MY24 MG MG4 Excite 51 $34,888 Driveaway @ MG Motor


MY24 MG4 Excite 51 is at promotional price again until 31st of March.
A bit expensive than the previous deal which was at $32,990.
Included in the price are the colors Volcano Orange and Dover White and an additional $700 for the other colors.

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MG Motor Australia
MG Motor Australia


  • +10

    come on BYD, your turn

    • +6

      They already did. The dolphin is as low as $29,990 before on road cost for the Essential

      • +3

        Dolphin essential is a 70KW Motor, not useful outside city streets imo

        • +4

          Goes to show how much expectations vary!
          Our 2005 toyota echo with its 63KW has for the last few years done a fortnightly 500km round trip on national highways.
          Our only concern is not breaking speed limits and getting caught… and occasionally putting a poofteenth of fuel in it.

          What is the requirements that a say…70KW vehicle doesn't meet? Is it the perhaps 1 or 2 minutes lost on a 200Km trip because your acceleration doesn't instantly get you to the speed limit, or is it that you need to pull a tonne or more trailer, or is it that you need power in reserve in case cops chase you when you're cruising at 125 KPH?

          I mean, you're entitled to your own set of values, but I'd love to step back in a time machine with you, to see how difficult you find survival.

          • +1

            @rooster7777: BYD Dolphin Essential model accelerates from 0-100km/h in 12.3 seconds.

            This is not suitable for me and many others I know of, but if it does for you, go for it :)

            While we are talking about Time Machine why don’t we choose to go back before cars and use carts again lol

            P.s if someone doesn’t like slow cars, don’t take it as a personal insult and be a snarky edgelord, peace out

            • +2

              @otter-raptor: Snarky edgelord because you suggest 0-100km/h in 12.3 seconds on city streets is too slow!
              na… I was unsuccessfully attempting to point out to you that your requirements are ridiculous.

              City streets have a speed limit of 50-60km/h, so it's the 0-50 or 0-60 figures that are real life relevant to you.
              After flooring it to make sure your ego is intact by leading the pack, then cruising on 60 km/h between traffic lights… when you get to your destination what is it you do with the say….49 seconds you saved with your neck snapping acceleration? Fork oil you say?

              I mean, I can understand the thrill of going for a fang, of taking your car or bike to the raceway for some hot laps or standing quarter (400m) drags, and that sort of thing…. I guess if you have to bundle all the requirements into 1 vehicle, and you're into the speed thrills… go for your HP fix. Though something just a bit over your 70KW hard limit isn't going to exactly thrill you on the track or strip if it has 4 wheels.

              My old toyota coaster has a whopping 96KW, and has cracked 130 km/h on a flat road, but only the mentally cracked would consider that to be exciting. However, only a buffoon would say it's totally unsuitable as a motorhome.

              If you reach some point in your life where circumstances and finances mean you can have access to more than one vehicle, you might change your outlook on the key importance of 0-100km/h. Myself, I've got access to the toyota echo for economical travel, an lpg 6 ford for towing trailers, a motorhome for…errr…motorhoming, an old MX5 for playing with corners…… and a ducati monster for corners and speed, a big single for a thumping thrill, an old matchless for the excitement of wondering if I'll reach where I'm heading to, a couple of tractors for doing tractor stuff… I won't worry about mentioning the pleasures of the old jags.

              The point is, snarky edgelord, that cheap EVs aren't only considered for purchase by boy racers of whatever age, but by a whole spectrum of people. I wouldn't have thought twice if you said…. too underpowered for my purposes. However, when a great majority of people aren't boy or superannuated boy racers, such cheap EVs can be perfectly suitable power wise.

              • +1

                @rooster7777: Is English your second language? In my initial comment I said it is not useful outside city and that implies that it is perfectly useable within the city.

                12.3 seconds 0-100 is not very useable on highways.

                I can see you’re very bothered by my comment, did you buy a 70KW Dolphin, is that why you’re taking it so personal and tooting your own horn and embellishing yourself?

