• expired

Citibank Credit Cards: Free Citi Payall for All Payments Set up from 1st April 2021 to 31st October 2023 (Normally 2%)


Received in email. Maybe targeted.

Free points on your rents, and any other fees that normally don’t accept credit cards without a fee.

Email excerpt below:

We are writing to advise you of an update we are making to the Citi PayAll product feature available on your Citi Rewards Card.

For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023 (the Period), the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%:

• Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up during the Period will not incur the Citi PayAll fee for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

• Any Citi PayAll payments set up after the Period ends will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment.

• Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up prior and after the Period will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment. This fee will apply to all recurring payments made for the duration in which those payments are scheduled to occur.

• From 1 November 2022, points will be capped at $20k per month or the lower of your credit card limit.

For more information on Citi PayAll, please refer to the Credit Card Terms and Conditions and Other Important Information and if you are enrolled in a Citi Rewards program, please refer to the Terms and Conditions of the Rewards program you are enrolled in.


This is a good guide:

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Citibank Australia

closed Comments

      • Nope, because they decided to block all payments that came from Citi in the last 2 months.

        • So two months of payalls already arrived in your account then they locked you out and reversed the payments?

          • +1

            @Outrageous: Yes. At least that’s what they told me.
            They don’t give any explanation and didn’t ask for proof of anything.
            It started as an account lock and they asked me for ID verification. Then they asked me about the last transactions which I explained they were coming from my credit card. Then I got an account closure letter where they let me know they blocked those funds because they believe those don’t belong to me.

            • +1

              @DuCkBiLL: Sounds very familiar to my experience. They won't explain anything, won't provide any justification or reasons for any of their actions and worst of all in my case they didn't even tell me they'd locked the account. It wasn't until 2 weeks after they had done so when I went to look at it I found I couldn't log in. In hindsight, the warning flag was there all along. When a bank specifically has as one of their online phone menu items "press 3 for locked accounts", you should take the hint that locked accounts are something they do an awful lot and without warning!

              The whole "tell me about recent transactions" thing is another signature BOQ move. If you don't keep transaction records, or only print out your statements at the end of quarters or half yearly, then you are going to struggle to answer this question with any accuracy, and I can tell you that if you get anything even remotely wrong in your answer, then they will use that to justify hanging up on you and maintaining the account lock until you contact AFCA.

              Long story short: Do not use BOQ/Virgin Money/ME Bank as your receiving institution for PayAll. It's just too hard.

    • +2

      Citi also closed my credit card account saying “it was business decision”, which I believe it might have been because of BOQ getting in contact with them.

      • +1

        Has it reflected on your transaction history yet that Citi got the money back?
        And how long were you a customer of BOQ?
        I think banks are getting silly because of the surge in scams and anti money laundering fines.
        Anyway thanks for the warning, I have cancelled my payalls to BOQ now.

        • I had been with BOQ for an year.
          I’m not sure whether Citi got the money back yet. That’s what BOQ’s case manager said they will do.
          I have no access to both accounts now, so I don’t know if there was a reversal transaction in Citi. I only have my last Citi statement which there were none.
          I’m not against them implementing measures against scams and money laundering. The problem is that I am been treated as a criminal for no reason and they never asked for proof. They simply “believe” what they want and take your money.

          • @DuCkBiLL:

            they let me know they blocked those funds because they believe those don’t belong to me.

            Definitely complain to AFCA since you already told them those funds came from your credit card and you can show it. You should get them to pay interest for the time you lost access to funds and any late penalties citi hit you up for.

            • @Outrageous: Yeah, that's what I'm hopping for. My AFCA case is waiting to be allocated to a case worker at the moment. It might take a few weeks or even months to get this sorted.

              • +2

                @DuCkBiLL: It will be months. Strap yourself in and buckle up. The time scale you're looking at is this:
                7-10 days for a case number from AFCA
                Bank has 30 days to respond and they WILL take every single one of those 30 days guaranteed
                Each back and forth from then on the bank has another 30 days to respond, so consider that in your replies

                It is needless to say that the bank will employ every well-known modern day age-old tactic to obfuscate and frustrate a resolution as much as possible, so beware. You will never be able to call them as they won't answer. You will never be able to speak to the same bank representative twice. They will claim they called you but you didn't answer (even though there is no proof they called at all) and as you 'missed' their call, it's now going to be another 30 days before they try again.

