• expired

AmEx Platinum Card: 325,000 Bonus Points (Spend $5000 in 3 Months), $450 Travel Credit, $400 Dining Credit, $1450 Annual Fee


This card is not for everyone but with 325,000 Bonus Points seems like a good deal.

The bonus points are so random on the website. It showed 325,000 for me when I first visited it, refreshed the page showed 275,000, refreshed again showed 150,000 and stayed at 150,000. Changed browser, showed 325,000 again. Here's a screenshot https://imgur.com/a/zs7NJIQ

Benefits include:
$450 Travel Credit each year
$400 Global Dining Credit
Access to 1400+ Airport Lounges
Complimentary Accor Plus membership valued at $399 (one free night)

Update: According to comments, the deal is now only available through using a referral link. Please use one from the random referral link generator in the grey box below.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (1)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    150,000 with chrome mobile browser
    275,000 with Samsung mobile browser


    • +23

      It actually says on the banner

      Please note that this offer may not be available or change if you return later or use a different device. Whilst this offer may disappear if you don't apply now, taking credit should be considered carefully. Please do not rush your decision.

      Keep refreshing/changing browser, you will get 325,000. :)

      • +34

        Hehehe - "Please do not rush your decision."…. but if you don't do it right NOW your offer will change & you will miss out!

      • This like pulling the dial on a slot-machine…waiting for your number to show up!

    • 325 k on samsung browser

      • +1

        275k through edge samsung, 325k incognito!

    • +2

      Direct link to 325K application form:

      Seems like it’s just different “mrsourcecode” parameter. e.g. it’s “B08Z275K” for 275K offer.

      • +6

        I wouldn't risk that. There could be cookies/sessions associated from the previous page.

      • I loaded up a 275K screen (couldn't bring up the 325K, yesterday was working fine but today not at all) and then used the link above for the 325 offer. I'll see what comes through and report back.

      • +1

        OK, so as per my previous comment I loaded a 275K screen via the deal link, then clicked the direct link provided by jeozb and I have received the 325,000 (even before hitting the minimum spend, strangely)

        • WOW

          • @gotcha: Do u think that link is still available? It goes straight to a form with no info on how much points you’re getting.

            Should have just applied when it first came out but was waiting for the Citibank one which is expiring end of Jan. Kept having to call them, then they want more info after each call.

            Thought it’s about time to chase these points for free flight but so far more stress catching these deals.

            • @1bargain: Don’t risk it. Wait for next time. In the mean time, you can apply for the Citi Prestige one.

              • @hawkeye93: Yes, that's the one I'm waiting on. Was scared to apply for 2 in a month and get both declined so wanted to finalise Citi Prestige before applying for Amex. Amex did say it was ending in Dec 2023.

                • +1

                  @1bargain: They mean the bonus offer is still there until Dec 2023. But they can change the amount to whatever they want during this period. I applied for both ANZ rewards platinum and Citi Prestige last November. And now have the Amex one as well :)).

                  • @hawkeye93: Lucky you! I really want the Amex for the accommodation and travels as I’m wanting to do more now. New to getting so many credit cards, so didn’t know if they might reject applications or what would happen to credit score. Next time I would be bolder.

                    Do you think something amazing like this would come round again.

                    • @1bargain: Back in May last year, there was a 300k bonus offer for Plat card, so something similar might happen in a few months

            • @1bargain: I am afraid its too late now, 200k only atm

        • LOL so basically you only have to pay for annual fee.

    • +12
      1. Clear cache or go incognito/in private mode.
      2. Go to www.americanexpress.com
      3. Scroll halfway down the page until you see, "Level up with Platinum rewards". Click "Find out how" button.
      4. Click on "Platinum Card" link in the first line "Life with a Platinum Card® opens up a world…"
      5. You'll get 325k rewards offer.

      This worked for me on two different laptops and two different browsers each.

      • +1

        This worked perfectly first time, thanks

      • +1


        Just to report here, by using the above Secret ID's step, you will get the manual link as following:

        You will get the same result if you open the above link manually in private/incognito mode.
        I have tried both myself in Chrome in case you wanna get the desired highest 325K rewards points.

      • don't know why it doesn't work for me……. my max point has been sitting at 275k.

      • +1

        This only brings up 200K points now. I guess the offer has changed.

    • For $1450 fee, they should be getting it right.

  • And you can convert points at the rate of 2:1 to Qantas?

    • +2


      • Qantas - are you sure?

