• expired

nbn/OptiComm 100/20 $85/M, 250/25 $99/M for 6 Months (New Customers Only) @ Aussie Broadband


Aussie Broadband have released their Black Friday deal, similar to the 2023 Black Friday deal - see auug's post from 2023. You will need to use the appropriate code for the discount.

Offer 2:
$10 off for 6 months on residential unlimited 100/20Mbps,
FW Plus 100/20 nbn® plan, OptiComm Fast 100/20 plan – BF60

Offer 3:
$20 off for 6 months on residential unlimited FW Home Fast 250/20Mbps,
Fast 250/25Mbps, Super-fast PRO 250/100Mbps,
FW Super-fast 400/40Mbps, Hyper-fast PRO 500/200,
Ultra-fast 1000/50Mbps, Ultra-fast PRO 1000/400 nbn® plans,
OptiComm Superfast 250/25, OptiComm Ultra-fast 1000/50 plan – BF120

Terms and Conditions

Duplicate speed tier offer removed from title — Mod

Referral Links

Referral: random (260)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • Anyone know if it's possible to apply this code to an existing plan I'm already on?

    Nevermind, this offer is for new customers only. Might want to edit your title OP.

    • Thanks for the clarification, edited.

    • It exists for current customers to, use BFUPxx rather than BFxx as per this post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/876104

      • So, i upgraded the other day, using the code. Then i rolled it back after the change as i didnt see the speeds increase appreciably. The code stayed on at the original plan.

  • +8

    Does AussieBB get classed as enshitification yet?

    • It's definitely losing its value….but there are still loyalists who will say that it's all worth it

  • -2

    ABB is horrible, I'm pulling all 13 NBN EE connections from them…Would never used these guys again.

    • +1

      Anything more descriptive than "horrible"? I've found them to be very good. The only issue I've encountered with my connection has been the responsibility of NBNCo and ABB made sure they dealt with that side. It was totally seamless from what I saw.

  • +2

    Used to be willing to pay a premium for ABB, but have found similar performance with Leaptel etc for cheaper.

    Not sure if others caught up or if they got worse.

    • +1

      They got worst

  • +2

    RSP’s needn’t bother when there’s Superloop’s BF deal this year.

    • Superloop's offer doesn't apply to Opticomm so there's a small market (but tbf their non-BF pricing is still $10/month cheaper than this deal).

      Personally haven't had a good experience with Superloop so paying $10/month extra is worth it for me.

    • +1

      Superloop are horrendous. Speeds are fine but if you want even an ounce of customer service, don't expect it from Superloop. You'll be stuck in a never ending loop of zero accountability or competence.

  • -2

    The last year offer was for 12 months. This is not similar.

  • +1

    A happy Superloop customer here.I switched from ABB to Superloop 3 years ago and it never missed a beat. The free speed tier upgrade available every billing cycle is a blessing especially if you plan for heavy downloading.

    ans as per today's 'Communication Day' newsletter

    Superloop's NBN market share jumped in the September quarter according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, as the telco registered the impact of both its Origin wholesale deal and strong performance from its own consumer business.

    Aussie Broadband has dumped its lawsuit against Superloop and members of the rival telco's board. The telco launched legal action after Superloop directed Aussie Broadband to reduce its Superloop shareholding

  • +3

    Just left ABB after 24 months.

    Too expensive for a service that struggles every evening during peak times.

    Have just moved to Leaptel which is not only cheaper but peak hour usage is a lot better.

    • Had similar issues but with Superloop, moving to Leaptel solved my issues as well and their pricing is still competitive.

  • Good to know they do a BF deal, I'll churn next year from my current Superloop 12 month sign up

  • -1

    No deal.

    Exetel current promo/regular pricing:

    50/20 $63.99/$79.99
    100/10 $68.99/$84.99
    100/40 $78.99 / $94.99
    250/25 $83.99 / $98.99

    On the 250/25 plan, you are looking at a saving of $200 over 12 months verse ABB.

    Have use various providers for Opticomm (Leaptel, ABB, Exetel, Unity, Superloop) and for my n=1 on the same exchange/network/whatever infrastructure for the last 7 years, there is zero difference in connection speeds, and nowhere near $200 worth per year in customer service.

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