Must post before anyone else. 55 Sony A80J OLED for the lowest price ever.
[Perks] Sony 55" A80J Bravia XR OLED 4K Google TV (2021) $1270.75 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 07/03/2023 - 19:25 by 1 other user
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Dammit why doesn't this come in a 65"
65" is now the baseline size TBH for home theatre in the lounge.
So this 55" is probably good for small lounges or bedrooms.
It is a good price but I reckon more deals will come. With consumer spending less due to interest rate and inflation. I can only see JB hifi having more deals by end of this year. So no biggie if you miss this
It's a 2021 model for a reason. Clearing stock on old models to get space for new models Disguised under perks.
Re: TV sizes, there seems to be a "bigger the better" mentality which I find kinda strange, since (using an analogy) most folks won't sit at the front row in a cinema to have the biggest viewing experience?
@theo96: Yeah but it's not that it's more about coverage and viewing angles so the bigger the screen coverage is better from all angles
@theo96: I don't sit at the front row because the seating is too low and the angle too high. Don't mind the size though. If I could sit close to the front about 3m higher than the seat position that'd be sweet, but suck for everyone else's experience.
For some reason when i login, the discounts does not apply in the checkout.
Yea, me too, no discount applied at checkout
I figured out, check your email for the voucher code they sent you. And the copy and paste in the coupon section.
The voucher code only gave me $10 off lol
That's bonkers.
This or the 55 C2?
U cant get c2 for 1270…
This. Don’t think. Just buy!
This price difference makes this a no brainer.
Cracking telly for the coin!
I think it's about time for 4k@120hz.And I thought I got a good deal with the C2 at $2k…
For anyone who was wondering where to get the perks code, check for this title in your email - it is not a product specific code, its the 15% off sale.
Perks After Hours Sale - Extra 15%^ off until 8am!
Oh the temptation!
Correct me if I am wrong, A80J should be the 2021 model? which is better than the 2022 model.
Yeah, HDR is better apparently.
This is incorrect, I got it the wrong way around.
man.. why did i buy samsung the frame last week
Are people buying The Frame purely for the frame? It's a slightly above average TV.
Are people buying The Frame purely for the frame? It's a slightly above average TV.
Not everyone wants a super duper high end tv. I hardly watch mine, which is why I went for a cheapie. The odd game show or doco here and there so if I was buying a new TV, I'd probably go for something that can be used for more than one thing. The idea that I don't have to live with a huge black rectangle in the middle of my living space is very appealing to me.
So thats a yes. It's for aesthetics.
So thats a yes.
It's actually a no because your question was "Are people buying The Frame purely for the frame?"
I would buy one for the TV and the Frame, so no to 'purely for the Frame', yes to both.
It's for aesthetics.
TV is a visual medium, all TV's about aesthetics…
I don't know
For gaming and movies are there many differences with the CS/C2?
I don't see the relevance? This is a Sony, not an LG.
I am asking about this vs a CS/C2….
guys interest rates just gone up
dont buy tvs unless your existing is broken.
if we keep buying the inflation goes up and as a result interest rates goes up up up
You are smart! Well said but this is OzB and there are even shopping addicts here who buy stuff they don't even need. People like that are the real problem here.
I'm one of them as shopping is therapy for me 🤣if we keep buying the inflation goes up and as a result interest rates goes up up up
As NSYNC once said
Baby buy buy buy!@lazydesi "…if we keep buying the inflation goes up"
What absolute rubbish.
Consumption does not equal inflation.
Inflation is a measure of price increases over time.
If anything, if this price were part of CPI calculations it would have the effect of slightly decreasing overall inflation, as the price has markedly gone down.
consumtion drives inflation
I agree with @Techie4066, a brief dose of even the basics from Year 11 Economics would set you on the path to a bit of enlightenment.
Context is always king.
Consumption may drive inflation if demand outstrips supply that can then lead to price increases.
That is far from applicable here.
You have a runout on what looks like a glut of a TV model that the manufacturer is trying to clear out of their warehouses to make room for a new model. This has lead to a marked price decrease.
