• expired

$10 off (6 Months) on nbn 100/40 ($99), 100/20 ($89) & 50/20 ($79) Plans @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)



just saw through finder.com.au that they have a coupon for $10 off for six month.

The coupon I guess is to do with the EOFY

The code is: FINDER10EOFY

Here is the link to Finder.com.au: https://www.finder.com.au/broadband-plans/aussie-broadband

Just saw that to use the FINDER10EOFY coupon for 100/20 plan, it needs to be a build you own plan.
Otherwise if you are doing "Aussie Broadband 100/20 Unlimited – Family NBN" then the code is "FINDEREXCLUSIVE"
Not sure if that matters to anyone or what the expiration date on the, FINDEREXCLUSIVE code is. but yeah, just an FYI

Enjoy =)

Mod: Price in title is before the $10/month discount for the first 6 months.

Referral Links

Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +30

    NoThInG fOr ExIsTiNg CuStOmErS aS uSuAl

    Sorry. Had to say it before someone else did

    • +3

      Fair enough.
      But for the record, what I do is switch providers for a month, or just cancel and re-apply. May have to hotspot for a day or two though.

      For e.g. if I were you and have no deals currently active, go to Superloop or someone who has a deal active (or referral). Make sure there is no lock in!
      Then after signing up call them and say it's your last month with them, and call AB to get them to connect you on the last date of your bill. That way they might even be kind enough to reserve this deal for you, at the time you join.

      • +3

        I tried doing that but ABB said if a person has been a customer in their system once then they stay as a customer always even if the person cancels their NBN.
        So I think maybe possible undersomeone else's name but not sure about that too…Maybe someone can try and let us know…as I cancelled my account this month with ABB but want to avail this deal and go back to them…

        • +6

          tried doing that but ABB said if a person has been a customer in their system once then they stay as a customer always even if the person cancels their NBN.

          Nope you only have to be away for 6 months or more and are then treated as a new customer. I did it successfully almost 6 months back now with the $20 a month promo and end of this month I’m changing back to Superloop on their $20/month off promo.

          Why not take advantage of sign up deals when they’re offered as that’s pretty much the only way to get a decent deal. Majority of people are too lazy to change providers (same with phone, insurances etc) and company’s know that, so they’ll bank on plenty of people just staying put. With the NBN it’s so easy to change over now so why not take advantage of it.

          If they wanted to stop people from going between providers and getting new sign up bonuses they easily could anyway considering every NBN connection has a unique LOC ID.

          • +1

            @Nousernamehere: How did you get a Superloop $20 off promo? I will jump then too…

            • @lainey13: Yes was about to post this… Just searched and the only valid one posted is $10 off pm.

              • @Binchicken22: You can combine the $10 off with a 10% referral. On a $89 100/20 plan that would work out at either $19 or $18 off per month, depending on the order they apply the discount.

                • @noisymime: Are you sure about this? I was certain you couldn't stack a referral code with a promo code. (Both ABB and Superloop enforce this). Unless you mean you yourself refer someone.
                  This is the $21 off deal being referred to https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/519952

                  • @wangasm: SL allow them to stack - https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/3yz8zk89

                    ABB use to as well but then got rid of it a fair while ago.

                    • @Nousernamehere: I understand it stacks, but that is only for the referrer. I'm talking about on sign up for a referee which that thread does not cover, I understand that you cannot stack both a referral and a promo code on sign up.

                      • @wangasm: Yep sorry, I’d glossed over what they’d said with the end discount, so yes you’re right

                        Nope, you can stack them it seems from what Michael Blake says unless it's been changed since - https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/3yz8zk89#r7

                        • @Nousernamehere:

                          Yes, :) so the people you refer can also refer people to get a discount!

                          Think he is talking about the referrer only getting the stacking discount by referring other people (not at sign up). It can get confusing haha

                          • @wangasm: It is fairly confusing yeah, guess just have to wait and see when (if) they next release a promo code instead of it only being the referral code as they have now.

                        • @Nousernamehere: I just joined superloop 2 weeks ago, using the referral link. However there was no place to enter the promo code. Instead I saw a "referral code" there instead. So I assumed the promo code cannot be used together with a referral code.

            • +1


              How did you get a Superloop $20 off promo? I will jump then too…

              Ah sorry probably should have realised that would be asked haha. It was a deal from a few months back, I booked it 3 months in advanced (so the last month my ABB discount was due to run out).

              • +1

                @Nousernamehere: Thats clever….I should have done that too…But now I am going with Tangerine and see how they are….then will wait for SL $20 deal….

