7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

Cheapest prices:

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Further Info/Tips

Working Methods



Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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  • The fuel lock hasn't been working for me in ages… I am running iOS 17.2.1 and get the error message "Your device's iOS version is not supported at this time." when using iFakeLocation.

    any ideas how to get around it?


  • +2

    Looks like the ban hammer has been swinging recently. Had a collection of accounts G09'd in the last week.

    • Any idea what caused the bans on this occasion mate? I was buying some swap gift cards on Xmas eve in the recent promotion and the attendant said they heard they were banning accounts if they noted multiple transactions over different accounts.

      • +1

        What I have found is if you sign into different accounts on the same app on one device, the ban hammer will come down.

        • Yeah this is what probably did me in this time. My original phone finally gave up the ghost so I set up another old phone from the drawer and logged into about 8 accounts over the course of a couple of hours so I'm guessing I got myself flagged by doing that. Every single one of the 8 accounts has been G09'd. Guess it's time to fire up a few more.

          • @daanish: Just Followed tutorial for setting emulator. Everything else worked without a hickup. Now when i am trying to create a new account it is giving me G09 error. So unable to create account. even tried registering with new account on my phone which is not rooted. it also doesnt allow me to create a new account.

            Even tried running VPN and then trying. No success.

            • @alastor: Are you using a new email address or trying to reuse a previously G09'd account? Each account needs an independent email address.

              • @daanish: I am using random disposable email id. Whoch i have been able to use in past but not today. Have tried with 4 different providers

                • @alastor: @alastor seems that 7/11 can detect tenminutemails. tried three times w no success but then made a spoof gmail which worked

                  • @stonks: Yep Gmail address with extra dots (.) in the address are the way I've been operating so far.

  • I have used the Android Pixel 4 emulator .
    7/11 app is version

    Seems that when I try to login, the screen is stuck on "auth.7eleven.com.au"

    Has anyone got any ideas I can try?

    Many thanks.

    • Chrome set to default browser?

    • install Vivaldi browser on the emulator and set it as default.

  • -1

    Is there a workaround to get unlimited trials for ianygo?

  • iFakelocation is not working for ios 17 and above on 2016 Macbook running MacOS Monterey.
    I am able to input the gps coordinates and click set fake location but nothing happens on the 7 eleven app.

    Any suggestions?

  • Hi I can't login to my both account and won't let me reset the password either. even when I try to register with new email it gives me Error A01 page, what is going on? is my phone been baned from this app? btw I use I phone and hasn't upgraded to Ios 17 yet.

    • Uh oh!
      That didn't work quite as planned, there seems to be an error. Please try again and make sure you're using the device with the My 7-Eleven app installed.
      this is the message i get when I try to reset password

  • I ended up getting around the A01 error with Android 12 using root with some help with some of the comments here, so that's great :)

    Happy to help people if needed and can explain what I've done to get it sorted, but knowing 7Eleven, they might be reading this thread so they know what to work on to get around the GPS spoofers here as well! Send me a msg if needed.

    • +1

      mate, i got the same A01 error, tried on two different devices, no luck. :-(

      • Unsure if you're asking for help, or just advising.

        If it's Android and you already have root access, I can possibly advise some of the processes I used, but doesn't always work for all.

        • Hey, trying to send you a Pm fot help with the a01 error, please turn on your messaging!

    • hi , i am also getting a01 on linage OS , do you mind PM me ? thanks

  • For iOS… here’s what has worked for me. If you’re jailbroken; 7-11 app knows. It will allow you to lock location but fail when you click the button. You must have a jailbreak blocking tool like Dopamine Root-Hide (admittedly I haven’t tested; but worth a shot). If you want to lock, here’s what you do… install Trollstore , persistence helper and Trolltools; then come out of jailbreak. Locsim via trolltools. Lock your location and go into 7-11 app. Do not share location permanently. Only once. When it asks for the location, give it. It might fail to lock with an error code. Swipe the app away, come back in, try again. This time it should work.

    Tested on 15.7.7 & 16.6 - A9 chips (iPhone 6 & 8)

    • When I was jailbroken on iOS 14 I used Shadow as my jailbreak detection blocker and relocate reborn as my GPS spoofer. Worked a treat!

