• expired

nbn Unlimited 250/25Mbps $111/Month (New Customers, FTTP and HFC Only) + $35 Setup Fee @ Future Broadband


Copied from Whirlpool

Hi All,

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season!

As promised, due to the huge response from our previous 250/25M offer we have a similar one for the next 48 hours only.

We are offering our Flatrate NBN 250/25M plan for $111pm with none of the usual 6 or 12 month expiry periods – we will keep the price at $111pm for as long as you remain connected with us on that plan. Full details are below.

$111pm for NBN 250M/25M Flatrate/Unlimited for as long as you remain connected to Future Broadband 250/25M

Offer Details:
NBN250/25M – $111 per month (applied as a $24pm credit each month off the listed price of $135pm)

New customers – enter the Voucher/Offer code "250FOREVER111" when placing an online order for a Month-to-Month Performance NBN 250M/25M Flatrate Plan (Usually $135pm) and we will apply a $24 monthly credit on your account for each month you remain on this plan.

PAYG Phone is included, upgrade to optional included national/mobile calls for +$5pm (select the NBN 250M/25M Flatrate Bundle Plan (Usually $140pm) with the $24 monthly discount code.


To Claim These Offers

Order must be submitted online between now (29th-Dec-2021) and Midnight(AWST) 30th December 2021.
The full regular listed price will be deducted as your deposit with the $24 per month credit applying from your first invoice.
Note that we schedule all transfer orders for business days only – but as long as your order is received by us the offer will apply. If the volume of orders gets too high we will limit scheduled transfers to begin next week – the order form will indicate the dates you can select.If you elect to transfer a phone number your transfer will be delayed until that process is completed (unless you ask us to do it earlier).
Expiry or withdrawal of the offer will be noted as the timestamp of a new post in this thread indicating such, a link will be added to the top of this first post too.

Plan/Speed changes are permitted. To retain discount you must remain on the NBN 250M/25M Flatrate Plan. Prepay/6Month renewal discounts are not available in conjunction with these vouchers.
New/Transfer Services Only – Not applicable for existing customer services or plan changes on the account.
1 voucher per order – cannot be combined with any other voucher, offer, special or referral.
Performance NBN

Referral Links

Referral: random (41)

$35 + 1TB Databank Bonus for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Future Broadband
Future Broadband

closed Comments

  • +1

    Fttc upgrade to fttp would be nice without paying the nbn thousands of dollars.
    Does anyone know when the on demand free upgrades will start?

    • +1

      FTTC to FTTP trial SAMs from the 14th March 2022 in Revesby, Sydney Springwood and Kogarah NSW. For the rest in NSW the nbn roadmap says Q2 2022.

    • End of 2022

    • I'm in one of the suburbs listed here: https://www.nbnco.com.au/corporate-information/media-centre/…

      Anyone know the actual process to put in a request for the "on demand" free upgrade?

      There seems to be absolutely no way to contact NBN Co directly about this… and my telco reps (Optus) have no idea everytime I've asked the question…

      I''m currently on FTTN 100/40 so technically should meet the requirements.

      Any assist would be much appreciated.

      • You don't deal with nbn. Basically you signup to at least 100/20 with a participating ISP in Q2 2022 and nbn subcontractors come out to install the fibre cable and fibre NTD.

        • Ohk, thanks for the clarification. I assume I should be fine being on 100/40 already.. or would I have to eg cancel and re-signup to trigger the subcontractors to come out?

          • @Warehouse: You need to request FTTP. Signing up to at least 100/20 is enough to get the install done. Cancel FTTN after FTTP is installed.

            • @Twix: That's where I'm confused. Who do I request FTTP from? Optus tells me I can only have FTTN at my premises…

              Is there an ISP that "gets it"? I'll change overnight if it means I can get upgraded to FTTP… Will FBB do it?

              • @Warehouse: Your FTTP request goes to the ISP. The participating ISPs aren't announced at this stage. Changing to Future BB won't give you FTTP until maybe next year.

