• expired

$200 Luxury Escapes Voucher (International Travel Only) - Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination


$200 Luxury Escape credit with no min spend for anyone that is COVID-19 vaccinated (1st or 2nd dose).

Valid for international travel only. The voucher is valid until 30 Jun 2022, but can be booked for a later date.

I'm interested to see how this deal goes on Ozbargain :P

Full T&C's

  • This promotion commences on 12:01am (AEST) on 20 June 2021 and ends on 11:59pm (AEST) on 30 September 2021. During the promotional period a Luxury Escapes promo code to the value of $200 will be issued to customers who provide evidence of their Covid-19 vaccination to Luxury Escapes (1st or 2nd dose and including vaccinations completed prior to this promotion). Promo codes will be issued to the first one (1) million customers in Australia only and will be valid towards the purchase of International 'Lux Limited Time Exclusive' offers (outside of Australia) sold through www.luxuryescapes.com/au. Promo codes not valid for 'Lux Premium Collection', 'Lux Partner Property', 'Last Minute Escapes', insurance, flights or experiences. Promo codes issued will expire on 30 June 2022 with bookings required to be made by this date (and travel dates being subject to the offer purchased). Promo codes will only be valid for single use and will be cancelled and not available for use in the event the booking is cancelled. One Promo code per customer. Multiple promo codes cannot be used for a single purchase. Any purchase is subject to Luxury Escapes Full terms and conditions (see https://luxuryescapes.com/au/terms-and-conditions).

Referral Links

Referral: random (228)

$50 credit for referrer and referee.

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closed Comments

  • +23

    So many incentives to get the vaxx. Seems like we are one donut away from persuading the masses.

    • +118

      Do it for the improved 5G reception and the excellent range of Microsoft products

      • +66

        Have had 1st jab - can confirm I've been invited to the Windows 11 beta

        • +4

          I’d be so confused reading this in 2010. The world is crazy 😁

        • +1

          What a crock a and stretch.

          • +2

            @superroach: It's one of the downsides of the internet. Stupid people get much better access to other imbeciles.

        • +16

          Perhaps a little reality check: the vaccine we all want was actually developed by German company BioNTech.

          Since that is a relatively small company that didn't have the necessary billions in the bank to build lots of factories they partnered with Pfizer for production and distribution. Putting the well known name first is just another marketing trick.

          So no, no Bill or Melinda inside the syringe, sorry to disappoint you.

          • @team teri: You're looking at the small picture. You have to do more research. The WHO is funded by donations. Gates is the largest private donor. Because of this funding method he and the other donors steer the WHO where they want. Gates has investments in the vaccines and is making 100s of millions from them so far. Other donors have the same agenda of money, directly or indirectly.

        • +10

          man, can you share whatever your are smoking?

          • -2

            @Dotherightthing: So whatever we hear in our "free speech" media on repeat absolutely one the same thing with different wording that's the truth? Rupert Murdochs truth. And because of that same freedom of speech if you say something on fakebook, twiter and YouTube that doesn't align with their politics your comment story, post etc. Isn't published, so that's freedom, right?

            So what you tell me, that's the truth and the only truth? Im not to hear anything else, see anything else, read anything else as there's no other side to a story. Sure

        • +10

          We all know Trump released the virus. Trump is Democrat through and through, he's best friends with the Clintons. The democrats had to cripple Sanders and get Hillary Clinton in because was in on it and she'd take a dive and let Trump win.

          Trump's just masquerading as a Republican in order to do a bad enough job democrats could get control of the white house, senate and Congress. He was doing a terrible job but it wasn't working well enough to lose all 3. So they cooked up a virus All he's needs is the democrats controlled CIA and the military to develop the Covid-19 virus. He then he has to convince Republicans not to take it and not wear masks so they would die off. People would turn on the Republicans and vote Democrat in record numbers. Mission successful

          Notice the timeline, Trump develops the vaccine just in time for Biden's takeover… Not a coincidence, it was planned.

          (Making up conspiracies it's fun).

      • +8

        I'm doing it for the magnetism

        • +2

          I am doing it for 5G, magnetism, not so much. You are bound to just get scrap metal stick to you.

      • +1

        This isn't funny, I got the Vax 2 days ago and now I've used all my phone credit. It chews through it so much faster now

    • +8

      There's donuts?

      • Yes they take your head and remove the soft part between, sugar coat it and sell it as a healthy alternative to Smashed Avocado on toast = profit

        • +7

          Alright, but as long as there's donuts.

    • +6

      It's so dumb.
      The incentive to get the vax should be to stop the virus, if not for yourself but for the community.
      Then there's a subset of people paranoid about a 1 in a million case of fatal side effects.

      • +6

        It is pretty stupid. The reality is they're trying to motivate people who are in no rush to get the vaccine. They're doing what they can to enable international travel to kick in as quickly as possible. Which probably won't be that quick.

