This was posted 3 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order] BYD Atto 3 Electric Car from $44,990 Drive Away (NSW $47,110, VIC $47,131, QLD $45,984) @ EVDirect


Don't know if this can be considered a deal, warranty is dealer backed 7year with kinda meh finance interest rate. Specs are alright. Just posting for awareness. Top spec is around 50k drive away.

Est. delivery: July 2022

Mod: Added driveaway prices from website.

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closed Comments

  • +282

    Thanks for posting on

    • +6


      • +3

        thank you very much for posting this…

        P.s. no sarcasm

    • +13

      Nice to be aware… now what if we all post random junk for awareness.

      • +50

        Most of the stuff on OzB is crap of late, so why not!

        • +2

          Almost 20k less than highly upvoted Tesla deals?

          • +7

            @[Deactivated]: But the Tesla deals are discounts on the product. This is just a new product, there's no deal.

            • @greennick: You mean post with government sub?

              Also applies to this car.

          • @[Deactivated]: See some of the Sandy Munro Tesla teardown videos. He opined that certain elements are a marvel of engineering.

            • @johnwinds: And the point is?

              Thought we are talking about what an object costs, and whether it is a bargain.

        • But ~$47k of crap is a lot of crap

        • +1

          Too true.
          It's coming to a tipping point where it's having an impact on the value of the site in my opinion.
          Bloody annoying.

          • -1

            @virtual81: Yeah, just saw some car wax for $0.50 off with postage. Real bargain. Good if the moderators deleted those instead of people comments

      • +7

        i am very sceptical when it comes to Chinese cars but i got the chance to do some research on this vehicle, and to my surprise, the tech underneath the car is very interesting, the battery is the safest in the market, it does not explode (blade battery).

        what's even more interesting is the technology has been licenced out and a deal has been signed with Toyota to use the tech in this car. whaaatt ok so sure some might think the fit and finish is not up to par with the average Japanese car, and based on previous experiences that assumption is not so far fetched, but this is a new car, a new EV car to be specific, and the Chinese might wana be wanting to set a good example for their first EV to the international market. still we need more reviews to early to tell. dont forget that tesla has shit quality fitment and panel gaps to this day.

        • +3

          BYD is the second largest NEV carmaker in the world. It has made millions of cars since 2003. So quality is probably not a big concern. However, I don't think BYD is ready to start its business in Australia.

          I have compared the specifications of this car with the Chinese version (Yuan Plus). BYD simply flipped the interior plan and removed all features that may not work properly here (i.e. the DiLink intelligent system, traffic sign recognition, 360 degree vision, auto parking, online entertainment apps, etc.). The seller doesn't even offer a home charging station as an optional accessory because most Chinese customers live in apartment and have no place for it at home. It's quite obvious that BYD didn't spend much effort on optimizing the car for Australia. It's more like an experiment to BYD.

        • Tesla m3 is made in china

          • @fez: you're not contradicting him with that statement.

        • +47

          Cars aren’t a race….unless it’s the movie Cars….then possibly.

        • +7

          What's wrong with these people? A random person commenting on Chinese junk products (which they really are to my opinion) and they try to spin it as an attack to their race. SMH

          • +4

            @extrastrongbeer: Just asking… how many Chinese junk products are there in your home ( if you have one) and why did you buy those junks?

          • +2

            @extrastrongbeer: Chinese make junk intentionally, they are building to a price point which means cutting corners, cheaper materials, less support and warranty.
            It is a legitimate business strategy and the Chinese are executing it very well. The Japanese used the same strategy and gradually increased quality and price and now "made in Japan" is a badge of quality not a punch line. How junk were Korean cars in the 80s and 90s, now they are quite good.

            Cheap Chinese junk is a complement if you think about, it's a strategy they executed so brilliantly their cheap junk is ubiquitous.

          • +1

            @extrastrongbeer: I am with you. To my opinion, you are a product of junk. I don't think there's anything wrong with my comment.

        • +7

          Genuine question.

          Is it really racist to call it a piece of Chinese junk when over the last 50 years of global commerce the lowest quality of products are ubiquitously known to come from China?

          In my opinion it's a reputation they earned and anyone saying so is simply stating a well known fact.

          China make a great many things, and they typically all lack in quality and/or have no basis for comparison (it's not like the Germans make smartphones).

          I think you'd have to cross the line of attacking or insulting the Chinese personally to be considered racist.

          My personal views, I hate Chinese politics, I steer clear of Chinese product when quality matters, I seek Chinese product when cost matters, I think Chinese people are great. Am I racist?

