Yes this is locked, confirmed. $50 to unlock and still a bargain.
In store only. Seems to be reasonable stock left around the place.
Latest hardware specs in the previous generation chassis.
Unlock here
Any colour you like as long as it’s black.
Yes this is locked, confirmed. $50 to unlock and still a bargain.
In store only. Seems to be reasonable stock left around the place.
Latest hardware specs in the previous generation chassis.
Unlock here
Any colour you like as long as it’s black.
Yes and you can sell the starter SIM. You don’t need to set it up to unlock it.
In the past even when they introduced a fee I used to call up and make Vodafone, Optus, etc. unlock for free. You just tell them you need it unlocked for international travel and they do it for free.
Not sure that the international travel story will fly just now…
He is a diplomat though so the story still stands
I SE what you did there.
It's on the link posted:
If you purchased your device outright to use with a prepaid service, there'll be a fee to unlock it from the Vodafone network.
If you’ve had your device for less than 6 months there’s a $50 unlocking fee.
If you’ve had your device for over 6 months there’s a $25 unlocking fee.
I’m mentally prepared to pay the $50 unlocking fee, but is it necessary if you’re with a Vodafone MVNO like TPG Mobile or Kogan Mobile?
I have used a locked vodafone handset on Lebara and it worked just fine
Had bought this phone yesterday and it was a nice upgrade from my 6s 👍
I guess iPhone XR 64GB BigW offer is much better than this.
If bigger screen and longer battery life matters, yes, XR is to go for.
Not sure the neg but I personally used both this iPhone SE and XR (workphone) and definitely can vouch the difference in terms of battery life and real estate screen.
Yes agreed. XR way better ! $597 for this with unlock fee vs $669 for XR and pick any colour
@CheapSticks: And the $669 is pre gift card discounts. Some places still doing 4-5% off for Woolies group.
The SE’s benefit is that it uses a faster chip. In a couple years it’d get more iOS updates than XR.
link or more detail please.
thank you
do a search on bigw or here.
The XR has an older chip, worse camera performance, is heavier/bulkier and more expensive. It’s only a better option if you don’t mind any of this and value a bigger screen and a bigger battery.
Chip and Camera performance is hardly noticeable in day to day use, whereas bigger battery and large bazzleless screen does add value to routine use. Thats my perspective, others can have theirs.
Thats my perspective, others can have theirs.
Refreshing thought…
Is it worth buying ?
Brand new iPhone with current generation specs for $547 is incredible.
It is last generation specs.. Not current.
If you want / need a phone running ios and don't mind the actual screen size being small, then it is worth considering. Battery life is short compared to other iPhones.
Amazing Nana phone. Genuine Apple, years of iOS updates, physical button. Small screen, small battery, ugly bezels and limited storage aren't likely to matter.
Just bought it recently. Cant believe how good fingerprint is after 3 years of using Face ID.
Yes the fingerprint is much responsive than my old 6s.I also like it size compare to other phones that I had. Easy to put or slid in the pocket ang the price is really what sold me.
Interesting re fingerprint. The only difference between the 6S and SE 2020 is that the latter uses a non-mechanical button. They’re both powered by Apple’s 2nd gen TouchID so should be the same in terms of responsiveness? iPhone 6 and the original SE were the last phones using the older/1st gen TouchID.
Good price. But after seeing it side by side with a 12 mini, I'm inclined to go with the mini
I have 12 Pro Max and I’d probably go with the mini otherwise, worried the Max would be too big but surprisingly i feels smaller than the old Max models. 12 Max feels about the right size for a regular phone. So maybe the mini would seem too small to me now.
Are you saying you were debating between the mini and the Max size wise, and settled on the Max? Why didn’t you go for the regular size 12 then as a nice compromise?
I either wanted the smallest iPhone or the best iPhone camera.
Mini is more than twice the price.
yeah, i did notice the price tag. the size is pretty important to me (heh) cos i have small hands (hehe). i'm still on my old SE so hoping for a significant price drop by the time i need an upgrade
Given the rumour about the mini being dropped in production. It may go up in value when stocks get limited.
Tdw, I’m also still in an old se. I never heard of the 12 mini, looks awesome, but too expensive for me. The pixel 4a is I think similar in design and size and obviously cheaper.
@Dan83: The 4a is bigger than the ‘new’ SE (2020), so bigger than the old iPhone 6/7/8 which you probably found too big to upgrade to over the years. The 12 mini is the only proper small phone in the market, it’s still a tiny bit bigger than your old SE.
@bozbargain: Yeah you're right, the 4a is still a good deal bigger, but otherwise is smaller than nearly all the standard phablets of today.
I like the design of the 4a and mini with minimal bezel compared to the older style 6/7/8 iphone. I'll probably just keep my old SE for awhile yet lol.
Got one for my mother in law thanks OP :)
Nice trade…
OP, it doesn’t have ‘the latest hardware specs’ now that the 12 is out. It’s pretty much a hybrid between the iPhone 11 (chip & camera software, RAM, esim) and the iPhone 8 (everything else).
Just note it also has the worst secondhand resale of the iPhones as the "SE" tag drags down the price. It's unfairly dragged down but thats how it seems to be. So it's the best phone for hand me down.
That's a good thing right? worse resale means a better bargain
Better resale even better bargain!
Depends which person you are in the transaction. As a second-hand buyer, I love terrible resale values
Looking for business deductions this financial year. Do we think there will be better offers before 30 June? Also is this a limited time offer?
If you don’t mind the Vodafone lock, I think it’s unlikely that they’ll come down in price further (especially if Apple indeed cease their production of the 12 mini). But then again, 30 June is more than 4 months away.
Anyone know of a cheap 3rd party unlock service? Checked unlockriver and they are US$20
Not really sure if possible as it’s done on Apple’s server. It’s not like other phones where you enter a code or hack the handset. Awesome though if it does work.
Yep. Not sure how it works but this method was featured on a few popular youtube vids so I am assuming that it works. Maybe someone can bite the bullet and let us know 😅
I wonder if i could use this phone with my Kogan service?.. (they port through vodafone i think)…
Is this dual sim (Sim + Esim)? so both sim have been locked to Vodafone?
Yeah, esim+physical sim. I am sure both are locked to Vodafone…
Looking to sell mi iPhone 12 mini and get this one instead
Any colour you like as long as it’s black.
Am I the only one to get the reference? Amazed it's not been commented yet
Why do there never seem to be deals on the 128GB model?
Back to $597 now. Congratulations and thanks for playing.
This deal is not expired. Got it for $547 at OW Camberwell on Friday. Paid Voda $50 to unlock and told 2 business days for the process to complete. In-store price advertised $597 for handset but showed them their website was still showing $547 so that was honoured. Website still showing $547 now with limited stock in store available near here. Returned my twice as expensive 12 mini
Okay cool thanks. Well done. It had gone up on the website, must have dropped again.
Seems like price is now $497 :)
Thanks Doweyy. Seems like it has gone up and down a few times now.
Still a deal though!
EDIT: I misread, thought it was $597 lol
It might be better to re-post as a new deal as there's a significant price drop. This deal is quite old and might go unnoticed.
I reposted it again after 4 days as it became available online with free delivery (it was in-store only previously) and someone deleted it as duplicate
Are you sure it’s only $50 to unlock?