• expired

Fibre To The Node nbn 50/20 $2.08/Day ($63.27/Mth); nbn 100/40 $2.80/Day ($85.17/Mth) (New Customers, First 180 Days) @ Launtel


*Discounted prices valid for 180 days from when you activate a service. After that the rates are $2.20/day (=$66.92/mth) for 50/20 and $3.00/day (=$91.25/mth) for 100/40. (From CIS for Fibre TO the Node)

Launtel is a small ISP run by ex Cisco engineer(s).

They have a 7 day free trial to see if the connection is right for you. No questions asked port out during the trial period.

The only ISP where you can pause, cancel and change speeds in minutes. You’re able to change between 25/5, 50/20, and 100/40 in the dashboard. No costs to do so.

Charges are done by the day. Not by the month.

Launtel runs a non congested network with public CVC charts for each POI.

Static IP is available. For techies out there I assume Launtel will be a comfortable home for your NBN connection. $0.35 a day or $150 for the life of your connection. Refunded when you no longer need it.

Network is Vocus and seems solid. Netflix and Amazon direct connect in place. Speed tests constant at all hours. So far the service and speed have been better than Aussie. Speed tests for downloads from Google were solid and so too were overseas downloads from Digital Ocean.

We have an FTTN connection and it’s been fine - no dropouts or speed issues. Changed from 100 to 50 and back to see how that worked. All of which took a few hours to switch up and down. No fuss.

Please note discounts appear to vary by suburb and location and connection type.

Example 1 for FTTC services.
Example 2 for FTTP services.
CIS for HFC services

Referral Links

Referral: random (326)

$50 account credit for referrer, $25 account credit for referee. Min $50 to apply discounts.

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closed Comments

  • Reviews?

    • +4


      4.9/5 on product reviews. Best way to review is trial for 7 days if you’re not on a contract at no cost.

    • +5

      Was with them on FW which I think they no longer do. However, service wise they are amazing. Questions on their FB page answered quickly and connection and technical issues, if any, resolved fast. You are dealing with a small Australian provider that clearly cares for their customers.

      However, biggest problem is cost. I'm in Tas and they explained why they can't offer the same king of unlimited service here as the mainland, which I fully understand, and that any provider in Tas offering unlimited is only able to do so long term by subsidising using revenue from the mainland. Network wise, I found them to be on par with Telstra I was using at the time. They do not over subscribe their network, so domestic connection speeds were generally good, but anything international was much faster in download and ping speed on Telstra for me.

      They are clearly a great customer focused company but they are expensive, even when compared with Telstra, at least for me. I am all for supporting local companies but I do not believe in paying considerably more to support them. Spend time on their FB page and you will see that their price and download limits, at least for Tas, are an issue.

      Would I recommend them? Honestly, no. I hate Telstra with a passion but their network reliability and price is no worse, and for me it was actually better, than Launtel. I haven't been with Launtel for over a year, so take all of the above with s grain of salt.

      • +3

        Same as me, but at this price don't you think it's worth it? $62.40-$84

        • I can't get that discount in my area. However, at this price I agree it is something to consider. Launtel have amazing service support etc but back when I tried them it wasn't worth it. I think if I joined now it would be around $105 a month. I pay $90 with Telstra and I know the network speed I get with Telstra will beat Launtel. Now, if I was on the mainland and could get it for $70 or so, different story. However, nice to see Tassie customers now have access to unlimited data. When they explained a while back about costs etc it was great but at the end of the day I wasn't going to pay more for an inferior product (Telstra costs less, network speed was faster and they were unlimited). I wish them all the best and great to see them expanding and plans with better value.

      • +9

        Just to clarify we are now offering unlimited plans in Tassie. On Fixed Wireless the efforts we put into having a great network is substantially undermined by the quality of the NBN FW network. In that situation I completely understand people considering our offering too expensive. You still get the same level of support of course, but the good network is not of such great use unfortunately.

        • +1

          I was using the FTTN unlimited. This was about 6 months ago. For my usage, it is too expensive. As tassel says above you'll pay the 'Tassie tax' to a certain extent, but not that much. $105-120 for 50-100 is really high. The unique features add value for some users, but again, not that much.

          Hopefully widening your market nationwide will enable some economies of scale and enable you to be more competitive.

        • +1

          Do you have a looking glass to ping test your network to servers?

    • +1

      Just switched from ABB, took maybe 1 hour? So far so good.

  • If this mob is still around next year I may well switch to them from Belong…

    • +1

      I'm gona try them on the 10th.

  • +22

    The idea of pausing is very attractive for when away for multiple days or weeks to save a few extra dollars.

    • +5

      Or a holiday home etc

    • +1

      There problem these days is that my IoT would all die!

    • +2

      I have a motor home with NBN, this is perfect….

  • Seems decently priced - will give it a go in a few weeks. OP do you know the price of 100/20 (assuming the promo codes work on that plan)?

    • $2.80/day

    • +2

      I don’t see an option for 100/20. If you message the chat on their website Damian (the owner/engineer) might be able to make something happen for you.

      • Seems like the pricing is a little different for me - see my comment above.