                The only advice I can give is stand your ground and be prepared to go to a mediation meeting held in your state. Hopefully that isn't QLD, because that puts cost on the bank and the only thing the bank understands or acts upon is financial costs to them. You need to find a way to make giving you back your money the least costly of the bank's options. Then they will give it back to you. Until then however, they will keep your money. To that end, you need to make it clear with AFCA that you want to go to mediation as quickly as possible in order to ramp up the bank's potential costs of fighting the case. Costs are the ONLY thing the bank cares about. They absolutely do not care about you or their reputation or what you might say on social media. They only care about their costs and minimising them. Make it more expensive for them to keep the case going and they will eventually act to cut those costs when it makes financial sense to do so.

                • @Legoman: what kind of costs are you talking about? lawyers?

                  • +1

                    @TheGuru: Staff time in generating ongoing correspondence; the $10,000 fee they are obliged to pay AFCA to investigate the case to a mediation meeting stage - AFCA is funded by the banking sector and all banks have signed an agreement to pay costs of cases lodged as part of their APRA licencing requirements. The faster you can escalate an AFCA case to the higher echelons of investigation, the bigger the fees the bank has to pay and the more expensive it gets for them. The first stage will be a simple conciliation meeting over Zoom or Skype or the like to see if it can be resolved that way. The arranger of the meeting though has no power to force anyone's position. The second stage is a mediation meeting, which may take place in person is logistics allow, but may end up being online. Again, at this stage the moderator has no actual power to force anyone to agree to anything. The third stage will be an actual hearing hosted by AFCA and this will come with a serious cost to the bank starting at I have been told $10,000 to be heard. The bank will in most cases pull the pin and give you your money back before going ahead with this stage, because your claim will generally be < $10,000, so they just look at it as purely a loss minimisation exercise.

          • +1

            @DuCkBiLL: Yep, sadly in the Australian banking sector, the customer is always guilty first until you can prove you're innocent and the bank is always acting in the interests of the same customer's safety and security. The fact this results in them hanging on to your money for as long as they like with no-one with any authority to tell them to give it back, is just a happy coincidence. Welcome to the cartel world of the Australian banking industry. In about 3 months' time when this is resolved and you ask for compensation for all the lost interest, mental anguish and emotional trauma of the experience, the bank will happily point to their T&C's you had no option but to accept when you signed up for the account in the first place and quote the bit that says they have every right to lock your account for any reason at any time without notifying you if doing so is in the interests of customer security or to me legislative requirements. Something that you will have no way of ever proving false without paying a lawyer more money than is at stake. So look forward to that.

            • @Legoman: Thanks for the advice and for letting me know what to expect. You're right, they replied with 1 business day to the end of the first 30 days period.
              The AFCA case is in the Case Management Stage now waiting to be allocated to a case worker, which they told me it should take a few weeks.
              Unfortunately, I'm in QLD, but will let AFCA know that I want to go to mediation as soon as possible.

              • +3

                @DuCkBiLL: Another piece of advice you should heed at this stage. Whenever you hear "for training purposes" what you're being told is actually "for evidence gathering purposes". As in… "We're recording this phone call for training purposes". Beware. BOQ will be retrieving and listening to all your past and future phone interactions with them and they will use them against you if they can. The best advice is DO NOT have voice only contact with them anymore at all. Insist on everything being in writing only at this point forward. If they call you, the first words out of your mouth need to be "I do not agree to this phone call being recorded". At that point they will either agree to stop the recording, or they will say the call can't proceed under those conditions, in which case agree for it to be terminated and welcome their response in writing instead. This adds delay and annoyance to the bank because now they have to write a letter, which is good because you want to make this as hard and as difficult for the bank employees as they've made it for you.

