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[eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books


Verso is giving away a whole lot of their ebooks about Palestine. Anthony Lowenstein just won a Walkley award for his book "The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports The Technology of Occupation around The World", so you know journalists think it's the real deal.

Plenty of others there if you'd like a deeper understanding of what's happening in the middle east right now.

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    • +2

      These stupid hamas supporters dont understand that Hamas themselves dont care but rather also torture and kill their own citizens.

      • +1

        Hamas is the least of their worries. Israel bombing their families, churches , schools refugee camps, stealing their land is the issue for them. You know, with the amount of orphans now, Israel has created more hamas for themselves

  • +3

    Some of the comments here are pretty disgusting.
    Especially those downplaying the atrocities that occurred on 7th Oct.
    No one who's rational doesn't understand that Israel's treatment of Palestinians has been poor and urgently needs to change but that shouldn't give license to justify or try to pretend that the barbarity displayed by Hamas, not the Palestinian people as a whole, was sub human. Anyone who labels Hamas' actions as 'resisting' or those of 'freedom fighters' needs to have a good look at themselves. Rape, torture, hostage taking and worse are not acts of resistance when they're perpetrated predominantly on a civilian population.
    There are definitely two sides to this. Neither side is blameless so to see this as black & white shows a level of bias, especially by those throwing around the term 'Zionists' to cloak the word Jews.
    Looking at this impatially without a dog in the fight, logic would dictate that anyone who cares for the civilians of Gaza and wants to see the huge loss of life, cease, should be marching in the streets calling for Hamas to surrender so that not another shot need be fired.
    At the same time, the citizens of Israel will be throwing out Netanyahu & his cronies in the hope that the next government are able to forge peace and work towards a viable two state solution. But the immediate step to stop this war would be for all the hostages taken on Oct 7 to be released and for Hamas to surrender. It would be the end of needless dying.

    • +4

      Mental Yahoo will do a Putin and reform the constitution so he will be King of Israel forever. Watch this space. Israels voters have already stepped into his dirty little trap and are ruing the decision.
      How about calling for the removal of Mental yahoo now, rather than recommending a march for Hamas to surrender? Do you really think any Arab or Islamic countries will ever trust or work with the facist?

      • +1

        One of the parties is a democracy and the other is an authoritarian dictatorship who hasn't allowed the people of Gaza to have a say since 2006.
        Your language, name calling, lack of understanding and diversion away from something that would immediately end civilian casualties right away, to me at least, rules you out as someone who truly cares for the Palestinian civilians caught up in the middle of this war.

        • +2

          And Israel can do,has done no wrong? Yeah, I got the memo. Why haven't you called me a terrorist supporter yet, that's the usual pattern.Do you recall Biden asking for calm reactions early in the conflict?He admitted the USAs overreactions, that basically incubated ISIS. Israel is doing the same thing? World peace ? Not happening while the right wing zealots rule the world.

          Here, have a read.>

          • @Protractor: Did you actually read what I initially wrote? Let's compare your comments vs mine.
            I said "No one who's rational doesn't understand that Israel's treatment of Palestinians has been poor and urgently needs to change" AND "Neither side is blameless"
            So I don't understand your rush to assume that I said or implied "that Israel can do no wrong".
            You're just showing that you're incapable of looking at situation in a genuine manner, which means apportioning blame on both sides. That's why I reckon your one sided opinion is meaningless and unhelpful.

            • +2

              @JudoChop: I did, and you implied that the solution for those who want an end to atrocities is that they should take one route or else they are phoney,basically. I note your use of the word 'dictate', which is why I consider your bending of words meaningless and unhelpful. Israel and it's current regime are incapable of treating civilians they way they would like to be treated. They have justified thousands of civilians deaths seeking one target. This is nothing but a racist hate payback by a facist. Dictate is a word very applicable to the IDF and Mental Yahoo.And to the whole ignore the death toll argument Israel is using.

  • +3

    I knew OzBargain was the best place to come to solve the world's problems!

  • -4

    Go Israel.

    Bibi - go hard and then go harder.

    Finish this now.

    • +3

      There u go, no need to pretend to be civil. Ur racist supremacy views are patent. Nothing to be proud of mate but I’m more concerned about what ur capable of. New Zealand Australian terrorist that carried out attacks on innocents in mosques shares ur same rhetoric. U are a threat to society and should be on a watch list.

      • -2

        What a senseless meaningless comment.

      • Awww diddums

      • -1

        I think that's very biased to just hone in on one New Zealand Australian attacking a mosques when muslims attack churches in Africa constantly but mainstream media don't bother picking it up. Also the countless Muslim terrorists attacks in Western countries

    • -2

      Go, Israel!

