Free will up until 10/09 just in case you don’t live forever. Normal price $160.00.
Free Will (Write Online, Reviewed by Lawyer) @ Safewill

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Things are so much better now.
Someone might take you seriously as you forgot the /s switch, but here's the + vote. :)
The sarcasm should be implied, but sadly (and not surprisingly), a lot of people seem to have missed it.
i took that literally and agreed
You poor snowflake.
🤣 When I receive a generous number of downvotes for any comment I make here, I know my work here is done 😋
Putting faith in any politician will always lead to disappointment. You are in charge of your own destiny.
Got my will done by QLD public trustee for free.
Obviously never heard of four corners!!! Free lol!
What? Did you watch the program???
Four Corners investigation was NOT into the free Will service!
It investigated management of money & assets of those deemed unable to do it themselves - while they are alive.
Pretty terrible management & costs that quickly ate away people's assets!!Worth viewing. Anyone could be deemed unable to manage their financial affairs. That means others may prey on them for their money. So the State is seen as the appropriate body to take control.
The free Will service is usually only suited to simple Wills. My experience was there was a 1 hour limit for free. So be prepared with names & details of beneficiaries & Executor, plus an idea of what you want the Will to do.
If you appoint them as Executor (as with any legal.service) - it will mean the beneficiaries will receive less (due to all the fees in administering the Will after death) than if you appoint a relative or friend. But if the Executor you appoint runs off with the assets, it's likely far more expensive!!
Public Trustee services are fee for service, like other legal services. So make sure you know what the fees are before agreeing!
I thought the fee structure of public trustee was quite reasonable, especially when compared to private solicitors. We didn't want the stress of being the executor to go to a person, so it was either a solicitor or public trustee. Why are they getting such a bad rap on here? Is there something I'm missing?
@TheJoker: the stress of having the public service administer & in some cases unnecessarily diminish what is in your estate is often likely more stressful on any beneficiary than the "stress" of being appointed an executor.
it is often times a cheaper, faster, simpler & free-er of conflict process to appoint a firm of solicitors to administer your estate, despite public opinion on the legal practice at large…
@RR88: All good options. Having been thorough a situation where the executor was a family member I wouldn't recommend it. They still need to seek legal advice themselves and they are often too busy to tend to things so the situation lingers for months.
@TheJoker: Previously downloaded the extensive pdf of fees for Qld PT. It's a long boring read!
There are fees for every small activity, along with hourly fees. Including answering the valid question "Why are you charging this fee?"[Outlined in 4 Corners investigation into management of assets for people under PT financial control. That is the basis for the deservedly bad reputation.
People don't realise the high costs involved until it's too late - used to fund the Govt body. They usually don't know the normal costs of dealing with legal professionals.
There are inquiries looking into govt funding of PT, which would be expensive but cause less heartache.
People with little or no assets at death - well they say they can't get the funds from them!! So fees from the wealthy are the obvious solution!! ]
Have dealt with a simple family Will that appointed a solicitor as co- Executor along side her brother. So seen the costs. (She wanted him to do the work - unpaid, with the paid solicitor. She knew exactly how to get revenge!).
It can be expensive either way.
Dying without a Will - Intestate, the Court (with its additional costs), decides what will happen.
It needs to appoint an Executor (likely the PT!).
If no immediate close family members can be found - depending on State laws… The State Govt gets it all😜
I've been Executor for family Wills. Enjoyed it, but have managed the limited family assets for years. Did not bill family, although could have been reimbursed for reasonable expenses (like travel, photocopying, etc).
Was no real stress, as am used to managing finances for extended family.
Lots of information available online.
(eg In Qld, transfer of property title requires surrender of original Will, so has to be done last! And have plenty of copies of the Will, certified by a JP - banks, etc require them.)But can be stressful if family disputes decisions. That's when an independent person can be helpful!
Just get good advice, know the costs, & what you or the Executor are capable of.
There are many advantages of spending all your money & dying poor😉
@INFIDEL: Jsut pay the 4k to a normal law firm and get it done like that. Otherwise don't bother because the trustee will take most of it in feez.
as long as the public trustee isn't the executor …
It's not free if you don't appointment then executor lol
Each State has its own Public Trustee with their own conditions.
