• expired

nbn 250/25 $93.90/Month (Ongoing, No Lock-in Contract, FTTP and HFC Only) @ Zoom Broadband


Our long term no expiry 250Mbps offer is here.

250Mbps for $93.90 per month.

Our network upstreams are GSL and OneQode. Excellent for gaming and low latency to international locations.

We're an Aussie based RSP, with an Online support team.

Any questions, feel free to post a comment as i'm active and ready to answer questions!

Shane, Zoom BB

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2022

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Zoom Broadband
Zoom Broadband

closed Comments

      • Yep, I’ve been continually going back and forth with them trying to get stuff fixed, and today got the above email from them

        • +1

          I've also emailed them for a full refund, hope i get a reply soon.

          • @jiyu888: We will be providing full refunds to customers where we beleive we cannot provide the service they are asking for as a gesture of goodwill.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: That's not a gesture of goodwill that's just bare minimum basic decency and also to avoid getting in trouble.

  • Yo thats kinda sus here, tried to cancel but they said they couldn't do it during the weekend… I booked my activation date on the 1st of Dec, hopefully I can sort this out before they start charging me.

    • Please send an email to [email protected] if you wish to cancel your pre-order and we will get this done for you.

  • Been talking to rebecca at support. They said they have escalated my query about refund and to follow up in 30min.. about 2h later i asked and they said they are still looking at it and I should give them 2h and they will let me know… dodgy AF it seems.. perfect scam.. go insane on Black Friday sales and Monday just wipe it all and keep the cash lol.

    • +2

      I mean more than one of us pointed this out from the start, multiple times. You can lead a horse to water…..

      • +1

        It seems not many people can manage to do 5 minutes of research before throwing away $100+ dollars away, especially for something that is essential in many people's lives.

    • -3

      Definetly not a scam, you wouldnt beleive how little profit is actually in an internet service. Even on the 1000Mbps plans we barely make $5 per month to provide support. We are providing responses to emails, there 2000+ in our queue… Imagine yourself responding to 2000 emails in your inbox, it takes time. We dont have hundreds of staff waiting to respond. Please be patient.

      • +1

        You should have known Ozbargain is a place for this sorta thing, people love a good deal and jump at the first sight of them

        Should have prepared better if done proper research specially for advertising a Black Friday/Cyber Monday special

        Influx of customers was a sure thing when it comes to NBN pricing some just can't resist with everything going up lately

        • +1

          OzB is good if you provide what you say at a great price.
          OzB is very very bad if you don't provide what you promise. This is going to be terrible for this new business.

    • Literally what epic did (go insane on Black friday).

  • -4

    If you are a real customer please get in touch with us via [email protected] with any concerns you may have and we will happily resolve them for you.

  • So got an email from Ethan stating I have been refunded and just have to wait 3-5 days… Either I get cash back or the company is going down lol

    • I took the cash and ran. They said in their email 3-5 days as well and they never will have phone call tech support

  • In this thread: how not to run a RSP

  • New game, guess who the liquidator will be for Zoom…

  • +2

    Just signed up to Leaptel, within 15 mins I'm now getting 535/48 with a 8ms ping, this is how it should be done "Zoom"

  • If anyone actually gets a refund keep us updated :D


    • I got mine

      • Funds have actually reached your account?

        • affirmative

          • +1

            @Lionheart: Nice. Good to hear you got your money back.

            • @deva5610: We're not here to take people's money if they dont like our product and service.


  • +2

    Saturday 9pm - they said they'll try and cancel and reprovision on a new port since speeds weren't what was advertised/paid for
    Called it quits - asked Zoom Sunday morning at 9am to cancel my plan and requested a refund
    No response.
    Today comes along, net dies at 10am with 3 people working from home having to hotspot. They've cancelled my current port and trying to issue new one. Said COB theyll have it up and running but then also said when a port is cancelled it'll take 24hrs with them to provide new one.
    Asked again to cancel - they said you have to wait for email queue but previously just said there's over 100 queries in that queue (they should have been ready for this if posting on OzB?)
    Emailed them again to ask, they've confirmed cancellation and refund.
    Signed up with leaptel, connected in 15mins with 262mbps/22 on the 250/25 plan working fine. Take a note from these guys.
    Avoid Zoom guys - they have no idea what they're doing.

