This was posted 3 years 9 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

AMD Ryzen 9 5900X $874, AMD Ryzen 9 5950X $1239 + Delivery @ TechFast


We have very limited quantities of Ryzen 9 5900X and Ryzen 9 5950X processors in stock for immediate dispatch. There are no per customer limits so go hard, go early.

Use coupon code RYZEN9 on both items to save an extra $5 for OzB members.

EDIT: 5950X dropped to $1239 plus shipping.


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closed Comments

    • facepalm.gif

      • +11

        everyone on ozbargain is so brainwash from techfast, half the time their deals are just average price lol

        • +1

          yes but it saves you waiting with a half built rig because your graphics card supplier has delayed your shipment 3 months already. It can't be a deal if you never get the product.

          • -4

            @Jazza2400: only shortage for 3080 not for other cards, i could have bought a 3070 for less than $1350 at least once a week in feb, mar, and apr

            • +9

              @ln28909: $1350 is the msrp for the 3080, yet you're bragging about being able to buy a 3070 for that price and saying there isn't a shortage of other GPUs… if there wasn't a shortage of 3070s, they wouldn't cost as much as the 3080 MSRP.

              • -8

                @Vinodra: Shortage refer to no stock, 3070 is price like it is now, as it was being arbitrage, at its msrp, it's too cheap compared to eth mining profitability

                • +4

                  @ln28909: All chips are effected by the global silicon shortage.

                  The 3070 is also.

                  • -6

                    @Vinodra: Not in Australia, at least for the past 3-4 months, seems to be really dry from May though

                    • +3

                      @ln28909: ….again, the fact that the 3070 is going for over $400-500 above msrp on the lower end means there is a shortage, if they were readily avaliable, prices would go down to MSRP again.

                      • -4

                        @Vinodra: no lol, price is simply adjusting to ethereum profitability, 3070 is now $2000 because ethereum is now $5k, watch gpu price and ethereum price, there is a very strong correlation

                        for example, if 3080 was at msrp of $1200 today, I could buy 50 in a heartbeat

                        the problem is not a supply issue but rather a demand issue, this has been reiterated time and time again

                        • @ln28909: You make no sense. Supply and demand go hand in hand.

                          • -3

                            @mfazackerley: No doubt, but the other person got it in reverse, it's not low supply that causes high prices, it's because of high demand

                            Why is demand high, it's because gpu mrsps are too cheap, hence my comment

                            Even if supply quadruple or more, it would still sell out as msrp

                        • @ln28909: There is a supply issue because the demand is so high, which causes prices to rise so much, its as simple as that. I dont even know what you're trying to say but don't put words into other people's mouths.

                          In any case, I highly doubt more GPUs are bought for crypto mining instead of mining, if crypto miners were their main customers, nvidia wouldn't so silly things like crypto limiters and risk passing their core customers off.

                          • -1

                            @Vinodra: You're implying that a shortage of supply causes an increase in gpu price which is incorrect, even if they can produce 10x as much they will still sell out instantly due to how profitable their gpus are for mining at msrp, price has increased from msrp due to demand

                            Now you ask why nvidia doesn't like crypto miners, it's because they can't charge higher than msrp. They still have to sell their founder edition at msrp even though they could easily sell them for twice as much so they don't get any benefit of this price increased

              • -1

                @Vinodra: Thought the MSRP for the 3080 was $1139 ? That's what I paid for it, not including current price jacking for due to crypto.

                • @BargainKen: That was the msrp, but the cheapest at launch was like 1300 I think.

                  The only one that was 1139 was Zotac Trinity and they very quickly raised the price.

          • +1

            @Jazza2400: Actually they delay longer than everywhwere else. I got my Dell and my Rosman parts in half the time and for less.

    • +2

      Think you're using some discounted mathematics there. That ebay listing has a 5950X for 1296 delivered after discount?

      • +1

        ebayplus is 17% off listed price

        • +1

          I stand corrected.

        • What if you don't have ebay plus? Does that make your neg still valid considering this would be the best price for someone without plus?

          • +1

            @Yuri Lowell: This is ozbargain where people give 100s of upvote for a $2 cashback deal, they will just create another ebay account and use the trial.