        • +1

          Platinum charge points are Ascent Premium, it can go to Qantas for sure (though KF and Emirates are more desirable)

          • @cwongtech: Oh yeah, I see that now. Qantas American Express Ultimate has a slightly better earn rate, but I get that the Platinum Card offers a bunch of extra benefits for an extra $1,000 annual fee.

    • +1

      Better off transferring to Velocity if you are after Business class flights to Europe.

      • -1

        Don't you have to be a Gold/Platinum Velocity to use points for international business class flights? Or has this changed?

        • That was for upgrades on virgin planes when they flew long haul, points only bookings is anyone

      • What about a business class RTW with KF? Is availablity better than getting a Qantas classic reward RTW?

  • +9

    Better to convert to krisflyer

    • +2

      How come? Genuine question

      • +1

        Lower redemption costs (points & taxes) and, more importantly, much greater availability — generally 4 business class seats on every flight.

        • +1

          Krisflyer gives you access to all Star Alliance member airlines.

          • +4

            @ThePointsGuru: That's less interesting for people in Australia as most other *A airlines release very little saver award availability into/out of Australia — United, Air NZ, Air Canada, Thai, etc are all very tight with awards on their Australian routes.

            Good for redemptions in other parts of the world though.

            • +11

              @vetopower: Agree.

              That's why I get in/out of Australia using a budget airline,
              and then use the points out of the 'hub' cities, eg. SIN, BKK, etc.

              • @whyisave: Clever!

              • +1

                @whyisave: Do you normally book on the same ticket? Great tip, but I'd be marginally worried about delays causing me to miss the second flight

    • Second that

  • i wouldn't no how or what i could spend 5k on in 3 months but seems a very good offer .

    • +50

      Couple smashed avos will get you there comfortably.

    • +18

      Giftcards to bring your grocery/fuel/etc shopping forward.

    • +26

      I wish I only spent $5k over 3 months 😔

    • +9

      I'm very envious if your household expenditure over 3 months is less than 5k.
      When my insurance renewals come due I hit that without making any new purchases.

    • +7

      A week of daycare is $750.

      Add in a couple of bills or insurance renewals and I can hit it easier than I’d like :(

      • -7

        If it costs you that much then you earn plenty

    • +12

      This deal is bad. You have to pay $1450 and you get like 1.5k in $ when converted.

      • +1

        Accor Plus membership includes a free night with the card each year and there’s flight credit too. It’s easy to get $1450 out of this card a year if you travel a lot

        • +1

          Or if you don't travel a lot, be prepared to visit the Fairmont Resort in Blue Mountains when you can't think of anywhere to use the Accor Plus night :)

      • +6

        I saved over $7200 last year in deals and offers, just have to pay attention and use them. One of those deals was Coles spend $400 and get $400 back as well.

        • Is that Coles one a typo? Are they just giving away money? I need this card now!

          • @Smol Cat: Would also like to know! I need this too!

          • @Smol Cat: No that wasn’t a typo they have done that promo twice now

            • @debaron541: Where is this promo from? Link?

              • +2

                @1bargain: That was during the peak of Covid when people could not really travel to use any travel related benifits.
                I doubt these offers would come back at all.

      • +5

        Points including minimum spend = at least a business class flight with a premium airline to Europe (currently at least $5000.)
        Restaurant credit= $400
        Accommodation credit = $450
        Accor plus membership is normally $399 (the reality is you get a free night so I value it at like $150)
        Priority pass will change the way you fly = $130 normally (I think).
        The never ending perks (eg. $200 cashback offers etc.)
        The random perks when you show it at a hotel and ask for an upgrade / free breakfast. (saved me $800 in the past year).
        Having a card structurally strong enough to unscrew a screw - priceless.

        If you travel the card is a no brainier. If you don't then it's not for you.

        • +1

          Don’t forget the $75 net a porter cash back

        • -1

          What's priority pass?

          • @evasive: Lounge membership program. I find it hit or miss. Sometimes you get a half decent lounge, sometimes you get something marginally better than a food court. That being said, there was a time when many CCs came with a membership to Priority Pass and I remember when they switched to digital cards so you didn't run the risk of losing the plastic card they sent out each year.

          • @evasive: Yes, a it's a lounge membership card. It's used to gain free access to the some of business class lounges. All international airports I've been to have a lounge open to priority pass members but I'd imagine some would not. I've found it invaluable. It's ironically annoying to arrive at the airport 3 hours early only to get through security and bag drop quickly and have hours to kill. Having access to the lounge is great in those circumstances. They're not fancy resorts but they're somewhere you can retreat and have a few sneaky drinks and some food. You can access them even when flying economy with PP. Again, if you travel a few times a year, this will be something you appreciate.