    • -5

      That's the downside of ABB just no incentives to stay with them only for new customers to join

      • +3

        All RSP and most company’s

      • +13

        no incentives to stay with them

        How about their reliable quality service with an Australian based team?

        • Haven't had an ISP better than ABB so far haha. Support is quick and never get transferred.

    • its about money and profits , go figure ?

  • +35

    Waiting for $20 off

    • +1


      • +3

        Same, whichever comes first out of ABB or Superloop.

    • +1

      Same but I am doubtful as I don't see them offering unlimited 100 mbps for less than 79 dollars a month

  • +11

    isnt the 1st month free offer better than $10 off for 6 months?

    • I don't think there is a 1st month free offer at present, let me know if Im wrong!

      • +2

        As the others below i have also got the 1st month free. The code is on ozbargain fyi. FIVESTAR valid until 30 June.

        • +1

          My 1 month free was AUSSIEFREE

          • +1

            @I Smell Pennies: this worked great and better than FIVESTAR because that only works on 100/20 but I was after 100/40.

        • Yeah.

        • No codes work for me. It must be because I am a few days away from being with superloop for 6 months, looks like Ill need to do one more month with superloop.

    • is it? I just joined them this week with the 1st month free offer for the 100/20

      • I did this too for the 100/20 plan and also joined them this week.

        You save $89 for that rather than $60

      • Same here, joined this week for 100/20 with the 1st month free offer and have got it mentioned in the order confirmation as well.

  • Anyone know of any other companies or have referral codes while I jump ship from abb for a month? Need 50/20 unlimited fttn, thanks! :)

  • +1

    I regret that I missed the free modem deal.

    • +6

      Dont worry, their modem is sh*t anyway

      • Any good alternatives in the same price range?

        • TP-Link VR1600v has been rock solid for me on ABB.

        • I use the Telstra gateway for my modem. Rock solid. Cheap as on gumtree/ebay

          R7000 for the router.

      • They ran out and upgraded mine for free. Still in box

    • -1


  • +1

    isnt' there a free first month code?

  • +1

    Why did the NBN prices go up quite a lot recently? I looked around the other day and literally all providers are more expensive than my current plan (including my own provider)

    • Dodo emailed me last month saying the price they are paying for nbn has increased so that must have something to do with it.

  • +1

    What's the actual prices will be?

  • I have a family of 5 (3 kids, 1 who games) so I think upload speed is important.

    But I don't think games use that much, just as long as QOS is correctly set up right?

    Should I stick with 100/40 or go with 250/20?

    • +2


      Isnt it also 250/25 ?

    • +5

      I have a family of 5 (3 kids, 1 who games) so I think upload speed is important.

      There is no relationship between the first and the second part of your sentence.

      But I don't think games use that much, just as long as QOS is correctly set up right?

      Games barely need any bandwidth; however, if you choke your bandwidth with other devices during gaming (either upload or download speeds), then the game's latency will go. Note: there aren't a lot of things that actually can choke the bandwidth; a single file-download will not, but massive multi-connect download applications can (such as torrent, if no limit is set on the client).

      Should I stick with 100/40 or go with 250/20?

      And this makes absolutely no sense: if you believe you need upload speeds, why would you upgrade to a lower upload-speed package?

      • +1

        Well everyone can do with more download speeds no matter what, but I noticed that when I am uploading large files it causes game pings to spike. Whereas multiple people watching/downloading things don't cause ping spikes.

        • +1

          Probably means I have enough download but not enough upload because when I upload work files, the game pings spike.

    • +3

      Ping and a better network is importantorrrrrrr.

      When you play online, the inputs being pressed are sent and received. This doesn't take a lot of bandwidth to do.

      If you are uploading things to a server, then you'd benefit from a higher upload.

      If you are predominantly consuming things then download is more important.

    • 100/40

    • Upload speed only really affects how fast you upload files. Ping and packet loss is what matters for gaming.

  • -2

    In case anyone was wondering I think the censored word is shit…

  • Nice, I'm former customer coming back. Will be I eligible? And I just signed up 1h ago lol.

  • +1

    Mate currently has fttp for $89 p/m no lock in contract for 100/40. Can’t say I’ve had any dramas as of yet, only been with them for 2 weeks though.

    • I have mate $79 and the speed is actually 100/40 (confirmed by other ozbargain). Downgrade your package as you will save $10 a month

      • Actually I just checked and is 100/20 now :(. I am still very happy with it though

    • I moved to Mate from ABB, the speed was a tad slower than ABB (around 5-10mbps slower typical), so I just moved back to ABB.