            This price is also before discounted gift card of 3-5% and this is once again ozbargain, so people are going to do that which is gonna make it coming close to $1200 thereby significantly cheaper than $1274 + delivery

    • +6

      Happy to beat if proven correct. I'm seeing $1296.25 with the code PM1517.

    • +33

      Updated price to $1239 plus shipping. Thanks for your input.

    • +2

      Why all the negs? This post saved buyers another $35

      • +4

        Because they come off as incredibly hostile towards Luke/TechFast for no reason.

        • +2

          For no reason ? They posted a deal that isn't a deal.

          If it was anyone else it would be shut down with negs all over the place.

          Is that not enough reason ?

          Is that not what OzBargain is here for ?

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Negging a deal is one thing, nothing wrong with that.

            Celebrating by saying "yess, finally I have a valid neg for a techfast deal" is another.

            Its just incredibly rude and implies they have a personal agenda against them.

            • @Vinodra: If you're so in love with TechFast that you're blinded by average deals then maybe a Celebration is finally going to create enough drama for you to finally wake up !

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: When did the ozb community get like this? Go outside and get some fresh air…

                • @Vinodra: LoL burst your bubble with the truth - and I'm not sorry =)

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: So i'm apparently "blinded" by techfast… but.. notice how I didnt give this post a postive vote?

                    Not liking Techfast is one thing, you and OP are taking it to a weird level though.

                    • @Vinodra: Yeah as weird as all other posts that get shut down for spamming average prices ?

                      notice how I didnt give this post a postive vote?

                      No need to back track man I was just merely pointing out some information =)

                      • -4

                        @[Deactivated]: … look up the definition of backtracking.

                        Enjoy getting blocked? Judging by your attitude though, that seems to be your main goal on this website.

                        • +3

                          @Vinodra: Please don't block me !!

                          I don't want my words of wisdom falling on deaf ears !!!

      • +2

        Ozbargainers are a weird breed. They want to save money but often don't like it when people point out cheaper prices in a popular store post.

        • +3

          That's what happens when you sell marketing space on a forum that is meant to be neutral and unbiased.

  • +1

    Great price and in stock i cant see the 5900x lasting long.

    • +3

      Total cost comes to min $908.74 with credit card surcharge and postage for melbourne inner suburb. Similar to what I paid with pccasegear.

      Dont get me wrong. Its a good deal for instock. But the listed price can be deceiving when you look at it as $874.

      • PCCG is selling for $999 now though + postage. Even PLE is up to $899 + postage but no stock.

        • ETA was 3-4 days from pre order. Almost as it's in stock. No hidden surcharges or $24 shipping.

  • Wow, excellent deal Luke. If you can do these types of deals more often, it'd be great! Hell, sell CPUs individually more often just in general!

  • $1,279.00
    Crossed out $1,244.00
    -3% off

    How is original price lower than discounted price? How does that work?

    • +1

      It would just be related to me changing the price from what it was before In28909 commented above.

      • It would make more sense if the crossed out price was higher than current price? Otherwise it looks like there is now a markup.

        • +1

          Oh I see. Weird, may just be caching. I'll force another push.

          • @luketechfast: Wait… force another push. You have access to OzB back end to force push ?

        • I'm also seeing $1279, which comes down to $1274 with the coupon. How do we get the $1239 price in the title?

  • +2

    Thanks for posting the replacement rx580 Luke. Looking forward to receiving it :))

    • +2

      Glad we could resolve it for you.

  • +12

    Really $21.24 for standard delivery then $14 credit card surcharge?

    • +3

      Nickel and dime all the way. Comes out to about $5 off the ebay price for me. At least with eBay you can return it within 30 days and not pay shipping.

      Also another $40 more on Amazon ($1299) if you want next day delivery and piece of mind.

    • +3

      For a moment i was worried that i paid more with pccasegear. With all these surchagers its almost the same price. Thanks for not making me feel bad…

    • I paid by bank transfer to save on the surcharge. Nice to have CC security but in this instance $14 was worth going bank.

