7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Further Info/Tips

Working Methods



Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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                  • @danielxleet: Negative. I’m not using a rootless JB.

                  • @danielxleet: I can confirm it's an issue with Shadow. I haven't found a tweak 711 will play ball. Reason I know this is I Any Go (win location faker) does not work on the above mentioned jailbreak. My daily driver (non-jb device) can lock with a treat + my trusty iOS14 iPhone X also works.
                    iPhone X JB is using FlyJBX. This tweak does not seem to work on my ios15 device
                    See if you can download FlyJBX

                      • @danielxleet: what version of iOS? and rooted or rootless JB? Thanks

                        • +1

                          @deezenuts: @deezenuts 14.4.2 - rooted taurine jb with bare minimum tweaks injected

                          but also working on ios 17 on my daily personal with trollstore with trollbox

  • +16

    For android 12, this worked for me.

    Installed the latest version of Magisk

    Enabled Zygisk

    Did not enable "Enforce DenyList"

    "Configure DenyList" - added both ticks for 7-Eleven

    Installed the latest version of Universal SafetyNet Fix

    Installed the latest version of LSPosed

    Installed the latest version of Shamiko

    Enabled "Hide the Magisk app" from Magisk —> Settings


    • +1

      Legend, this worked for me! Thanks for sharing.

    • +2

      Works on Android 14, magisk 26.4 and latest 7-11 too. That Shamiko makes the difference I think

      • Yep, mine didn't work until Shamiko was installed. Thanks BbOz

    • +1

      Nice one. Confirm worked for me too after getting A01 errors on previous setup.

    • Thanks! This worked. I had to unhide magisk, update the app before being able to install latest Shamiko.

    • Thank you! Finally a solution for LSPosed!
      Running latest ArrowOS 13.1, and latest everything else mentioned here

    • Amazing, thanks for sharing!

    • Thanks for this, got this working on a physical phone with Magisk with the three modules.

      Are you guys doing this on Android Studio?
      I tried Android Studio but it ran so slow and couldn't get Magisk to install properly….

    • +1

      I tried all the above fixes with no luck.
      Then noticed the time on my fuel lock phone was 2 hours out from Brisbane time (where I live) - Updated this and it started working again. Hope this helps someone 😅

    • Legend, confirmed that it also works for Android 13 (custom Pixel Experience ROM) and turning off Enforce Denylist still allows Boost app to continue to work which is important as my ozbargain chopper is also my Boost SIM slutting hotspot, and the summer of cricket is only just getting started.

    • Thank you Shamiko

    • Worked for me as well, thanks. Had to clear 7-11 cache and restart the phone after updating all the magisk modules and installing shamiko. Kept saying location not real until I did that.

    • Can you remind me where to get the plug-ins its been years since i messed with magisk. Do you know if this is still working?

  • -2

    I am getting the A02 error. Anyone can help on this.

  • This error pops us after I try to lock in the price.

  • Hi guys, I just got this set up recently and it's been great. I want to make a few accounts to share with family members. I know based on the instructions I can just go into android studio and duplicate the device, but I don't want there to be a risk of banning due to the same device ID - even though we'll be using fake accounts, it's just more hassle than it's worth. I know that there's an app you can use to change the device ID, but I think I'd rather be safe and just create new emulated phones for each family member. Is there any issue if I do that and create it from scratch, or should there in theory be no issues when doing this?

    • +1

      I have my original setup ready to go w/ 711 app installed but never opened/logged in to and I just duplicate that for new accnts, not sure but feel it creates new Dev ID as I've duplicated it 9 times for 9 accnts, all heavily used and no bans.
      I've found if 2 devices log into 1 accnt that gets it banned though.

      • Huh, I thought in some of the comments I was reading recently people saying the device ID doesn't change when you duplicate the device? Maybe something's changed, or maybe it's not as much of a red flag for 7/11 as I thought?

  • +1

    Anyone getting the error of your phone IOS version is not supported at this time?

