[WA] Tesla Model Y RWD (2024) Existing Inventory: $51,100 Delivered + On-Road Costs @Tesla


This looks like an inventory clearance price for Model Y MY2024 manufactured around August to September 2024.

It's $2,000 further cheaper than previous $53,300 inventory discount price from initial inventory sale https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/888355.

Stock only available in WA and there is $350 discount if you use a referral link.

Besides, WA ZEV Rebate for $3,500 (apply separately after you get a qualified vehicle) available until 10th of May 2025. It is like refund stamp duty for the EV registration.

Save further if you can get novated lease on it as it does not attract any FBT.

The $51,100 model sold out in half a day as per comment from whom visited the store.

Other Model Y existing inventory in WA

Referral Links

Referral: random (884)

Referee gets $350 off Model Y & 3 purchase.

Referrer gets $150 credit toward Supercharging, software upgrades, merchandise, service payments or a new vehicle. Limit of 10 referral benefits per calendar year.

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  • +52

    By a Tesla if you want it vandalised

      • +7

        Google is your friend

        • +15

          Those incidents seem almost exclusive to trumpland

          • +19

            @BeefBiryani: you mean this is not trumpland?

          • +20

            @BeefBiryani: Google.com.au

          • +8

            @BeefBiryani: Nope, I have seen a lot of videos floating around on Facebook where ppl have keyed Tesla cars only

            • -1

              @mckayver: The cult is spreading 😮

            • +41

              @mckayver: We can re-industrialise, but how do you feel about taking a significant pay cut to compete with other countries? Happy to work much longer hours? Fine to lose working benefits like annual and sick leave?

              Complex problems don't have simple solutions, as much as populists would try and have you believe they do.

              • +6

                @Shoocat: @mckayver .. Australia has never been a good place to manufacture.

                It's not the cost of power. It's the fact we have to ship raw goods in and then ship the final product back out at the end. All whilst we are in the middle of nowhere, miles from any other country.

                As someone who does this it's super expensive.

                • @threeseed: What about the LABOUR cost…anyone willing to work for $10/hr here ?

                  Look at the product we use & investigate which country they're made. Ignoring exchange-rate, OS-workers are likely to get less-than the-equivalent $AUD 10/hr?

                  Btw, many smaller firms break the law paying BELOW the Awards, lol.

              • +8

                @Shoocat: How do you feel about your current pay cuts since 2021. Oh you didn’t get a pay cut? Probably earning more cash than ever? And yet you can buy less than ever before thanks to inflation caused by printing more than half the money supply during COVID and then importing over a million people to flood demand for the housing the market.

                • +1


                  printing more than half the money supply during COVID

                  Look @ the good we consume…there IS a connection: including mobile-phones, TVs, IT-gadgets, EV, house-hold good, holiday, any-consumption.

                  And when people get access to EXCESS-cash (employment, business-income etc), what assets did they buy & the impact on asset-prices ?

                  Is this good…the answer is relative?

                  For the 2/3 who have assets/properties &/or good-income…say it's great.

                  For the 1/3 who have low-income, renting &/or support by welfare… say it's bad.

                  When RBA discussed 'a narrow path', many people are oblivious to its meanings & challenges ?

                  Btw, AU is one of the LAST-developed-countries to take this journey: look @ year States & Federal debts started to climb, https://www.rba.gov.au/chart-pack/bond-issuance.html.

                  When Govt. OVER-spends, this create debt. When there's NOT enough AU-Superfunds &/or OS-investors to buy these debt, RBA steps-in to buy Govt. debt with money created from their Central-Banking-System…adding EXTRA $000,000,000 RBA bank-account to pay for these debt.

                  Many developed-countries are doing it.

              • @Shoocat: Orange cheeto billionaire says poor people have stolen all the money! Now to destroy public services…..

              • +23

                @Shoocat: Australia is not the USA, we don't need to industrialize. We need to take ownership of our natural resources instead of exporting the profits and tax revenue.

                We are a resource rich nation similar to the UAE, being robbed of its wealth by multinational corporations.

                • +7

                  @greatlamp: 100% this guy is absolutely spot on. We are incredibly resource rich and, unlike the UAE that offers citizens far lower tax rates (because they actually properly tax the corps mining the resources), our leaders just give all of this away.

            • +7

              @mckayver: You think Trump is doing all that? Last I checked he was doing everything else but all this….

