• expired

HSBC Star Alliance Credit Card: 50,000 Aeroplan Points ($4,000 Spend in 90 Days), $0 1st Year Fee then $450/Yr @ Air Canada


Fast track to Star Alliance Gold Status when you spend $4,000 or more on eligible purchases in the first 90 days from account opening.

Airline Perks
Enjoy premium 50K Status perks when you select Aeroplan as your status airline such as priority check in, extra baggage allowance, and cabin class upgrade credits.

NB: Your Aeroplan Elite status will be valid for the remainder of the current calendar year and next calendar year.

Annual Fee
Save with a $0 annual fee in the first year ($450 thereafter).

Short summary of Gold Status eligibility & existing HSBC customers waiting period — thanks to Acdc1001. Please carefully check the Terms & Conditions on Air Canada's web page.

Mod: Helpful info after signup.

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Air Canada
Air Canada
Star Alliance
Star Alliance

closed Comments

    • Thanks for sharing. I’ll give this a go in next day or so. Achieved gold status on 4 Feb and still no bonus points…

  • hi guys my account is deactivated right after i register, called air canada and they said can only wait the validation team to process, they only process till Nov last year now, just wondering anyone got luck with speeding it up?

    and anyone knows what happened to the gold status and bonus points if my account is still deactivated? thanks

  • My 8 weeks has passed but (not surprising) no bonus points in account 😥

    Is +118003615373 the right number to call? Just tried and not getting through.

  • So i achieved 50k gold status on 18 Feb but still no points. Consensus is 8 weeks for most ppl to get the points? I just dun want to waste time calling. Haha

    • Chances are you'll need to call- mine past the 8 weeks mark but no points issued 😑

      Edit: I just spent about half hour on the phone with Aeroplan on my missing bonus points and they are adamant it has to come through HSBC and they have no part in it due to being part of a CC sign up. Re-reading the T&C it says 6-8 weeks after qualifying SA Gold and selecting Aeroplan so I may be about 1-2 weeks more before the full 8 weeks is up. Will give it till first week of April before I ring up again but there was a lot of resistance from the lady I spoke with.

    • mine is same date as yours. fingers crossed.

      • Just an update, I just got the 50k points yest. Thanks

  • Guys thanks for that thread

    i had GOLd for 3 month and recently been downgraded to silver!!!
    By Singapore airlines

    Anyone in the same boat? HSBC credit card Star Alliance Gold offer - december 2023

    • Have you closed your HSBC Card account?

  • 50k Aeroplan points credited dated 21st Feb.
    Gold status was awarded on 21st Feb.

  • +3

    Got Gold status on 7th Feb and finally 50K points landed today ie 28th March.

    • +1

      Just checked and points also landed for me. Got gold status on 4th Feb

    • Same here - gold status on 27th Feb and received 50k points today. seems like its in batches

    • Gold status on 17th Feb and my 50k pts landed either yesterday or today. I've been checking every other day. The 8 week wait is really just a guideline

    • i got gold status on 20 March, but i still haven't received my 50k points as of today (23-April) :( should I call Air Canada to escalate? i waited until my statement date to see if that triggers the points, but it didn't make any difference.

  • Got gold status on 1st March… still waiting for bonus points. Glad to see others getting gold status in Feb seeing bonus points

  • Got my points today. Gold status on 14feb.

  • +1

    FYI Aeroplan is running a promo for 80% bonus (min 15,000 points for extra 12,000 for grand total of 27,000 points) till Apr 5 for those who need it. Not sure how often they run this promo?

    • Is this to purchase Aeroplan points or bonus points for transferring from star alliance points to Aeroplan points?

      • Purchase, don't think it applies to points transfer.

  • How is everyone using their Aeroplan points? I'm looking to hold my credit card for just one year and it will expire by December this year. I assume I can use the Aeroplan points for travel even if I'm no longer holding this credit card?

    Separately, even though I added my Aeroplan membership number to my Singapore Airlines profile, check in staff could not reflect my SA Gold on the boarding pass. I just went to the relevant lounges and provided my Aeroplan number.

    • Did you get all the other Gold perks though? Priority pass, additional luggage etc?

      • I don't think the priority lane is applicable in Sydney airport - happy to be corrected.

        Didn't require additional luggage outbound but will need it back to Aus. I emailed SQ to confirm that SA Gold is attached to my booking reference - they confirmed so fingers crossed.

        • Re: aeroplan points assuming you can redeem even though no longer holding CC (don't quote me on it though). Keep in mind Aeroplan points have 18 months inactivity period before you lose them (expiry).