    • +11

      i wouldn't no how or what i could spend 5k on in 3 months

      Call your private health insurance, and tell them you'd like to pre-pay the next 12 months. They will happily take your payment. As a bonus, you'll probably be paying this month's rate x12, avoiding the April rate increase until this time next year.

      • +1

        Note: some private health insurers say they don't accept Amex (e.g. Medibank Private). If they accept on-line Australia Post Billpay, then this may work (haven't tried it myself as I don't have Amex yet):

        • Add Amex to your PayPal account
        • Use on-line AustPost Billpay, who accept PayPal as a payment method. (You can't use PayPal in-store at AustPost).

        If anyone has tried this before, please report whether it works.

        • with all gov payments you are only getting 1 point per a $

          • +1

            @billsa: The points aren't the reason for using for using Amex through AustPost, it's to help meet the minimum spend requirement for the bonus points.

        • +1

          Other commenters later in this thread have replied that the "Amex via PayPal" trick doesn't always work, your Amex payment option on the PayPal payment page isn't always selectable.

          There is also a way to pay bPay payments through Sniip, billed to your Amex card, but Sniip have a surcharge for doing that. So I guess it depends on whether you have run out of other options to reach the $5000 minimum spend.

  • +1

    I just sent the invitation link to my partner to apply and she can still get 325,000 and I get 45,000 referral bonus points, a total of $370,000.

    • +53

      Wow - $370,000 makes it a bargain!

    • +8

      a total of $370,000

      Thats a lot of coin

    • sorry typo* 370,000 points

    • I can only see 200,000 on referral :/

      • Same :(

    • Can you only refer cards for what you currently hold?

      • I am not sure, but once you clicked on the referral link, you can choose the card you would like to apply.

        • Gotcha thanks. I figured it out, but like the above user, only get 200k offer.

          • @jayz: Have you tried the Incognito window?

            • @T-man: Yeah tried that as well as different browser. Thanks for the recommendation though!

  • +4

    It's not dependent on refreshing or changing the browser for me at least. I think when you first visit it will assign a value to the cookies. If you delete your cookies or use incognito and refresh you'll get assigned a new value.

  • +1

    how much can these points convert to payment credit

    • Assuming you meant how many of these can be converted to cover your statement balance - all of them. Just at a pretty terrible rate. 0.5c per point.

      • that's what I normally did. I don't fly frequent.

      • Amex offers bonus redemption rates from time to time. The redemption rate was 0.75c per point as recently as December 2022:

        Whether it’s your next flight, a boutique hotel or a day trip with friends – choose to cover any of your eligible purchases with your Membership Rewards points1 up until 30 December 2022 and get 50% more value (minimum redemption amount is 1,000 points).

    • 20k =$100

      • so it is almost $200 profit plus all the credit

        • A lot more worth if you use as FF

      • 20k Amex point or 20k Qantas FF points?

        325,000 Amex points = 162,500 Qantas FF points
        Then (162.5k / 20k * $100) = $812 AUD worth of goods to be redeemed from the Qantas online store?

        Sorry I'm a complete newbie and got no clue

        • Transfer to qff only if you want to redeem for flights otherwise it's just a sham.

          If you want to redeem points for cash/gift cards/purchase use it directly with amex, don't convert.

  • +1

    I’m guessing only for new holders but wishing someone would confirm so I don’t have to click to find out.

    • +7

      Yep, cant of held an Amex card in the last 18 months.

      • Rules me out :(

      • +1

        Can't of?

        • Must not have held AMEX in last 18-months

          • @whyisave: I just sign up as soon i saw this, because of the benefits. Now back on here reading the comments. GG.
            I am still holding a David Jones Amex card for 5 years, does that mean I don't qualify for the points then?

            • @Temptation: DJ store cards are separate to other Amex cards for the purpose of sign up promos. As long as it's not the other Amex branded (Explorer, Edge, QF, VA etc) that you have held in the 18 month period you'll be fine. Have had family done this early last year and got the MR points.

              Therefore Amex DJ is a good choice to keep 3X MR supermarket+fuel while you churn every 18mo for the signup promos for Amex proper.

              • +1

                @poggers: Its a David Jones Amex Card, =( I just spoke to them via Live chat, and I do not QUALIFY. Told them my Situation, and confirmed DO NOT QUALIFY.

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