  • That's not cheap… Better use my Republic you can get an unlimited 1gbs connection for less!
    And evening speed are great!

  • +3

    myRepublic is variable depending on the area. Some people luck out, others have had a crap experience.

  • +10

    My Republic is good if you reside in Sydney and the surrounding area, but they don't have POP's in other cities, so the latency is poor elsewhere.
    Regarding this deal, the $35 setup fee is odd, I've never paid a setup fee on NBN as NBN don't charge RSP's, so that's just a money grab.
    Long term pricing is good however :)
    Who's POP's do they use? This is important to know.

    • +2

      Future BB uses AAPT / TPG.

      • +3

        Cheers, that's perfect then.
        A shame about that $35 set-up fee or I'd jump on this.

        • I joined when the setup fee with twice that (a charge typical of business connections) and its now ancient history. Been with them for several years and its just been a consistent high quality connection. No slow downs or dropouts. Minimal if any disruption due to maintenance. Completely drama free. No CGNAT with a fully routed IP address so it suited my needs perfectly.

      • +6

        Here is a trace for whoever negged. It clearly says TPG.

        tracert -4 nvarea.com.au
        Tracing route to nvarea.com.au []
        over a maximum of 30 hops:
        1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
        2 10 ms 7 ms 8 ms XXXXX.static.tpgi.com.au [x.x.x.x]
        3 10 ms 8 ms 8 ms au-sa-3016-ipg-01-eth2-2002.tpgi.com.au []
        4 29 ms 28 ms 30 ms adl-sot-way-crt2-gi5-1-0.tpgi.com.au []
        5 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms adl-adc-lon-crt2-te-0-0-0-3.tpgi.com.au []
        6 29 ms 27 ms 29 ms nme-apt-bur-crt2-po70.tpgi.com.au []
        7 33 ms 36 ms 36 ms syd-gls-har-crt2-be-10.tpgi.com.au []
        8 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms au-ns-1813-ipg-01-Eth1.tpgi.com.au []
        9 28 ms 29 ms 28 ms au-ns-1635-ipe-01-eth2-20020001.tpgi.com.au []
        10 30 ms 30 ms 29 ms sy5.gslnetworks.com.au []
        11 27 ms 28 ms 28 ms sy5.scrub.gslnetworks.com.au []
        12 30 ms 29 ms 30 ms s1.gslnetworks.com.au []
        13 28 ms 41 ms 29 ms 132680.cust.gslnetworks.com []
        14 30 ms 30 ms 35 ms corp-frontend1.netvirtue.com.au []

      • +1

        Not sure why this was negged? It's the truth and was answering the question above. 🤔

    • +2

      It’s a saving of $24/month so after 1.5 months the $35 set up fee is recouped.

  • FOREVER21 is the target.

    • +2

      I know you're making a joke. However, in terms of the year or internet speeds, not so great.

  • Is it $110 or $111 ?

  • i see datacaps mentioned on some plans is this offer uncapped?

  • Been with FBB for over a year, and very happy. This new deal is only for new customers, so not applicable to me, :(.

    But they offer a great service on AAPT / TPG network, inc a static IP address at no extra cost. They're a small Perth based outfit, but they know their stuff.

    • can you comment om whats needed for their setup fee? cant remember the last time i saw one.

      how is their online portal? (using MATES) which leaves alot to be desired but im on 89 pm atm and that runs out soon

      • Can't recall the setup fee, assume it was the $35. The portal is basic, but has all the pertinent info you need. Traffic history, databank status, connection details etc. Jason the CEO is very responsive via Whirlpool, and often updates portal content based on user requests.

        All in all very happy on my $79 pm 100 / 40 250Gb deal, (no longer available).

        • Second this. FBB have been great from the get go. I am in Brisbane and get excellent speeds, day & night on HFC.

        • do we know if this deal is unlimited data?

    • Is there an advantage to using the "AAPT/TPG" network?

      • A claimed benefit is that since FBB use AAPT / TPG business network, when the business users log off on weekday cob, there's more capacity for us home users in our evening home hours.