          Having recently travelled myself I experienced similar with having SA Gold reflected on boarding passes, I'm not sure if it's a system issue or staff training but mine wasn't reflected in Melb airport and they couldn't get it sorted in KUL either. But it worked fine in HKG so not sure?

          PS: You may not have priority lane in SYD but should have priority boarding at gate 😉

          • @Craze: Thanks so I guess to be on the safe side, best to redeem before cancelling HSBC card.

            Yes, forgot about priority boarding. :) My luggage were also tagged priority. Flew Sin to Kul, SQ check in staff at changi also could not reflect status on my boarding pass.

          • @Craze: Is priority lane or boarding only for the holder or for everyone travelling together? Thanks

            • @Bargain-er: Apparently if everyone is under the same booking then all will get priority boarding (especially if you have kids), same as everyone's baggage will have priority tags as checking in at same time.

              • @Craze: Ah right, thanks very much. Appreciate your reply.

  • What's the best use for the aeroplan points?

    • +1

      i'm heading to Europe in September and using them to purchase internal flights

      • Which airlines are you taking? I read that we can use aero points for SIA and Emirates as well. I think they fly to Europe?

  • -1

    Haha i just called HSBC lambasting them for not giving me the 50K points which i qualified for 3 months ago.

    But then I just noticed the 50K points go to your Aeroplan account and not the Star Alliance one which has around 4K from the original spend to qualify. Not sure if anyone else made this mistake?

  • Does anybody know how to track how far from the $60,000 a card is? I thought I saw something but couldn't find any more.

    • +2

      I will answer my own question, it is in the credit card statements, in the last page.

  • +1

    Got to set a reminder to come back to this tread in 1 year and see if people keeping card and paying $450 fee or getting fee waived/discontinued in 2nd year.

    I am not sure if $450 fee +$60k spend is worth it after 1st year.

    • i thought Air Canada gives 2 years of status if you meet the spend criteria? the $60k is the gold qualification hurdle in any other normal year. So it's effectively $450 for one year of gold status which to me seems like a decent price.

  • Curious about the value of your credit card points? Wondering how much they're worth in gift cards or cash? Additionally, want to know the eligibility criteria if you already have a credit card from the hsbc? Let's dive in!

  • just got my 50k status bag tags in the mail today!

    • Did you request them?

      • +1

        nope just rocked up after i met the status in december last year

  • Flying return from Melbourne to Bris via Virgin. Does 50K Aeroplan gives you any perks with Virgin? Eg Lounge?

    • Yes - lounge access for you and a +1 as Star Alliance Gold member. It's a unique arrangement as Virgin isn't a Star Alliance member.

  • -1

    I was wondering if anyone with lots of travel on their aeroplane account can PM me a screenshot of the travel activity. I am trying to get fast track status match with Qantas.

    • Did you end up getting status match?

      • Not yet. They wanted a screenshot of the travel but I have done zero travel with air Canada on my account

    • Isn’t that against their T&C? And also they need your name to be shown on the statement?

  • I hit status confirmation on 13th April. Reading above it seems there may be a number of weeks before it’s all confirmed.

    Will report back once it lands

    • Gold status landed this week in the air Canada portal.

      Still awaiting the 50k points though.

      • 50k points landed today, there was a recent card statement and noticed it when the email had 50k points up the top,

  • Hi all,
    I assume if you request a secondary card holder they wont get gold status either right?

    Is there a way to get a whole family in? (wife + 2 kids, (older than 2) or just need the wife to have a card as well?

  • If I cancel my credit card will the points disappeared? I’m with areoplan

    • According to previous post, it shouldn’t

  • Just want to check if anyone qualified in March has received 50k point?

    • +1

      Nope - still waiting, coming up on about 5 weeks now

      • Same here. I qualified on 1st March and still waiting

  • Just received 50k points

    Qualified for gold status late Feb

  • Just got my points too!

    Great card.

  • Got my points too! Qualified gold status 1st March. They must have done all March ones in batch

  • received my points march 1st. is there a point keeping onto this card any longer?

  • Hello! Thank you for the useful info on this page, I would love to clarify something if someone could help that'd be amazing! My understanding is that if Aircanada (Aeroplan) is selected as the status airline I can access the same benefits (e.g. lounge, extra luggage etc) for all the star alliance airlines (e.g. SQ), is this correct?

    I have 2 more questions:
    1. Someone mentioned that there are benefits when flying Emirates although it is not a star alliance, can someone please clarify?
    2. In terms of using the actual points to redeem flights (i.e. the 50k Aeroplan Points), if I have opted for AirCanada, am I limited to Aircanada flights? I am most likely to use it for SQ flights (I'm located in Melbourne), is there any benefit in choosing my status airline as SQ? However, if I choose SQ my understanding is that I won't even get the 50k Aeroplan Points?
    Thanks so much! I have been going in circles trying to understand so any insight would be super appreciated!