Please explain how a decrease in price of one model of TV drives inflation, even if there is additional consumption?
Inflation is and always will be a measure of price increases across the economy.
You need some year 11 economics in your life.
This inflation crisis is fuelled by corporate profits (greed).And putting up interest rates doesn't fix the problem. It's an old monetary policy back in year 10. Modern ways how things work don't totally rely on interest rates. In fact companies just pass on the costs on borrowing such as banks. Small business suffers and job loss. Corporates continue to profit until the economy goes to recession
Staff wages are not going up neither
Sure it does, there are approx. 6 million house mortgages in Australia, the avg size of theses loans is $600000. The reserve bank has raised interest rates a total of 3.5% from its lows. Roughly that's an additional 21k in interest per year per loan and equates to $126 billion less money for consumer spending per year. Less consumer spending = less demand typically equals lower prices, particularly if this is just corporate greed and input costs have not gone up.
@tomfool: Wish they'd increate the tax on manager salaries and company profits in line with inflation, since the current inflation trends are driven by profit demands.
and how do they get those profits???
magic fairy dust?
or people buying and buying and buying?Magic called the profit-price spiral. Some homework for you.
And I don't know about you, but people don't have an option but to continue spending with Woolworths, Qantas and energy giants, who raked in billions of record profits. Particularly when they're told inflated prices are the new normal.
Super deal
Thanks op. Just bought one.
Resistance is futile
If you need a 55”, surely nothing else comes even close at this price. Buy now ppl!
Yeah, I just don't see the price getting anywhere this again for a similar specced TV
This is insanity.
Feel sorry for people that down have OLED after prices like this.
Never would I have thought an OLED of this calibre would drop to this crazy price
same here especially in the current environment where the cost of tech seems to have increased, the old market going in the opposite other direction hard.
It was around 1400 with cash back end of last year. TV prices are definitely trending down
WARNING: Just a heads up to those that bought the A80J “55 from Sony ebay. Mine was supposed to be delivered next week on the tracking and it turned up at my house without any notification today… Luckily there was someone at home to sign for the delivery.
It still hasn’t updated to delivered on my eBay account yet even though it’s sitting in my lounge room now.
Woah I've never heard about someone complaining about fast delivery lol
Don’t mind fast delivery…just got no notification that it was being delivered today otherwise I would have had to go pick up it up at the depot and it wouldn’t fit in my car.
Not sure why I’ve been negged…I’m just warning others they might not be home when their tv gets delivered.
Yeah I don't get the negs. It's very bad service to have something valuable turn up without notice. The fact someone was home is just luck.
I'm expecting an A95K but at least someone called me up to tell me to call DHL and arrange a time (though it's still possible DHL will pull the same stunt on me).
From AU manual:
"Power consumption - Indicated on the rear of the TV" 😕From US manual:
"Power consumption XR-55A80J: 336 W" (maximum)That's one thirsty beast.
It consumes more power than the recent 60 inch Sharp TV for $699 and that one uses LCD panel consuming 185W.
I thought OLED (Sony A80J) was supposed to be more power efficient?Power Consumption 99 W
Power Consumption (Max) 172 W
Firmware PKG6.3628.0454NAAThose numbers make a lot more sense. Weird how Sony US states 336 W on the 55 inch model. Different spec requirements over there?
(Ctrl+F for "consumption")Maybe that's just the absolute maximum it would draw if you had everything on at max settings. HDR, volume, processing, etc. Just an assumption.
@The Value: Yeah. Same kind of spec from Sharp AU though, just a single number 185W.
I prefer when they show another number like you shared. e.g. Typical and Max.
I also assume with the Sony OLED due to a better contrast ratio you can run it at a lower brightness than the Sharp and still get a very clear picture on the Sony, while the Sharp at equal brightness will start getting washed out. So most likely you could better the 99W typical consumption spec as well.
Maybe that's also assuming it's powering some external devices? Very weird
Annual 454kWh per year, based on 10h daily use.
454,000W/10h/365d = 124W.
