American Express Velocity Platinum Card - 100,000 Bonus Velocity Points with $3,000 Spend in 3 Months, $440 Annual Fee


Looks like they updated to match the 100k Qantas bonus.

Worth the wait.

$440 for 100,000 Velocity points.
The cost of 1 point is $0.0044

I have recently redeemed by return business class trip with Singapore Airlines through Velocity.
137,000 points for SIN-MEL return, which costs $3500-$4500 depending on when you book.
Take $4000 exchanged by 137,000, that is a value of $0.029 per point.

Cost per point: $0.0044
Value redeemed per point: $0.029

Obviously that depends on how you redeem, but generally it's worth it if used right.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer


  • Blah only for new customers. I have a Velocity Business card already.

    • Are we correct in assuming a business customer is deemed an existing personal customer?

    • -1

      Is it new customers as in new never had an Amex, or in the last 12 months? (yes, I'm lazy and can't be bothered going through the terms).

      Edit: Okay I read Velocity Points Terms and Conditions but couldn't find mention of this. Where can I find more info?

      • -2

        Believe Amex recently changed from 18 months to 2 years as their definition of new customer. Aligns with a number of others - it’s getting a little harder to churn these days!

        • +1

          Amex has been 18 months for ages.

          • @Miso: LemonParty's saying it's now 2 years though

        • If you previously held a David Jones American Express Card and have not held any other American Express Card(s) in the past 18 months, you will be eligible for the offer. All other Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited in the past 18 months are ineligible for this offer.

  • -2

    $440 Annual Fee


    • +19

      It actually is pretty good if you consider the value of 100k velocity points, the complimentary Virgin lounge access and the free domestic flight. The Virgin lounge access is for every time you fly virgin domestically. No X entry coupons per year or anything.

    • -1

      You lose out then.

      $440 for 100,000 Velocity points.
      The cost of 1 point is $0.0044

      I have recently redeemed by return business class trip with Singapore Airlines through Velocity.
      137,000 points for SIN-MEL return, which costs $3500-$4500 depending on when you book.
      Take $4000 exchanged by 137,000, that is a value of $0.029 per point 5.59x profit.

      • +8

        But would you pay 3.5k or 4.5k for the business flight in cash?
        If not, then the points value would be much lower because you have to divide by the cash price you would actually be willing to pay

        • So admittedly, I’ve been meaning to get into this churn game for a while (I reckon at least 3-5 years ago) but every time I get around to working it all out in terms of how to get most value for points and how the various rewards in terms of seating works etc, it’s like I have a mental blank and can’t comprehend - this is especially so when it comes to the whole $cents per point value scenario above.

          In saying this, I also think what doesn’t help is that I know you generally have to be flexible with dates to try to get the best value for points ie. business - and although it’s something I do somewhat have with work, it’s not THAT flexible.

          Nonetheless, and I understand everyone values things differently, but Mel-sin for example is only like 7.5 hour flight, surely there’s better value on using points for long haul flights, for example Mel-LHR or somewhere else in Europe?

          I’ve got about 650,000 points with AMEX at the moment, so roughly 325,000 points with most airlines once I covert, if I recall correctly, that’s like 2 return economy flights to Europe from Mel.
          I’d love to try to get better value, aka business for the same amount of points, but I don’t think it’s possible.

          As I write this (and read the rest of the thread), I think to myself how silly I am not to have a churned sooner - as I travel at least once to twice a year (internationally)

          • @eltito: Yeah, I find it hard to get my head around too. It's not as bad as car lease schemes though! Points are just another currency, you buy them and you sell them. And you want to buy them cheap and sell them higher ideally. Sometimes I see deals where you buy something, and you get a bunch of points - well the thing is they might as well knock off $10 because they factor in the cost of you buying the points.

            I do a lot of domestic travel so I've been accruing a fair bit of points too but haven't really used them for much. One thing I've recently cottoned onto is the reward seat thing. I heard it in the news last year and wondered what it was. Because you could always use points for buying airline tickets. Seems if you want to use points for flights, you really want to go with reward seats (you probably already know this). They are discounted seats for points only, and as you say they are certain dates, you have to find them. There's search engines for only reward seats but you have to pay a subscription (e.g. - only good if you do a lot of travel. My partner did a trip up to Brissy recently and we booked those with points and it was a reward seat. Wasn't that much cheaper than using $ on a cheaper airline but I had the points sitting around doing nothing.

        • +1

          What kind of logic is this? You can’t access the business class flight at the hypothetical lower dollar amount you’d be willing to pay. You divide by market rate - that’s the actual value you’re getting from your points.