                Pathetic maturity from someone who keeps talking about coming of a certain age.

                • @otter-raptor: Nope, englees is my first language.
                  12.3 seconds 0-100 is not very useable on highways. gotcha…. if you saved 3 seconds in your life and brought it down to 9 seconds that might be cool.

                  Very bothered by your comment?….nah I just rolled my eyes, then thought ….maybe I should try to apply some intelligence to the otter bird.

                  Nope, I haven't bought any EV, though I'm watching what's available and considering it. If you reckon trying to speak intelligently to someone is "taking it personal and tooting my horn" you're entitled to do that of course.

                  In terms of maturity…. (I didn't once mention "coming of age" let alone keep talking about it)… other readers will notice that my input has been various points for consideration. Your input has been lacking in relevant points of view or factors, but based on attempts at insults. That's ok… if you ever change you might be a great person to meet and exchange ideas with.
                  Bye bye.

        • Is 70kW electric equivalent to 70kW ICE with a gearbox?

          • @bargaino: Certainly not, electric motors with good low end torque makes it a lot useful in start stop traffic , easy off the set of lights, however the dolphin 70KW is slow in 0-100 metric, 12.3 seconds in ideal conditions , makes it a no-go for me, especially when driving on highways - compared to the MG 51.

            I’ve driven both and prefer MG51 with rear wheel drive and it is a well balanced drive.

            I’ll pick that over Dolphin even when Dolphin comes with a lot of creature comforts.

  • +9

    This is car has LFP battery and there are at least two video showing bi-directional (V2x) working without any software update.

    • +1

      V2L only or V2G as well?

      • +4

        Both. Regarding V2G and V2H will have to depend on the state legislation. I know WA will take awhile but SA is V2G ready and possibly VIC/NSW should follow soon after.

        • +1

          There are still no approved V2G wall units that I'm aware of (Other than Chademo SA trial ones), though there are certainly a few in progress so hopefully not too far away.

          Interesting around the V2G as MG only rate this one for V2L so curious to see whether there are are any current limits that they're adding on the output.

          • @noisymime: Would a V2G/H wall unit double as a wall EV charger? About to get a BYD Atto 3. Should I hold off on buying a wall charger?

            • +1

              @sween64: Yes they will work as a wall charger (i.e they are bidirectional). Personally I'm waiting for bi-directional, but I also know that will be an early adopter and they will be a lot more expensive than a normal single direction EV charger.

            • @sween64: V2h isn't going to make sense economically. You're better off just getting an actual power wall if you need power reserves or be off-grid

              • @krisspy: Won’t make sense economically because a bi-directional charger will be more expensive than a wall battery?

              • +3

                @krisspy: Yeah no. An excite 51 is four powerwall 3 in capacity for the price of two power wall 3 fully installed. Add a v2G charger and you will be spending less than four power wall 3 in total cost.

                Don’t know how you did your maths unless you factor in state rebate. Even with the rebate it completely better to get excite 51 because you got a car and stattionary storage for the night.

              • @krisspy: It might make sense if you're with Amber, and are always in a position to sell your electricity at the best prices, especially when the wholesale rate goes into negative territory. I can't comment on payback period however.

                • +1

                  @nomadspartan: You don't even need to be with Amber. With EV plan, you get cheap $0.08/kWh to charge the car overnight, and get the car to supply electricity other times that you don't get solar and outside of EV rate window (i.e. when you get home from work and before leaving for work). So essentially you are paying $0.08/kWh as your highest rate.

          • +1

            @noisymime: Car manufacturers also haven't clarified how/if V2G affects warranty.

            That said, V2G seems to be working for most mainstream models, I know the ambibox, which will be manufacturered under license by redearth works with byd, mg, telsa, polestar, etc.

            • @neflardio: With no knowledge of the technical details is appears that if cars have a battery capacity 4x a powerwall, powering your house from a car battery is going to draw significantly less energy/stress/heat than actually driving the car.