  • Rabbitfast

  • Cracking price. Too bad I've ordered a bundle deal from Mwave

  • Dreaming of a day we see a similar post for RTX 3070 and 3080

    • +2

      Yeah after the RTX4080 or 5080 is released

      • +1

        Hoping the Ti ones or FG version with ethereum limiters or crypto crash can create a PS5 like supply. Deposit to get delivery in 2 months.

        • +1

          Proof of stake soon* projected to be July through to end of year. So eth mining will be a thing of the past

          • @drjamie: Hahahaa I loved the "soon*". :)

            Have to agree, with PoS right around the corner, will be interesting to see how the market reacts. I'm guessing there will be a huge influx of ex-mining cards that will douse the demand a fair bit.

  • Any deals for 5800x coming soon Luke?

    • Not from us - supply not there.

  • Any update on the shipping times for the 5600x/3070 builds from 3 weeks ago? Cheers

    • 3070s are going out constantly and the 3600, Intel and Zen 3 all overlapped, but in general terms we're shipping 3070s are going out 14-20 business days.

      • Are those 3070s going to be mining limited?

        • Not that I'm aware of

  • +1

    I don't need to upgrade from my 5800X, I don't need to upgrade from my 5800X, I don't… NEED TO UPGRADE

    • +1

      Jus dewit

    • +2

      I upgraded my 3600 to the 5800x a few months ago and I honestly haven't noticed much of a difference. I definitely do not need to upgrade to the 5900x…

      • but…. maybe there would be a difference if you upgrade to 5950x… /s

        In all seriousness, I've looked at various reports and reviews and my conclusion is that a lot of people won't see an obvious improvements on an upgrade from 3600. This is a good summary:… . 3600 performs pretty well.

        • The only place where it would make a difference is at work and there 16 cores is not much (also they pay not me)

      • If you mean in terms of gaming then thats just weird, the single core performance is so good on the Zen3 I went from a 3600 to 5900x myself

        Edit: I do use CTR and have 6 cores at 4600MHz and the other 6 at 4400MHz whilst not using any more power than default

        • Gaming performance is better if you don't do an all core overclock has some cores boost higher during gaming

  • +1

    Great price. Paid $1349 + about ten buck shipping a couple of weeks back and that was considered pretty good given it was a struggle to find them and lowest price was around $1399 + shopping.

  • Nice one. Belated May the 4th Luke!!

  • Nice price for those looking for a 5900x. Id be happy to buy one of these if you slapped a 3070 in there and managed similar price to the April 5800/5900x deal ;)

  • +2

    1 hour and 3mins, and not OOS yet? We have a new world record

    • +4

      The price per core is still pretty high at above $75/core delivered. Can get Zen2 Ryzen 3600 at below $50/core or 3900X at ~$59/core delivered. With ~20% CPU improvement of Zen3 over Zen2 a 20% price premium should translate to Zen3 being ~$71/core not $75/core. In other words Zen3 costs more because its newer and is more in demand.
      Not everyone is going to get a perceivable improvement moving from the cheaper Zen2 to a more expensive Zen3. Yet there is a premium that is higher than a scale up in measured performance.
      It's good that there is stock but the price is not amazeballs. On the other hand 5800X has been closer to ~$71/core, which was a good price. So hopefully 5900X and 5950X will come closer to ~$71/core some time. But, I wouldn't hold my breath with the way the current chip shortages are going.

      • +1

        I like your analysis

  • Awesome, finally snapped up a 5900x. Thanks Luke!

  • Who needs a holiday when you can get lightning fast performance!

  • +1

    If only I could justify upgrading from my Intel 8700K, but I think I'll have to wait for Zen4 with DDR5 before it's worth it. Still, good price (with the current state of tech) for an in stock item.

  • +1

    I'm tempted to upgrade from my 3900X, might have a few drinks and see how I feel then…

    • +3

      It's unlikely to be worth it, so procrastinate until they're OOS

  • Thanks Luke. Any chance of a Ryzen 5 3600 deal?

  • Guess I'll rock my 3900x for a little bit longer… not playing games lately. Just video editing.

    • You'd get more of a benefit in upgrading to 59.0X processor then a gamer would in upgrading from a 3900X.

  • Will you be offering any PC deals with the 5950X and RTX3080/3090 anytime soon?

    • Not until our current orders are cleared. Supply just isn't there

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