                Another option is to immediately request a copy of the recorded phone conversation to be provided at the end of the phone call. The bank will refuse to do this on one of two reasonings. The first is that they are technically incapable of providing it because of the technical knowledge required to provide a transferrable copy of the recoding in a format that doesn't require their bank-specific hardware to listen to (which you obviously don't have). The second is that their bank policy is that they don't provide telephone recordings to customers and they aren't required to. This is false and against the law and I have a letter from the Federal Attorney-General to prove that the Privacy Act 1998 does very much apply to the bank because they are a private sector institution with annual turnover in excess of $3 million, and I quote:

                "you may be interested to know the Privacy Act
                requires an APP entity that holds personal information about an individual to give the
                individual access to their information on request (APP 12.1). APP 12 generally sets out other
                requirements in relation to giving access, including when access can be refused (APP 12.3)
                and how access is to be given (APP 12.4). In addition, APP 12.5 provides that where the APP
                entity cannot give access in the manner requested, it ‘must take such steps (if any) as are
                reasonable in the circumstances to give access in a way that meets the needs of the entity and
                the individual’."

                Unfortunately, in order to prove this point and prosecute the bank for breaching the law, you will have to hire a lawyer which will cost more than the money you're trying to recover, so you're better off accepting that the bank is going to behave unlawlfully and just limit the amount of evidence they can gather on you instead.

      • +1

        Holy sh!t!!! That elevates BOQ into a whole new world of assholery behaviour for an Australian bank! 100% that is as a result of BOQ contacting NAB and telling them you're a high risk fraudulent customer. I'd actually planned to empty all my BOQ accounts today anyway for better interest elsewhere, and after reading this I'm doubly convinced of doing so.

        • I have no proof of that, but seems very likely given the timing and how the events happened.
          Not only that, they also did the same thing with Mrs. account, which had nothing to do with PayAll. The only thing in common was the last name and address.
          She also open a case with AFCA which is in the Case Management Stage as well. We'd like to have both dealt with together so it gets resolved as quick as possible. I know it costs less to the bank, but on the other hand it might shorten the time to get it sorted.

        • Confirmed that today. Citi let me know they requested BOQ to return any available fund held as a result of PayAll payments given that Citi never called me to ask about my PayAll payments.

          • @DuCkBiLL: So your reading is that Citibank started this by trying to recall funds sent to BOQ?

            • @Legoman: No. Based on the time of events my reading is that BOQ contacted Citi and then Citi decided to close my account and request the funds back.
              I realised I didn’t provide the dates here, so it got confused. My apologies.

              • @DuCkBiLL: Just in case you weren't already convinced of what a bunch of effing C's BOQ are, let me regale you with a recent story. I have accounts with all of BOQ, Virgin Money and ME Bank. Obviously they are all the same thing just in different wrappers. VM + ME have both managed to produce EoFY statements to 30 Jun within their apps for download which is the exact same app that BOQ uses. So you would expect the same statement could be generated for BOQ as well wouldn't you? Nope. The only option is to order an interim statement which covers the period from your last interim statement to the present day. You cannot specify a date range at all.

                When I asked for a specific 30 Jun statement (for obvious reasons), I was given a copy of the T&C's in a chat message that said a manual statement comes with a $10 fee. When I argued this was ridiculous when their own subsidiary banks using the exact same software can do this easily and without it even being requested, they purged all record of the chat discussion about the issue and ignored me.

                When I rang them up, threatened them with an AFCA case and demanded the call centre supervisor call me back (as they can't transfer internal calls), it suddenly became possible for them to generate the exact statement I wanted quite easily right there and then with no $10 fee attached. Amazing. When I suggested this was an obvious ruse to scrape $10 off every depositor for something every other bank provides as a matter of their standard responsibility to customers, the CSR I was speaking to (who sounded about 12) could neither confirm or deny my assertion.

        • @Legoman Since you've moved money from BOQ, what savings account with a rate better than Virgin would you recommend?

      • Are you still able to redeem your citi reward points? Or they cancelled them?

        If the latter, this serves as a reminder for everyone: do not bank too many points and convert them as soon as practicable.

        • Nope, as soon as the account closes, you cannot access points anymore.
          Luckily I had transferred most of it before they decided to close my account.