      • +1

        No longer works. You can’t stay on iOS 14 forever. It’s extremely outdated now and a lot of apps are forcing updates.

  • I'm on iOS 16.7.2 (iPhone X) and IFL still works for me however I'm getting an error when trying to lock in across the country.
    Sydney IFL to WA - error
    Sydney IFL to Nowra - works perfectly

    Anyone else getting this?

    • Is there an error code? I locked in a WA price last week from VIC without issue. Also iOS 16 and using iFL.

      • Didn't catch the error the first time but it was A01. I tried your trick of switching fuel types and it's worked. Cheers

    • Same here. Seems that only locking to the same state would work.
      Melbourne to WA - error
      Melbourne to NSW - error
      Melbourne to VIC - works

  • +20

    Hi All!

    I've written a guide to build a location mocking phone from scratch:


    All you need is a PC with adb+fastboot installed and a LineageOS supported handset.

    I've just run through it on LineageOS 18.1 and can confirm it works right now. It was written by combining and compiling advice from some of the above comments.

    • +2

      I don't have a compatible handset but have spent a few minutes reading up on what you created. I wish I could give you more then a vote for effort.

    • Nice work! I've reported your comment so it gets added to the OP.

    • I just followed these instructions and can confirm that this is working so far. I was able to lock fuel, however would like to see how it works in the longer run. Will keep this thread posted.
      Thanks @SebbenLebben

  • I am getting G09s all of a sudden with temp emails. Have never logged in on multiple devices - only 1 device. Not sure what is happening.

    What has other been doing for this workaround?


    • +1

      G09 is banned accnt, you need a new accnt now.

    • Just create a Gmail account

      • thanks. this method works.

        • Did you create a new account using Gmail on the same device?

  • hi Guys I keep getting A01 erro when i try to register 7-11 fuel app on my iphone Xp(ios 16.6), anyone know why this is happening.
    Thanks very much

    • +1

      Are you trying to create an account or trying to lock in a fuel price? If you're trying to lock in a fuel price and receive the A01 error, change fuel type, change fuel type back to what you want and then attempt another lock. I just had the A01 error (and I have had a few times before) and that's the fix I use every-time.

  • +1

    I received a02 and a01 errors using Android studio, I opened settings > apps > 7-11 app > Clear Storage
    Logs back in fine for me
    Edit - I do note that the look & feel has changed slightly on the lock screen since last lock 1 week ago, even though no update has occurred. I would suggest this is causing other people's problems - errors because of incompatible cache

  • Getting A01 error on Android phone… any tips? I've tried reinstalling app / clearing storage etc. Also tried changing fuel type and back and then attempt another lock. No luck… help please!

    • I also waited for admit 5 mins for 711 to sync correctly, it's very slow

  • +9

    I have put this together for those who are on iOS17 and may not have found a way to fire up the choppers.
    It works for me and thought I'd share with others

    Specific to a fuel use-case: https://github.com/davesc63/fuel-spoof

    • Thought i was back in business until i clicked through and read MacOS only.. Good job though :)

      • Mac only :), but looks like the pymobiledevice guys are close to cracking the setup for Windows

        I tried the pymobiledevice3 root commands on my windows machine and it rejects non-Mac’s

        This was my weekend project. I just wanted it to “work” on my ios17 device. It was tedious using an older 12” iPad with ios16 plus I wanted an experience where anyone in the house could just plug their phone in, choose their fuel type and it’s all done for them

    • Great work, will give this a go next time I need to do a lock!

    • sensational! thanks for sharing
      had to do some tinkering but works well.
      I'd prefer a slightly different flow, where I could edit/enter my own selected lat & lng, as an interim I created copies where region is set to a state, but this seems like the basis of some happy motoring.

    • Thank you! Have been having issues with pymobiledevice3 2.38.1

      Error: No such command 'remote'.

      Is the issue on my end? or an issue with this version of pymobiledevice3? have tried running the commands directly and running python3 -m pymobiledevice -h doesn't list remote as a command

  • I am having trouble locking fuel today.
    It's been working fine for a good while now.
    But tonight, it seems that 7eleven has closed many of my 7eleven accounts.
    Getting G09 errors when making new accounts.
    And also getting A01 error when logging into a new account a friend has made for me.


