This was posted 1 year 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1 for The First Month of Telstra 5G Home Internet 1000GB Plan ($85 Per Month after 1st Month) @ Telstra


$1 for the first month then $85 per month for each month after.

  • Typical speeds of 336Mbps download and 44Mbps upload
  • No charges after 1000GB allowance is exceeded, but speeds are limited to 25 down and 5 up.
  • Speeds range from 50-600 download and 10-90 upload
  • Telstra 5G internet modem 2 with wifi 6 included (return modem within 21 days if cancelling within 24 months)

Information from their page about $1 first month offer:

Try Telstra 5G Home Internet and if you’re not happy with the internet experience, simply cancel and return the modem to us in good working order, within 21 days of cancellation, or you may be charged a $400 non-return fee. We will cover the postage, so there’s no cost to you.

For new services. Select areas and eligible customers only. Limited number of services available per postcode. If you leave within 24 months, return your modem or you may be charged a $400 non-return fee.

May work with the 2 month Binge, 3 month Apple TV+ and 12 month kayo basic offers.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Sydney CBD doesn't do 5g :(

  • +4

    They are really going after NBN now

    • +57

      I’m on copper NBN and it goes down for half the day every month. My last place was FTTH and it never went down. The Liberals really (profanity) us on the NBN. And for what, just because it was a ALP idea so they had to oppose it? And Murdoch was happy to help because FTTH would have competed with his cable business.

      • +3

        I had fttn and it was solid and very few disconnections but max speed was 50-60mb… As soon as the fttp upgrade was available in my area I jumped on that as that's what every home should have had.

        Is this not yet available or being made available in your area ?

        When Libs announced what they were doing I said this is going to be a disaster and it'll cost everyone (government and tax payers) more and not less down the track to fix this stupidity….

        • +4

          Yep, and Blind Freddy said that, too. But noone listens to BF, or any of his mates.

          Not one convict, indigo, or immo, got a say.

          One bozo and one barrister made it a multi-billion-dollar, lawyerfest plundering billions, when we could have had workers in the streets laying low-maintenance optic fibre for all the generations to come.

          And it's still not done.

          And so many of those boofs' mates remain in parliament. Leeching.

      • +3

        It will change as fttn,c is being cut over progressivly to fttp now . Can tell you now 5g not the magic pill

        • +1

          They’re not doing much for HFC though.

        • "fttn,c is being cut over progressivly to fttp now"

          Lol. Last to get FTTN, so likely last to get FTTP.
          I'll pass on getting a hole punched in my wall and an ugly space consuming box on my study wall.
          My 5g has been adequate, and beats losing internet whenever it rains.

          • @Tiggrrrrr: if you were on FTTN before (a wired connection) why was it affected by rain? I would assume if you were on fixed wireless or NBN Satellite, you would be affected by rain.

            I guess I lucked out on FTTN, as I get very close to 100mbps, although I used to get dropouts regularly with TPG, but after I changed to AussieBB, I noticed the dropouts significantly reduced. So, I guess it also depends on your ISP. I'm currently in the process of upgrading to FTTP for free, even though I'll still stay on 100mbps, just to future proof the house.

            However, I agree that we should have gone to FTTP directly, and more due diligence should have been done on Telstra's infrastructure before NBN got into a contractual arrangement to pay them billions of $$ a year for their dilapidated infrastructure.

            • @nomadspartan: Copper wire. Cabinet in the street. Rain ?

            • @nomadspartan: I'm in fixed wireless, 2/3 signal strength,and never lose connection due to weather. Even in power outages it remains up. It is more reliable than my mother's fttn.

      • +3

        Tony and Malcolm should be in jail after knowingly wasting so many billions of taxpayer dollars.

        • +2

          Of all the things that Prime Ministers should be in jail for.. This reason wouldn't even make the top 100.

        • Go and fight for Ukrainian sovereignty , you'll feel better .

      • I've been on this exact Telstra plan for close to two years now and it has also dropped out for 1-2 weeks every 6 months or so. I've actually had better luck with the NBN and will likely switch back to it for stability, since I work from home.

        • So you spend 2 weeks without internet every 6 months? That's unacceptable.

          • @nomadspartan: Yeah, it was very frustrating - no one at Telstra could give me a straight answer as to why, beyond claiming that it was probably repairs and they didn't know when it would be finished. Will be moving back to the NBN soon.

      • You want to play politics on a post ? Here's the truth , they're all the same animal !
        Of course you won't "get it ".