      • Because it is a network used by business it has a more generous CVC allowance. Evening peak is not an issue as many businesses are closed so lots of capacity in the network. The routed static IP included in the price is an advantage for those running a server, some games, security cameras etc.

  • +1

    Are these guys good in QLD?

    I'm finishing my free 250 upgrade on aussiebb and looking at other options

    • +1

      I've been with them for the last 5 months or so, on the 100/40 plan. No issues.

      I would take up this offer, if I could.

    • +1

      In Brisbane, on the 50/20 plan and its been excellent.

  • Can I take advantage of the offer by placing the order now for March next year? Moving to a new place.

  • 25 up?


    • +2

      that's down to what the nbn supplies

      • -3

        *up to

        • Failed dad joke

  • +1

    paying $85 pm for 600+ MBPs with Telstra 5G , no more nbn for me

    • Not everyone can get 5G though.

    • is 5G gives dedicated dynamic IP or cgnat?

      • Carrier Grade NAT for 5G.

        • So you can't game online? Had issues with CGNAT when ABB introduced it ages ago, had to opt out straight away cause I couldn't play any game online

          • @johnnytran: It depends on the game. For 5G there is no option to turn off Carrier Grade NAT.

    • got a link?

      edit: nvm found it on their site, not available for my address :(

    • You got a speed test at 7pm on a Friday night?

      • I would have but do not have the saved result, will do one this week and share

    • I'd say enjoy it while it lasts. 5G is a shared service and will slow down.

      $35 setup fee is a scam. The whole thing is pretty much automated. I haven't heard of any other providers charging for setup.

      • +3

        This is not like any other provider. The resell AAPT IP connections that usually only businesses buy. AAPT charge a setup fee which is passed along. A "routed" static IP is not something that's automated.

      • Yep, I hope people continue to enjoy their shitty nbn and doesn’t bother getting on to 5g in my area , by the way I have been enjoying this speed for over a year now

        • care to share which plan and how many GB data included?

          • @OMGJL: Telstra 5g home internet, 1000 Gb per month for $85

  • +3

    No offense OP, just trying to help out the community in finding good bargains.

    On MyRepublic for the 250/25Mbps is 89/mth for the first 6 months, then 99 ongoing. This is with 0 setup fees. Unlimited data too. Even for the 1000/50Mbps it's 99/mth for the first 6 months, then 109 ongoing. I don't see how this is a bargain

    • +5

      is my republic reliable?

      $99 ongoing seems like a huge bargain

      • Yes my Republic is reliable. Voted number 1 on whistleout.com.au

      • +1

        Not sure if it is the same with other provider. But MR says typical speed at peak is 300 for the 1000 plan. Might as well stay with the 250 plan and get 200.

        • +2

          Exactly. Why pay for gigabit speed when the typical speed is a third of that.

      • I have MyRepublic and no problems.

      • It's good but activation, disconnection and customer support is woeful.

        Superloop and Aussie bb give insanely good support, fast activation and disconnection.

    • +11

      MyRepublic is hot garbage.

      You are basically comparing home brand chocolate to say something such as Haigh's.

      • -2

        Been with MyRepublic for about 2 years, rarely have a problem, they are great.

    • +2

      Future Broadband is a premium service though, and the quality of their network, as well as their support, is much much better than MyRepublic.

      • +4

        How many times do people actually have to contact the support? I would think once at most when you set up the connection. Well that isn't worth spending a premium in my opinion.

        • Yeah fair point. Domestically and internationally Future have a much better network though.

    • That's why no lock-in contract comes into play, for people to try their service, and if they don't like it they can always change it to a different provider. easy.

    • +1

      MyRepublic only has a PoP in Sydney.

      If you are elsewhere in Australia, it's best to avoid.

    • I am paying $109/mth for 250/25Mbps with MyRepublic any suggestion on how I can get it for the $99/month ? thanks

      • +1

        Talk to a rep and see if they can match the lower price. I’d give you a 50/50 on chance. Good luck!