          • +13

            @virtual81: No, you are not a racist. You are just 5-10 years behind the times. Reputation can change. How was the reputation of Korean cars and phones 20 years ago?

            You are right. China used to make junk products only. However, things changed in last 10 years. Now China are making both good products and junk products. For example, if you are looking for a drone on Amazon, you may get a DJI for $500 or an unbranded "piece of junk" for $100. Don't say "Chinese products are junk" if you only paid $100. We always get what we pay for.

            Besides, in most cases, they make junk products not because they are not able to do it better. There are many customers who actually need those low price products. $100 drone can be an existing gift for kids or some adults who just want to try flying a drone.

            China contributed 28.7% of Global Manufacturing Output in 2019 which was 70% higher than US. Do you really believe this was achieved by making junk products?

            • -4

              @ruanjiangongren: China still make junk.

              I never claimed they were incapable of doing better.

              Of all things manufactured in china the bulk are low quality items still to this day.

              Yes, you get what you pay for, but if junk were not manufactured, then it would not be bought.

              They make junk by choice, just as other countries choose not to.

              Yes, cost of labour gets a vote in it, but that isn't the whole story.

              China contributed 28.7% of Global Manufacturing Output in 2019 which was 70% higher than US. Do you really believe this was achieved by making junk products?

              Yes… yes I do.
              You made the point for me right there.
              They deal in high volumes of low quality product.
              If another whole country decided to reduce quality and increase volume then they might have a similar increase in output per capita too.

              Behind the scenes here is another issue, the environmental one.
              The increase in plastics can be significantly attributed to both Chinese production of cheap consumer electronics and brands reliance on China for that manufacture.
              Would love to go back to a day where you couldn't get a printer for less than $500, but it served you for 20 years, parts were available and consumables were cheap.
              Changing the subject a bit, but it's relevant and important.

              The responsible parties are…
              Us, for demanding cheap crap.
              Government for seeing the damage it's doing but preferring production of dealing with pollution.
              Brands for racing to the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality and durability in order to compete.
              And others, but they are the main ones.

              We need a return to WW2 frugality when people were cautious of how they spent money and used materials.
              The invention of plastic is now being hailed as the single most detrimental development for the environment.
              Take a look around and imagine everything around you that contains plastic not existing.
              You're reading this message on plastic.

              • +2

                @virtual81: Honestly, I don't know whether you are serious or just joking.

                People will not buy junk products if China stops making them? If that's true, let's shut down Macdonald's, KFC and all other cheap restaurants, so all people will enjoy premium meals in Michelin star restaurants. Let's shut down all motels, cheap hotels and airbnb, so all people will live in 5 star hotels. Let's shut down all factories that make cheap purses, so all women will carry LV, GUCCI and Hermes. What a ridiculous theory!

                People buy good products and junk products because they have different needs and affordablity. Why do people buy junk products made in China? Because other countries make worse junk given the same price. They got what they paid for. They also got the best out of their money.

                No country can achieve world no.1 by only making junk products. Otherwise, the no.2 won't be US. Did US make more junk products than India?

                • -5

                  @ruanjiangongren: Mod: Removed inflammatory statement.

                  Junk products need to cease to exist.
                  It's an environmental fact.

                  Take Ozito, Ryobi and Milwauke for power tools.
                  I've chucked out most of my Ozito tools for one reason or another, not a good feeling to be pissing money down the drain and piling up landfill.
                  I can't afford Milwauke.
                  Ryobi however, often only a little more expensive than Ozito offer good value for money tools for light to moderate duty use.

                  Your examples are just hyperbolic crap and are in no way any kind of sensible argument.

                  Also what kind of claim to fame is being number 1 for junk products?
                  Is that something to be proud of?

                  It is a scientific fact that we must reach environmental equilibrium or suffer the consequences.
                  Could be 500 years from now but it will happen.
                  Everyone either keeps ignorantly consuming or waiting for someone else to act.
                  And if that status quo remains we will die as a race.

                  Maybe I'm over reacting… it's not like the human race is at risk or anything…… oh… wait… it is.
                  It just doesn't matter because it's not in your lifetime right?

                  Looking over your previous posts it's apparent you are capable of intelligent thought, but now you've just fallen apart. It's sad to see.
                  Yes, Korea have made massive improvements to their product in general.
                  As did Japan before them, maybe you're to young to remember when products from Japan were rubbish immediately pre and post WW2 and into the 70's.
                  From the 70's to 90's Japan made the same slow improvement Korea have over the last 20 years.

                  Essentially these things need to happen…
                  Junk like $15 printers need to stop existing.
                  Products need to become more durable, repairable and built with longevity and/or disposal in mind.
                  Right to repair needs to have happened yesterday.
                  Sadly non of the above is profitable, and when profits are put first we all suffer.

