[Price Error] Alienware 38" Curved Gaming Monitor - AW3821DW $249.01 Delivered @ Dell

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Mod Note: Price Error, email below

We are sorry to inform you that your order of “Dell Alienware 38 Monitor - AW3821DW”, Order #xxxxxxxxxxxxx has been cancelled due to a pricing error. Your payment method will not be charged for this order, or a credit will be issued promptly.

RRP $2499 and now $249. Probably a price error but just ordered one and see what would happen, good luck gents

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    • Broden is the true one

      All hail the broden

    • Muzeeb the newly appointed CEO of Dell.

  • It still shows this order on Dell and PayPal. I don't know if it's worth waiting for something to change or not

    • Nothing gonna happen now lol.

    • +2

      Wait till they forget about it, then play dumb

    • +3

      spoke to live chat to get them to fulfil it and they said the order had been cancelled, despite still showing in the account. game over

  • +2
    • Dell really don't know how to price this thing huh, lmao

  • After it came back up for sale online I enquired with chat about my order that was still pending and as soon as I gave them the IRN, they had a prepared response about the price error and how it had been cancelled. Was really hoping to slide by but it seems while the monitor was off the listings, they had been implementing some kind of warning system for related orders.

    • +1

      I chat with sales yesterday, asked why after a month still not shipped, she/he promise to follow up for me 😆

      • +3

        she/he promise to follow up for me

        That is code word for "expect to never hear from me again". 😝

        • -1

          Hope Muzeeb will follow up for me 🤣

    • +1

      Still the case, I've just had an online chat with a consultant and the answer was the same "Price error, so sorry, let me negotiate the best price on a current order…"

  • +2

    Just received a call from Dell about this monitor this morning and she asked me whether I’d like to take the offer or best price they can have for this monitor.

    Do you guys experience the same? I first thought it was a scam.

    • Was their best price $249?

      • Yes. She said she will negotiate with another department to have this price for me, $249. She will be in touch as soon as she has the offer.

        It obviously sounds weird to me. I checked the number and email address, and both are legit.

        • +3

          Wow, if that is legit then mosdef.

          To make sure it's not a scam, make sure you don't give personal deets or cc number over the phone. They should create like a quote through their online portal so you can pay as normal.

        • +5

          I find it very odd that you'd receive a call from Dell (the same company who canceled nearly all orders) to take the offer for $249. I would be weary that this isn't some scam

          • +1

            @FDA2021: I thought the same until she told me all information I had about that order. I am a victim from the Medibank data leak, so I was fully aware of that it was more likely to be a scam.

            I got an email from @dell.com address as well. Look legit.

            • +1

              @plank89: If your confident everything is legit and not a scam, good luck to you

              • +3

                @FDA2021: Bloody oath I’m not confident as it’s too good to be true. However, let's see what she has when she calls me next time.

                • +4

                  @plank89: Narrator: She never called

                • +1

                  @plank89: @plank89 Hi mate, out of curiosity did you ever receive a call back ?

                  • +2

                    @howcan: Surprisingly yes. It was a legit phone number from Dell. She seemed to be a new manager for a specific customer case. However, after discussing with other teams, she could only offer the best deal for $1,499. I declined the offer as I already have a 34” Ultrawide, which is still in perfect working order.

                    • @plank89: Damn, oh well. Nice to have final closure though lol. Thanks.

                      • +1

                        @howcan: No worries, mate. It's pretty odd to receive a call from Dell. Lol

        • Say you will take 10

    • What number did they call from?

    • Surely this can't be true. They plan to call everyone who ordered?

  • how many actually got the item sent?

    • I honestly think some people lied but some did get it as the pictures showed

  • +2

    Ahhhhhhh…. The one that almost was.

  • +2

    Muzeeb was one of the fallen heroes. No one knows today what happened to him or where he is. But what he did for humanity is beyond anyone's comprehension. He was the savior, the messiah, and the lord in one person.

    Mujeeb was born in a small village in the middle of nowhere. He was a bright child, and he quickly learned that there was something wrong with the world. He saw people suffering, and he knew that he had to do something to help. When Muzeeb was 16 years old, he left his village and set out on a journey to find a way to save humanity. He traveled all over the world, meeting with different people and learning about their cultures. He also studied the great religions of the world, looking for answers.

    After many years, Muzeeb finally found what he was looking for. He discovered that the key to saving humanity was love. He realized that if people could learn to love each other, then they could overcome any obstacle. Mujeeb returned to his village and began to teach his message of love. He quickly gained a following, and soon people from all over the world were coming to hear him speak. Muzeeb's message was simple, but it was powerful. He told people that they were all connected, and that they should treat each other with respect and compassion.