    • Kids, this is why you don't try and run an RSP LOL!!!

    • -3

      We have found a solution to our speed and performance issue, it was seen to be caused by MTU conflicts on customer modems. We are now immediately switching our network across to IPoE to resolve these problems and will be letting customers know via email when they can change to IPoE.



  • -2

    Any customers that require assistance please get in touch with us via online chat or by emailing [email protected]



  • Got my refund today

  • Looks like the Liz Truss of ISPs…

  • It really took this dude over a year to create this flop, just focus on your other less technical business. Unless of course, you run that like a scam too.

    • Care to explain how you believe we’re a scam? As we’re a legitimate business offering legitimate internet services to customers.

      • -2

        You are dishonest, that is the definition of the scam. But there is no point saying that to you as you will simply reply back refuting that being the case, thus again being dishonest. When being called out all you ever do is deflect, lie or ignore on here anyway.

        From denying ties to Epic, taking Hypernets website offline after it being mentioned, yoinking all of Vocus' legal documentation, claiming this has been in the works for 6 months when it's been in the works for over a year, claiming to have 2500 customers signing up after only a couple days after making a OZB post (bs), the unprofessional and arrogant replies (in many cases openly blaming customers), the fake reviews on the poorly made website using visual programming, the very questionably fake product review reviews (yeeted and deleted after they were called out), lying about where you business is based, failing to complete onboarding and obtaining membership with nbn/TIO prior to providing service, defending Epic in an unfactual manner to a million other things. You're actively and intentionally dragging your name through the mud whilst being incredibly dishonest.

        You're either absolutely clueless on how to run a business well or you are taking this piss and taking peoples money only to go into liquidation again. If you think you look remotely professional and like a decent business from your replies on these threads and general behaviour you are heinously delusional.

        Subjectively, I don't think having an ABN and technically providing internet services to customers for a few weeks equates to running a legitimate retail service provider, let alone a decent one.

        • +9

          Honestly what you’ve written above shows how little you actually understand about running an internet service provider and what goes into setup and launch. If you think it’s as simple a a few IP addresses, an ABN and an office address you’re rudely mistaken.

          You’re referring to business’s in the past that you have no understanding about, nor do you elaborate on the full story around those business’s, it just sounds like you’re a Vocus stakeholder who heard the wrong things on the grapevine. Because the picture you are painting is very very different to what actually happened.

          Setting up this business has cost us over $250,000 in cash, plus a hell of a lot more in guarantees. The time that has gone into establishing the layer 1 and layer 2 networks infrastructure the datacenter costs, the flights to send an engineer to each pop in Australia (yes we have more than just NSW POP) the relationships that needed to be developed to arrange backhaul between the nbn poi’s, the aggregation and purchase of nbn vNNI’s, the systems we’ve developed to manage the network (you think that a visual programming tool is small play? It’s a front end to an entire backend development stack with hundreds of hours of JavaScript developed into it, dozens of API’s into network appliances, monitoring systems, databases, front end systems, partner systems ETC, bubble is a great tool to reduce the time to market on frontend systems, therefore reduce cost to market) the marketing campaigns we’ve had to sign, the pre planning and pre thought into almost every single detail we can think of before deciding we just need to launch because the cost of the network each month is becoming so insane if we don’t launch we will never launch.

          IP Transit costs are $3-8 a month per meg with 1gbps minimum commits, we have 3 upstreams at $15k per month, port costs are $500-1000 a month, we have about 30 ports across the country at $15k per month, intercaps are $1000 a month for a gig, we have 4 intercaps at $4k a month, backhaul commitments are $2.50 per meg with a a minimum of 100 meg commit PER POI, that’s costing us $30k per month, Rack space is $3000 a month for a single rack we have 4, thats $4k a month, cross connects are $200 a month, we have 30 thats $6k a month, staffing is $6k per month per staff, we have 8 thats $48k per month.

          If you think we embarked on the above journey to “go into liquidation” without insulting you I’ll just say you have no idea.

          We’ve spent $250-350k setting up this business, and we’re burning approximately $130k a month on costs. Our customers make us maybe $3-$10 a month in profit. You honestly have no idea.