        • Trying to do that very thing, unfortunately I keep getting the points faster than I can use them!

    • Good warning, thanks. I don't use any of the BOQ nest of banks with PayAll, but I have been on the end of their overzealous account freezing and can attest them being absolute pricks to deal with in getting the accounts unlocked again. It almost always involves the intervention of AFCA. They will freeze your account, not tell you they've done so and then deliberately create circular, catch-22, paradoxical situations in order to unlock it again. ie. lock account; tell me the details of five different transactions in the last month to unlock the account. The paradox being that you can't know the previous transaction details without access to the account to either review the history or download a copy of your statement. The BOQ staff are completely computer process and rules driven and have no discretion whatsoever to use commone sense when pointed out to them how stupid their rules are. You are very quickly left with no alternative but to contact AFCA when they refuse to do anything to break their self-created endless circular logic loop. My situation was with Virgin Money and took 2 months via AFCA to resolve. I hope you have better luck.

      • You're on point. That was exactly what I pointed out to them. They want to know the exact payee, date and amount and how do I know without having access to my account?
        The person that answers the call only acts as an informant. They always need to contact the "Head office", which has a long lunch break and leave early in the afternoon. The "Head office" staff is unreachable by the customer. You can only talk to them if they are "willing" to talk to you and ask us to send an email, which is never responded.

        They also closed my Virgin Money account, which I never used, at the same time they closed my BOQ accounts.

        • +4

          Use my language in your case. Use the terms catch-22, circular logic and paradoxical questioning. Also use the very specific term "deliberately frustrating the works". That is a recognised legal term that has legal consequential meaning. It refers in a general catch-all way to all the tactics Australian banks use to deliberately frustrate, delay, obfuscate and generally do everything they can to not resolve a dispute with a customer.

          When you use those terms and the letter containing them gets reviewed by their in-house legal counsel they have on retainer, they will recognise them and instantly know they are not dealing with a numpty. They will know straight away you are not backing down and will not be bluffed or bullied away.

    • Thank you, I've transferred my money elsewhere.

  • Just wondering what do you guys redeeming the points for ? I am thinking to buy Iphone within few months. Should I buy Apple or Amazon gc to purchase the Iphone ?

    • FlyBuys has the best redemption rate AFAIK, 1:1 with the Prestige. With FlyPay, you can redeem 10k per transaction, so e.g. you can get $50 off a weekly shop.

      • What's FlyPay? Is that a Prestige exclusive thing? I also convert to FlyBuys, but at the checkout in Coles they only let you redeem 2000 points for $10 per transaction. Sure, I know I could split the transaction up into multiple purchases and claim $10 off on each, but time has a value too.

        • Just convert to flybuys dollars and you can redeem more than $10 at a time

          • @Outrageous: True, but it's such a laborious and painful exercise doing the whole transfer on your computer first, then PINs, then wait 30mins for the transfer to process, then select the special menu option on the register, enter how much money you wanna use, enter PIN… it's a giant PITA. That's why I could never be bothered until they streamlined the whole rigmarole and just made it a one-click standard option at the register "Would you like to…" YES. Done.

            • @Legoman: I find converting large qty of Flybuy points into credit extremely easy. Have converted 200k points into $1000 & got several weeks of free groceries.
              One transaction (in the Flybuys App), select number of points, a 4 digit PIN and away you go.
              Just remember that you have to take the physical FB card when you shop & enter the correct PIN

            • +1

              @Legoman: It's not in coles best interests to allow full balance redemption via the checkout, I suspect it's very low on the priority list

        • Coles online, option is similar to PayPal and had max 10k$50 point redemption per order. Much more efficient way of using points!

          • +1

            @leeroys_dad: Ahh OK. Efficient only in the effect of getting rid of them quicker in fewer transactions. If you factor in the extra price of everything that is sold in Coles Online as opposed to the Coles instore prices as well as the picking fee and the delivery fee on top (as discussed on last night's Gruen), then it doesn't really make so much sense

            • @Legoman: No, it's more efficient in time, as well. Prices are not higher online, in fact you can get better value when you order cheap items, allow substitution and they substitute with higher value items for free. There is no picking fee. There's $2 delivery if you choose off peak times, and there is no way your time and vehicle cost to shop in store is less than $2.