    Has anyone else experienced similar hardship today?

    Locking via an Iphone and 3UTools.

    • +1

      I created 4 new accounts yesterday in addition to the 3 that I had… I also locked in fuel on most of those (accidents) while recording my demo videos

      One of the accounts I noticed it would give an error the first lock in attempt but would work on a second try

      • Im using iphone 6s with iOS 15.8.
        Can't seem to get it locking after trying 5+ times.

        Ive tried logging out. Then back in.
        Ive tried reinstalling 7eleven.

        It keeps showing A01 error.

        • I've notice that when tapping "Find best price" the screen flashes as if it's sent the request twice (?) If that's correct the two concurrent requests may explain the A01 that in the past has indicated a server issue.
          I've just tapped "Find best price" again after the A01 error and it seems to work the second time. ymmv

  • +1

    I was getting A01 errors continuously. Until…
    I then changed my location to a NSW location, where I am and it worked first time.
    Maybe they have implemented some state checking, based on IP address.

    • I got past these errors without that being an issue, vic IP locking in WA no issues now.

      • Ok maybe I fluked it thinking that was the issue

        • +1

          I tried the same as you. I tried all other states first except the actual state I am in (VIC) and all other states gave A01 errors. But when I tried the cheapest store in VIC (where I actually am), that locked in fine first go.

          • +1

            @aant22: Thanks for confirming with my theory. Pretty smart aren't they!

          • +2

            @aant22: I agree with this. Managed to lock today on IOS 15.8 by using the lowest price in my state. I am in NSW and was trying to lock WA, but the app kept throwing an A01 error. I changed location to NSW and managed to lock successfully.

            • @exxonsign: This literally happened to me to.. Vic trying to lock WA and NSW with no go…tried VIC and worked straight away

    • So you can only lock in best price in your state now?

      Cannot do interstate?

  • I kept getting A01 error and I messaged support who told me I’ve breached terms and conditions.

    • +1

      Did you tell then you hadn't ?

    • +1

      Edit: Fuel lock worked for me again when setting location to the cheapest servo in my state.

      • So you can only lock in best price in your state now?

        Cannot do interstate?

        • Correct

    • Solution to A01 error here

      • +2

        Tried this and it didn't work. Same state price lock worked easily for me

        • +1

          Hmm. Maybe it's because I've only been locking in WA prices for the past couple of months.

          • @sween64: You're in WA?

            • @HONDA4LIFE: Nope, I have a chopper, it just hasn't left WA for awhile as they keeping hitting the lowest in Australia each week.

              • @sween64: I think I've been flying between Yagoona NSW and WA. This may be some reasoning on why I am now locked into NSW prices. Maybe they now lock you into the state where you locked the most. Who knows…

      • Didn't work for me

      • Yeah no go for me here, VIC here with a iPhone 8 - iOS 15.6 (19G71) using 3uTools… can only lock in VIC fuel..issue is across multiple accounts : (

    • +1

      try a VPN, worked for me when nothing else did (maybe they're banning IP addresses?)

  • +9

    Hey all

    I am almost ready to release my own location simulate for iOS.
    It currently is Mac only and supports iOS17 devices and im intending to distribute it as a self-contained package with a very familiar look and feel
    I will then move on to a Windows version as I believe I have a pretty good idea on how to get iOS17 support

    For my (our?) use case I have always been focusing on an 11-seven style scenario. So here's my question. Would the community want a version with a built in 'best price across the country' selection so its easier to use?

    Or should I keep it simple and let the user 'choose their own adventure' and not display 11-seven specific fuel info?

    I'm actually thinking of two versions - base and 11-seven, but that'll be extra work maintaining. 11-seven is very specific to us / Australia

    Here's a screenshot of what it currently looks like. Still a bit of work to do: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davesc63/fuel-spoof/main/s…

    • +1

      I for one luck the cheapest in Aus.
      Thanks for your work!

    • +1

      What about a dropdown below fuel type that says "Best price in" and options listed are Australia then each state/territory. Australia as default option.

      • +1

        Why would you like state based?
        For me, if I’m locking in cheap fuel… I want the cheapest price. Not just the cheapest price in my state.