        • +1

          You have a FTTP connection. I wasn’t aware they had dynamic pricing. I’ll update my post.

      • I'm on FTTN don't see the 100/20 option either.

        Edit: "We have different pricing for different areas of the country, so we need to know your address to get you the right prices. More info."

      • +2

        We are only offering the 100/20 on our directly connected POI's, not on the Vocus ones. Vocus are not passing that through to us, it is unclear when or if they will.

        Right now the 100/20 offered by us and others is not a real base plan from NBN, it is actually a 100/40 connection that NBN are applying a discount to and some RSPs are throttling the upload (we aren't - so for the moment you actually get 40Mb of upload). Come May when NBN will be releasing the actual 100/20, we will swap people over to it - I assume other providers will do the same.

    • Don’t see much of a deal especially when only valid for 6 month. Spintel same same prices but are standard.

  • wait can i trial this if still on another isp??

    • If you have a spare port on FTTP I would assume yes.

      • im FTTN same stuff or?

        • +3

          Yeah i'm pretty sure you can only have one internet service at any one time per phone line on FTTN. So the answer would be no. If you port over to this ISP you will lose access to your current one.

        • No, FTTN uses copper wire which is just 1. Unless your house have multiple.

        • +7

          I can confirm that FTTN will only allow a single connection at a time. It was yet another limitation NBN created when doing the MTM thing. The same is true for HFC & FTTC.

          • +6

            @damianivereigh: Grrr liberals 😡

            • +1

              @WhyAmICommenting: They were just comfortable with being conservatives, they like copper wire, fax tone is default music track of their adulthood.

          • @damianivereigh: I have friends with multiple HFC connections at their house. Each has a separate NTD.

            • +1

              @spaceflight: To which each one they’d have had to pay the a $297 fee for the ‘privilege’ of doing even just half of what the FTTP connection can do by default.

  • +1

    The above prices include a daily discount for new customers until 20/08/2020

    • until 20/08/2020

      Actually it's 180 days from the date you create your account and activate a service.

      The sign-up page is dynamically generated and shows the expiry date as 180 days from the current date.

  • +1

    Is the discount until you leave or for a fixed amount of time?

    • +1

      I have asked Launtel to jump in. Hopefully one of the team can answer your questions.

      • Looks like it's until 20/08/2020, at which point it becomes slightly more expensive than my current Superloop service.

        • +1

          "180 days is at the cheaper discount then it would revert to the crossed out price per day" - online chat

          Also as per the CIS: https://residential.launtel.net.au/cis/CIS-FTTP-19-EarlyAdop…

        • +1

          Scratch that, My pricing is higher than OP's. $3 per day discounted, $3.29 after 180 days so even at the supposed discounted rate it's more expensive than Superloop, no deal!

        • Just to clarify it is 180 days (approx 6 months) from the date you create your account and activate a service.

          • +1

            @damianivereigh: Thanks for stepping in. I'd already updated the deal, but forgot to reply to this thread to clear up the confusion.

            BTW, is there an expiry date for this deal, or is it ongoing for the short/medium/long term?

            PS You might also consider changing the sign-up page message:

            Note: The above prices include a daily discount for new customers until 20/08/2020

            to something like

            Note: The above prices include a daily discount for new customers for the first 180 days (i.e. until 20/08/2020 if signing up today).

          • @damianivereigh:

            from the date you create your account and activate a service.

            Sounds like it's actually from the date you activate a service if that's not the same day you create an account.

            In which case the CIS's should be changed from:

            Discounted price above is for 180 days from when you create your account.


            Discounted price above is for 180 days from when you activate a service.

            • +1

              @robinCTS: Yeah good call. Luckily the way the CIS says it is not to anyone's detriment.

  • +2

    Does that mean they are going to charge your credit 30 times a month!?

    • I think you preload credit onto the account, and it chips away at it..

    • I believe the daily charges are pooled into the month and then invoiced. Highest speed for the day is paid for that day.

      Edit: see below

    • +6

      It works in a similar way to a prepaid mobile. You charge your account up with money and then the daily amount is deducted. Most people use the auto-recharge feature which automatically charges your credit card everytime your balance falls below a preset amount (like $20) - then it is just set and forget.

      The great advantage of this system is you can never be surprised by a bill (if for example you bounced your connection up to a Gig and forgot to pull it back down again).

      • If someone changes ISPs and has credit in their account will that be refunded or do they need to wait until they have a $0 balance?

        The great advantage of this system is you can never be surprised by a bill (if for example you bounced your connection up to a Gig and forgot to pull it back down again).

        That's only if you don't have auto top-up enabled

        • +7

          Yes you get a refund of any balance in your account. You just click the "refund" button.

          We say you can always test the quality of service of a telco by how easy they make for you to leave :-)

  • +2

    I used them before my current on FTTN and they were very good. Good speeds and support. Only changed to Superloop because it was too expensive at $3.50 or $4 per day. I suggested they might get more custom if their prices were lower, but they said that was a market segment they didn't want (now this?).

    You can chop and change your speed by the day - good feature. Or just turn it off if you don't need it.