    • -2

      No, but Coles Express is cheaper at the moment with the 12c discount.

      iOS 17.2

    • using ifakelocation? yep, IOS 15.8

      • yes. i am in the exact same situation as you. have an iphone and IOS 15.8 is the latest i can have. downloaded the latest ifakelocation and no luck :(

  • +1

    I'm getting Error A01:

    • iOS 14.3 with Locsim and Shadow
    • Android 13 with Magisk following the guide and anything else I can find in this thread

    I've created a new account and it also gets the error.

    Does anyone know a fix?

    • +1

      settings > apps > 7-11 > clear all data

      • Still getting Error A01.

        Thanks though.

        • +1

          Read the last page or 2 of comments - there are a couple 'fixes' that you can try. I'm also getting this error and planning to try them when I get home

    • turning on my VPN fixed my Error A01 issue (after i tried with multiple android versions/images/accounts and waited multiple days)

  • ifake location not working atm … "not supported on this version of ios at this time" as per this.. https://github.com/master131/iFakeLocation/issues/165 anyone got a work around?

    • +1

      I assume you're using an iPhone/iPad with a new-ish iOS version.

      An alternative I've found to iFakeLocation is 3utools - https://www.3u.com/.

      Free and pretty simple to install.

      • Fanks my friend :))

      • +1

        Nb doesn't work for Ios17.
        I updated to Ios17 and wondered why it wasn't working.
        Ended up getting a used ipad on Ios16 to keep using.
        I couldn't get I go anywhere to install.

      • 3utools not available for mac. bummer

      • Couldnt get 3utools to work with the latest ios 17 version, had to use an old ipad to lock in a price, but im sure ifakelocation will be updated soon

    • If you have a Mac you can try this for iOS17: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/14479484/redir

      Check the other comments in the thread too for troubleshooting.

  • +1

    Tried the recommended 2023 install (Android Studio)
    Error A01 for me, tried everything and every comment above, all different versions.

    Funnily enough, other apps are fine and location changing working okay with all the above extras (eg Shamiko).

    Luckily have an old iPhone lying around, 3uTools stills does the job, will sit tight and watch this thread in future.

    • Latest app? Clear app data?
      I recently did the method and it works for me

      • Yeah tried that still no luck :-( think few others in the same boat.

        • I also noticed it took a few minutes to sync my data, I think it was a01 when I tried to lock while it hasn't synced. Once the offers tab was full of offers it had synced and I could lock. Just leave it sitting there thinking for 20 mins, might need to force close app after and try again

          • @leeroys_dad: Okay will try that and report back thanks

          • @leeroys_dad: Happened to me since last week. Have been waiting, cleared cache, restarted, reset location but no luck. Hope it's not the end. :(

        • Yep, Im in the same boat. Tried to update Magisk to 26.4 so i could try Shamiko, but cant get it to upgrade without ending in a boot loop.

          Edit, just cold booted it up and followed the suggestion to let it load offers for a bit and now i was able to lock in. Weird.

        • Still no good, tried everything, wiped it, reinstalled from scratch, waited 10 mins, Shimako etc etc.

          Dev Studio = A01 error

          Hang on - Cold Reboot this morning - checking everything installed and deny list - Bang worked! Thanks - Patience and perseverance

          • @ComfortablyNumb: next time see if the built-in location changer works (it's in the device toolbar, Action Menu (3 vertical dots, next to keyboard & mouse toggle) in a new window there's Location

            you just select the location & tap Set Location. you might need to open Map to check & Force Stop the 711 app to get it to recognise the new location.

          • @ComfortablyNumb: @ComfortablyNumb Can you explain how to install Shaminko? I could not get Magisk to update to latest version

            • @drwormy: You best bet is to WIPE it all / delete + delete the root Android folder and re download and start fresh then follow the comments above (eg safety net, shamiko)

  • So apparently with the latest update the app shares your location data with third parties. Is this new?

  • Your device's iOS version is not supported at this time. - IOS 17.1.2

    On Ipad with 17.0.1 get The developer images for the specified device are missing.