  • -1

    I don’t get why people don’t just go with mate. The 100/20 is @$79 a month. It also allows you to add 5gb sim if you want it for an extra $10, 15gb $15, 25gb $20.
    Their customer service is incredible, chat to local staff and always sorted out quickly.

    • +2

      Went with mate before. Local speed was good but international traffic was way too slow. Had to switch to a different provider.

      • +2

        The household would kill me if they couldn't stream their wog tv interruption free. Such is the cross one bears when living in a multicultural home.

        • +1

          I stream Italian tv regularly. Do you use VPN?

          • @fozzie: Nope

            • @Hahuh: I suppose I am lucky then. 4 people (including teens) and we stream lots including overseas, Netflix, YouTube. Have used around 840gb the last two months.
              No problems at all.

              • @fozzie: When telecube was a thing; it took like 12 secs to change channels. Boy did I get a talking too. Vocus really soured my experience or maybe it was entirely telecubes doing but +$10-$15 is better than hearing an earful every single the someone changed a channel.

                Thankfully we have fttp so disruptions switching services was minimal. This is why I also activate a new connection on another port, test it and if it's to my liking then cancel the other one.

      • +1

        That still seems to be the case with slow international speeds: https://whrl.pl/Rf4INF I was half seriously looking at Mate because otherwise it's attractive on price & free static IP - I'm with DCSI, which is also too slow for international.

    • yeah their bundle is perfect for price but their speed was slower than ABB for me.

  • What about 250 and 1000 plans

    • Yes does anyone know if this code works with the 250 / 25 plan ? I'm new to nbn/ Aussie and that's also the fastest I can get according to there testing thing.

    • Does not work.

    • i have been eyeing off a 250/25 plan for $129/month which is $30 more than my current 100/20 plan.

      I can’t justify it really, if anything this COVID thing has shown, even with five people in the house simultaneously MS Teams videoconference x3, netflix k-drama and team fortress, nobody felt bandwidth constrained. Besides, the Treasurer does not approve.

      I also think since the 250 and ultra plans become available, ABB are over provisioning the HFC. For example, i just ran speedtest at peak time(8:00pm) and got 106/18. four months ago it was never more than 95/18.

  • can someone recommend a FTTB router for ABB around $300 ? any running deals ?

    • FTTB is just VDSL2 so anything with a DSL port will work

      • +1

        Will need to support vdsl. Adsl modems don't always support vdsl.

  • Currently with them.

    Does anyone know the cancellation notice period they have?

    Looking at trying Tangerine.

    • Cancel anytime. You can call them to confirm.

    • I'm thinking about trying Tangerine too.

    • If you're signing up for Tangerine make sure you call up to cancel before your billing cycle when you want to switch ISP. My mistake with Tangerine was cancelling few days after and was billed a full month. Rang them up and was told they don't do prorated and its written in their policy. I've been switching from Myrepublic, ABB and Tangerine. Currently with Superloop. Previous ISP gave me prorated when i cancel.

      • I am about to sign to NBN for first time. What is the best offer out there. Speed is not much of an issue I am happy to start with 25Mbps?

  • -6

    For those chasing good deals, the Uniti Internet NBN offer is still available - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/538866

    $10 off Per Month + 30 Days Free + Free Router + Free Activation on Internet Plans (Minimum 12 Months Contract) @ Uniti Wireless

  • Is there any update on when they will be offering their services through OptiComm?

    • Whirlpool last I read is it’s around the corner.

    • From what I understand, it is soon. They're working on getting the backend going or something. Probably in the next month or two, if it doesn't get delayed due to being gobbled up by Uniti.

  • 100/40 ($99), 100/20 ($89) & 50/20 ($79) Plans ?????????????

    toooooo expensive, mate

    i am with belong, $55/month, and i am getting 50/20 speed.

    • +6

      Are you getting 50/20 speed on the 100/40 plan? :P

      • For the average consumer who'd be ok with the lowest speed available at nbn, looks you're ultimately still better off with Belong's cheaper plan.

      • I am with belong's starter plan (30m plan), and i am getting 50/20 speed, :)

  • +6

    Still valid till June 30
    Can get the 100/40 plan free for one month. This is better value short term saving an extra $29 or 39 for those who want a 100/20 or 100/40 plan.

    • In limbo here. My kogan plan has been great speed wise and still at 100/40, unlimited. It goes back up to $89/m next month but over 6 months, this will only save me $20 and I'm not sure it's worth the hassle given I'd be in the same position in 6 months time and possibly paying more. Hmmm

      I might try and contact Kogan and ask for a discount to keep me around.

  • -6

    If you are on FTTN don't even bother subscribing to anything higher than 25 Mbps

    If you're on FTTP, FTTC then you're good to go for higher speeds

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