        • The truth is if ALP won that and the next election we’d all have gigabit internet by now and they’d already be starting the upgrade to 10 gigabit.

    • +1

      With a 1000MB limit? Yes and no, perhaps for some, but those that want low latency (for gamers) and more than 1000MB per month wouldn't touch this.
      5G is no comparison to FttP which is rolling out at a fast rate now to many (that want it).

      • +1

        I believe you meant 1000GB ;)

        I am on FTTB, for which there's no upgrade plan to FTTP. Thinking of giving it a try for a month and see how this fares against my 100Mbps fttb connection.

    • Yes yesterday was the starlink deal announcement of mobile broadband and voice services in rural areas.

      Sort of makes NBN redundant for most people.

  • +4

    I checked couple of days ago, with 1st month free deal.
    it was then showing "available" my address but now it is "not available"

    • +44

      Wind direction probably changed

      • Limited number of services available per postcode.

        could be this :/ I got 100 Mbps FTTC (no planned FTTP) and 5G is the only way I can get more speed :/
        I speed tested with Boost sim and got 1 Gbps lol

        • +3

          You can still pay to upgrade to FTTP. Since you’ve already got FTTC it should only be a couple of grand since they’ve only got to run fibre from the curb.

          I would do that over 5G.

          Get a quote from NBN’s website.

        • +2

          The issue is you can't have too many subscribers to a cell with 5G or the speeds will come to a screaming halt, which is why Telstra limit the number of home 5G users per cell.

        • +1

          @bazingaa FTTP should be coming your way by the end of the year.

    • -2

      Great price for the speeds…but I get the same error… HFC customers must be excluded from this deal…

      • Nothing to do with what NBN technology you are on, it's whether the local 5G cell you would connect to is at capacity or not. Too many subscribers and it'll end up very slow, which Telstra does not want.

        • -2

          That sounds logical, but somehow I’m skeptical Telstra would actually cap the customers to improve service. Especially when there’s no cap to the number of 5G devices roaming around.

          • @haemolysis: They cap the number of Home 5G services, which are usually stuck on a single cell. Home 5G services at a fixed location stuck on a single cell with a much larger download allowances than phones jumping from cell to cell are very different.
            Too many Home 5G services downloading large amounts of data on a single cell can cause gridlock on that cell, which is why they slow you down after 1TB of data.
            Other 5G networks offer capped speeds at 50Mbps and 100Mbps to help with this issue.

    • Opposite story here! Finally I was able to sign up for home 5g.

    • +1

      I put work address (eligible) as home and then shipped to home.
      Works very well.

      • My house is unavailable but did the same. Works great =D
        In the future, if it starts to fail, I'll go back to NBN but 6 months in and looking good.

  • I think iiNet and TPG also have the same promotion.

    • +1

      difference is that they use the Vodafone network and cap speeds at 100. However they are cheaper to compensate for the Vodafone network's reputation.

      • +1

        Been using iiNet 5G 100 plan for last 6 months. Speeds have been 135-150 down, 25 up for the majority of time. So I’ll give them credit for that. I would rather have higher upload tbh but it is still better than NBN so far.

  • Would the speed be the same as what my mobile can get on telstra 5g? Signal is quite weak on my mobile, but it says I can get 5g home internet.

    • +1

      That is a pretty good indication.

  • +2

    Hm… whats stopping someone from taking this mobile?

    • Unsure if it's enforced but they can control station access by IMSI, so you wouldn't be able to move beyond the range of towers within a postcode.

    • +12

      So, I can answer this one.

      I had this stupid modem sitting in the same spot for over six months and never moved it, one day I got a text message 'you have moved the modem outside your home, your internet will be slowed as a result'

      it took at least a week getting in contact with Telstra, where nobody has any idea what they're doing before I finally got someone that DID to get it back to normal, I was irate.

      And then it happened again,


      But yeah, its fixed now, for now.

      • +3

        When things go wrong with Telstra it's a nightmare. I ended up having to make a complaint to the TIO in order to get it sorted.

        • When things go wrong with Telstra it's a nightmare

          I've found this with most providers, in varying degrees.

        • I had similar nightmare trying to return a 5G modem to Telstra after deciding not to keep it (within the first month). They really didn't want to accept the return, and threatened more than once to charge me full cost of modem even after I handed it back. Thank God I documented the return so thoroughly….

      • +1

        I've had the exact same thing. People are similarly annoyed over on Whirlpool where this is discussed a lot.