    • RE: 2. No you won't be limited to AirCanada flights. If you go to the Air Canada website and do a flight search without logging in, there is a checkbox "Book with Aeroplan" that you can check and it will only show reward flights possibilities and the # points required. Choosing SQ may make it easier to prove status as it will be auto-linked when flying SQ, but then correct you don't get the 50k points…

      • Thanks so much, really appreciate your help in clearing this up!

  • How do i show that I am a Star Alliance Gold member? I have an upcoming flight with SQ in a week's time but have not received a Star Alliance Gold membership card

    • +1

      If you signed up with Aeroplan you can download the Air Canada app and that will let you show your Aeroplan 50K card which has your Star Alliance Gold membership on the card too.

  • Just got this card and thought I'd share my experience for others considering applying

    day 0: applied
    day 2: supplied bank statements
    day 3: approved. signed up to Aeroplan
    day 5: card arrived, activated

    Overall a pretty easy process. I did run into a small hurdle where they'd clipped a few letters off my name (it's long) and without knowing that I couldn't get the Star Alliance Rewards account to go through. Got the card, noticed that and using the shortened name, it worked. Also I was shocked at the limit they gave me given I have a mortgage and another credit card, so immediately dropped that to the lower possible in online banking - $6k. Now to farm up some spend and get gold for 1.5 years. Nice card.

  • Applied 4 Feb, got Star Alliance Gold on 5 Mar, then finally got the 50k points on 1 May.
    Pretty slow compared to other cards I've gotten but oh well, we got there!

  • Hello, I’m hoping someone can help me.
    I’ve booked a few reward velocity seats with virgin for July and August. They fly via United airlines. If I apply for United for star alliance, will I get the gold benefits added to my pass or because it is reward I won’t get anything?

    • Assuming you qualify and get status by July yes. But then you'd miss out on your 50k points. Better to choose Aeroplan and then attach that membership to your Star Alliance flights and/or show status card at checkin/loungue for gold benefits…

      • Thank you, do you think United would still honour the benefits of aeroplane 50k?

  • Am I understanding this correctly:

    1. As soon as I spend $4000, I will receive Star Aliance Gold that will allow me to access lounges for free. I have a flight coming next month so just wondering if I am able to take advantage of this if I apply now.

    2. Regarding the lounge access, I looked up lounges in Singapore and they are all Forst and Business class lounges. Will Star Alliance Gold status allow me to access these lounges?

    • Not sure if you'll get access immediately as from memory HSBC will only notify Star Alliance once the statement for the month has been released so it'll be at the end of the month? I joined in Sept (i think) and got my Gold approval in Nov (i hit the $4k in the first month as well as i was travelling in Dec and booked my flights, hotels, etc using the credit card). In Singapore you can use the business class lounge if you were flying on a Star Alliance partner flight (I'm guessing if you are stopping over in Singapore, you'll be flying Singapore Airlines which is a partner of Star Alliance). Don't think you can use the first class lounges but not entirely sure either.

      • Thanks for the comments mate. Cool so still the Gold status will be effective the month after you have met the 4k spend correct? I understand from this thread that a lot of posters are saying the 50k points takes 8 weeks which is fine.

        From the Lounge Access Policy, it seems like you are able to visit any lounge, even the First Class one, that's why I wanted to make sure:

        • +1

          nah you're both wrong. Firstly any first class lounge will be restricted to First class travellers only. Some airlines have different lounges for premium class travel vs star alliance gold travel. If you're flying business you'll have access to the Singapore Airlines Business class lounge. If you are flying economy, your status will get you into the Krisflyer Gold lounge https://www.singaporeair.com/en_UK/au/flying-withus/before-t…

          • @yeahyeah: So do I only look for the lounges that say 'gold' in the lounge finder?

            • @wildstone: If you're talking about the lounge finder on the Star alliance website then no, not at all. You looked for lounges in Singapore and it listed them all, but you need to provide it more information to give you an accurate answer. Check the filters. What airline and class are you flying? What frequent flyer program and status will you have. Then it'll tell you what lounge you have access to.

              So in Singapore, on the assumption that you're flying Economy and you'll be Star Alliance Gold, you get access to the Krisflyer Gold lounge. Other cities the case will be different.

              • @yeahyeah: Yes I'm referring to the lounge finder on the SA website.

                I put in the filter -> Singapore Airlines, Economy, Air Canada, Aeroplan 50K. It returns 'No Results'. I tried changing a few of the inputs but it keeps saying 'No Results'.