          • +2

            @wallahcuz: The logic is fine. What would you select in the poll within this thread?


            • +2

              @endolphin: Probably the last option, but regardless of what I pick I don’t think that impacts the concept of ‘value’. To OP’s point, the value is in redeeming the points for things you wouldn’t buy with cash - the fact that I wouldn’t pay cash doesn’t devalue the points. At the end of the day points are just another form of currency.

              Looking at it another way, if I buy $5 vouchers for a fine dining experience that is otherwise $300, are the vouchers devalued because I wouldn’t pay the full price? No - they’re worth the amount you’d otherwise need to access the experience.

              I will say to the original point however, if you don’t care for business flights, then irrespective of the ‘value’ it’s probably not a good redemption - use your points however they make you happy, even if the mileage is perceived to be shit. This is a semantic argument ultimately, just didn’t sit right with me how value was defined.

              • @wallahcuz: So, if for example a business class flight is $10k cash but can be had for 200k points, you'd value the points at 5c per point, right?

                Which should also mean that in a hypothetical situation where you were making a payment which attracted a 4% surcharge using credit (and earnt 1 QFF per dollar spent), vs 0% surcharge and zero points using debit, you would still choose to use the credit card, right?

                • +1

                  @endolphin: No, but then I think this notion of value of points = the amount of money you’d spend is entirely flawed. Cash inherently is more valuable than points because it’s a universal currency, I can only redeem points for certain products / services. I will say however if I was working towards a business class flight, then yes it’s quite likely I would cop that surcharge.

                  The value that’s able to be extracted from points ultimately varies per person based on what it is they want to redeem for and the dollar amount it would otherwise cost them.

        • +1

          The whole point is using points for something you wouldn’t pay with cash. $400 for a business class flight is still good.

          But yes, I would also pay in cash :)

    • All these credit card promos are buying points/awards etc with annual fees. You don't actually think they just hand out points this freely do you?

      • +2

        Of course it is, but when you can get to Europe return for $440 worth of points, why wouldn’t you? Not to mention many cards offset the cost with free flights or travel credits.

        It’s silly not to churn cards if you like travel at all.

        Echoing OP, I got PER SIN SGN in business for 50k AEROPLAN points which cost me a few hundred in fees on the HSBC card. I’m guessing that would cost at least $2k in cash.

        • If that's your basis for a trip to Europe, then you end up paying through the nose for the time you're there. Ie. Accommodation, spending money etc,

          And I did say "If"

    • A return flight Perth to Melbourne can easily be $600 on its own. And it’s any seat, no need to rely on reward seat availability. You can book and fly next day.

    • +1

      Even with all associated costs, they remain the most effective method to acquire business class flights for significantly less than retail. If that is your goal, its a no brainer, if its not your goal because you prefer to sit down back with the rabble, then ignore this deal.

  • +11

    Note that the complimentary flight isn't as easy to redeem as they make it out to be. The redemption website has been broken for a long time, and you have to call up Virgin Australia to get it processed manually.

    • +5

      Not true, I booked and flew using the website last week. easy as.…

    • +1

      Use chrome instead.

      • +2

        I am using Chrome. I've tried Chrome on mobile and on desktop. I've tried Edge on desktop. It always gives me too many redirects error. I clear cookies, same issue.

        • I couldn’t get it to work on safari, went to chrome cleared everything worked first time.

      • Straight up doesn't work. Unsure if it's because I have 2FA enabled and it doesn't support that auth flow, but no matter what browser or device I use I get a too many redirects error.

        • If you call they wave the booking fee, if you tell them the website is junk.

    • I tried booking this morning to use my complimentary flight before it expires next month and the website won't accept the date range I put in… I'll try Chrome before I call through.

    • +1

      I had to ring up as well today. I tried several times with different browsers, including my "clean" one with no extensions and other garbage to interfere. I got to the end of the booking, but failed each time.

      I rang up today and it was a very quick and EASY process (5 minutes in total I'd say). I was not charged the $40 fee that the automated message at the start mentioned either (probably due to telling the person the troubles I was having).

  • Damn dont think I could get approved and get the card before I go overseas in 2 weeks :(

    • +1

      You'd get slugged a foreign transaction fee if you use your Amex overseas

      • +3

        It's criminal having a 3% foreign transaction fee in this day and age. Especially on a card with a $400 annual fee…

        • And an “American” express no less!

  • +6

    Citibank offer 110k points with 8k spend.…

    • What is the income requirement on Citi offer?

