• expired

nbn FTTP 250/100 $119/M, nbn FTTP and HFC 1000/50 $109/M for 6 Months (New & Existing Upgrading Customers) @ Aussie Broadband


Aussie BB has released their Black Friday deals and the pick of the bunch is nbn FTTP 250/100 $119/month for 6 Months.

There is also $20 off/month on 500/200 and 1000/400 for 6 months and the usual $20/off month on 250/25 and 1000/50 for 6 months.

Existing residential nbn® customers who aren't already on the 250/25 plan or higher, have not downgraded from the 250/25 plans or higher in the last 4 months and are upgrading to the 250/25 plan or higher.

nbn FTTP.
250/100 $119/month for 6 months (includes a Static IPv4 address).
500/200 $149/month for 6 months (includes a Static IPv4 address).
1000/400 $179/month for 6 months (includes a Static IPv4 address).

You don't need an ABN for the 250/100, 500/200 and 1000/400 speed tiers.

nbn FTTP and HFC.
250/25 $99/month for 6 months.
1000/50 $109/month for 6 months.

New Customer Coupon — BF120

Existing Customer Coupon — BFUP120

To redeem, a redeemer must:
• be upgrading plans to one of the supported services to apply the promo code and must be upgrading from a lower base price to a higher base price plan.
• call 1300 880 905 and quote the promo or
• Apply relevant promocode through MyAussie.

A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact, on an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months.

Existing Customer T&Cs.

New Customer T&Cs.

Referral Links

Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +14

    I just got 12 months for $105 with 1000/50 HFC on Exetel by calling to terminate if that helps anyone.

    • That seems to be a targeted offer since 1000/50 isn't on Exetel's site.

      • +8

        Yea I got it through termination call.

        • +9

          Actually onlinepred edited their post just before I replied.

          Can you post a deal?

          0 posts

      • -1

        I'm paying full price for 1000/50 with AussieBB because I use the full up/down bandwidth, and I know other providers oversell the HFC.


        You could you run a quick speedtest ^ with Exetel and post the down/up

        • hah everyone uses the full upload because its so shit.
          waiting for it to be sequential like other countries

    • +6

      Same here - except $99 for 12 months.

      • +4

        +1 Did the same with superloop, $99 for 12 months because I said I was going to leave.

        • I got it for $89 for 12 months by calling Superloop terminations

    • +2

      Leaptel $99/mo for 12 months, can renew each year by doing a live chat

      • What do you say to them to get thy deal?

        • It's on their website. When the 12 months end I say I want to renew my promotional pricing.

      • Didn't work, they are firm on $109 for 1000/50 if you're an existing customer

        • +1

          Just try again through live chat and hopefully get someone else. I did this just a week or two ago and I'm on a new 12 month $30 discount i.e. paying $99/mo.


          Our base pricing is already generally below that of what we identify as our key competitors. These are brands with onshore support and a commitment to full speed. We are not a bargain discount provider; there’s plenty of those around. We are committed to delivering a high quality product at a reasonable price point.

          If you are an existing customer and coming to the end of your promotional period, or have finished your promotional period, it is always worth speaking to our team. We have implemented clear guidance to our staff on what we can offer.

          • @Nuggets: I've tried twice already, but I'll give it one last attempt.

      • Can confirm.
        I was coming off new user 100/40 (which would revert to $99.95) and live chatted and was able to get the 1000/50 for 12 months for $99/month. Possibly because I was going up a plan, but hey, $0.95 cheaper! :-)
        Loving Leaptel!

  • Will they let me apply it within last 12 months discount period to get further $20 off?

    • They will not. I was on the 100/20 plan. During the last BF deal I got $20 off the 250/25 plan for 12 months. I have been told I need to go on the 1000/50 plan to get $20 off this time around.

      • If you go on to 1000/50 you can get $20+$20 off?

        BTW, I have downgraded to 100/20 within the 12 months period, they still apply the monthly $20 off.

        • The discounts don't stack. The new one overrides the old one. So $20 off overall.

          Good to know the discount still applies even if you downgrade the plan :)

          • @sinners007:

            The discounts don't stack.

            Thanks, in that case will leave it next time.

  • +10

    Superloop beats them on the 1000/50

    • +9

      Yeah they are both good network wise.