      We, the people who DONT

      think our own God is great, and every other religion or that religion's god is inferior to our religion OR

      DONT want to convert every other human on the planet to our certain religion, OR

      Hold any radical ideology or who are part of a massive global community who want to kill an entire race or religion or want to "gas" anyone OR are anti-Jews or Anti- Western OR

      Who are not grateful for the country we have migrated to OR

      Who dont want to assimilate or respect law and culture and people of the country we have migrated to


      • +3

        Do you support the killing of innocent children? Your statement seems to approve of it. Atrocious.

        • Have you ever gone to school or taught to respond rationally to someone???

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: I think I’m the one here portraying any rationalism. Your anti Muslim views are one sided and purely racist. Last I check being a racist is not being rational.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Ad hominem attacks now. Is that all u got?

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Go on and cheer the killing of innocent children in Gaza. Do ur supremacy kind proud.

        • Wow and now you have deleted your previous comment and posted more crap.

          So you think, those babies killed, women raped in Israel were not innocent?
          You think those Israeli babies had super human brain to have hatred to someone?!?!?!

          You definitely seem to support that otherwise you wouldn't have posted such absolutel DUMB comment

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: U see where me and u differ is I do condemn any atrocities against innocent human lives both in Israel and Gaza. However with ur double standard, and the way ur cheering Israel’s response, it’s clear that u don’t care for Muslim lives hence making u anti Muslim.

            • @What778: Are the Jews innocent or are they occupiers?

        • Sound like you disagree with Muhammad.

          It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said:

          They are from them.

          Sahih Muslim 1745a

          • +1

            @gto21: Maybe have a proper read of your bible. Plenty of violence and rape. Is that in keeping with your beliefs?

            • -1

              @gamemaster: Muhammad confirm the Torah. If it has immorality that would make Muhammad a false prophet.

              Muhammad allowed sexual crimes on war captive.

              • +1

                @gto21: Judges 19.
                Is that what you believe?
                Raping and killing women? That’s in your bible. So maybe you should worry about your own beliefs.

                • -2

                  @gamemaster: Muhammad confirms the Book of the Jews. If it has rape. That will make Muhammad immoral. It was Allah who allowed it in chapter 4 of the Quran. Allah allows the Muslims to sexually abuse the war captive. And the hadith says that their husband was still alive.

                  Both Allah and Muhammad approve of sexually abusing those women.


                  • +1

                    @gto21: It’s your book mate. Your bible is a violent book. Why are you so obsessed and angry with Islam. It’s like you are projecting your frustrations onto islam and Muslims. I’m going to leave it here as I do worry this is causing you distress. Maybe leave all the religious stuff on the sidelines for a while and just enjoy your day. Take care mate.

                    • -1

                      @gamemaster: Good. I want to avoid speaking about Muhammad. He is so disgusting, he makes me want to vomit. I'd rather not talk about him. But if you come back, I won't have a choice. The books of the Jews were confirmed by both Allah and Muhammad. If it's wrong, then Muhammad and Allah are wrong.

  • +2

    If you have read any comments that glorify terror, please remember that you can report anyone who labels Hamas' actions as 'resisting' or those of 'freedom fighters' to ASIO here and they'll probs be put on a watch-list.
    I love Australia just the way it is, western and free. Let's help keep it that way.

    • +3

      Is that you, George Christensen?

      • +3

        Listen to the son of Hamas co-founder as he denounces group at UN, and exposes 'Savage' indoctrination of Palestinian kids.

        I hope these 30 minutes educate you more than all of the propaganda in this "Deal", it's worth it, as it is also free. Best of all you get to hear the truth from the mouth of someone closer to the conflict and Hamas than any of the people in this comments section

        • No thanks, YT really has gone downhill.It full of pus from shape shifting moon units

          Why not take heed of what actual smart Israelis are saying about Mental Yahoo, every single hour of every single day?
          The man is a toxic facist

          • @Protractor: Just for you, on the UN.org website (that's the United Nations for anyone who doesn't know), glad I could help alleviate some of the conspiracy concerns you had.
            The son of Hamas co-founder part starts at 11:05

            • +1

              @fat queenslander: Let me guess, on any other day you'd be bagging the UN?
              What's the UN saying about war crimes by Israel right now? Which do you think matters?


              • @Protractor: So… you're just not going to watch this because you're afraid of being confronted by some uncomfortable truth?

                Here you go, another link to the UN speech by the son of Hamas co-founder, his part starts at 11:00

                • -3

                  @fat queenslander: No, I'm not going to watch because it's coming from a fat QLDer with an agenda.
                  Which part of the UN press release do you disagree with?