    OP - your title is a bit hard to decipher - they have 50/20, 100/20, 100/40. Which code applies to which speed?

    Is this an indefinite price or does it apply for a certain period, then go to the normal price? (bit later) Answer - looks like introductory pricing, only for new users, which stops and reverts to normal pricing 20/8/20.

  • Im gonna give this a go!

    • +1

      And now I'm connected!

      • How’s the speeds? From what ISP and connection type?

        • +1

          From AAB .

          Hard to say because my modem is one that is limited to 50Mbit as it is a adsl/vdsl modem.

          Connection is for parents who use it to stream video so I currently dont know.

          So far seems smooth

          • @Turd: Fast.com speed?

            • +1

              @NotAMoodle: I get between 90-92Mbps with 28ms ping, which the ping is always constant. We can't get 100Mbps anyway on this FTTN, so i consider that good for FTTN.

  • +2

    not that cheap. 50/20 with Belong is only $1.80 per day. Who's stopping there internet by the day??

    • +4

      Besides stopping it, I think the upgrade feature is useful. If I knew I needed to redownload my entire Google Drive, I'd fork up that extra $2-4 for 2 days to get 250Mbps (if it was an option). 1TB at 250Mbps is ~9 hours while it'd be about 2 days at 50Mbps.

    • One way you might use it is go on the slow speed if you're just browsing and light stuff, maybe HD tv streaming. Bump the speed up if you need a huge download, 4k tv, or lots of users. Turn it off (no charge that day) if you go away (no charge).

      There are other providers that might let you do this by the month, but this is daily.

    • People with a holiday house. If they only use the internet when they are there. Am paying $60 with belong every month and only use it max 4-5 days in a month.

    • save up all your downloads to do on one day, or two days in a month, upgrade the speed on those days, then downgrade to whatever you need for the rest of the month.

      I'd be too lazy to do that though.

  • +1

    talk to their customer service online they are pretty good answer all question about this

  • +2

    Plus 1 for an interesting deal.

  • +1

    Wish they have an additional option like $1+ per day for 10/4 or so.

    • +2

      Unfortunately NBN Co don't offer that speed option.

    • +1

      Yes it'd be good if any non connection had a slow/cheap option for maintaining home security or smart home stuff that doesn't need speed or high data.

      • 22/5 has a 5GB/day limit

        almost $2, not good.
        This deal is a brilliant idea but not appealing (to me at least).

    • +2

      So do we. As others have said NBN don't offer this to us.

      • Hi Damian.. Does daily rate mean that we can pause the connection during holidays (let's say 20 days) and thereby save that money? If yes, is there any other cost associated with this process?

        • I believe you can pause the service at any time as you only pay the days you use.

        • And there's no other cost.

          • @robinCTS: Nice. Is there a user interface where you can just login and pause it for certain days? Hope it doesn't require calling or emailing them.

            • @virhlpool: The dashboard is easy to pause or change speeds. But you cannot schedule days that you’d like off.

              • @checkingthisout: That's a bugger then. I was thinking of a possibility of keeping it paused for 2-3 weeks when you're on holidays. If you can't schedule, it means one has to do it on the previous day for all those days? How does it work exactly if let's say I want to keep it paused for the next week (Mon to Sun)?

                • @virhlpool: Just need to press pause once from the day you want it paused. And unpause it when you return.

                  • @checkingthisout: Aah.. that's fine. It means you can schedule the pause start date but not the pause end date. Is that it? Not too bad if you can instantly switch it on upon your return.

                    • +1
                    • @virhlpool: When I've paused, or switched speeds (been with them a month) it generally happens within about 3 minutes. From sign-up to port activated was also under 3 minutes.

                      Unfortunately I don't get these cheap prices, but the service is great!

                      • @odgregg: Pausing within 3 mins doesn't help though as it still charges for the whole day but it will be great if it activates within 3 mins (or any short time) when you have to use it again on a different day.

                        • @virhlpool: Yeah, don't pause until you need to of course. You can do it remotely as well of course as well (so even after you've left to go on holiday and forgot).

                    • @virhlpool:

                      Aah.. that's fine. It means you can schedule the pause start date but not the pause end date. Is that it?

                      Not, quite. You can't even schedule the pause start date. You need to actually pause it on the start day.

  • CIS for FTTN

  • can i suspend the service and avoid pay for days when i do not use the service?

    • Yes. You do need to do it before midnight the day before - in fact wise to do it some hours before, as there is a human interaction for it to be done. Even if you cancel at 12:01 you'd be charged for that day.

      • cheers but is that human gonna get fed up if i switch on and off every week? let say i only use on weekends

        • +6

          There shouldn't be any human interaction. On our directly connected POI we can usually process orders in about 20 minutes. On Vocus it's a few hours. But either way it is completely automated.

        • +1

          No. They're very good. I trialled it for about a month or two and I was often messing with speed and service changes to see what I would get on my FTTN. Changing and turning off by the day is one of the features they advertise, so how could they get annoyed if you use it? Also two changes a week isn't arduous. Sounds like it would suit you.

          I also turned it off if I had excess mobile phone data in that month I could use instead.

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