Even that is more likely peak, as my own measurements have it averaging about 80W in general use, but I also like a lower brightness than the eye searing default settings.
Admittedly the A80K is a bit more energy efficient, but at this price would take you many, many years to recoup the difference.
If worried about carbon footprint, then choose 100% renewable electricity, and if even you pay more for that you're still coming out far ahead at this current price point for the TV.
Many reviews have suggested the sound and possibly HDR are actually better on the A80J than A80K.
Very happy with mine, even though I paid a couple of hundred dollars over this at Xmas/NY.
as my own measurements have it averaging about 80W in general use,
Thanks for sharing that yeah that sounds a lot more realistic. My current old "non smart" Sony LCD manages just over 100w, so 80W for a modern OLED version sounds very close to what I expected.
but I also like a lower brightness than the eye searing default settings.
Yeah right there with you buddy, I usually watch in a dark room with maybe one small lamp on in the corner. So I set my brightness way down as low as it will go without losing picture quality.
I've been keeping an eye on stock around me and much to my surprise, it's selling a lot slower than I expected
Does anyone know how i can get the perk code? Jb have only emailed me a $10 voucher
Most likely targeted
Same link as the one OP included in the post.
Anyone else received their delivery SMS link yet?
No SMS to schedule the delivery, but got an email from JBHifi that it is already out for delivery!
Yep just got that today as well! Enjoy your new oled TV :)
Too good to pass up, thanks OP!
Damn.. what should I do with my 50” LG Plasma now!?!!
Picked this up on the weekend (~$100+ more). I recommend it.
Compared to Samsung and LG I've tried, was easily the simplest to setup physically, which I really appreciated. You take the outside of the box off and the bottom part, the polystyrene splits into 1/3s, so you lift it up and lean one corner on 1/3 (the right corner), pull out the other 2/3s, take the plastic off and just plug the feet in, no screws required. You can preconfigure the feet as well to have 2 other modes, slightly taller or slighter further in.
Also I think the UI is the most user friendly for non-tech people, make no difference if you're into tech, but the built in Google TV is quite functional, could easily get away with just using that.
No screws required?! That has made my night, thanks for sharing!
I recommend Apps Only Mode.
It declutters the home screen, removes all the ads for shows you don't have subscriptions for.
It's buried in the settings.Yes I really appreciated the ease of the physical setup, and also the option for the soundbar (elevated) position.
This or TCL 55 C835 which is currently priced at $930.75
I was deliberating the same 2 telly's and the price difference (for me) made the Sony a much better price proposition.
IMHO, TCL is crap
TCL is a more refined Hisense. Still a great telly for the price but at the same time, it's also still Chinese with plenty of bugs.
And veeeeery slow (initially it was ok, but after 3 years cant use it). Picture quality is still OK tho
This by a country mile
This is truly high end. Sensational picture, phenomenal sound, excellent processing
At double this price when it came out it was always actually good value. At this price it’s crazy goodSony for sure. It's an amazing TV.
Got one to replace my tcl p715 50", thanks
Crap, I regret impulse buying that 60" Sharp a few weeks back :/
surprised this hasn't sold out yet
Not sure why you got negged? It's actually very surprising.
It hasn’t sold well due to to all the LG oled that have been on sale C1/CS and Sony still wanting to be the premium brand…I would’ve got an LG as well if this didn’t go on sale.
Wouldn’t be surprise if there were still lots of stock of the A80K too
Considering all the reviews i've seen that says the A80J is better than A80K, i would agree..
Hoping the A80L will be a step above A80J
Couldn't resist, almost bought it at $1,495 on Sunday so this was perfect timing. Thanks OP!
Very lucky because the I'm not sure if the price guarantee applies to discount codes but I could be wrong?
Stock is probably plentiful. Sony is selling it for $1495.…
Won't be long the price drops below $1000? One can only hope.
Agreed, think there's a lot of excess stock around. Will hold out (though I really want a decent 65" deal, stock levels are probably not on my side).
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Ridiculously good value for a great tv