        It seems like the 5G Home Internet side of Telstra has essentially ZERO support or contigencies. If it is working, it's rock solid and great. If it isn't working, you're basically SOL unless the problem is trivially fixed.

        I had an issue where the modem itself bricked during their numerous overnight updates. No one knew anything about how to fix it or to replace it. I ended up cancelling the service and sending the bricked modem back, then just reordering under my partners name. Ridiculous.

        • +1

          That is ridiculous, I would have lost my f'n mind, it was hard enough to keep my shit together when I kept getting passed around departments because no-one knew anything.

    • The modem is geo locked

      • Pinged and ponged

  • -6

    sneakin' the gay couple

    • -1


    • +6

      ESG credit acquired!

  • +3

    Thanks OP, going to test this out as my FTTN connection is garbage :')

  • +12

    if you do gaming it’s rubbish (high pings even compared to shitty nbn hfc) but other than that it’s good. Also bear in mind you’re behind CGNAT

    • +1

      Been using iiNet 5G for the last 6 months and pings have been much better than I was expecting. Between 25 and 35, this is about equivalent to the HFC I was using at this address. Except I was getting more dropouts while using HFC. One would hope to have better results on a Telstra network but it depends on congestion I guess, wouldn’t expect much if you live in dense urban centre.

  • +1

    Chances of Credit Check even for existing customer of 3 years.

    Placed an order for the connection but isn't it kind of misleading when they charge upfront for the month and still require a credit check?
    There is no credit involved when I am paying upfront for the service.
    An argument could be the fact they provide a modem at no cost, still a major annoyance.

  • +2

    Available for my home, I pay more for NBN with Telstra currently 😂

    • Just remember that NBN can offer far more than 5G, including unlimited download allowances at full speed and better ping than 5G. It's no comparison if you have fibre to the premises, if not you may be able to upgrade for free on the right plan.
      Also, you have a lot of NBN suppliers to select from that will be much cheaper than Telstra.

      • Yeah, my mother doesn't exactly game 😂

        I play a bit of PS5, but not much and I don't believe we get anywhere near 1TB a month of downloads.

        I'm not sure if she'll want to change.

        • Much cheaper NBN options if that is the case, at around $60/month.

      • I have FTTP and still went with Voda 5G. Uncapped download speeds and no limit.

        Has been really reliable and I enjoy my 30MB/s download speeds.

        I think I’d have to pay slightly more for a 250mbit fibre plan, and way more for a 1gbit. 350-400 suits me fine being somewhere in the middle.

  • Taking the chance. My current FTTN NBN is way slower than the projected speeds given (I had a sample of 5G on my mobile when Telstra had the promo, and it blew away my NBN connection - so even if it's half that speed it's still way, way faster than I have) plus it's cheaper.

    The only thing to consider is that you forego your current home phone number because it's just not needed anymore. Might be something to know if this is just a stop-gap until the next NBN upgrade rolls out in your area or you're moving to a place with FTTP, but even then you'll keep your number for 6 months in case you change your mind.

    • The only thing to consider is that you forego your current home phone number because it's just not needed anymore.

      ? You haven't needed a home phone number for internet access since pre-naked adsl days.

      But the new modem doesn't support VOIP? There's ways around it (port your number to a separate voip provider)

      • Naked ADSL was pointlessly expensive for a good while, and internet plans with a landline connection were the norm in this rural town. I'm sure things have changed and I just missed the memo. I've had some things (can't remember what) require a home phone number when signing up/registering - where they have the * as a required field. I never answer my home phone anyway (on mute) so yeah, it was a redundant comment from me!

  • -1

    I am on a HFC connection with TPG NBN 50/20 , can I use this trial for $1 whist still with TPG as this seems to be 5G and the TPG is NBN or will I have any issues ?

    • +1

      Why would you have issues? No different to having an NBN connection to your house and having a mobile phone inside that house.

    • +1

      For sure, I'm on TPG FTTB connection. I'll keep that connection atleast for a month while i try this one out and only disconnect once I'm content with 5G speeds.

  • Just came available at my home 170 down 10 up i will keep testing with phone that is telstra.

  • +1

    I’m fixed wireless NBN. This would be great. Except when they tried to pass approval on the 5G towers people protested and the council voted against it - they don’t want 5G in our region 😫 despite having several NBN fixed wireless towers in the region operating on the same 5G spectrum….

    • +2

      Oh that is infuriating 😔

    • +2

      They need to rebrand them as 4G Plus One towers, the Karens will be too confused to protest.