Check with them.Not true for QLD public trustees
We did as well until we found out about how they operate. Make sure they are not your executor.
Safewill is a better option.
better option as an executor or?
Does this include couples? I had a look on the website, and couldn’t see.
Just do one each.
I got the free seniors will. Issue is that it only has like two lines to write your wishes.
But yeah if your will is straight forward better to get something quick then go get it down professionaly
For the generation that'll be reading it, two lines is the threshold of their attention span.
How does this work? Once the will is written, how will it be submitted? What if you write a different will with another online company? Can you change the will at a later date?
Any new will will uh will make the other will willing to be willed
My guess is that at least in theory, any new will that you write while of sound mind and not under any undue influence or duress that is legally ratified would supersede (cancel/void) any will that you had generated previously.
That's just a guess though, and you would need to make that will known to someone, so that in the event of your death your most recently generated will actually comes to light.
As a bit of an aside, I read an excellent novel by Grisham recently that centres around wills and associated dramas/concepts. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an entertaining read:
'Sycamore Row' (John Grisham)
Will's aren't submitted afaik
You just keep it somewhere, you can pay to have it stored somewhere properly but it's not necessary.
Someone please correct me if wrong.
To answer your other question, I think they're dated, so whichever is newer would be used by the executor.So what happens when you have two sets of will? If it is not submitted and registered somewhere, there wouldn't be a single source of truth?
the most recent one supersedes the previous one (assuming it is valid)
Sorry I edited pretty quickly to include that but you may have responded even quicker!
They would be dated.
At the end of the day, I suppose it would make sense to dispose of older wills. This is more about having a Will to begin with or as a reminder to check existing one is up to date.You wouldn't intend to make two separate wills.
Assuming you decide to update your will while sound of mind and free from duress, you would normally include terms that the second one supercedes the first one.
@CptnObvious: If you of sound mind make 2 wills that are validly executed then generally speaking the last one you made is the one that they look to first, and it's kind of 'prove that this shouldn't be considered the valid will', and you work back from there.
@CptnObvious: There are processes in place for people who apply for probate. The application is advertised and anyone with a competing will can come forward. Thereafter the court can determine which will is admitted.
In Victoria you can get the State Trustees to store it for free for you.…
You can update an existing will with a codicil.
Wht would i get this when i can watch my family remember me in afterlife longer
they will remember u for even longer if u assign all your bases 2 me..
i mean assets…
Free will is a myth
That advice is a myth!
Have used free Will services twice for family. Both contained simple instructions, with other family members as beneficiaries. Never had a problem when it came time to use them.@Rather be Travelling lol you really took that joke seriously and didn't think of the other definition of "free will":
@TheRealCher: “Life's a piece of shit when you look at it. Life's a laugh and death's a joke; it's true.”😄
I walked right into that one too. Unlike @Rather be Travelling, I acknowledge that it went over my head and removed my neg, rather than continuing to dig.
@SlickMick: Ah well, you weren't already quickly reading & responding to incorrect comments about the "cost of a free Will"!
As I've done in previous free Will Deals.
(I was far too serious, adding my experience with Wills to this Deal… So I lacked objectivity to enjoy the joke.)Not concentrating on that 1 meaning, leaves the mind more able to see what was intended… (even if it's not immediately obvious, as you found). That twist in meaning is an important part of many jokes.
Once you totally concentrate on 1 use of the words "free will", in a Deal about a free Will, other meanings of the word outside that context aren't easily apparent.
So I didn't see the joke😞Multiple meanings for the same word(s)… is a basis of humour in most cultures!
(But lost on an outsider to the use of that language.)All of this was part of my Psychology degree long ago🤔
I should have known better😄
Might as well get over it. We have no choice but to believe that it exists.
Free willy is a myth. You gotta P2P.
You are my density
Free Willy!
oh you freed willy before i did
We can free Willy together
Can i do a video will?
It wouldn't have any legal standing by itself & can be ignored. So not a Will!
If the courts are involved in resolving any issues, probably won't be of any use. Its not legally witnessed.
But if you want to do it for fun / revenge - go for it.
But don't forget to make a legal Will!All I want is to start a trending hashtag!
You got it!
To diss your wife and kids and tell them you had enough of their crap and took the easy route? Happy Father's Day!