            • +7

              @mckayver: You have to hand it to Russia, they managed to install a puppet President, who destroys America from the inside and half the population is cheering him on while he does it. All without firing a single shot, just through disinformation and propaganda.

              Thanks for the offer but we don't want Moscow controlled puppet PM in Australia.

              • +4

                @dealhunter52: Some of the worst authoritarians and dictators in history were elected as populists. Trump sadly is no exception, people are easily led to their own slaughter while cheering it on.

                • +3

                  @gromit: Animal Farm by George Orwell was never more relevant.

              • -1

                @dealhunter52: Dude Russia Russia Russia is so 2020. It was an actual hoax. Settle.

              • +1

                @dealhunter52: Oh my gawd. Just stick to deal hunting bruh.

            • +2

              @mckayver: Clive Palmer voter lol

          • +2

            @BeefBiryani: our land is Trumpet of Patriots

        • google is not your friend you need to internet search with duck duck go and find out why.

      • +6

        Because people are weak and behave like red guard communists - self righteous idiots just like the people they loathe.

        • +24

          @Purp did your post make sense in your head?

          • -2

            @mooney: Fascist thinking involves ultimatums based on cruel stupidity.

        • +2

          Where did they leave to?

      • +3

        Why would it get vandalized?

        Because emotionally fragile people are easily triggered

        • +2

          That is 100 percent true

        • +1

          they will vandalize you here.

      • +4

        The mentally ill are out in force, thats why

      • -3

        think now this sorts of things are called “ welcome to country” in WA.

      • +1

        he is American he doesn't understand Australians aren't idiots. :D

      • +27

        Agree with your first sentence. People can’t be taking out their frustration with the guy at the top by damaging people’s cars, which they probably bought before he went full tilt douchebag. Sales are crashing for Tesla, I am awaiting February data with popcorn.

          • +54

            @Purp: Elon Musk is a reckless egomaniac who thrives on overpromising and underdelivering, fueling chaos with impulsive decisions, spreading dangerous misinformation, exploiting workers, and wielding his vast power with a reckless disregard for ethics, truth, and the real-world consequences of his actions. There, I say what he's really is.

            • -6

              @tonyvooz: He has delivered more than any man alive though.

              You're zooming in on the cracks while missing the bigger picture of what he’s delivered.

            • -3

              @tonyvooz: Says the puny keyboard warrior in ozbargain.

            • -3

              @tonyvooz: You need to get off the internet and touch grass

            • @tonyvooz: Also a liar. About the things that matter. Also takes father responsibility as a joke.Also names his kids like he smoked all of USA strongest skunk feed in one sitting. It shows.Look at the footage of the moron with the chainsaw on stage. He makes puberty tantrums look like a MENSA convention. And people literally worship him. LOL

          • +24

            @Purp: He's a nazi. Does that oppose your political beliefs or nah?

              • +14

                @1st-Amendment: Oh so he was doing a ‘my heart goes out to you’ gesture was he?

                He’s a Nazi cosplayer. I honestly think he’s devoid of any real beliefs. He’s a dangerous man child.

                • -3

                  @mooney: Stay angry, the algorithm thanks you for your service…

                  • +6

                    @1st-Amendment: I plan to stay angry, you enjoy basking in ignorance. I notice you don't have any defense of his actual behaviour.

                    • -5


                      I plan to stay angry

                      Good luck with that, let me know how it works out…

                      I notice you don't have any defense of his actual behaviour.

                      There's nothing to defend. I don't get upset about people expressing themselves in case my username didn't clue you in on this.

                      Out of interest, other than casual trolling which the Left seem to fall for every time, what exactly is the theory here? Trump and Elon are Hitler and plan on invading Poland and gassing the Jews? Fill me in on the plan, and let's test your hypothesis against reality.

                      • +1

                        @1st-Amendment: Are you based in the US? Must be as we don't have it in Australia.

                        • @arcticmonkey:

                          Are you based in the US? Must be as we don't have it in Australia.

                          Thanks for the demonstration of faulty logic.

                      • +12

                        @1st-Amendment: Bless that you think people are angry at your weak trolling.

                        I think what people can see with Trump, and his useful idiot Musk, is a real risk of dismantling democracy in the USA. Removing safeguards for vulnerable people. Filling the government with cronies. Driving an isolationist agenda.

                        The human impact will be (already is) horrible and I would guess it is safe to say nothing good will come from it at a global level.