      I had this AMEX almost a year ago and they are not picky on income and allow low credit limit (6K).

      • Not sure sorry, i was approved this morning (120k income) but not sure of minimum.

      • I got this card (the Citi rewards point version) just a few weeks ago on a graduate salary - 80k before tax. Obviously a massive credit limit I'll never use but good points return. Don't think Citi have minimum income requirements anymore

    • Much better offer if you can meet the spend. It has mobile phone insurance included as well.

  • -1

    But you can cancel out out the fee with Qantas plus extra 4 lounges passes

    None for Velocity unfortunately

    • +1

      Huh? This card comes with complimentary lounge access and 2 guest passes a year.

      • My bad! Complimentary domestic flights return + 2 lounges pass. Not a bad deals

        • +2

          Complimentary domestic flights return + Complimentary lounge access for yourself + 2 guest lounges passes, to be exact.

          • @happychild100: On this, I take it a family of 4, only the cardholder gets lounge access and you have to use the guest passes. Is that how it works.. never had lounge access before.

            • @sarakoth: I have a lifetime Qantas Club membership (my business bought it for me in the '90s) , i can take my parter, I have no idea about kids though? I don't use it much, Qantas sucks anyway.

            • @sarakoth: Sorry only just seen this. In this case, Using the 2 guest passes will only get 3 of you in I'm afraid. Kids ages you'd have to check on though.

  • +1

    Westpac offers 120,000 points(90k in first year and 30k in second year)
    Fees -$295 + $75(altitude velocity)…

    • With double the min sped

  • I guess I will have to wait twelve months before I sign up for another Amex velocity bonus offer?

    Also (for me) the lounge pass use is quite limited. I flow three int and one domestic last year, no chance to use…..

    Also the domestic flight, you will have to pay for the rest of your family to take advantage of that complementary ticket. In my case a two people family, me and my wife decided to forfeit the ticket and save that extra 1K we will need to spend for our next Int trip.

  • Do people find it difficult to use AMEX when paying for things? Where is everyone spending their minimum spend?

    • +3

      sign up before a big purchase or buy woolworths giftcards with it - which have a longer expiry

      • Or Apple gift cards for iPhones, iPads or Macs.

      • +1

        Hmm no big purchases coming up…. What should I buy myself lol

        • +1

          Could always buy me something :)

      • Is it worth using Amex for booking flights, considering the surcharge?

        • depends on your needs - some amex cards offer free travel insurance if you pay with the card

    • +1

      It’s not taken everywhere, but it’s taken at most places, i.e., Coles/Woolies, other big brand stores. Travel (flights, hotels). Gift cards is a good option too as is health insurance (Bupa takes it, unsure about others). Sites/places that charge credit card fees may charge a bit more for Amex over Visa/MC.

      • Good thing PayPal, Stripe and Square all have flat rate surcharge so it doesn't matter what card a customer use.

        Amazon also takes Amex after the shenanigans sometimes back.

    • +1

      I spent mine on a tradie in one go. Had to pay a bit of card surcharge (though Stripe charge a flat rate of 1.7% of for all cards, Visa, MC, Amex, so YMMV) but the bonus points is worth it.

  • Any churners had luck?

    • I went for the Qantas card and got the 5-10 days message. Had this card 6 or so years ago. Have had other cards, usually 1-2 a year.

      Pretty sure I tried this card last year and got the same message so I must be on the black list at amex

      • did you get approved after 5-10 days?

      • Think I'm the same. Applied around a year ago and got the 5-10 days message and then a decline letter. Applied for this card tonight and got the 5-10 days message. Previously held Amex from 2013-2019.

        • Yeah i regret cancelling this card. The domestic flight pays for the annual fee so just thought I would be better off with more cards and points.

        • So does the 5-10 days message basically mean you're declined? I applied today, received the message after submitting. Haven't received any sort of confirmation email or text message to indicate they've received my application which is weird.

          • @brifog: I applied on Sunday and got the 5-10 day message right before an email to submit proof of income. It got accepted this morning and card posted this afternoon.

    • I applied few days ago ,got a message to wait 5-10 days and after tgree days received an applcation denied letter via mail ,have held amex 18 months ago.How can i get successfully approved ,any way…

      • For those that have tried to churn and getting the 5-10day message.

        My wife applied for our Amex about 12 months ago and I’m an additional cardholder. If I make the application is it likely that I’ll be picked up for a 5-10 day message too?

