      Free Palestine!
      *from Hamas

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