  • I moved to this about 2 months ago. Can vouch for it. I came from NBN and was sick and tired of the constant drop outs.
    I think this has dropped out once for about 30mins other than that it’s been great. Fantastic speed for me also, much higher than what NBN could provide me.
    Highly recommended if you can get it.

    • Dropouts on NBN can also depend on ISP, when I changed from TPG FTTN to AussieBB FTTN, my dropouts stopped significantly.

      • Can be but in my scenario it was old network that needed to be replaced. With an unknown repair or replacement date I got sick and tired of putting up with it.

  • Cheers OP - 5G home internet hasn't ever been available to me, but is now apparently (?), so keen to give it a shot (currently on FTTN at ~ 55 Mbps).

  • Are there any downsides to this?

    I’m currently on a NBN Fibre 50/20 plan with Aussie broadband for 79 a month. No real dropouts, but I could use a good mesh system for range issues.

    This seems like way better speed value for only $6 extra a month

    • I would hope the modem is more powerful in picking up signals for older homes that have double brick. In the place I'm in right now, even being beside the window, I only get like 1 bar for 5G and only get 15 megabits.

      • I’m using iiNet. Best to work out which direction your closest tower is and put it in or near that window. It’s also pretty flat in our area so it’s sitting on a box to try and get some signal from above the house next door… it would be nice if it just had a external antenna we could hang. Goes from 1 bar in the room, 2 in window, 3 on a the box.

    • 5G is using Carrier Grade NAT and has higher latency. Carrier Grade NAT can give you a strict NAT while gaming and break remote access to Plex, select security camera systems, servers, home automation, networked printers and more. If you can access everything or don't do any of these things Carrier Grade NAT on 5G won't affect you.

      Stay on FTTP for best latency. ISPs on nbn can turn off Carrier Grade NAT if you need remote access or get a strict NAT while gaming. Superloop and Leaptel have better nbn deals for price to speed ratio than Aussie BB.

  • Telstra's mobile network is still decent compared to the other 2 players, however I do wonder with how aggressive they are with getting more people signed on, how well it can handle. Telstra was good back when people kept shying away from it being over priced, but with all the JBHIFI deal sign up offers etc, sometimes I feel the networks slowing down.

  • HFC or this?

    • +1

      HFC without doubt, unless you are a light user.

      • 2TB+ last month on voda 5g home.

    • No harm in trying this out. You will get better upload speeds on this for sure. I have been using iiNet 5G and has been pretty good so far. It will depend on how dense your suburb is.

  • +2

    I ve been on this since April 2022. There are drop outs. on average once every 3~4months.
    Common fix is a restart of the modem.
    Speed will vary constantly.
    Right now I get 497 down, 20 up (7am). But can be 50 down and 4 up. Average is about 200.
    Also crucial where the modem is located in the house to get the best speed.
    From my tests, it worked best with minimal walls -mine is in the garage.
    But its good value for $85 a month it came with 12 months disney (expired now).
    It literally was plug and p0rn… I mean play. :)

    • Mine started dropping out multiple times a day, I gave up

  • -6

    i am offended & shocked by the stockphoto…..the one on right is clearly 'man-splaining' and showing traits of toxic masculinity!

  • My boost never shows 5G at home, but this 5G home internet is showing available.
    Shall I go ahead and try or is it a risk?

    • +1

      why wouldn't you try it for $1?
      I have 5G shown on Boost at home but home internet is not available.

  • +6

    What is the deal? It is always $0 for the first month, now $1

  • +1

    Is there a sim in the modem? Assuming I can’t put it in a mobile nighthawk modem?

    • Interested in this as well. But I was hoping I can put another Telstra Sim in the modem. I have a nighthawk but it only does 4Gx, not 5G.

  • +1

    Bit of a trap
    Seems to be overly congested in most areas

  • I just canned mine. Hit the 1000gb limit for the first time with 5 days of my monthly plan to go (thanks ps5 updates!) The speed was supposed to limit to 25Mbps which would have been fine, except my speedtest was coming in under 1Mbps and was unuseable. This is with my modem at an upstairs window in line of sight to the tower 200m away. Telstra offered no help so I cancelled. Beware if you think you might approach the data limit.

    • +1

      Did you have to return modem, was it easy?

      • Telstra let you print off an Aus Post prepaid label to mail it back to them.

  • +3

    It was FREE for 1st month for years. And the Router is a downgrade.

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