          You’ve obviously got a serious bone to pick with a particular person, perhaps I suggest you get in contact with him directly and discuss your concerns and hash it out rather than bash out on a new business over public forums.

          This will get downvoted or removed in 2-3 hours most likely, if you want me to link the two of you up get in touch and I can do so. It’s a small world in Telco, you will know that as it sounds like you’re a current or ex Vocus employee / stakeholder.

          • @[Deactivated]: This is why I signed up and a few others to zoom. The honesty in this is what got me as a customer. I mean you guys really need a better support but hey I worked it all out and was happy in the end.

            • @rbrtsluk: Appreciate the support and feedback, I totally agree we need more people and we need to train them better. We are working on this as hard as possible hence why we took all posts off this week and we’ve been all hands on deck for training and system building.

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: $300000 is no where near enough money for an ISP to get off the ground in Australia you need at least $10000000 as a starting point. Unless you went layer 3 where you don't own the network so lower investment. Even the likes of Origin Energy and Australia post have gone layer 3 because they can invest more in marketing and build the business gradually. That said the marketing still costs a few million as well done properly. Or at least several thousand. You would of been better off spending that $300 K on office space, as in an actual office and staff rather then wasting it on the network. Plus your being ripped off majorly by Telstra on pricing I can get 10GBPS ports for less then your paying for 1GBPS.

                • @[Deactivated]: There’s quite a few ways to do it the way we are doing it and we have modelled it out many times. This is the best way for us to maintain quality and control our brand. Layer 3 (white labelling) is never where we wanted to be, with no network control and no ability to solve problems. We’re all from tech backgrounds so it didn’t make sense.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: For someone who is 'in no way related to Epic' is very defensive of Epic. You're transparency of your finances is meaningless and doesn't change the facts. If anything all your doing is acknowledging your 'business' isn't sustainable. I never denied the fact you took significant expenditure to get up and running, nor that profit margins aren't razor thin in this space. You just ignored practically all the points actually mentioned.

            I would love some explanation behind there being a jberry (Jake Berry) test/sample/example account in your website? If you are not associated with Epic, why would you have that as a test account?

            And again, how is the business based in QLD? You are based in NSW…

            Day by day you are dragging your name through the mud, lies after lies.

            How much tick tock till you flop, that is the question.

  • All Plans have been increased by $10.00 a month already, interesting considering your main advertisement says ‘no price increases'

    • +1

      Hello, that’s incorrect. We said that our promo prices will not increase after 6 months, not that our pricing will not increase.

      We’re a new business and we’re still trying to see where we fit. But our promo pricing we gave to customers will not increase after 6 months.



      • I'm not talking about promo prices i'm talking about current prices you have now and prior to show that zoom have already put $10.00 on all plans

        Don't get me wrong it's good that zoom saw the plans you were offering were too cheap and adjusted it's needs

        Web Archive below


        50/20 - $59.90
        100/20 - $79.90
        250/25 - $99.90
        500/50 - $119.90
        1000/50 - $139.90

        Now its

        50/20 - $69.90
        100/20 - $89.90
        250/25 - $109.90
        500/50 - $129.90

        Anyway good luck on your business

        • Yeah those old prices were just unsustainable The difference between these guys and the likes of Leaptel, is that the owners of Leaptel have money as they ran an ISP for years before Leaptel that was / is aimed at businesses and wholesale customers and they use that same network for the residencial business.

        • +1

          We increased our pricing to be more in alignment with our costs involved.

          We will offer promotions still.

    • +2

      Now while I think these guys have gone about things a bit backwards with the setup, you can't have it both ways, you can't bitch about how unsustainable the pricing is and how it looks like they are going to go out of business, while on the other hand complain about them increasing prices. The fact they've realised they weren't making enough margin is a good thing.

      • The fact they've realised they weren't making enough margin is a good thing.

        Unless you consider the poor planning and how that reflects on sustainability

        • It was a strategic decision to have visibility over new uptake channels, we were able to build data.

        • Hence my $10000000 being required comment that wasn't a joke, I know people in the industry who have spent that much and still not finished a Datacentre as an example. This stuff isn't cheap to do properly. These guys are going to run out of cash from the looks of it.