              Of course warranties aren't always based on what is reasonable

          • @noisymime:

            There are still no approved V2G wall units that I'm aware of


  • I still think the Excite 51 is priced too high compared to the Dolphin Essential.

    • +5

      Dolphin essential is hugely underpowered at 70kw. Don’t there there is any other vehicle with less power.

      • any other vehicle

        cmon bro don't make me start posting links to e-bikes

        • +1

          too late, that e-bike you were going to link to caught fire

      • -3

        Goes to show how much expectations vary!

        Our 2005 toyota echo with its 63KW has for the last few years done a fortnightly 500km round trip on national highways.
        Our only concern is not breaking speed limits and getting caught… and occasionally putting a poofteenth of fuel in it.

        What is the requirements that a say…70KW vehicle doesn't meet? Is it the perhaps 1 or 2 minutes lost on a 200Km trip because your acceleration doesn't instantly get you to the speed limit, or is it that you need to pull a tonne or more trailer, or is it that you need power in reserve in case cops chase you when you're cruising at 125 KPH?

        I mean, you're entitled to your own set of values, but I'd love to step back in a time machine with you, to see how difficult you find survival.

    • +1

      The MG is still better on paper.

  • +24

    How is this a deal? It was once 31K driveaway

    • +1

      A deal is a deal. Though you look abit harder you can get these used with low KMs for less.

    • +1

      So if a jar of PB which is normally $5 goes on sale for $3, that's not a deal if it once was on sale for $2.50?

  • +15

    I bought this back in October, it immediately become our favorite car to drive in. (compared to our 2023 Rav4 Cruiser Hyb)

    On top of that, I charge it by solar so drive around for free :-)

    It does have some flaws tho.. to be expected for a car that cost me 28k after WA rebates. but on the whole… It gets an upvote from me!

    • +4

      The flaws are mainly the software, but excluding Tesla there isn't an obvious other brand that has polished software anyway.

      • +1

        Have you compared BYD software against Tesla software?

        • +1

          BYD is very similar to MG. Only difference is they do OTA updates in Australia where MG doesn't in Australia.

          • +1

            @samfisher5986: I test drove both the MG ZS EV & MG4 and the BYD Atto 3. I found the central touch screen UI and responsiveness much better in the BYD. I've seen the Tesla (a couple of mates have an older model) but have never interacted with it.

      • +5

        BYD's is OK. Does what I want it to do which is operate car and let me use Android Auto

    • wouldn't the rav 4 be a smooth ride compared to this?

      most of the EV's I've drive in are jerky from the instant torque to the braking

      let me know the flaws mate

      • +2

        Just set it to eco mode or snow mode, atleast on my byd it accelerates like a clapped out camry on snow mode. Limits power to around 40kw and progressively opens up as you get to higher speeds. You can literally floor it from stop and watch econoboxes out accelerate you.

        • the braking still is sharper and more jerky than ICE cars I found… I own one of each fuel except for LPG and plug-in hybrid

          • @Poor Ass: Some are better than others. Even within BYD it's a bit of a mixed bag. BYD Seal brake pedal feel is really grabby and heavy whereas the Atto 3 is really good.

            I've only driven the MG4 X-Power and it was as smooth, or not smooth as you drove it. Felt pretty natural in the lower regen modes. The higher regen sucked but that's the case for every EV.

          • @Poor Ass: MG4 in eco mode, no ICE car will be less jerky then that.

      • +1

        Much like changing gears in a manual - it can be a bit jerky at first if the driver is inexperienced.

        It's pretty easy to drive smoothly, even with relatively high regen, within a few hours of familiarity.