    • Are you associated with petrol scanner?

      • +1

        Website says “Project by Wahab” so I would say yes

        • +2

          I saw that and reported the comment to the mods. They’ve updated the OP. I don’t think @wahaxoxo is coming back. It’s just an ad. They want coffees.

      • Yes. I am associated with Petrol Scanner.

    • +5

      Honestly looks like it's a reformat of projectzerothree. Even the columns are the exact same. Are you using their API by any chance? (If so you should probably give credit, apologies if not - I'm sure you can see why I think so though).

      I can't see what it offers over projectzerothree. At least refinery offers a different UI, copy coordinates to clipboard etc.

    • +3

      signed up to ozbargain just to spam us his copycat site…'tis the season.

        • You haven't contributed anything to this forum, so you're the last person to tell me what I can and can't comment on. Not my fault you can't take [well deserved] criticism either.

    • +2

      member since 22 hours ago. Complete copy of projectthreezero. No coffee for you tiger.

        • +2

          if you can't post original work or give credit to derivatives of other's work, then Don't post please. Thank you.

        • Why do we have to support you? Who raised you to be so entitled and to think it's okay to plagiarise other people's work?

    • +4

      awww snookums. no hating there snowflake.

      you've blatantly ripped off someone else's work passing it off as your own, with no credit to the originators. people don't take well to plagiarism.

      consider yourself lucky there was no hatred champ

    • +4

      For starters, as stated I would be a lot more comfortable if you actually referenced project03 given you've just taken his/her work and claiming it as yours begging for donations. Would it be okay with you if I took your work for free to ask people to donate?

      I'm sure the negativity is because of that, I remember when previously someone developed an app scraping P03. I actually liked the app, but again it felt wrong they were asking for donations/payment using master's API (it isn't clear if it is stated for commercial or personal use). For me (and I assume the community) it doesn't sit well that you are for taking someone else's work and asking for payment when you haven't inherently added any value.

      I'm not here to fight on master's behalf - you do you mate but I wouldn't classify it as "jealousy and hate".

    • +4

      "Petrol Scanner" is an obvious rip off from the original https://www.projectzerothree.info/ I hope that when anyone googles petrol scanner they find this comment instead of your plagiarised work.

      No one is going to support you on this lol

      Should change your footer to

      Project Stolen by "waha99922" Wahab

    • +1

      No one's jealous of your inability to come up with an original idea.

      I love how scabs like you jump on the defensive and bleat about hate. You did it to yourself, pet.

    • +4

      Even if it is your original work. It was a lazy post with no honesty from a brand new account.

      Put some effort in your OP explaining how you created your website, how you think it will benefit the community and any future plans you have to improve the website.

      Then, and only then, you might have received a positive response.

      But ultimately it’s an ad from a brand new account on a thread with: 700+ subscribers and thousands of comments, going back to 2017, with the primary aim of helping each other.

  • if anyone is having trouble with the android studio setup.

    I've found Chrome doesn't seem to load properly on Android 13.0 (tiramisu), so the sign-in/register fails to load. I found using Vivaldi (install, open, set as default browser) works.

    if anyone is using the built-in location changer, go into Maps.first to make sure it's working. If you've previously open 711 app, go into
    More -> Store Locator to make sure the 711 app has updated the location. if not, then Force Stop the 711 app and open again to get the updated location (to do this using mouse tap & hold the 711 icon, when the menu pops up, select App Info then Force Stop, click ok on the warning & then tap Open).

    The Force Stop also fixed the A01 issue I had after trying a few fuel locks which were in the wrong location. I believe it's 2 Fuel Lock attempts (but not accepting the actual price) causes this.

  • +2

    Finally got rid of the A01 error and obtained play integrity. Google wallet also works as well as fingerprint in St George banking app. Much simpler than using smalipatcher and do not need to mock location.