  • Sorry but this company should just close their doors or reboot with a new name. Horrible service, speeds are sht, support is useless and something is definitely going on with the infrastructure. My kid couldn't log into roblox studio and I was shadow banned on Warzone 2.0. Websites responded slowly, netlfix streaming starts in 720p etc. Definitely something strange thet they have. Moved back to super and everything was sorted (apart from me having to wait for a @%!_ review on my warzone account.. )

    Sorry but Zoom broadband sucks

    • Did you ever raise any of these issues when you were with us so we could fix them?

      • Yes, several times. Mostly got no replies.

        • +1

          I cannot see any of our conversations via [email protected] where you have raised the robolox or shadow banning issues. We are using CGNAT 1:16 users, so it’s likely one other person on your same 1:16 was cheating on war zone and got the ip shadowed. Simple fix was to get you your own static IP setup or move you to another CGNAT pool.

          As for robolox it’s likely because our ip’s have not been indexed by the worlds databases yet as they are brand new.

    • Basically they Zoom don't have, or aren't using their own IP address ranges, so they are basically just using free private IP addresses publicly at the moment which is a bit of a mess. Fine in some small ways but not for everything, Oh and some of the IPs are claiming to be from overseas for some of the providers they connect to so that is what is / was giving you issues with Netflix and the like. The ISP needs to be peered with them directly.

      • We do have our own /23 range and AS. There’s no such thing as free IP’s anymore, especially with the world approaching IPv4 depletion.

        It’s a fresh range, if IP’s are starting to be claimed as overseas it’s likely because some of the rogue customers we had over the past few days from this promo hopped on and used our IP in negative ways. There’s about 2 dozen customers we’ve had to cancel their services for due to abuse of service and ip resources.

        We are constantly submitting our requests to database vendors for updates of our IP’s but it takes time, 3-6 weeks in most cases for full propagation.

        This is the cause of these minor issues we are seeing.


  • If you look at the traceroute the customer shared in the first couple of pages of this thread, you will notice the external network IP that your network routes to from your upstream provider is registered in Singapore and not in Australia which is your issue with Netflix and other sites. You should be buying /24 ranges directly from Apnic. /23s won't cut it for a proper network.

    • A /23 range is larger than a /24 you know right?

  • Also all your IPs are free ones from Apnic according to IP lookups and just looking at the Ips that your using for your network publicly they aren't paid ones.

    • Can you advise where we can get free IP's, with IPv4 resource depleting and the cost to purchase and lease new IP's we would love to know where to get free ones from.

      • Still keen to know where we can get ip's from @Chaddy

  • +4


    If you ignore all of the evidence you've been provided with now, then you deserve to lose your money.

    Yet more evidence linking Zoom to Jake and Epic.


    It's all lies, smoke and bullshit.

  • I must say I was rather impressed by the detective work done by that particular individual on Whirlpool.
    I actually can't believe that they were even onborded with the large wholesale provider that they went with.
    All this does is give those of us who run proper ISPs more work as we need to clean up the mess.
    It also makes the NBN look bad, when realistically its just armature operators playing at running an ISP.
    My advice would be to shut up shop now before you are forced to by ACMA and the TIO.
    I reported your operation to the TIO as well.

    • They know exactly what they are doing, apart from covering up. He's done a pretty poor job of that.

    • Chaddy, we're running a small business which has just been launched and we're working hard every day on builing our systems and procedures to ensure compliance and protection of user data.

  • I feel so relieved I got out and got my money back when I did. Great detective work everyone.

  • Just keep an eye on your Card statements if you paid that way as the coding on the website is really poor and no personal data is correctly encrypted.

    • We use stripe and tokenization. Yes we had alot of frontend workflows on our website which have now been moved to server side.

  • Its all client side for everyone to see. Including the secret key for Stripe.
    Stay away from this bunch of amateurs is the advice.

    • We have made changes to our javascript overnight to resolve the issue, including rolling all of our API keys.

      • +1

        And the very epic discovery of a Jake Berry test account that you have said a thousand times you absolutely no affiliation with?

  • Anyone have moved to Zoom and staying with them? Feedback ?