      • +8

        apart from the software issues:

        Speakers are rubbish

        DAB reception is pretty poor

        The distance between the seat and the edge of the car is huge… its a weird one to complain about but for my short arse wife its a pain the the ass (calves) every time she has to get out of the car.

        the bonnet and wiper issue is dumb

        they dont ship the car with the under car sag issue fixed… even after all this time.

        its a european model so the indicators on the wrong side. :-P (and the number plate holes dont match the australian plates)

        some of the plastics in and around the car are a bit soft and easy to scratch.

        keep in mind… i still like this car a lot. I'm just picking holes in it.

        its perfect for our daily driver commuter car, and quick trips to the shops car.

        • The piano black section on the back is a massive pain to keep clean and scratches like crazy.

          Love it otherwise.

          • @Hardicus: yeah.. contemplating getting a laminate sticker on there just to protect it.

            Something in matt black might even look better on my red MG4

  • +16

    After MG's fire sale finished in October 2024, wasn't the usual price for an Excite 51 $34,990 driveaway? This is just $111 cheaper with a bait price for the Chinese market ('888').

    • +1

      Love this bait price saying.

    • +1

      People here love RRP prices. See all the listings for RRP and all the upvotes.

  • +16

    It has been close to 35k for a while now, not a deal

  • If you are hesitant.
    I would assume they won't honour the deal after the expiry date.
    I asked them to honour the deal on 64 shorly after expiry and the dealer wouldn't move from RRP, so I walked away.

    Might have just been the Adelaide dealer squeezing though.

    • +4

      The rebates to get the car down to the advertised promo are usually provided by the manufacturer. Once the promo ends they'd have to wear the discount hence the refusal.

      Of course, any good dealer worth their salt would be smuggling cars into being registered if there are good rates on offer.

  • +2

    Not a deal given previous discounts and MG's willingness to ramp up RRPs again.

  • Happy with my demo X-Power at $41.5K :)

    Ex-demo Long Range could also be found for around the same price in October 2024, so at this price for the 51 I’d recommend shopping around for a better deal on a higher trim.

    • +2

      how good does it feel smashing those Golf R drivers at the lights!

      • -3

        Opps, It cannot smash Golf R. You are another jealous one?

        • +6

          pretty sure it MG4X power can

          • @Poor Ass: Definitely can - cocky Tesla drivers also. The only time I've met my match was against an Ioniq 5 N, which to be fair is a $111,000 car!

  • +8

    29k drive away should be the right price for this.
    Byd will hopefully lower prices soon. It’s way too high atm. Not if but when.

    • Dolphin is probably closes to that price

    • It probably will fall to this . How soon depends on sales ( or rather lack of ).

  • +3

    Excellent car to drive, excellent value.
    Not an all time low but is certainly discounted, despite the counter claims this isn’t rrp.

  • -1

    This is a great car, I drove it last year as a rental. Very nice. Smooth running and the girls do like it and I get stares all the time and as a middle aged man, that feels empowering. BUT, I still prefer my 2012 Camry by a small margin because my Camry has digital radio and leather seats and a tiny bit better sound system and a slightly more comfier ride with a little bit more leg room and a little cheaper to service and easier to find used parts and by a tiny margin slightly better resale value. But apart from that, the MG4 is a better car than my 2012 Camry. I am thinking of getting a used one for my daughter when she turns 18, she is 15 right now and she thinks it's very cute or maybe the GWM bug eyed electric car which she thinks is also very cute. She likes them both. Chinese makes very cute cars and cheap especially when used and 3 years old. I know that…this may be the most informative post you have read on the MG4, I like to share positivity especially in the sea of negativity when it comes to change and I hope we all can embrace this change and live life without suffering. Please wear sunscreen people, skin cancer is a real problem and having a big sunroof exposes you to cancer and an early death. So look after yourself. The MG4 does not have a sunroof but it is a good car. I hope I didn't waste 64 seconds of your life.

    • Challenge you've got with the Ora is that it isn't setting the world on fire with sales. If they get dumped and people forget about them, you could struggle to sell it later on or get parts for it.

      • -6

        He wasted his driving with camry mg, and will waste his daughter's too. Dude, do not be so tightarse and buy a Golf GTI or Mini for your daughter.