                  Nothing wrong with a lack of junk products raising the cost of items if those items are maintainable, repairable and durable.
                  Such items make purchasing second hand a good option again for those with a tight budget.

                  • +5

                    @virtual81: Calm down mate. You have lost your mind and point.

                    Yeah, those "suggestions" sound stupid and crazy. However, they are all based on your theory not mine. It was you who said that people would stop buying cheap products with lower quality if China stopped making them. It was you who assumed that all people would be happy and capable to pay more for expensive products with better quality.

                    Thanks for raising an interesting example that proved my opinion and slapped your own face. Both Ozito and Ryobi are made in China. Milwaukee is either made in China or assembled in US using parts made in China. As I said, China is making good products and junk products, which satisfies various customer needs and affordability. The more interesting thing is that both Ryobi and Milwaukee are owned by a Chinese company while Ozito (which you think is junk) is owned by an Australian company.

                    Ozito and Ryobi both come with lower quality and lower price comparing with Milwaukee. You cannot afford Milwaukee, so you buy Ryobi and declare Ozito "should not exist". What if you earn a bit more and can afford Milwaukee, will you also declare Ryobi "should not exist"? What if you earn a bit less and cannot even afford Ryobi, will you buy Ozito or just give up the job that needs to be done? The market (or the government in some scenarios) decides which product should not exist NOT you. It's ridiculous that you consider yourself a standard for all people.

                  • @virtual81: Yo, you're losing this debate! Come on! Keep it up!

      • +3

        What's the argument here? Because they make batteries so they can't make good cars?

      • +6

        BYD might have the biggest potential to compete with Tesla. Warren Buffett owns over 20% of BYD.

        • +4

          Hahahaha. Every electric auto maker has been tipped to compete with tesla.
          Rivian, nio, lucid motors, byd, ford, li auto, xpeng hahaha.

          Analyst have no clue what they are talking about. Teslas are mid to premium cars so unless BYD make similar cars and start selling 300k a quarter then there is no competition.

          • +6

            @shegeloaf: Tesla is premium? How so?

            • +5

              @[Deactivated]: Premium in that you pay a premium cost for vehicles which seem to have no end of issues caused by budget/bad workmanship and poor quality control.

              • +2

                @sukablyat: Oh look, yet another person who appears to have no actual experience with Teslas delivered in Australia.

                • +2

                  @chuq: Oh look, someone who seems to enjoy making wild assumptions about someone else based on… no background knowledge whatsoever.

                  I know 3 people who have owned a Tesla. Yes, in Australia. Every single one of them have had issues due to shitty QC and bad workmanship, as I said in my OP.

                  GFY, C.

            • @[Deactivated]: It is not that premium … It is smart, but, not premium …

              2009 higher trim Japanese cars have all the features, except the radar and big screen.

              Smart, yes.

              Premium, no.

              Tried Tesla 3 … A bit meh except for its acceleration and smart features

            • @[Deactivated]: I said mid to premium in the EV space. If you talking about model 3 no.
              If you talking about roadstar x its up there in performance. Not porche or nio but still premium performance and decent interior.

          • +6

            @shegeloaf: BYD does sell 300K a quarter when you combine their hybrid and full electric sales. They're neck and neck with Tesla on just pure care sales. So I'm not sure how you're saying they aren't competing.

            • @rightguy: Read my post. I SAID bYD needs to sell 300,000 premium models, not cheap average electric cars.

              • @shegeloaf: Premium doesn't matter in this conversation which was about which car company will wind up controlling the market share. There's very few premium brands that control the larger market in most industries. Remember when Sony used to sell premium video cassette players called Beta while other brands sold one called VHS? At the end of the day the company that has the lowest barrier to entry while making a reasonable quality product is likely to win the EV war.

          • +1

            @shegeloaf: Premium price =/ premium quality.

      • +70

        everyone calm your tits, here ill do one for yall:
        Australian cars = piece of shit
        Chinese cars = piece of SHIT
        German cars = piece of shit after warranty runs out
        Korean cars = not bad
        Japanese cars = the best

        • 😃🤣😂

        • +32

          that makes Korean cars 'good shit', and Japanese cars 'the shit'

        • Chinese cars offer 7 years warranty, should be not bad?
          They do this is because either they are confident with their product, or they are piece of shit but they are confident that drive away price already includes all the cost they do the fix for you : ).

        • +4

          What about Thailand cars, pretty sure my Navara and Colorado and Hilux were all made in Thailand.