      • +13

        The vaccine doesn't "stop the virus", it makes its effects less severe on the vaccine user, it still spreads, it still infects.

        • +3

          The covid vaccine doesn't fully stop covid in the same sense that the flu vaccine doesn't fully stop the flu. People still get the flu but we don't need to lock down when people get the flu.

          Enough people with the covid vaccine means we can "reopen" knowing people will still get sick, but most people who get sick won't die, i.e. we want to get to the point where staying at home and rest for a week or so is enough to recover from covid.

        • +6

          It does significantly slow the spread. Having the vaccine means your immune system supressess the virus more and greatly lowers your viral load. Which then lowers the amount of virus you expell to infect other people.

        • -1

          It does stop the spread of the virus. Less people will pass it on to others. I think you mean that it doesn’t eradicate it. Possibly not in the short term, but we could in the longer term, just as what we’ve done with other viral deceases. Plenty of evidence that many who are vaccinated and ‘catch’ it, don’t spread it.

          • +5

            @bozbargain: Show me the evidence that vaccinated people who catch covid, do not spread it?

            • +1

              @TheMindsetTraveller: I’m not responding to this straw man argument.

              • +1

                @bozbargain: Ok then, let me do your homework for you - at best, the data and research is still young; scientist believes it helps protect others but again, the research is still in its infancy. Is this plenty of evidence? Guess its a matter of perspective.

                • +8

                  @TheMindsetTraveller: @TheMindsetTraveller https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mounting-evidence-…
                  All science is based on the balance of evidence. Even if the issue is young.

                  This isn't directed at you mindset traveller, but I'm really disappointed by how science is viewed in the world at the moment. Like a valid argument is to just philosophically choose not to believe it. Whether it's climate change, vaccinations or covid itself, there's a huge body of evidence agreed upon by a vast majority of experts (by which I mean people with actual expertise, not self proclaimed celebrity vets!).
                  Critical thinking techniques really need to be taught at school.

            • -1

              @TheMindsetTraveller: Yes there is hard evidence that the virus is spread by vaccinated people, but you won't see it in mainstream media.

              • @skysurfer: jesus christ educate yourself properly and stop reading cherry picked sensationlist clickbait in isolation

                vaccines doesnt stop or kill the virus. it dampens the viral load and therefore reduces the probability of spread and symptoms

                everyone can still be a carrier. doesnt mean the vaccine is useless.

                probably a bad analogy but think of it like man made herd immunity if everyone got it. but all it takes is a big enough of hold out to render it ineffective and a mutation spawns.

          • @bozbargain: Except the nurse in QLD who was double vaccinated, caught sars-cov-2, had no Covid-19 symptoms and infected another unvaccinated person who did develop covid…?

            • @bargainshooter: ‘Stopping the spread’ doesn’t mean that every single vaccinated person cannot infect others. It’s about reduced chances, bringing the R-number down.

              • @bozbargain: Slowing the virus and reducing illness is not stopping the spread. I support vaccination. Also support clear and accurate information on what it will do.

    • +2

      Donuts, cash, lotto. Im still waiting for a block of land incentive, somewhere outback where i can relax on the verandah and listen, feel how my body is fighting with itself "you're the enemy, no you're the enemy, we're one the same…attack, attack yourself!"

      • +1

        i dont know why but this sounds like an episode of rick and morty to me

  • +30

    This is so unfair, I can't even take the vaccination yet

    • +3


    • Promotion ends 30 Sept. You'll be able to get it.

      • +7

        Don't know how you can be certain of that

      • +12

        Looking at the timeline of the government most younger people won't be eligible by then and even if they are there won't be enough vaccines available.

    • Go to the US, there's $1000000 reasons, but only if you get the vaccine 😏


      • +1

        Need to be a resident, not as easy as one might think either.

        • +1

          That's ok. I am happy with getting my 5G improved reception 😉

  • -3

    Valid for international travel only.


    • +16

      NZ here we come?

      • +2

        If we get vaccine passports even going across your state border will feel like international travel.

        • +8

          Yeah they'll definately help Australia to feel like North Korea… Scott Jong Morrison at the helm.

        • +3

          The various state border passes already feel like a visa waiver application…

        • I still can't get over Andrews locking Victorians out of Victoria, even if they'd been nowhere near Sydney or any other hotspot.

  • +30

    What’s the bet “Lux Limited Time Exclusive' offers” are already marked up well over $200.

    After LE screwed me last time with a valid refund request I don’t trust them one bit. They’re bound to have some fine print with T&Cs in this promo that screw you over. You’ve been warned.

  • +18

    Code is VAX21 - seems pretty generic, which makes me wonder if it is even tied to an account.

    You also don't need to provide proof of vaccination - there didn't appear to be any validation of any sort, so more of an honesty system.

    Do get vaccinated when you can though!

    • +20

      code doesnt work unless you have gone through the process using your own account to get the code…. otherwise You will get a message "You are not permitted to use this promo"

      • Good to know, thanks

  • +4

    Code is VAX21

    • +5

      I liked the 'plandemic' part..