  • -6

    another day another shitbox RRP deal

  • +1

    Nice, this is ev my pocket can afford but my eyes are on cyberster which I can never afford 😭

  • +9

    This will get lost in the comments (or downvoted)

    I recently test drove this ex-demo for 31k and a simiarly priced i30.

    The MG4 is so much a superior ride it's actually insane.

    Ended up buying too!

    • +1

      If you can charge at home overnight it's a no brainer. Pay maybe $1.50 per 100km versus ~$10 with the i30. I do 30,000km every year. $2500 annual saving in fuel costs would be very nice.

    • I know right?

      that 50:50 weight distribution…

    • -1

      I’m surprised a little but everyone’s different, so if it works then that’s all that matters. My feelings on a bunch of cars:

      MG4 is ok, steering is way too light in default (can be changed), feels like an affordable car in every sense. Regen braking needs to be harder for single pedal driving.

      Hyundai Kona 2019, good. Drives like a Hyundai and just feels like an electrified ICE car.

      Of everything driven I liked the polestar 2 the most however my dad reckoned the rear passenger seats aren’t comfortable. But its not cheap at all.

      BYD atto seems well rounded to me. No real complaints.
      Tesla 3 is fairly nice (good audio, lane assist is great) but the rental I drove had crap suspension, was very rough over even small bumps.
      RAV4 hybrid is smooth and just works. Typical Toyota
      Subaru forester hybrid has the worst switch over from hybrid to petrol ever, not a fan.

      • RAV4 hybrid is smooth and just works. Typical Toyota

        I have both the MG4 excite and the Toyota rav4 hybrid and I'd like to make a comment about this.

        Weirdly enough, the in car software layer in the MG4 is MUCH better than the Rav4…

        Its snappier to enable and use, also I can hop in and out of android auto quickly and easily with a button click.. Toyota dont even offer that capability. Once you've plugged your phone in.. you're stuck in AA and cant get out without unplugging the phone!

        Its insanely stupid. I dont understand how Toyota let that go to the market like that.

        • Not true - there's a Toyota icon at the top of the menu icons on the right side. I admit it's not exactly intuitive as to it's purpose, it took me a bit to realise it's function in the missus' Rav

          • @Aldonis: what?
            Ours is the bigger screen on the left.

            what icon are you talking about?
            when you have AA plugged in, there is nothing but AA on the screen… there is no Toyota layer there at all.

  • this is better than the BYD Dolphin !

    • +1

      BYD Dolphin has significantly more rear legroom though

  • +1

    waiting for some EV to hit $25k mark then I'll buy it and just use it a a battery , oh if the gov. kick in V2G that is

    • yeah I hear that V2G is almost non existent in Australia and expense

      • its non existent because companies here need to be able to overcharge us and our gov is in bed with them

    • With high quality liFePo4 batteries running at about $2K for 5 KWh, 75KWh of them for $30K would be significantly better than an EV with a far less flexible repairable etc battery….. but I suspect you might have been a bit tongue in cheek, and intended to drive it as well.

  • Why haven’t Chinese car companies made a PHEV van yet? We only have the Ford Transit Custom PHEV (which is a low-roof) coming this year, with the VW Multivan coming later.
    I’d absolutely kill for a high-roof PHEV van for converting into a motorhome.
    Or maybe even a cab-chassis ute for making a class-C camper.

    • As someone with a toyota coaster ICE motorhome…. what's the PHEV attraction for you? Do you plan on also using it as a commuter (which I have previously, but it's unusual) which would have efficiency advantages in city traffic… but if your usage model is for lots of highway travel and not much commuting, I'm scratching my head about the value of the PHEV model.
      Nothing wrong (in fact a helluva lot right) about having solar on the roof and house batteries, powering a variety of stuff including fridge, cooking and entertainment… but far less suitable for holdiday cruising motive power

  • It's high time BYD brings seagull <$20k

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