      Superloop is $10/month less with overseas support and has 30-days cancellation notice.

      Aussie BB is $10/month more with local support, you can cancel at anytime and you get a pro-rata refund.

      • Typical evening speeds for ABB is higher than both Superloop and Leaptel on the 1000 plan

        • +1

          After churning for 4 years now, I've had zero speed difference with various providers. Lucky I guess!

        • True, but I'm not sure 75mbps is worth an extra $10/m. Particular given it’s just an average.

      • +1

        Leaptel at $99/month too for 1000/50 (https://leaptel.com.au/plans/)

        Do Superloop and Leaptel typically run Black Friday deals? Presumably if they do this gap would get even wider.

        • +1

          Superloop don't. Leaptel's Black Friday pricing is the same as what's already offered.

        • Superloop are doing Black Friday now. The code isn't working at the moment though.


      • +1

        How has ABB's local support been lately? Last time I called the gal could barely speak English and communication just wasn't possible. Had to thank her and disconnect the call and opted email them.

    • +4

      Leaptel on 1000/50 is similar too:


      BYO router though. But, aussie based support!

      • +6

        Leaptel has been great so far.

        • +1

          yeah, reddit's fav provider haha

          The developer of our duplex didn't register for a subdivide but Leaptel were very helpful throughout the process.

      • +2

        Leaptel is $10 less and 12 months, not 6 months. So Leaptel is a good deal cheaper.

      • +2

        With Leaptel, if you're lucky and able to upgrade from fttn to fttp, you can get 1000/50 for $89 a month for 12 months.

        $30/month base discount and $10/month technology upgrade discount.

  • +1

    6 months instead of last year's 12 months (most others ISPs offering 12 month deals).
    The "4-month clause" means anyone who took an offer last year can't get the same offer this year.
    Existing customers must "upgrade" to take advantage of the offer (i.e. pay more).
    Nothing special to see here unless people want to try faster speeds IMO.

    • Yeah last year was 12 months.

      As far as I'm aware only Leaptel and More Telecom (Targeted) are doing 12 month deals and everyone else is 6 months.

      • +1

        I went a bit early on the "most" call ;)
        I was looking at Leaptel to move to.

  • Can I downgrade from 1000/50 to 100/20 and then upgrade the following day?

    • +4

      No - refer to the "4-month rule" in the T&Cs.

      • Thanks mate

  • $20 off $139 is $119 they can't math….

  • +1

    Thanks OP. The BFUP120 code was applied. About this time last year i got the $10 off for 12 months deal. Now this. Good days.

  • Buddy Telco is AussieBB but cheaper. Same network but less support. $99/month for 1000/50

    • +1

      Other than support what else are we missing such Qos / cgnat etc?

      • +2

        Buddy Telco is IPv4 with CG-NAT and a static IPv6 /48 block.

        Currently Buddy Telco internet plans do not offer static IP addresses or the ability to opt-out of Carrier-Grade NAT (CGNAT).

        With Aussie BB you can pay $5/month for a Static IP or get off CG-NAT for $0.

      • Unless things have changed recently, all Buddy connections are via CGNAT with no option to call and get it removed.

        • +2

          Well there you go.. can’t live with cgnat sadly :/

        • -1

          Buddy did offer Static for $10/month extra, I got this offer back in september and got 12 months of it free by chatting with live support.
          Weird that they've removed the offering after introducing it.

  • Why no 1000/100?

    Can't wait for the free NBN upgrades next year.

    • +1

      Providers can't offer 1000/100 until September 2025.

  • Anything for the 100/20
    Just checked $10 off six months

    • +1

      Aussie BB 100/20 $85/month for 6 months.

      New Customer Coupon — BF60
      Existing Customer Coupon — BFUP60

      Superloop are doing 250/25 $85/month or 100/20 $75/month for 6 months.

  • +1

    Anyone else having constant drop out issues, since I signed up with Aussie Broadband I've been having constant drop out issues. I have called and the chap on the line supposedly fixed it but no success it seems.

    • +1

      Been with ABB for nearly 4 years now, no drop outs what's so ever.

      • What router are you using, i might need to buy new router.

        • Got a Unifi Dream Machine.

        • You on HFC? New router won't help if the issues is from the modem -> nbn.