    Bleeding edge solution
    1. Latest Kitsune Magisk (canary)
    2. Flash boot image to obtain root
    3. Delete wallet, gms, play store
    4. Reboot
    5. Flash play integrity fix
    6. Reboot
    7. Hide Magisk
    8. Install Zygisk - Lsposed
    9. Enable the following in Magisk
    10. Play integrity fix
    11. Install Magisk bootloop protector
    12. Use parasitic manager in Lsposed
    13. Install hidemyapplist
    14. Disable flag secure
    15. Install GPS setter, apply update
    16. Install 7 11 app, google wallet
    17. With hidemyapplist hide all the root type apps and make them invisible to the apps you have issues with
    18. Run detection test make sure everything is ok
    19. Hide the apps you have issues with with Magisk hide, also hide the two gms entries.
    20. Reboot
    21. Hide developer settings
    22. Open GPS setter set your location, login 7 11 app and do a lock.

  • Is there a new minimum iOS version to lock in? I got an E03 error on an iPhone 8 with iOS 14.2. I ended up locking in using another method and phone so I don't think it's an account issue.

  • Android Studio Method - Step 2D issue :

    When I tried rootAVD.bat %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-34\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img

    it shows "file C:\Users.….\ramdisk.img not found

    Any solution for this please ?

    I have installed API34 UpsideDownCake and Pixel 7

    • +1

      Did you use the new version from git repo

      • I did use the latest one dated 20th of Dec. Still the same error. It is not finding the .img file for some reason. Do I have to run the cmd as administrator?

        • +2

          I believe you need to change the command to this or the corresponding command you need:
          This one is for android 33 though so you will need to change accordingly i think

          To avoid the file not found error, guide should be updated to "rootAVD.bat system-images\android-33\google_apis_playstore\x86_64\ramdisk.img" - basically just need to omit the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk\" from the command.

          Copy and pasted from a previous comment here.

          • @Willo06: Cheers. This worked. Next hurdle - when I opened Magisk, I did not get any popup saying any "additional setup required". What do I do after opening Magisk ? There are two options - There is a "Install" button next to Magisk and below that there is an "Update" button for the app.

    • Don't use the full path, just

      Someone needs to update the guide

  • 3utools isn't working on IOS17.2.1, so I downloaded ianygo 4.0.13 from ianygo.com but it constantly fails when trying to download the Apple driver. Have tried unplugging and reconnecting over 10x per message on screen. Has anyone had any luck?

    Also saw a message here that ianygo.net is the original and not ianygo.com, if that's untrue could a mod update that msg?

    • Update. I uninstalled the version from ianygo.com n installed the one from ianygo.net. I now get a msg saying current version (4.0.13) only supports connecting to IOS17 devices on win10 64bit and win11 64bit. I'm on win10 home 64bit. Doesn't that meet the requirements?

      • I was using ianygo on Mac using the RestartTrials.sh method but its not working anymore. So probably ianygo is not a working solution anymore on Windows or Mac.
        Unless we are missing some steps or anyone has a working solution.

  • Any chance someone figured out a docker version of this?
    Would be nice to spin up as needed.

    • The Android Studio method is already boot up the emulator as needed.

      • That is true, but I'd like to be able to access the emulator remotely (reverse proxy into a NAS) when I'm on the road and can't access my PC.

        • https://developer.android.com/studio/install#linux

          knock up your own on a Linux distro

          • @M00Cow: :) Cheers. Yep.. that's what I've been working on.
            It was horrendously slow, but perhaps that's just my bad settings.

            I got the Android Emulator (on win10) working well. I might see if there's a way to 'export' that virtual machine to a VM and run it on my NAS that way.

            • +2

              @Iceman-jkh: yeah I was going to setup an old laptop and RDP in, but now I have 7 devices/accounts which I just lockin one every day.

              • @M00Cow: Nice setup ;)

              • @M00Cow: How do you scan though? Do you just export the barcodes to a 3rd party app? If so, have any attendants been giving any trouble when not scanning from the 7-11 app? (They shouldn't, but you never know…)

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