                        • @mooney:

                          is a real risk of dismantling democracy in the USA

                          How exactly? I mean most people just voted for him, isn't that exactly how democracy is supposed to work?

                          Removing safeguards for vulnerable people

                          Which ones specifically?

                          Filling the government with cronies

                          Every government everywhere on earth does this. How do you think that works?

                          Driving an isolationist agenda.

                          That's what voters clearly wanted, that's what they voted for. Do you know what the word democracy means?

                          and I would guess

                          I was hoping for something more substantial than a guess, but this seems to be a common trend.

                          Trump went to an election on a platform and most people voted him in. That is precisely how democracy is supposed to work.

                          • +1

                            @1st-Amendment: Sigh. If you believe Trump was given a mandate by the population to rule by executive order and ignore the constitution (for example the power of the purse) then you’re either an ideologue or plain stupid (both?)

                            My ‘guess’ comment comes from the fact I don’t have a (profanity) crystal ball.

                            • +3


                              If you believe Trump was given a mandate by the population to rule by executive order and ignore the constitution

                              The US Constitution gives the President power of Executive Order. Every President since 1788 when it was ratified used it.

                              then you’re either an ideologue or plain stupid

                              Or I know how the law works and you don't. And you got told that Orange Man Bad so you ran with that without actually looking it up.
                              At least we've sorted that out now.

                              • @1st-Amendment: You don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s trying to circumvent the constitution.

                                Here read this. Be careful because they are quite a few words.

                                I’m now done talking to you. Because you’re clearly a future member of the Leopards Eating Peoples Faces Party. 😘

                                • +3


                                  You don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s trying to circumvent the constitution.

                                  ABC lol.

                                  Let's use this example as case study of how the Media lies to you:

                                  Headline: The key areas where Trump has been accused of presidential overreach

                                  Note the use of the word 'accused'. So not actual evidence, just accusations, and I'll bet my house we know who is doing the accusing…

                                  which Democrats and legal experts warn could…

                                  Bingo! Democrats and unnamed 'legal experts' meaning simply more Democrats.. So the opposition party think he's a bad man, and this what you're going with as your smoking gun?
                                  The Democrats warn that something could happen!
                                  Which mean it isn't happening. It's just the regular fear-mongering that weak minds fall for all the time.

                                  But first, what is an executive order?
                                  …While they're legally binding…

                                  So exactly like I said, legally binding by the Constitution itself. How can you be ignoring the Constitution when the power you and every other President had is defined by it?

                                  the Trump administration is yet to be found to have overstepped its legal powers.

                                  So not circumventing the Constitution then? Just panic for no reason…

                                  Nothing else in that article provided any evidence that the Constitution is being circumvented. But thanks you for the demonstration of how easily weak minds are fooled by media lies.

                                  I’m now done talking to you

                                  Because you're clearly out of your depth.

                                  Here's a copy of the US Constitution, I'd like you to point out exactly which part specifically you think Trump is trying to "circumvent" or "ignore"

                            • +1

                              @mooney: He doesn't have power over the purse so he can't spend money that hasn't first been appropriated, however he does have plenary power in the constitution to run the executive branch so he can choose not to spend the money or redirect it.

                              For example, he can't declare war, only congress can do that, but once they have he has authority to conduct the war and direct resources as needed. Congress cannot interfere because of separation of powers.

                              • +1

                                @Juggernaut1984: Agree about spending, but this is about NOT spending right now.

                                Trump.. “cannot withhold congressionally-approved funding without congressional authorisation. Previous administrations have tried and failed to push similar measures, and courts have repeatedly ruled that such attempts violate both statutory and constitutional principles.”

                                • +1

                                  @mooney: He was elected to do this and was very open that Elon will run doge and he was elected. Can't be clearer than that.

                                  Anyway I think the next budget will be taking this into account as republican control everything.

                                  • @Juggernaut1984: He was not elected to ignore the constitution. That’s why he’s being blocked by the courts.

                                    And they are skirting checks and balances with Musk. He’s running DOGE but also is not running it.

                                    They’re making a mess. Wait until they damage Medicare/ Medicaid. It’s going to get really really messy and probably violent.

                                    • +1

                                      @mooney: I doubt it. Elon has been tasked with saving 15pc or 1 trillion. The courts have upheld doge and refused to shut it down and the Supreme Court just put hold on lower court regarding foreign contract payments.
                                      Once these get to the Supreme Court his actions will be upheld.