          • +1

            @idonotknowwhy: No im not on HFC, I'm connected via FTTN

            • @knock knock: With FTTN it's more likely to be a fault out in the street. Check if you can swap from FTTN to FTTP.

              • +1

                @Twix: Yeah I'll sus it out and see if i can change connection. Thank you for the link

                • @knock knock: You have to go on 100/20 or greater when changing from FTTN to FTTP. Does it say you are eligible now or in 2025?

                  • +1

                    @Twix: Im eligible for upgrade in 2025. Patience is virtue

                    • @knock knock: A new VDSL2 modem might help on FTTN. What modem are you using now?

                      If not you will just have to wait for FTTP to fix the FTTN problems.

                      • @Twix: I'm currently using using a provided netcomm router/modem. I've had another chat with AB, this time they've changed my profile to stable connection. They said i might see slight decrease in speed but in return a lot more stable connection.

                        • @knock knock: Yeah a stability profile can help. Is it the NetComm NF18ACV or NetComm NF20MESH modem?

  • +2

    I upgraded a week ago for a once-off month so have just missed out on eligibility, chatted to support about it and initially said probably not but level 2 said yes, same terms as the deal, 6 months. cheers, OP

  • +1

    Thanks mate - just saved me a bunch of money.

  • Also on Leaptel $99/month for 1000/50. Just no reason to go elsewhere right now.

    • +1

      They've been having many drop outs

      • Not many at all on my end that can't be attributed to NBN maintenance.

  • You don't need an ABN for the 250/100, 500/200 and 1000/400 speed tiers.

    Which ones do you need an ABN for, or do you not need an ABN for ABB residential plans?

    • You used to need an ABN for 250/100, 500/200 and 1000/400 with Aussie BB but not anymore.

  • I am currently on Telstra FTTN NBN with a Gen 2 Smart Modem.

    Will I need a new modem/router if I switch to Aussie Broadband?

    • No.

      • +1

        Thanks Twix, will it just auto switch to the new provider?

        • +1

          It will auto switch with Aussie BB, Superloop, Telstra, Launtel, Leaptel and various other providers that use the IPoE protocol.

          For providers that use the PPPoE like TPG and iinet it won't auto switch and you have to enter your username and password supplied by the ISP.

  • Hey I never switch provider for nbn connection before, I'm with telstra at the moment. If i plan to switch, do I switch with Aussie BB first and once active I cancel it with Telstra or this get done automatically?

    • +1

      switch with Aussie BB first and once active I cancel it with Telstra

      This is the best way. Your Telstra service might get cancelled automatically. It varies by the type of nbn that you have.

  • hmm I just cancelled my contract with Aussie Broadband last week and they made zero effort to retain me aside from the whole you pay extra for having aussie service ect

    Paying $99 a month for 1000/50 with Leaptel, been getting 800+ most nights no issues.

    • Yeah that "you pay extra for having aussie service" tired of that old line now, plenty other providers who have aussie support and those who don't, most time don't need it if service works as expected

    • HFC or FTTP? And what upload speeds?

      • Im on FTTP with a max of 1000 Mbps download and 50 Mbps upload

  • -2

    On 1000/40 at ABB, called and threatened to leave to a cheaper provider if they didn't offer a discount.

    Happy to see me go… shame.

  • Hi

    Just made the jump to fttp.

    With Vodafone nbn for years

    I checked out whistleout.

    Anyone with dodo 250 /21 for 78.90 /month for 12 months then 98.90 ?

    Any good ?


  • +1

    Thanks, I was waiting for this. My previous $20/month discount is ending in 2 weeks so I've now scheduled an upgrade to 1000/400 with this discount.

  • -4

    This is not a good deal, so many other providers out there providing same speeds with same service at much lower cost

    • Actually the pricing is considered good for the high upload speed tiers and includes a static IP.

      1000/50 is cheaper from Leaptel and Superloop. Aussie BB is another choice for those that churn providers to get the promos and comes in handy if your deal has ended with someone else.

  • superloop $89 for 12m 1000/50mbps

    Aussie seems like such a rip

    • This was posted 1 week before the Superloop new customer deal. The competition is great.

      By the way I updated that Superloop deal with all the details. You're welcome.

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