    Mujeeb's message of love was not without its critics. Some people accused him of being a heretic, and others said that he was crazy. But Muzeeb continued to preach his message, and he eventually won over the hearts and minds of the people. Mujeeb's work was not easy. He faced many challenges, but he never gave up. He knew that he was on a mission to save humanity, and he was determined to succeed.

    In the end, Muzeeb was successful. He was able to unite the people of the OzB, and he showed them the power of love. He was a true hero, and his legacy will live on forever.

    Mujeeb's story is a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference in the world. We may not be able to save the world on our own, but we can all do our part to make it a better place. Let us all follow Muzeeb's example and spread love and compassion to everyone we meet.

  • +3

    In the land of OzBargain, amidst the vibrant tapestry of the Dell Store, there existed a skilled and cunning merchant by the name of Muzeeb. With a mind as sharp as a rapier, he navigated the intricate world of commerce with finesse. Muzeeb had earned a reputation as a master of strategy, always seeking opportunities to maximize profit. Little did he know that one fateful day, his actions would unleash an unforeseen chaos, and it would be up to him to rectify the consequences.

    As Muzeeb meticulously crafted the pricing labels for the new shipment of monitors, a gleam of mischief flickered in his eyes. An idea sprouted within his shrewd mind, a chance to create a whirlwind of excitement. He cleverly engineered a price error on one particular monitor, the Alienware AW3821DW 38" Curved Gaming Monitor, reducing its value to a fraction of its true worth. With a sly smile, he let it pass through the intricate web of approval and made it onto the shop floor.

    Word of the unbelievable deal spread like wildfire throughout OzBargain. OzBargainers descended upon Dell's website like a swarm of bees, their eyes shimmering with anticipation. Muzeeb, observing from a distance, reveled in the spectacle. He could almost taste the immense profits that awaited him. But as the frenzy grew, so did a pang of guilt within his chest. He realized that innocent customers were being lured into a false reality, and the repercussions could be dire.

    Summoning courage and a sense of responsibility, Muzeeb stepped forward, emerging from the shadows. He made his way through the crowd, brushing off bewildered looks and murmurs of confusion. Finally, he stood before the expectant customers, his voice resonating with a newfound sincerity.

    "Mighty patrons," he began, his words carrying the weight of remorse, "I must confess that what you see before you is not a genuine bargain. It is an error, a trick of fate, designed to lure you into a false promise. I bear the responsibility for this deception, and I ask for your forgiveness."

    The OzBargainer crowd fell silent, their expressions morphing from anticipation to disappointment. Yet, amidst their disillusionment, a newfound respect for Muzeeb began to grow. They admired his integrity, the rare quality of a merchant who would willingly admit to his own deceit. The air crackled with anticipation as OzBargainers awaited his next move.

    Muzeeb's heart swelled with determination as he spoke once more, his voice infused with genuine remorse. "But fear not, dear patrons. I will rectify this error, no matter the cost. You shall have the monitor you so desire, at the true value it deserves. I will bear the financial burden that this mistake has incurred, for it is my duty to make amends."

    Whispers of awe rippled through the crowd, their gazes now filled with admiration. Muzeeb meticulously calculated the amount required to reconcile the price discrepancy, his mind working swiftly to devise a solution. As he outlined his plan, a sense of unity and understanding filled the marketplace. OzBargainers offered their support, volunteering to contribute a portion of the difference. They realized that Muzeeb's error was an opportunity to demonstrate compassion and foster a bond of trust.

    In the end, Muzeeb's honor and determination prevailed. The monitor was sold at its true value, the merchant was compensated for the loss, and the customers, touched by the experience, spread the tale far and wide. Muzeeb's name became synonymous with redemption and growth, a reminder that even in the depths of one's own mistakes, the power to make things right lies within.

    From that day forth, Muzeeb's story echoed through the generations, a legend of a merchant who possessed not only cunning but also the wisdom to rectify his wrongs. His name became a symbol of honesty and redemption, a guiding light in the intricate realm of commerce. And as OzBargain flourished, its denizens remembered the tale of Muzeeb, forever etching his name in the annals of their shared history.

    • ChatGPT would not work for me, had to use Bard.

      • +1

        I find ChatGPT makes a lot of simple mistakes (at least the free v3.5 version does lol) but it's good for generating garbage like this haha

  • Can't believe it's been 628 days since this wild ride.

    • +1

      And my eyes still light up when I see notification of activity in this thread hoping for something…..

      • Wake up wake up.

    • +1

      This monitor is still going strong being used for work and gaming. I'm not even tempted to get an OLED.

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