        • +1

          Just did and they agreed, even $89 for the first 6 months then $99/ month..

          • @dryandra: Nice one man. You even got the cherry on top. Well done!

            • -1

              @[Deactivated]: Thanks, pity they couldn't offer me 1000/50 though, but happy to get 250/25 cheaper.

              • +1

                @dryandra: Still pretty good. I got the 1000/50 a few months ago. I know it’s a lot faster but I don’t really notice much change overall from 250/25 unless I really look for it.

  • +1

    I switched to FBB from ABB when this deal was around last time.

    Speed is consistent, but not as good as ABB due to over provisioning. I get 240 or so on FBB and was getting 270 on ABB.

    No real issues. Ping times over east (I'm from Perth) are a few ms higher in some games.

    Overall I'm happy for the price, but not blown away.

    • I had the opposite experience, I’m on the east coast though. ABB speeds would vary wildly, often dipping to 180 or so. FBB so far has been consistently around 240. Haven’t done much assessment of latency yet but it’s not as high a priority for me.

  • -1

    One day I will wait til this is $100 then i will think about it.

    • It went up from $110 to $111 you you'll be waiting a long time

      • +1

        That's ok meanwhile everyone paying Aussie Tax on NBN with subpar quality connections.

        We got more serious stuff to worry about than NBN eg. covid

    • I'd happily pay $100 for the 600GB limited package 250/25. Especially with data banking

  • +4

    Setup fee? No deal.

    • +4

      Yup the same like Cinemas charging booking fee is a total rort.

      We already self service and save people hiring to book our tickets the same as self sign up to these plans

    • I felt the same way but against my better judgement at the time I signed up anyway to try them out, I've been a Future Broadband customer now for going on 3 years - all I could do was shake my head when Covid began and many of my work from home workmates with other RSP's were struggling with their connections, to be honest I never even experienced a slow down in speed and that's with the wife working from home too having Teams meetings frequently.

      If you want to reduce the setup fee to $0 and add extra data to your databank, just hit up a current customer and see what they can do for you :-)

      • -1

        For this deal you can only use one code. It is also unlimited

        • -1

          That's a shame, a code will reduce the sign up fee to $0 for anyone considering the other Future Broadband offerings.

  • -7

    How is this a bargain when My Republic is cheaper per month and doesn't charge a set up fee

    • +1

      Myrepublic have terrible average speeds oversell their bandwidth, have bad support

    • +2

      Myrepublic isn't in the same class as FBB. I switched to FBB from ABB after we used them at work for a 1000/1000 enterprise connection. When covid hit they were very generous to extend a discount to services which weren't being used at the time. They didn't have to do that but did it as a gesture of goodwill. I thought I'd pay them back in a small way by moving my home connection to them. 1000/50 connection for $145. The FBB team is based in Perth and are extremely helpful in getting up and running (I initially had some issue due to the VLAN settings). The speeds are always fast day or night, static ip is provided as standard, and you get a VOIP line (if required) at no extra cost.

  • Is there an NBN imposed limit on offering these plans to FTTC customers?

    Is there a way of determining the theoretical max your lead in would support instead?

    • No maximum, your ISP will buy CVC from NBN and sell to their subscribers
      Your ISP should tell you if the speed is not supported at your address, otherwise you can ask for a refund to the appropiate speed

    • nbn don't allow anything over 100/40 on FTTC. nbn was going to upgrade FTTC to support Gigabit however nbn decided FTTP is the next step. FTTC to FTTP trial SAMs from the 14th March 2022 in Coburg and Seaford VIC. For the rest in VIC the nbn roadmap says starting in Q2 2022.

      • +1

        I may be in one of those areas. How do I make it happen?

        Also, thank you for your knowledge :D

        • +1

          When the time comes you contact a participating ISP and signup to at least 250/25.

  • +1

    The static IP is a plus here!

  • +1

    Any good deals going on 100/20 or 100/40 guys?

  • Thanks, I've been waiting for this. I am paying $149 for gigabit on ABB but I was happy with 250 previously.

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