Of course you can, and stop calling me Will. </Airplane>
So what's the catch? Nothing is free in life, maybe they charge you in death… lol.
They offer unlimited updates for $15 per year.. First year free.. And you have to opt out later.. So they are prob hoping they'll keep you subbed.
Huh…….Boost SiMs are free and usually with profit :-)
$99 to add on power of attorney. $199 to add on legal advice. I guess theyre just hoping a decent % take this up, along with the $15/yr for updates.
Happy Father's Day!
Seeing a lot of people saying free will is bad. Just paying someone make it good? Any recommendations for good cost effective option or just any estate lawyer?
Thanks think we might try these, can everyone vouch theyre good? Any advice on what to do or not do? Such as power of attourney (when alive but incapacitated is $99 extra. Thanks in advance.
For others opinions - check past Deals
For Enduring Power of Attorney, I downloaded a form produced by the State govt (years ago), printed copies, filled in details & had it witnessed. Free.
At the same time, my parents used a solicitor, who used the same free form, & charged $300. But when it needed to be used for medical care, I found there were mistakes, meaning it couldn't be used!
Found the hospital just ignored the corrected EPoA. So don't rely on it.
You mean the lawyer-one was incorrect?
Or the one you did yourself?The lawyer one - I found their obvious & worrying mistakes!
@INFIDEL: They just cut and paste. All lawyers. But good ones will proof read it or use chatGPT to proof read.
@Naigrabzo: In this case it was a free downloaded pdf, from State Govt. They simply added the few handwritten details necessary for an EPoA.
But failed to cross out unused sections - allowing anyone to add to the document. Anyone could be added as Attorney for financial control of their assets!!
Not proof read - had basic handwriten errors.
Failed to certify the copy - only stamping & signing the front page.
Almost anyone could fill out the Govt document, which gave clear instructions.
Was insulting to receive the $300 bill!@INFIDEL: Damn you got off easy. My brother's friend's girlsfriend's uncle (no blue balls) did a will recently which cost $4500. Apparently it is bullet proof but I mentioned that on ozbargain you can buy a bullter proof vest for $4.5k.
$300 is essentially their half hourly rate.
@Naigrabzo: I'd offered to do it for free for my parents.
"No, we can't risk that - we'll use our solicitors."Seems I was more experienced than the professionals. Only the most junior staff tend to handle such simple matters. No one checked their bungled attempt.
The EPoA is used when a person can no longer handle health or financial matters. It comes into force often at an unexpected time, so needs to be correct. Otherwise it's useless!
And a new EPoA legal document dated after they're unresponsive in hospital isn't valid. So I did my best to correct the original & had certified copies made.
An unnecessary stress at a time of crisis. All due to incompetent legal work by 'professionals'.
We threatened a complaint but they threatened us! It's not wise to pick a legal fight with a law firm😜
The family withdrew future business from the firm they had used for decades. And I took over the Wills etc for family.
@INFIDEL: Damn. It's that thing with the lawyers and accountants. They don't take any responsibility. Its your responsibility to check every single document etc. I thought that's why I pay them.
I was so happy to see Trumps lawyers going to jail one by one. At least they are held accountable.
@mickeyjuiceman: Sidney Powell and John Eastman have been indicted by Georgia for election interference. Hope they make it to the clinker.
@Naigrabzo: Me too, but it's the US, so there's a LONG way to go until they get there, if they ever do. Great IV by Eastman the other day on FOX, though, that will really help the prosecution :-)
@mickeyjuiceman: Sidney has been very quiet lately though. the problem is though, for white collar crime, once they get out of jail, they will write another book and get back on the horse again FAST!
What’s your biggest expense? OzBargain
Lots of discussion there. Most questions already answered. Plus feedback from those who set up their free Will.
I won't be using this service if the comment is true!
where there's a will, there's a relative.
Thanks OP, was literally looking into this a few days back
Executor is a must?
First try talking nicely with her /s
Thanks sent to the mother in law
Should i write a will to transfer my ozbargin membership?
Thou shalt give us all thy eneloopz.
Is there a format to write? I have lots of Eneloop batteries as assets.
Any chargers?
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Better take this offer up as I lost my will to live during the ScoMo / Joyce years.