      • +4

        The war cry of Incels across the world! That and "wake up"

    • +1

      Open your eyes…

    • +2

      Waiting for this comment to be negged into oblivion - let's wait for the June stats lads! 😂

    • +14

      Mmm yes the "plandemic". Do you mean the plan to kill millions of people or the plan to lockdown entire cities? The COVID deniers always think that governments are winning with this but literally no government in the world wants this. COVID deniers are some next level stupid.

      • +4

        no but dont the guvs want everyone a prisoner at home so they can…. something something

        I can understand the paranoia about being controlled, but so dumb to think there's a conspiracy that wants everyone to be less engaged with the economy while feeling enslaved by it

      • +4

        Please don't bring reasonable logic into this debate.

      • But we have bver been proven wrong yet

        • +5

          Dex38313 on 06/06/2021 - 18:58
          -12 votes
          Trump lol incase u r woundering he will be reinstated in august Q

          everything you qanoners have been spouting over the last few years have failed over and over, like the 16 times yall said trump was coming back into office

          • @johnwinkle: Q???? Doo explain you not a conspiracy theorist

            • +3

              @Dex38313: What's the problem here? You get 5G and never have to buy another phone for the rest of your life. Hopefully they will be upgrading to 6G and so on.
              I',m getting my 5G in July, and you can stay in your ditch.

    • +3

      Why don't you ring some people in India to see how they feel right now?

      • -8

        There too busy enjoying life in case u haven’t seen the real news they don’t have covid

        • +3

          Tell the good people where you get your 'real news' so we can all have a good laugh.

          • -1

            @ozbargainer88: Y you all might be educated then better stick to you msm

            • @Dex38313: Wow do you live in a box? Step outside for a minute and talk to any Indians around and you'll hear about sick and dying relatives over there.

              Stop being willfully ignorant when it's so easy to do better.

              • -1

                @crentist: I’m just stating the facts iv never been proven wrong yet in over 3 years time to switch of msm go outside and c the real world

                • @Dex38313: Real world includes people dying, I know people and heard many more stories.

                  Go talk to people outside your bubble and don't just listen to any crap you are told. Stop being so blind to the facts. They prove you wrong if you open your eyes.

                  Covid not even around for 3 years silly guy.

                  • @crentist: Sorry it’s been around for centuries in some form I doo apologise

    • +4

      @Dex38313 please use condoms

      • -1

        Who’d have thought sooooo many 🐑 on can see what’s going on in front of there own eyes but still trust msm and follow blindly

      • 🤣

  • -8

    fake deal, says no minimum spend but no international travel option is going to close to only $200.

    • +1

      So you expect to get something for free? Would you rather pay full price instead of getting $200 off?

      • +2

        To be fair all of the options seem somewhat overpriced… $200 off inflated prices is hardly that great a deal :(

      • -2

        I just expect an actual deal to be listed.

  • +1

    Promo codes not valid for 'Lux Premium Collection', 'Lux Partner Property', 'Last Minute Escapes', insurance, flights or experiences.

    But as far as I can tell they are all 'Lux Partner Property's'

    • +1

      Depends what you're searching for.

      Check out the home page for the full list of available offers of the applicable types
      or here: https://luxuryescapes.com/au/vaccine-vouchers.p1

    • +1

      I think what it means is you can use it on their traditional/original limited time “deal of the day” type voucher-package offers. They have expanded into other stuff since then.

    • +4

      Remember to socially distance with your buddies 😷 !

    • +7

      Why do you care? It's a matter of public health and will be positive for their business. It literally had zero impact on you if you're not planning on getting vaccinated.

      • +2

        It absolutely does have an impact. In this case, fortunately it's just missing out on a worthless deal

        • +1

          Sorry I need to get my head around this. Not getting a deal, that you're not interested in, which otherwise would not have been offered, impacts you? Cool story.

    • +5

      Oh please, they're protecting their staff and clients. There are already 'no jab, no play' laws for day cares and kindergartens. You can't even put your dog in a kennel these days without a vaccination certificate. But okay… Luxury Escapes giving a $200 voucher is a 'step too far.'

      • -1

        Why aren't you vaccinating your dog…? Poor pooch :-(

        Kennel cough can kill older dogs, Parvo can kill any dog etc.

    • +4

      Its called marketing. Dont think they really care, this promo gives them exposure. And its no loss to them as I'm sure most will spend extra on top since u cant really do much with $200 unless 1 night accommodation is all u need.

    • -1

      Taking into account that only 15% of population is vaccinated so far, this "offer" seems discriminatory as it is not available to the whole population. Maybe the rest of the population will think twice before using this company, as I think this campaign will not have the expected results for them.

      • +2

        This is as discriminatory as offers that require

        • you to have a certain name
        • you being australian
        • ebay plus / amazon prime
        • flybuy / woolworths rewards / costco member
        • minimum income over 75k
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