                  • +1

                    @Protractor: You make no sense, why are my abbreviated username and an agenda preventing you from watching the UN speech? I feel that you're a bit afraid to open your mind to a perspective that might change your mind about this topic. Here you go, click here

                    • -1

                      @fat queenslander: People with closed minds shouldn't lecture people with open minds. You're like a heavily invested JW flogging Watchtower. Move on.Broaden YOUR mind.Which part of that UN press release I linked is wrong?

                      I'll make it easy, but read the rest that I linked>

                      Israel/Gaza: UN experts urge lawyers advising Israeli military to refuse legal authorisation of actions that could amount to war crimes

                      GENEVA (23 October 2023) – UN experts* today called on all lawyers advising the Israeli military to refuse legal authorisation for acts that may amount to war crimes in retaliation for the Hamas attacks on Israel.

                      “We unequivocally condemn the massacres of civilians and hostage-taking by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups in Israel,” the experts said. “Those acts, committed against civilians, were atrocities.”

                      They noted that since the 7 October attack, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have been reportedly preparing for a ground invasion.

                      “Israel has launched a barrage of deadly airstrikes into densely populated civilian areas in the Gaza strip, destroying or damaging homes, hospitals, markets, and UN Reliefs and Works Agency (UNRWA) buildings,” the experts said. The airstrikes have reportedly killed more than 3,400 Palestinians and injured more than 12,000, including children.

                      The experts also noted that Israel increased its blockade on Gaza, cutting off food, water, electricity, and fuel supplies.

                      “As Israel responds to Hamas and conducts operations in Gaza, all lawyers advising the military must identify and seek to prevent actions that may amount to war crimes. They have a professional duty to deny legal authorisation for criminal acts,” the experts said.

                      “Lawyers must refuse to give legal authorisation for actions that violate international law,” they said.

                      read the rest. Open mind and working heart required.

                      • +2

                        @Protractor: When asked why they built tunnels instead of having more bomb shelters for the Palestinians, one Hamas speaker said they built tunnels to protect themselves, and it's not their responsibility to protect the Palestinians. (Although they are the elected government). They stated that it's the responsibility of the UN and Israel.

                          • @[Deactivated]: You shared a video showcasing Israel's assistance in constructing a bunker to expand hospital operation space. However, Hamas is now using the bunker for its operations. Did you watch the video content before sharing it?

                            Furthermore, you did not even understand the point I was making.

                            I'm aware of the hostage release through media reports. Israel is releasing more hostages than Hamas to ensure their release.

                            You misunderstood my comment and the video. What's the point of engaging in a conversation with someone like you?

  • -1

    Antisemitism has dogged Western civilisation since the middle-ages and the level of it has risen and dipped over the centuries culminating, obviously, in the Nazis racial war. Since then, it's been relatively dormant and not a big issue - until the 21st century. Now it's on the increase across the West and this can be mainly attributed to the increasing presence of islam in the West. Sure, there are plenty of non-muslim sheeple, 'useful idiots' who bleat along but the main thrust of it comes from islam. This is a direct result of the failed attempts at multiculturalism within Western democracies. Multiculturalism has not worked basically and now we're left with the mess. Western nations have allowed this to happen and we only have ourselves to blame - future generations are not going to look kindly upon us. Now there's kickback happening. Consider this - the Netherlands, one of the most liberal of liberal democracies, an open and welcoming society, just elected Geert Wilders to probably be their next PM. If that's not seismic, then nothing is.

    • Hahaha
      I'm sure there's no violence,misery,death,destruction and negative outcomes in your turgid daydream.

  • Time to go. The mange is getting too thick in here.

  • “There’s no Israeli-Palestinian conflict. There’s only a brutal Israeli occupation.”

    -The editor in chief of Israel’s largest English language newspaper.


    • Freedom of the press in a democracy. Great innit!

      Freedom of the press in Gaza - discuss.

    • -1

      Hamas Charter 1988 - Article 13

      "Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement … There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors … As in said in the honourable Hadith:

      "The people of Syria are Allah's lash in His land. He wreaks His vengeance through them against whomsoever He wishes among His slaves It is unthinkable that those who are double-faced among them should prosper over the faithful. They will certainly die out of grief and desperation."

  • A big fat down vote for bringing political crap onto a sales site. None of us understand what's going on over there with the media spin on things.

  • Aaaaaand let it begin.

  • Some real armchair wisdom here… =\

  • -1

    Are these books what " You Don't Mess with the Zohan" is based on? Can someone also post some Fizzy Bublech Soda Stream syrup deals

  • Just take a look at the character and conduct of the 'protesters' for either side - tells you all you need to know.

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