          • @t_c: Thailand makes a huge proportion of cars sold in Australia. Hilux, triton, navara, BT-50 etc etc

            Our cars also are made or partly made in South Africa, Mexico, Czech republic, Turkey, Slovak republic, Poland. And that includes many 'japanese' cars (mostly made in Thailand)

            Not to mention all cars sold in Australia must meet the same safety standards

            Are they the same quality, in the sense of 'will they squeak' or 'stop working' - who knows, Perhaps not.

        • +1

          Then the aliens said: look at these earthlings and the shit cars they made. Lol.

        • +3


          Joke aside, those haters never questioned where those parts to make the "good" cars are coming from 🤣

          But don't think you or any Aussie can stop this long and tiring political correctness justified hatred, the election is closing by, so the politicians are desperately needing more to fuel their campaign, China/Chinese hating is an ez way to win as always, sigh

          And just TBH, I won't buy any EV in Aus since the EV supporting infrastructure here is SHIT

          …comparing to China, been there and back, had witnessed too much already ..

        • Australian cars were once good until Holden release the Captiva. That was the final nail in the the Holden brand.
          Chinese cars aka. the new generation of electric are not bad at all. BYD has big American cash behind it and will be a force. Norway have a lot of these now and they seem fine.
          German cars, well some are good but they had their bad period with Mercedes in the 80's.
          Korean cars, they have had their share of lemons but mostly have been reliable.

          Japanese, yep they are usually decent. Still waiting for my Nissan Ayria.. Which I hope to still be alive by the time they ever release it here in Australia.

          With shit, I would say the following. Chinese petrol, shitty. Chinese EV, nice shit. Japanese EV, apart from Nissan, they have been behind the 8 ball thanks to Toyota thinking Hydrogen was going to be an option.

          Just my opinion.

        • American???

      • Whatever phone or computer you used to write this comment is another piece of Chinese shit. Why are you still using it?

        • +7

          I doubt the majority of us here use phones from Chinese companies. Not sure why you’d think that. Also even if that were true that would be a false equivalence. Because one country is good or bad at making one type of thing doesn’t mean absolutely everything else they do is of the exact same qualities

        • Nope Korean made bro.

      • +1

        another shit of dealman. Dunt show off your ignorance. In electric car industry, Chinese brand is superior like iphone in phones.

        • -1

          Lol. If you think that…

          • @dealman: And what were you thinking writing such an ignorant comment? Like you would do a better job at making anything, Aussies failed in car manufacturing lmao!

            • @HangryCakeStore: Hey bud, Aussies didn't fail, Aussies made and exported well for over 50 years, now we have living, pollution and labour standards that are far higher. So it's not economical.

              That's not called failing. That's called progress.

              • @dealman: Even if labour standards were low, we wouldn't get very far being less innovative partly helped by comments like yours helping divide the community resulting anything progressive.
                We are all heading towards a welfare system since theres nothing to invest here

                • @HangryCakeStore: Dude, if it offended you too bad , get some concrete.

                  But Chinese cars are shit . Maybe in 20 years it'll change. For the moment that assesment remains.

      • +8

        Almost 95% of the deals here are for products made in China or sourced from there. Grow up.

        • +3

          Yes, and those made to western specs with western quality control standards imposed are generally good, than the local goods.

          • +1

            @dealman: Yeah exactly. A lot of parts of iPhones used to be made there. iPhones are obviously good quality. But it’s really then an American company making it with Chinese labour and Chinese labour laws and infrastructure if they set it all up. Depends how it’s done

          • @dealman: Yes and so no need to generalize anything and paint an entire country with a broad brush.

      • -5

        Wo wo wow this really blew up….

        Chinese cars are shit… This isn't a racist comment. This isn't a bargain.

        Neggers neg away

        • You got it! The Chinese car's quality is bad, true, but there is a difference between calling out the poor quality and use an emotionally charged phrase like the S word.

          • @mountaineer: There are other words that are less rude that can be used to describe something cheap and inferior like 💩, junk, trash, garbage, dumpster, dirt, scrap and waste.

            • @rektrading: Yeah I don’t really care about avoiding curse words unless I’m around kids though.

              It’s different if it’s rude in terms of unnecessarily personally insulting someone saying you suck rather than providing more constructive criticism.

              But in terms of word selection I couldn’t care less if someone says shit or crap or rubbish or whatever. To me it all translates into the exact same concept from the same exact perspective so it’s all the same to me

              • +1


                It’s different if it’s rude in terms of unnecessarily personally insulting someone saying you suck rather than providing more constructive criticism.

                How dare you say I suck. I prefer to bl0w.