    • +1

      You'll find the only people still floating on this forum now are the trolls. Cheers, Shane.

      • I agree. Only trolls would be floating a move to Zoom. No sane person would, that's for sure!

        https://i.imgur.com/Z7z2TDw.png in case the comment is deleted :D

        Now about the [email protected] email from your own website code. Or the Jake Berry test account from your own website code. Or the Jake Berry ABN ties.

        How exactly did any of that come about without you having any links to Jake Berry/Epic?

        Like if I was using test data I'd use something like Tom Smith. John Citizen.

        Randomly selecting the name of Jake Berry, an ex-director of Epic and giving that same random name an email address at Hypernet is weird, no?

        Or……it's all linked, yes?

        One more question - How is it all your API calls go via FSG and not directly to the nbn if you've spent all this Monopoly money building out your own network? Could it be yet more lies?

    • Seriously? After all of the information discovered linking them to Epic? After the complete fail of their website possibly leaking any data they've been sent? After showing pretty much everything they've claimed to be lies?

      Are you that stupid to still be considering a move to them!?


      • No information or data was leaked on our website. Thanks.


        • Oh hey, you do answer.

          So now - what about the Jake Berry test accounts and [email protected] email?

          Also if you have direct ties with nbn with your own infrastructure why are all your API calls to FSG and not directly nbn?

          No one is out to get you, but you're clearly not being honest in any of your communications. You're own website outed you my dude.

          No one cares if you're being provided tails by someone else. People care if you're lying.

          The Jake links are more worrying, but again, a reasonable, truthful explanation might actually get you somewhere.

          Or just continue with the lies. Your move chuckles.

          • @deva5610: What's the issue with Jake Berry?

            • @[Deactivated]: You mean apart from his history with Epic and Infinity?

              • @deva5610: Yes, what is the problem with those business's either? Both of them were legitimate business's. Nothing succeeds perfectly in one simple try. It takes years to make a business work.

                • @[Deactivated]: Apart from the people who lost money (and the wholesaler too) when the wholesaler cut Epic off for not paying bills, nothing.

                  It may take years to make a business work, but also it takes honesty and trust.

                  So far in my opinion you're doing poorly on that front, given pretty much everything you've claimed has turned out to be untrue.

                  • @deva5610: Nobody lost money with Infinity or Epic, and if they did they didnt follow the process to get their money back properly then i would say thats on them. Vocus did dodgy business tactics. They realised how little they were making from Epic and flogged them before it became a problem, making Epic look like the issue. As much as they wanted to go legal, how can you go legal with limited cashflow? and by the time a new supplier was found it was too late, a mass exodus of customers very quickly becomes a cashflow blackhole that cannot be recovered.

                    • @[Deactivated]: See. You say this, everybody and everything else says otherwise.

                      Given your history of, let's be generous and say "inaccurate details" in this thread alone, why should anyone believe what you're saying when literally everything else says otherwise?

                      • @deva5610: That's why theres no point responding.

                        Theres nothing we can say thats going to make anyone think otherwise…

                        • @[Deactivated]: Let's begin with -

                          1 - Ties between Zoom and Jake? How are there links that your own site outed?

                          2 - Own infrastructure and direct requests with NBN? Again, keep in mind your own website outed that all queries are sent via FSGs API.

                          I'll reiterate - Both these questions are based on code from your own website. They're not made up. You know it, I know it.

                          • @deva5610: So what is your end point? Like where are you going with this….

                            Should we just shut down, write off our investment and sit around a campfire talking about how a handfull of trolls on some online forums destroyed our business?

                            • +3

                              @[Deactivated]: Christ almighty. You say there's no point responding because people have said you're lying and being untrustworthy.

                              You've made a whole lot of claims (Never any links with Jake/Epic, own infrastructure, direct orders to NBN) that your own code on your website doesn't back up.

                              I've asked and given you a chance to comment on why your own website has the complete opposite to what you claim.

                              So what is your end point? Like where are you going with this….

                              The (profanity) truth you muppet. That's the point.

                              I'm not trying to destroy you. I'd be more willing to actually support you if you came out and said "Hey look, we've made some big claims to try to grow our business - the truth is X,Y,Z."