                • @wildstone: Wow whoever designed the lounge finder did a pretty sh*t job at the logic behind it. Forget the singapore airlines and economy and just put in the status. The fact you're flying economy will make no difference to lounge access. If you were flying business then it's important as you could have access to other lounges (such as in SIN).

                  • @yeahyeah: Cool that works, thanks.

                    I think the Lounge Access Policy is confusing as well, in there, it states:

                    "As a Star Alliance Gold customer travelling in any class on a Star Alliance member airline operated flight, you have access to any member airline lounge at the airport where your flight departs"

                    It does not specifically exclude Business and First Class lounge. It should have mentioned that to be clearer.

                    • @wildstone: Actually it does…


                      Star Alliance Gold Customers travelling in any class of travel
                      As a Star Alliance Gold customer travelling in any class on a Star Alliance member airline operated flight, you have access to any member airline lounge at the airport where your flight departs, if the following conditions are met:

                      • You present your boarding pass of a Star Alliance member airline operated flight which departs at the same day as your visit or latest by 05:00 AM the next morning.
                      • If your boarding pass does not carry the Star Alliance Gold indicator, you will need to also show your valid Star Alliance Gold card.
                      • The lounge displays the Star Alliance Gold logo at the entrance.
                      • You are entitled to bring one guest travelling on any Star Alliance flight departing from the same airport on the same day. As of May 3, 2021, the guest must be traveling on the same flight.

                      If you are a United MileagePlus Star Alliance Gold customer, you may only access the United Clubs within the U.S. when departing from that airport on an international Star Alliance flight, not when departing on a domestic flight with United.

                      Not every lounge will be designated as a star alliance gold lounge

                  • @yeahyeah: I got a further question. I looked up CDG (Paris) and put in Air Canada, 50K as the filter, it shows up Lufthansa Business Lounge and Lufthansa Senator Lounge.

                    Does that mean SA Gold status would have access to these 2 lounges?

                    • +1

                      @wildstone: Yes Lufthansa Senator lounges and Business lounges here are Star Alliance gold lounges. I think theres a couple others in Paris too.

                      • @yeahyeah: Thanks! That means it does not necessarily means that Business and First Class lounges would be inaccessible for SA Gold. As long as there is a SA Gold logo, then it will be accessible? Are there any First Class lounges that are also SA Gold lounges? Or there's just Business lounges that are SA Gold Lounges.

                        • @wildstone: It really depends on the airline and the city - there's a difference between having a lounge that business class has access to, and a business class lounge. Often in an airline's hub they will have multiple lounges and could separate first, business and gold or they might just separate first and put business and gold together. Like Singapore airlines lounges in singapore has all separated.

                          If you go to the Singapore airlines lounge in Sydney they only have one and everyone (first, business and gold) have access. United airlines has a separate lounge in their hubs called the Polaris Lounge and you need to be flying business class to access. Otherwise you have access to the United club. Air canada for example only operates 1 lounge, the maple leaf lounge and everyone has access to it.

                          Here's some reading if you like - https://onemileatatime.com/guides/star-alliance-lounge-acces… which does go in depth but gives lots of info

                          • @yeahyeah: Thanks yeahyeah! That makes it so much clearer. The SA page is so confusing and the search filter makes it even more confusing.

  • Hi guys,

    My partner met the eligible spend criteria of 4k days after her card had arrived. She unfortunately did not realise the star alliance ID email was in her junk and had not made a star alliance account with the ID until a week or so after the 4k spend. Does anyone know if she is still going to be upgraded to gold star alliance and the 50k points without having to spend another 4k now that her acc has been made?

    • She should be fine as long as the registration link is not expired. Once registered make sure she selects the status airline for the gold status on the star alliance rewards website. You get 14 days to confirm the status airlines you want after which star alliance requests the airlines for the gold status for your airline's frequent flyer account.

  • Do you get luggage with va?

    • if you go with Air canada status? No. Lounge only

  • Whats the best way to spend 50k Aeroplan points?

    I have a lot of Velocity Points and want to book a China Trip next year, can I combine points?

  • Can I apply for this if I have the HSBC Platinum Qantas card?

    • Also, can I still apply for this card? I can't seem to find it when I click the link.

      • I would like to know this as well. Called HSBC and they palmed it off to Star Alliance/AC to answer the question - haven't contacted either of them yet.

        • +1

          I called them and said I should be eligible to get fast-tracked to gold then it's Air Canada that honours the 50k aeroplan points which is a different program. I applied so just waiting to get approved.

  • I received an email titled "Just under two weeks left to earn 50,000 Aeroplan points". Does anyone know if the June 3 deadline means we have to spend $4000 by that date or does the 90 day deadline still apply?

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