      • +2

        Cars from Chinese car companies like Haval & Great Wall haven't got the best reputation due to their quality, but they are like Kia & Hyundai in their trajectory - they'll improve over time. Whether aussies will take to them like the Korean cars is questionable given the current tensions. You can't group BYD with Haval & Great Wall in that they've never made a car with an ICE. They have a lot of experience & knowledge in making electric vehicles because they've been making them since 2003.

      • Hmmm, guess your life must be surrounded by shit..

      • -3

        Not sure why ppl are getting so triggered over a product.
        The fact is it is a Chinese brand and it is a complete piece of shit just like all Chinese car brands (case in point: Haval). Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

      • +3

        I remember people saying “it’s just shit Jap crap” back in the day.
        You wouldn’t say that about Japanese products anymore.
        Some stuff may be “Another piece of Chinese shit” now but give it a decade or 2 and I’m sure you won’t be hearing that anymore.

      • reply to see comments :)

    • +7

      Imagine there’s no
      A server with the specified hostname could not be found
      No bargains to live for
      The rip-offs run awry
      Imagine all the OzBargainers
      Sleeping in on Black Friday
      You, you may say I’m a dreamer
      And I’m fo’ sho’ the only one
      I hope one day our awareness
      Will bring us all back to OzBargain dot com (dot au)

      • +2

        Have u signed a record deal yet?

        • Needs to pay royalties first 😅

      • Hahahaha 🤣😂

  • +11

    480km per charge is pretty good considering the petrol will keep jumping due to US, russia and ukraine issue.

    This or MG?

    • +5

      On paparr hands down better than the mg

      • Depends on which MG. 2020 MG or the new 2022 MG. On par with the 2022 MG but you get factory backed warranty with the MG and apple carplay/android auto. The Atto 3 is a gray import with no factory warranty and no dealer network here in aus.

        • +1

          UUummm, this is not a gray import….. it has warranty. no dealer network is part of the sales model… like Tesla…..

          • +3

            @garethb: Gray import - American shit spelling
            Grey import - Drake meme

    • +20

      480km NEDC (Not Even Darned Close) - probably expect around 340km of real life highway driving.

        • +22

          Battery degradation 10% in the first couple of years? Where did you get that from?
          It's true the first couple of years sees the fastest degradation, but that's more like about 2-4% and then it plateaus.
          10% would be more like 10 years of driving.
          Example, Tesla reckon you will likely lose 1% per 20,000km driving.

          Also, the heat thing, you're probably alluding to EVs with no heat pumps (which Teslas didn't pre 2021), but that is people in much, much, much colder climates than here.
          Also, your AC probably has a fairly similar impact on your mileage in an ICE car as it does an EV.

          People are so obsessed about scrutinising range on EVs, but I bet they're the same people who never check their MPG, or check their advertised range figures are accurate and acceptable on their petrol/diesels.

          • +1

            @Deviner: I scrutinise ranges on all types of cars. They are always bs regardless. If you think about it logically, of course they will do absolutely everything in their power to get the best possible number in testing. And of course that’s then not the real world.

            • @rhino015: My point was, you don't see any car adverts here and people banging on about "the mpg they've quoted on their website is incorrect" and start flipping out.

              And yes, totally agree that both ICE and EV companies like to quote the range based on the absolute best conditions possible, which are mostly unachievable.
              However, you can get pretty close to the expected range if you drive at around 90-100kmh in most EV's.

              Tesla already got a slap on the wrist for some of their optimistic numbers and now show slightly more realistic ones.

          • +14

            @Deviner: My numbers are based on real world experience driving electric in Australian heat. I'm on my third battery replacement in 9 years!

            All test data comes mostly from California at a temp range of 24 -27C (which yields 2500 cycles) and at low speeds. So a few years if charged every second year. Basically optimal as it gets. Australian summers aren't that. That initial drop feature of lithium is far more prevalent at high temp operation. I'm not on 2500 cycles yet, but on battery 3 (so far all warranty claims, but you need to fight for it).

            Not sure what BYD does for cooling of the batteries. But if it's air, then range reduction is amplified by the AC also cooling the battery, as well as the cabin. If it's water cooling, that's definitely better for range reduction. Heat pump heating also a big plus.

            Electric cars literally shit all over petrol cars in every way. However, bogus range claims that don't match Aussie conditions annoy me. Electric range also differs from petrol (petrol cars get better range on freeways, electric cars are the reverse). Drag is king and higher speeds have a significant impact on range.

            Anyway, looks like lots of negs from people who know better than my years of electric driving, so i'll leave it at that. Just wasting my time. Just tried to help people out so they don't buy too small a range vehicle thinking it will do that range for say 6 years in summer heat down the freeway… It won't.

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