                              Instead you double down on the bullshit that isn't backed up by your own damn website.

                              • @deva5610: You've got the truth, even if we did give a press statement its not going to stop… Something new will come up, it's how this forum world works.

                              • @deva5610: And when you go around sitting behind a keyboard with a hidden identity calling people muppets, do you think that makes us want to do anything for you?

                                • @[Deactivated]: You know what? You're right. I'm sorry for calling you a muppet.

                                  Didn't need to be said.

                                  As to "even if we did give a press statement its not going to stop." I can't say for sure.

                                  I know that I'll have no reason to keep commenting as long as no lies are being told. I've been burnt before and don't want to see it happen to other people.

                                  • @deva5610: Look, we just want to get on with doing business and building up a quality product, all of this takes time away from all of us who are working on the product and network. If we have to constantly keep putting out fires how will we get to do things like building our apps and creating a better network… We've got lots of things going and we've invested alot of money. We're not going away as much as some may like, we're here to stay.

                                    You might not have a reason to keep commenting but the dozen others will, look at this page for example.

                                    All we can wait for is all these people like yourself to finish their digging and come to their conclusion, then move on and prove everyone wrong… Theres not much point writing things online.

                                    If you have a better solution feel free to help us so we can get to the end of these nonsense attacks.

                                    • @[Deactivated]: That's all well and good - But just imagine how many of these fires wouldn't have happened though if you were upfront and truthful with all of the questions people made in the beginning?

                                      It could've been done and dusted in one comment.

                                      I hope in the future that's how you will be - transparent and honest with what you provide.

                                      We shall see.

                                      • @deva5610: Our hands are tied. Thats all i can say…

                                    • @[Deactivated]: Given your association with Jake B from Epic you would fail any of our credit checks which pretty much means I won't be selling you transit or a decent website or anything else. Go and get a job and stop wasting everyone's time and costing wholesale providers money.
                                      And for god sake learn how to read and write while your at it, your spelling is dreadful at best.

                                      • @[Deactivated]: Dont worry we dont have any plans to use your little web hosting business for our IP transit needs.


                                        • @[Deactivated]: We are an ISP as well and actually have a network that works correctly unlike yours.
                                          We have actual relationships with proper upstream providers such as 5G Networks not just a shitty gaming provider that no one has ever heard of that doesn't even own IPs in Au. Guess how many refunds i''ve had to give out in 13 years. None as our service actually works and we are a multi award winning business. Your network is barely functional. (profanity) OFF and let us pro providers actually do our jobs properly instead of wasting everyone's time.

                                      • @[Deactivated]: Nathan runs his own pest/termite business as well.

                                  • @deva5610: Given the Zoom broadband name isn't even registered they don't have a business they are playing at running an ISP.

                                    • @[Deactivated]: You dont even know what the difference is between a /23 and /24 IP range, how can you be seen as a trustworthy source? And i've already posted to you previously


                                      So what's your deal?

                                      • @[Deactivated]: Your business registrations are all over the place and frankly I wouldn't call having one main upstream provider as having a good network.
                                        1 /23 range isn't enough to service all 121 NBN POIs. Plus you have bugger all IPs.
                                        You also don't have the finances to get the volumes to run a decent RSP.
                                        I've been in this industry since 2009.
                                        I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but the amount of BS that you have come out with is frankly a joke.
                                        Epic broadband was a complete failure trying to be the cheapest provider without the millions of dollars to pump into marketing is a recipe for disaster.
                                        Commbank and Dodo own that cheap end of the market and in Combanks case they have billions of dollars to spend.
                                        Commonwealth Bank own More Telecom for those playing at home in case you weren't aware.
                                        I mean good luck with attempting to compete with that in the residential market but I don't like your chances.
                                        I started selling business NBN as we had customer demand for it plus our business has actually made a profit its not hard.
                                        You just need to have your service priced correctly so that each customer brings in a profit.
                                        Plus make sure your outgoing expenses are less then your sales.
                                        Oh and get rid of idiots that have run failed businesses in the past as they have no idea.
                                        Oh and admit to your mistakes and just say you (profanity) up instead of bullshitting your way out of it, i've got a Public relations degree from Deakin University so can see right through the Bs.

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