                                      Anyway as Andrew Jackson said about a Supreme Court decision "let them enforce it"

                                      On top of that doge has around 70 pc approval in the US according to opinion polls. Only really democrats and msm and some Hollywood loonies complain now and they are irrelevant. Democrats are in the 30s approval.
                                      US is much more conservative than Australia

                                      • @Juggernaut1984: Oh man. You’re through the looking glass. You’re dreaming if you think DOGE has 70pc approval rating.

                                        • +1


                                          Oh man. You’re through the looking glass

                                          One of us is, and it's the one that has provided ZERO evidence to support anything they say.

                                          You’re dreaming if you think DOGE has 70pc approval rating.

                                          Let me show you how citations work and maybe you can learn something:

                                          Here's the summary (their caps, not mine):
                                          DEMOCRATIC PARTY APPROVAL HITS A RECORD LOW AT 36%

                                          President Donald Trump’s approval rating is at 52%, with voters most satisfied with his job on immigration, reducing the cost of the government, and returning America to its values.

                                          42% of voters say the country is on the right track, up 14 points from January

                                          The Democratic Party received its lowest approval rating since at least March 2018

                                          67% of voters say the current level of U.S. federal government debt is unsustainable.
                                          83% of voters favor reducing government expenditures over increasing taxes, and 77% say a full examination of all government expenditures is necessary.
                                          70% of voters say government expenditures are filled with waste, fraud, and inefficiency (Democrats: 58%; Republicans: 78%; Independents: 75%), and 69% support the goal of cutting $1 trillion of government expenditures.
                                          60% of voters think DOGE is helping make major cuts in government expenditures.
                                          58% of voters say DOGE employees should not have access to sensitive information on Americans who benefit from government expenditure programs; including names, social security numbers, addresses, and incomes

                                          What would it take for you to accept that maybe, just maybe, the media are lying to you?

                                    • +1


                                      He was not elected to ignore the constitution.

                                      You have continually avoid giving a specific example of this. Almost like you just heard this is Tiktok and repeated it like a bot.

                                      Here is the Constitution (again), please point out which bit you think is being ignored


                                      And they are skirting checks and balances with Musk.

                                      What 'checks and balances' specifically? DOGE is simply an advisory board like hundreds of others that exist in government and have existed for centuries. None of these are ever 'elected'. It's like Lefties have no idea how anything actually works but were told to be angry so the obeyed…

                                      and probably violent

                                      Like the summer of BLM riots you mean? Or has that been erased down the memory hole like the CCP did with Tiananmen square?

                                      • +1


                                        Here is the Constitution (again), please point out which bit you think is being ignored


                                        • -1

                                          @jackspratt: You forgot to make an argument…

                                          • @1st-Amendment: You forgot to rebut what is plain on the face of it.

                                            • -1


                                              is plain on the face of it.

                                              So plain that you couldn't put it in words?

                                              • +2

                                                @1st-Amendment: Oh! dear ….. you are really scratching now, aren't you. 🤣

                                                • -1


                                                  you are really scratching now,

                                                  You got that right. I'm scratching to find out why you are 3 posts in now and yet to work out how to use your words to construct an actual argument.

                                                  • +4

                                                    @1st-Amendment: Here's a hint - you asked for an example, and I gave you one.

                                                    I'll leave you to ponder on that for a while.

                                                    You have become the jv of the Forum section of OzBargain.

                                                    • -1


                                                      Here's a hint - you asked for an example, and I gave you one.

                                                      Ok let me help you out since you are clearly struggling with the basics here. You provided a link to the Constitution, the part you forgot is how Trump is ignoring that, using actual examples. This is how you construct an argument.

                                                      I'll leave you to ponder on that for a while.

                                                      Perhaps you could use that time to brush up on some high school level education, that way you'll be able to converse with adults better in future:


                                • +1

                                  @mooney: Also you mention he doesn’t have the power over the purse and then in your next comment say he was elected to do exactly that. Which is it?

            • +1

              @gdogdiggity: calling someone a nazi, think with new hate speech laws that comes with mandatory jail time.

              • +1

                @garage sale: He's the one doing nazi salutes and spouting nazi rhetoric but ok mate. If you want to defend him guess what I'm going to call you??

            • -1

              @gdogdiggity: noun
              noun: Nazi; plural noun: Nazis
              a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party.
              does that oppose your view on elon or nah?