    • +1

      Just got a letter that my application was declined. Half a year ago had the same experience. They didn't even ask for income prove (which is high). Usually, I open 2-4 cards per year. Seems like amex is not friendly to churners at all.

  • So am I reading this right that you can get a return trip from Perth to Syd or Melb, which costs around $400 for the price of the annual fee of $440.. so then the bonus points and any other points earned on top is pure profit?

    • +1

      You can redeem the complimentary flight for trips originating in PER to SYD or MEL but not from SYD/MEL to PER. Minimum non-sale price right now for a Choice fare on this route is ~$320 one way. So value of the return free flight is ~$640.

      Plus if you aren’t a Virgin Gold or Platinum you get lounge access which costs $450 per year to buy a lounge membership (but you do get guest access by paying) so maybe say $300 value without guest access ymmv.

      Plus depending on how you utilise it you get a stack of extra Velocity points and potentially status credits.

      My personal example is I earned about 70k Velocity points through card spend (including a heap of flights booked through Virgin so I received 1p/$ extra on that spend), booked a return trip PER to MEL that would have cost around $650, received 50 bonus status credits for spending $25k on the card in the past year (this pushed me onto Velocity Platinum recently). I’ve had the card for coming up to two years and it’s a keeper while my patterns remain the same. Only this that annoys me is that the card fee will jump from $325 to $440 this year and I don’t benefit from the lounge access as for at least the next two years as I’m Plat for another 11 months then Gold for the year after that. Oh well the other benefits add up to be worth it for me.

  • +2

    Looking at the trend from the last two years, Velocity has dropped the 30K bonus offer on credit cards around Feb, so I will wait a bit before applying and see if the 30K offer comes back again.

    • +1

      yep I'm in the boat. Looks like Virgin Money's current credit card offers expire 31st Jan. Hoping for a good deal in Feb.

    • Also mid feb and nothing from velocity. Are they skipping this year?

  • Pretty good deal, went for it and got the 5-10 days message. Ah well.

  • any churners have luck with amex?? havent held in over 24 months but have churned many many cards

  • I’ve benefited from a couple of credit card promos in the last couple of years and have a fair swag of Velocity points also courtesy of regular spend.

    I thought they were looking super useful but not as much as I thought! The app is complete bull$hit with regard to the number of points you need for different routes. In reality you need way more than it indicates - particularly for domestic legs…

    The OPs quoted MEL-SIN points on business sounds reasonable, though, and in-line with the app’s estimate.

    Am thinking of moving to a card that allows me to focus on earning KrisFlyer miles (directly).

  • I churns card and collect bonus points, but always use points to redeem it for gift-cards or bank fee rebates. I know it's not the best way to use the points, but I still can't get my head around using points to book flights, always find it confusing to calculate the real value of points if want to use it for flight bookings.

    Will really appreciate if some one having expertise can guide me a bit to play this game.
    Currently me and my partner having 700k points in Citi prestige card each, which can be redeemed for 350k velocity points for each account.
    If I convert (700k + 700k = 1400k points) to gift card, its worth around $6700.

    I am thinking to transfer all my points to my partner's account to have all in one account to make a single booking for 3 of us.
    Or should I keep this in separate account and do multiple bookings?
    Is there any restriction that a account can have only 1 rewards seat ?

    I haven't travelled business class yet, so want to try if I can utilise my points to get a good deal.
    I am looking for flights for family of 3 adults from India to Sydney -one way coming Dec25/Jan26.

    A quick search for 3 adults doesn't give me any business class option, but for 2 person search is giving me option for a business class ticket for around 210k points (420 citi points worth $2000). On other platforms it's around $2400, so saving of around $400.

    Economy fare for the same is around 110k points (220k citi points, value: $1055). Similar flight on platforms like etc. costs around $950 which is rather cheaper than using points. Am I missing something here?

    It's look like using points doesn't give too good value compare to book using other platforms where I have wide choice and flexibility.
    If someone can help me to understand this, will give it a go for business class this time.

    • +1

      There are occasional velocity bonus transfers from Citi, NAB, etc to Velocity. In the past, they’ve given 20% or 15% extra points. The most recent campaign from Nov gave only 10%. Not sure when the next one will be. Seems to be once or twice a year.

      Another bonus transfer possibility is going from Flybuys to Velocity points. If you’ve not auto transferred ever before, there have been 15% bonus campaigns in the past to turn this on. I don’t know when the most recent one was. You could transfer all those Citi points to flybuys, then flybuys to velocity points with a transfer bonus. It’s 1:1 Citi to Flybuys, then 2:1 flybuys to velocity (same as Citi to velocity).
      You can also transfer Citi points to other airline freq flyer programs. I think KrisFlyer is one.