            • @Legoman: What were the takeaways from green? Couldn't find an article with a rundown. My experience is that prices are much the same, bar variable weight products eg vegetables, where these are charged usually at per piece instead of weight. But this changes often to what I assume is to match the size of the vegetable. It seems to hold true from my experience

              • @leeroys_dad: https://iview.abc.net.au/show/gruen

                In a nutshell they explain how online retailing is more profitable than in store and phone app retailing is even more profitable again than online, and a large part of that is due to do the higher prices charged for the convenience.

      • @sareth Better rate than converting to Virgin Points?

        So is it better to convert to Flybuys then Virgin?

        • +1

          Depends on your usage I suppose. Airline point systems are a rort for most people I think, the only thing that's likely worth it is business class upgrades based on their nominal value, but who ever pays that absurd nominal value?

          Groceries are regular and have unambiguous value. I know for sure that I'm getting more value than the citi prestige card costs.

    • Where to buy the iPhone is only determined by the level of discount you can get for buying the gift card because due to Apple's pricing cartel they operate, all resellers of iPhones must charge the same price as an Apple Store. The only discount you'll be able to wangle is by paying for it with a discounted gift card. Do the sums on gift cards from all the usual JB Hi-Fi, Good Guys, Harvey Norman, Amazon, eBay, Citibank Rewards, FlyBuys, Betta Electrical, Retravision, Qantas Online Mall and Velocity Rewards Store etc. and whichever you can get with whatever loyalty scheme you have access to will be the cheapest priced iPhone.

    • +1

      I transfer to KF

      • What is the ratio ? 2 points = 1 KF points ?

        • Think it's 2.5=1KF

        • 2.25 citi points = 1 KF point (this is for the prestige card)

  • +1

    Another years extension would be pretty nice.

  • -4

    Oh Geezzz, now HSBC are increasing their points award earn rate on their Platinum card by 50% from the end of August. Too many points!! What the hell am I to do with them all?

    • +1

      Lol whats the point of commenting HSBC increasing points award in citibank payall deal?

      • No point (pun intended) at all, other than the HSBC Platinum is my back up card when the Citibank Premier is completely maxed out all the time holding PayAll payments. Now that back up card is going to be earning 50% more points as well.

  • Just got a call they said Citi bank about my Payall. They also send me an email and have my bank account and card last 4 digits. Call me via the number +612 8288 2952 and on the email ask me to call back, legit?
    Anyone had that happen before? Any idea what they want?

    • looks like a citi number, send them a message via secure online so they can respond that way

    • Did you hear back from Citi?

  • The condition says “ Any recurring Citi PayAll payments set up prior or after the Period will be charged the standard Citi PayAll fee of 2% of the amount of the Citi PayAll payment. ”

    So even i setup recurring payment today , they will charge 2% from Nov 2023?

    • The period = the dates of the 0% promo
      "Prior (e.g. 2010…) or after the Period (e.g Nov 2023)"
      Therefore during the Period is 0%

    • Operative word = setup
      Keyword for definition = Period

  • Hi all,

    I am pretty new to this citi payall so if i set up recurring payments now for payments ater Oct 2023
    will I be charged 2% for the payments?
    Thanks for helping me understand it ><

    • +2

      No. This question has been asked 100 times. Even all other ozbargainers have been discussing this topic 20 pages now. You still won't believe us. 😌

      • thanks Micky14 really appreciated… I tried to understand how to set it up and its very lost post .
        citibank condition wording is really confusing !! thanks thanks

        • +2

          Did you read the description on top of this page here? I found it's very crystal clear.

          For all Citi PayAll payments set up between 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2023 (the Period), the Citi PayAll fee will be reduced to 0%:

  • Would like a bit of help with setting up my payall. Unsure what’s the best date to have recurring payments. I have the Prestige card

    I think my end of statement cycle is around the 1st to the 4th of the month.