          • +22

            @Purp: I'll bite, just on this one

            I'd have thought everyone would oppose pulling a (profanity) sieg heil on stage with the president

            You don't have to be a leftie, or a good person, or even have half a brain honestly, to know that bringing back nazism is a bad thing.

            • +4

              @TheDukeOfNukem: Unfortunately I’m not sure everyone on this thread agrees with you.

            • @TheDukeOfNukem: But is that what really happened? No im not going all 1984 “not believing what I’m seeing”… but if you’ve tracked Elon over the years he makes some pretty weird gestures. He’s obviously smart given the fact he’s done what needs to be done to become the richest human on earth but I dunno… maybe he has a mild case of something. He’s awkward.. always has been. And regarding the whole “fueling chaos” argument… isn’t he just doing what the other side was doing when they held more media influence until folks started waking up? Isn’t he just trolling the former trolls (mainstream media)?

              • -2


                But is that what really happened?

                Of course it isn't, but the comments here show how easily people buy into this stuff.

              • +3

                @EitherWayUp: It’d be more convincing if he wasn’t also bankrolling right wing German parties, allowing self identifying nazis back and making light of those who expressed concern.

                My eyes tell me he wants to make the association with Nazi party but with just enough wiggle room to deny. Like Bannon and all the others who’ve just half arsed Nazi salutes.

                • @mooney: But for what gain?

                  • +1

                    @EitherWayUp: Who can say for sure. I’d expect with Musk it’s nothing more complicated than for money, power, fame, boredom. I really don’t think he’s an ideologist like Russell Vought.

                    Could also be that there’s some serious kompromat on Musk. He’s very impulsive so could easily have gotten himself into a mess.

            • -3


              I'd have thought everyone would oppose pulling a (profanity) sieg heil on stage with the president

              Only if you buy into the narrative and are looking for an excuse to get upset about something you've already decided you don't like.

              to know that bringing back nazism is a bad thing

              Sure, but wake me up when that happens outside of the Left's cartoon view of the world and the 'everyone I disagree with is Hitler' routine. Because that has been done to death recently.
              Out of interested what is the definition of 'Nazism' that you think applies here? Let's see how well this idea stacks up to reality.

              • -3


                Left's cartoon view of the world

                This is bang on. Elon a Nazi?? It's ridiculous and no honest person actually believes this.

                So wacky to read these comments.

                • +6

                  @trapper: He was effectively campaigning for the neo nazi party in Germany. His grandparents were members of the nazi party in Canada. He platforms anti-semites. He did a sieg heil better than hitler himself, and he did not apologise about it. If he did the same sieg heil while in Germany he would be arrested.

                  So the question is: what does a person have to do to act like they're a nazi in your view? Literally be a member of the nazi party in Germany in the 30s and 40s? Wear a nazi uniform? Literally say they're a nazi like whackjob Ye did? Do you think Germany would need all of this to prosecute a person for doing a sieg heil?

                  This gaslighting sh-t is pathetic. You're obviously a nazi sympathiser (at the very least), so why don't you just admit that it's fine to do the sieg heil? I'm sick of you cowards always opting to gaslight everyone else to protect yourselves from having to admit this sh-t. It reminds me of those neo nazi losers I see on the news; you know, the guys whose faces you cannot see because they're too chicken sh-t to be "real men" and show their faces. Pathetic.

                  Edit: formatting

                  • @W-W: You're delusional mate. Where does this madness come from?

                  • +1


                    He was effectively campaigning for the neo nazi party in Germany.

                    Where 'conservative' now means 'neo-nazi' according the unhinged left wing and their media sycophants.

                    Stay angry, the algorithm appreciates it!

              • +1

                @1st-Amendment: I only have two seconds and am on the phone,

                But dude, common sense.

                Point 1: something I already decided I don't like? We ALL used to not like nazis.

                Point 2: what are you talking about? There's been like 3 or 4 higher up politicians in America who've done the sieg heil since Elon did it. I don't know how much more of a nazi you can be than doing their little hail hydra schtick.

                Like, enjoy either being so far up a billionaire's arse that you can excuse them being A LITERAL (profanity) NAZI (just like his parents, maybe Google them), or enjoy being so stupid that you don't think someone doing A (profanity) SIEG HEIL ON A PODIUM counts as siding with nazi ideals

                • @TheDukeOfNukem:

                  But dude, common sense.

                  You’re calling Elon Musk a Nazi while preaching ‘common sense’? Mate, take a moment to self reflect.

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