      In the end, if you travel, then converting to Velocity, KrisFlyer, etc. is usually a good bet (especially if you can get a transfer bonus deal when they occur). Otherwise, if you shop at Coles, 1400K points will give you $7K in Flybuys dollars. That’s a bit more than the gift cards you mentioned at $6700.

      There’s no restriction of an account getting just 1 reward seat with Velocity. You can family pool velocity points. Hope this helps.

      • Thanks for your reply and tips, will look out for bonus transfer offers.

        Few more questions if you can answer
        Is points transfers from Citi/Flybuys/Velocity instant or take long time(on Velocity website says can take upto 28 days).
        If I find a good flight deal, can I transfer from Citi to Velocity instantly and book or have to wait 4 weeks to get points into my velocity account?

        Also, while I search for 3 adults, doesn't show me business class seat, but it does when searching with 1 or 2 adult.
        Is it because, only 2 seats available in the flight or cannot book more than 2 from my account.

        I need 3 seats, so If there's a restriction, I book 2 seats from my account and 1 seat from my partners account, but if flight doesn't have enough seats then I will be stuck with booking of 2 seats only instead of 3. Is there a way to check if flights has enough business class seats available?

        • +1

          Transfers are not instant and can take about 48 hours or so from what I recall for my instances.

          If you search for 3 and doesn’t show availability, yet you search for 2 and it does, that means there is only 2 seats available. It’s not to do with any account restriction. So if you can’t book 3, there aren’t 3 seats available (even if booking from multiple accounts). So if you were to book the 2 seats that you saw available, no one would be able to book another (unless some new space was opened at a later time by the airline).

      • Not sure when the next one will be.

        Likely around May - e.g. May/June 2024, May 2023, May 2022, May 2021.

  • Damn wish I wasn't banned from Amex for churning too much.

    Great value if you're selling points, at least about $600 profit.

    Using it on business flights is shit, don't waste points like that/falsely equate them to assume the points are worth more than they are. 1c per point is the standard.

    • what do you use them on? I assume selling points or do you use them for other things?

    • +3

      Not a waste if you like to travel, business class is a luxury that most of us would never be able to afford if it wasn't for points.
      economy is fine for 8-10 hour trips to Asia but I'd much rather be in business to Europe

    • Perhaps what you mean is, the value per point is based on what a person would be willing to pay for the flight without the points. For example, if a business class flight cost $5K or 100K velocity points, you could say it’s “value” is 5 cents per point. However, if the person with the points would never pay $5K for that ticket, the value really isn’t 5 c/point. Maybe they’d be willing to pay 1.5K if the airline would accept that price (which they won’t). The true economic value is what they would be willing to pay for that business class seat. Essentially, the airlines price point vs an individual’s price point. That’s why Velocity points aren’t worth 5 cents/point. I’ll say this though: for what I’ve used my earned points for, they are worth about 1.4-1.5 cents/point or so. Would I buy points for cheaper on Classifieds? No. Not worth the hassle and possibly getting caught and losing close to a million Velocity points.

    • Where/How do you sell points?
      Most places I tried specifically ban sell frequent flyers points (i have 200k qantas I don't want/need)

  • +1

    Minor but you get points from usual earn rate on the $3,000 spend too so it's 103,750 total.

  • -1

    Terrible card, not worth it these days.

    • Which one you think is work it?

  • How do you book singapore airlines through velocity? Whenever i searched for flights internationally, velocity is very expensive. I can only find domestic for economy rewards :/

    Is there a trick to search? I haven’t been able to utilise my points in velocity because there are no flights, even when I searched for 8-9 months ahead

    • You have to look out for 'reward' seats, ie. Economy reward/Business reward. If it is just Economy/Business you are essentially paying cash fare but with points which is very expensive whereas reward seats are specifically to be redeemed with points and have a set price.

      Singapore is very in demand and they release seats 12 months before so try looking at that. Last year we were lucky and were able to book business reward SYD-KUL via SIN a month ahead because it was off peak and it was on the older 777 equipment instead of A380.

  • If I have an Amex platinum edge card is this offer still valid? Granted the edge card is not a “virgin card”. Thanks.

  • Where can I find what flights are included in complimentary? And is it 1 return ticket per year - available straight after approval or after spend requirements?

  • Thinking about dipping my toes into the CC game..
    Is this a good value card to start at?
    Any extra advice for a newbie?

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