    I transfer the money from Citi to a bank account for the 15th but it gets taken out around the 10-12th.
    My due date seems to be 24th-26th of themonth so I would transfer on the 20th to avoid interests.

    Every second month I have to transfer the money from my bank back to Citi after around 2 weeks.

    So is it better for me to transfer the money out of payall closer to the end of my statement cycle?

    I was hoping for a set and forget set up but finding it difficult to get my head around it.

    Would love to hear how others have set up their Prestige Card

  • +1

    wow i got email saying the pay all schedule has been completed. meaning been using this for whole 2 (or 3?) years … hmm time flies

    • I'll be waiting a bit longer. 5 Nov 2032 my schedule runs out.

      • oh same,I have others setup already till 2032 I can't remember why I have one ends 2023

  • I got an email to call them back about my prestige card. I’m assuming it’s about the payall transactions. I’m on my 2nd month. I’m a bit hesitant to call them. Anyone on the same boat?

    • I'm also on my second month have not had any contact from them regarding the nature of my payalls. All my payall transactions are under 10k though.

      • Does it matter under 10k but twice versus once a month over 10k?

        • Well it helps you stay under the radar if they are quering people based on large value single transaction payalls. (Which I suspect they are). Both on citibank's side and also the receiving bank's side.

          • @Outrageous: damn hmm probably need to edit all mine, split in into two but on the same day
            but worry if i cancel all now maybe something happen and i cant re-setup again

            • @CyberMurning: if you havent been contacted by now, probably not worth doing anything. it's just hearsay, noone actually knows why they are being contacted and how to prevent it

              • @leeroys_dad: i had 1 call , but not from citi but from the recipient bank, i told them to get cc points the girl just politely laugh and thats was it. it was 10 months ago .
                weird bank. they should focus on the security side more, like enabling hardware key base 2FA (not just sms)

                maybe also good to cancel all and resetup to follow some ideas here about statement date etc etc i didnt put much attention during setup just pick a random date

              • @leeroys_dad: I reckon it's just a standard KYC/Fraud check call. I get an automated SMS to my phone every single month straight after my first PayAll of 19K is charged. It's just an automated "We've just charged an unusually high amount to your credit card. If you don't expect or know about this, then call us" kinda thing. I'd like to stop it, but I won't try because that risks upsetting the apple cart and scaring the horses, so I just put up with it and delete it every month.

  • Is the Payall 20k limit across all cards or is it per card?

    • +1

      All cards.

      • +1

        Thanks, so no point opening another card then. Damn.

        • +2

          But you can still get sign up bonus points for each cards.

          • @Micky14: Yeah, you're right and I already got approved for a Premier but meeting the $7k spend is much tougher without Payall. I'm maxed out on Payall on my Prestige.

            • @gadgetguy: You could cancel 1 month of payall from original card, payall from new card in order to meet spend req

              • @leeroys_dad: My current Payall's are at 32k (set up before the 20k limit came in). So I'd need to cancel to below 20k before I could add a new one. But then I'd never be able to get back to 32k again.

                Don't think there's a solution.

                It's my fault, I'd wrongly assumed the limit was per card.

                • @gadgetguy: Ahhh, bugger!
                  Another thought, could you register the card under a new Citibank account? Not sure how the process works but I have 2 accounts, at one point in time I want able to add a card to an existing account. Very strange.
                  Not sure how points are tracked, they could be at the account level?
                  May be false hope

                  • +1

                    @leeroys_dad: Got the Premier card and confirmed on chat that the 150k/200k offer is on my account. Now to find ways to meet the 7k spend without the ability to Payall…

                    • +1

                      @gadgetguy: some ideas:
                      ATO bill? property rates? health insurance in advance? WISH gift cards? school fees?

                      • @leeroys_dad: Thanks - ATO owe me, thankfully! LOL

                        Will probably pay some utility bills and maybe health insurance in advance and get the gift cards and book a refundable hotel….

  • Besides the 20k points a month, how are others optimising this?

    Scheduling transfers to hit mid-month and keeping funds ticking over each month in a high interest savings account before repaying at the start of the next month is all I can come up with, curious what set ups others have going.

    • That's about it Bru

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