        It’ll be easy enough to add… just keen to understand the value

        • +2

          I think it would be low risk approach to try to look legit/avoid being included in reports if the criteria used is more than 1 state

        • +1

          If I was them, it would be extremely simple to write a query to find people who have used the voucher before it was physically possible to travel the distance from the lock-in location to where they filled up, and block/ban. I always pick cheapest in the state and then wait at least the amount of time it would take to travel from that location.

          • @kowcop: I'm in Vic and frequently lock prices from other states while I'm sitting in the car at 711 before I fill up. My account lasted from when the fuel lock first started to roughly 6 months ago. Made a second account and been doing the same thing with no issues.

    • Appreciate the effort.

      I prefer to let the user decide the location.

    • Cheapest in Australia. Though I suppose the option would be nice as people have been saying getting A01 errors when interstate. And perhaps round off the GPS coordinates so you’re in the same suburb. not exactly at the petrol station.

  • iOS 14.5 (or 14.6?) and iFakeLocation, have been using it fine up until this week and now getting A01 error. I even tried the switch fuel type trick as well as locking in petrol from my home state (was even only a few suburbs over).

    Possibly now the older iOS versions are just blocked? I tried last night and again this morning, because according to google A01 is locking in too many times?

    • +1

      iPhone 8 - iOS 15.6 (19G71) using 3uTools… can only lock in home state fuel..issue is across 4 accounts : (

      • I'd be happy even with that. Will investigate further…

  • A simple workaround/fix for any one who may be experiencing the following scenario (despite only using a single app account across multiple devices):

    • 'A02' error (generally attributed to two or more locks on the app account within a 24hr period [I have only one account, and haven't received a ban, YET!, however, I do get notified via the app on occasion that location is not true when attempting to fuel loc);

    • using two devices (example device A [emulator] with active fuel lock; device B [rooted android phone] (this device you walk into the store with);

    • device B does not show an active fuel lock despite an active fuel lock on device A (logged into the same account);

    • when attempting to fuel lock on device B ERROR 'A02' is thrown. (have performed all the technical procedures: clear cache (google, app), spoof is working, etc, force close app, reboot device, multiple attempts — non of which work);

    Solution (trial and error) that worked for me (all performed on device B only):

    • make sure that device B is using active G* account that reflects that of device A;
    • log out of the app on device B;
    • force close app, and clear cache on device B;
    • log into app on device B using same account as on device A (as mentioned I only use a single account, and haven't had any bans).
    • Now when checking fuel lock status it should be working with current fuel lock from device A.

    I'm not sure if it is a feature or a bug when using two devices, but when I have fuel locked on device A and gone to pay fuel using the barcode on device B, I don't get the discounted fuel local price. This has happened twice in the past 3 months.

    To prevent this from happening, I am now performing the above solution. Not sure how long this will last until it breaks.
    It may have some thing to do with fingerprinting on the device the fuel lock is initiated on.

    Anyway, YMMV.

  • +1

    I was getting the A01 error - finally worked out to disable wifi and just use mobile internet and it worked as it used to work using ifakelocation on ios16.
    Wish there was a way to do this on ios17, without forking out any money.
    Hope this helps,

    • Glad you found a work around. Shame I can't replicate it. My old iPhone 8 doesn't have a sim in it and my current android isn't jailbroken

      • cant get it to work using mobile data either. Using iphone with 3utools, getting A01 error

        • Hey mate, I managed to get it working with an old Pixel I was using for the kids as a whitenoise machine. Android still works.

    • Can't get it to work on iPhone IOS17 either with wifi or mobile data connectivity. Existing account gives A01 error code everytime I try to fuel lock and new accounts automatically get G09 error code. They really are getting more serious about this.

      Does anyone know the way around this? Without getting a new iPhone of coz.

  • +6

    Github doesn't want me to link directly to this demo.

    Here's the demo of my iOS17 compatible version - "SimLocate"

    Just need to clean up some of the code, but I am keen to get version 1.0 out there so people can start teleporting to where they need to
    There's more features I want to add or improve on, but I think this is an MVP app and I want to try my ideas on a Windows version

    • Looks great! Love the inbuilt price fetching. Can't wait till you're able to port this to windows.

    • Great work. Any chance you'd consider making a docker container? I'm trying to run this concept on a shared NAS.

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