ln28909 » user profile

Member Since | 12/08/2019 |
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Badges | 19 10 |
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ln28909 replied to
potato11 on PNY GeForce RTX 4070 Dual 12G Graphics Card $939 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Umart & MSY & PCByte & JW

the world is moving towards ai, get NVIDIA to get your money's worth

ln28909 commented on Free Crypto Tax Report (First 500 Users) @ Koinly
F, keep missing out on this deal, my report is like $4k :((

ln28909 commented on "Crypto Is Just Another Pyramid Scheme"
Crypto is about freedom to move your money, tradfi is slow and have daily limit on how much you can move without telling them your…

Did well on ohm and tomb types project? Will chill in SE Asia, living like king on the cheap and wait for next bullrun

Most teacher should only be paid minimum wage, unless you teach year 10-12 Imagine someone teaching grade 4 getting the same pay as a…

If you eat 2 $30 meals a day, 3-4 times a week it should add up to a reasonable amount for bnpl For example, pretty normal to buy an ipad…

Don't blame financial innovation for your lack of financial literacy lol Get financial literated, will help you lots in the long run trust…

ln28909 replied to
sjj89 on If the government is willing to let the country go broke to save the housing market from going down, then ...

this is what everyone says, hence no one moves, hence regional housing still cheap af, get a job that work from home, easy money easy life

ln28909 commented on If the government is willing to let the country go broke to save the housing market from going down, then ...
unless there are numbers to show the proportion of people that is eligible to this scheme, this conclusion is pretty pointless especially…

ln28909 replied to
Boogerman on Coalition's Proposed Plan To Enable First Home Buyers to use Up to $50k in Super Towards House Deposits

Yes, a house is an idiot proof investment, it will always go up, otherwise why would people go 10-20x leverage to buy one Cheaper price…

ln28909 replied to
Gareth on Coalition's Proposed Plan To Enable First Home Buyers to use Up to $50k in Super Towards House Deposits

Owning land is the most idiot proof things out there, not to mention the power of negative gearing For the average person, as long as you…

This assumes people are rational but they're not, rate rise just make the game of chicken more interesting, people will speculate what will…

Volatile asset will never be a good choice for payment method, in the future, there will be stablecoin on each of these networks then it…

The price you see on these services are how restaurant vote on the service value, a lot of these restaurants actually starts with the same…

ln28909 replied to
Beef jerky time on What Is Your Opinion on Higher Prices When Ordering through Food Delivery Apps

As someone that have been ordering takeout on these services everyday for over 3 months, the thing you described really doesn't happen 1.…

ln28909 replied to
AdosHouse on What Is Your Opinion on Higher Prices When Ordering through Food Delivery Apps

Because you're expected to pay for the subscription which makes delivery fee = 0 A monthly subscription is only about $13, say you order…

ln28909 replied to
sjj89 on What Is Your Opinion on Higher Prices When Ordering through Food Delivery Apps

As long as you're not hitting your capacity to service, 70c on a dollar is better than 0, so these food businesses are not losing anything,…

If Amazon accidentally sent you more than what you ordered, you don't need to return it, it is part of their policy

This really shouldn't be downvoted

ln28909 replied to
whatwasherproblem on Does Dell Allow You to Extend Your Warranty after Purchasing a Laptop?

Extended warranty with Dell is about speed of service rather than the presence of service

ln28909 commented on Receive Bank Deposits Faster
Deposit usd into ftx, withdraw to binance smart chain, deposit into binance, convert to aud, withdraw via osko

ln28909 was awarded a badge.

ln28909 posted a deal PNY GeForce RTX 3080 10GB XLR8 Gaming EPIC-X RGB Graphics Card $1479 Delivered ($0 SYD C&C) @ Titan Tech
Long time no deal, GPU is looking very cheap these days From a quick look, shipping is free

Be much better than them so they compare to you instead

Tax minimisation only really worth the effort if you're in the top tier tax bracket Otherwise, it is mostly just expenses deduction

Think of it this way, a swap on ethereum regularly cost $100 usd anyway

> People who's dad is CEO and has no problems Yes the kids shouldn't have a problem but the dad will

Once you get there you'll understand, I will pay more in tax this year than 97% of people in Australia earned income (if your stat is to be…

If you earn over half a million a year, it starts to bite very hard

ln28909 replied to
Dealgogogo on Gaming PC with RTX 3070, Intel i5 11500, 16GB RAM, 1TB NVMe SSD $2276 + Free Shipping @ Titan Tech

CPU is so overhyped, if you're gaming or just general purpose use, pretty much any cpu would work