• expired

Fibre To The Node nbn 50/20 $2.08/Day ($63.27/Mth); nbn 100/40 $2.80/Day ($85.17/Mth) (New Customers, First 180 Days) @ Launtel


*Discounted prices valid for 180 days from when you activate a service. After that the rates are $2.20/day (=$66.92/mth) for 50/20 and $3.00/day (=$91.25/mth) for 100/40. (From CIS for Fibre TO the Node)

Launtel is a small ISP run by ex Cisco engineer(s).

They have a 7 day free trial to see if the connection is right for you. No questions asked port out during the trial period.

The only ISP where you can pause, cancel and change speeds in minutes. You’re able to change between 25/5, 50/20, and 100/40 in the dashboard. No costs to do so.

Charges are done by the day. Not by the month.

Launtel runs a non congested network with public CVC charts for each POI.

Static IP is available. For techies out there I assume Launtel will be a comfortable home for your NBN connection. $0.35 a day or $150 for the life of your connection. Refunded when you no longer need it.

Network is Vocus and seems solid. Netflix and Amazon direct connect in place. Speed tests constant at all hours. So far the service and speed have been better than Aussie. Speed tests for downloads from Google were solid and so too were overseas downloads from Digital Ocean.

We have an FTTN connection and it’s been fine - no dropouts or speed issues. Changed from 100 to 50 and back to see how that worked. All of which took a few hours to switch up and down. No fuss.

Please note discounts appear to vary by suburb and location and connection type.

Example 1 for FTTC services.
Example 2 for FTTP services.
CIS for HFC services

Referral Links

Referral: random (329)

$50 account credit for referrer, $25 account credit for referee. Min $50 to apply discounts.

Related Stores


closed Comments

        • but the existing NBN25 plan and 5GB data per day doesn't state what is included "on day one" (that I can see), other than it being only 5GB.
          If only "5GB" then (in my opinion)is a tad low as an opening balance. One might use 10Gb on day one and on other days only 2GB. Over the space of a week however 35Gb is fine(5GB a day). Knowing which days are high vr low is the hard part esp if opening Balance is only 5GB. If it was say 25GB intro opening balance, then fantastic…….but not seeing anything noted.

          • +1

            @Borg: The chat replies really quickly, because the pricing is dynamic across the country, it is really hard to offer assistance to people on pricing.

            • @checkingthisout: @checkingthisout:
              I didn't want to hassle them right now (via Chat) as no doubt they are still swamped. Posted my Q here in case anyone was across already. You noted that "pricing is dynamic across the country" however not sure that would matter in this instance as am only dealing with "Databank" (location Syd).

              I'll shoot them an email asking at some point.

              • @Borg: Yeah i get what you mean, but NT/CAN/TAS have different pricing completely. And each POI can be different (maybe). So it's really hard to say what you could get. I don't even see the databank option when i put in a NSW address in my dashboard. I just see unlimited for $1.79

                • @checkingthisout: Sounds like their Dashboard differs from what their Signup pages show.

                  Download 25 Mbps
                  Upload 5 Mbps
                  Databank Topup 5 GB/day
                  $1.99 per day
                  $0.40 per GB

                  Their site is a little lacking in information. Will email or chat and try find out. Thanks for info though.

          • @Borg: Just ask them. I just signed up for the trial in January and automatically got the 200GB. I assume that will still probably be their policy.

            • @odgregg: Ok, just off Chat with them. It's 5GB a day and that's it. Have no idea why they are offering 3TB Databank. Kind of silly and just fluff. Nobody on 5GB a day could possibly accumulate 3TB Databank unless they didn't use for 600 Days but then why pay for 600 unused days. Very strange offering indeed…ha!

              Hopefully in time they may look at this but for now, not a plan I can pass on/recommend unfortunately.

              • @Borg: What are you on? FTTP?

                • @Turd: Doesn't matter what I am on (which is HFC). It's a general question for potential clients i.e. If in Sydney and want to sign up to the NBN25 plan, how much Data does one get. 5GB per day is what it shows as advertised and also what I was told via Chat.

                  To be honest that part is fine. It's the 3TB Databank thing that tweaked my interest(based on the 5gb daily data allowance hence my query). All fluff by the sounds of it and of no value for the most part (other than they do allow Databank which is good) Its the 3TB part that makes no sense (to me at least).

                  • +1

                    @Borg: I'm in Sydney with HFC as well and my CIS doesn't mention a data limit for the 25/5.

                    In fact it is unlimited


                    • @Turd: Now thats an Interesting link indeed.
                      Now a case of he says she says! Their chat support told me 5GB, their sign up plan (on home page says 5gb as per what I copied/pasted a couple of hour ago, and here you send a link to a PDF thats says unlimited. They seriously need to sort their site out. Thanks for that but have no idea what's correct. Will leave it 6 months for them to settle down and revisit.

                      Perhaps if their support is reading these posts, they can clear the matter up "officially" ?

                      • @Borg: Pricing is different depending on your location, login to your portal and you can see what your setup is like by going to the CIS:

                        Show Advanced Info
                        Critical Information Summary

                        • @Turd: I don't have a portal as not with them. This is all about finding the correct info before recommending them.
                          I am assuming that one needs to be signed upto have a portal?

                          • @Borg: Then put your address in here https://residential.launtel.net.au/residential/ and it will tell you what CIS/plan you can get

                            • @Turd: Yeap and is what I did with multiple addresses in Sydney. Same result. All good and will see what pans out down the line. For now will hold off during all the Ozbargains mayhem :-)

                              • @Borg: Damm well that sucks. Have a chat to them ask them why it's different

                        • @Turd: For comparison, here's the CIS for FTTP down here in Hobart (and the more expensive rates, but at least they go up to Full Gig :-) )


  • +1

    Signed up yesterday morning. Over 30 hours later — still no connection. Been assured twice that they will look into it, but getting worried. My current billing period ends tomorrow and I don't want to get charged another month! Maybe worth thinking twice if you need to churn quickly. Previous churns with Aussie and Superloop were completed within minutes.

    • +1

      That's not good to hear, unfortunately i do not have high regards for Vocus NBN services. So i put the blame square on them. They've sunk a few providers at this point. Just another tick for the turd that is the inability to easily buy CVC and signup directly from the NBN.

      The NBN really needs to do backhaul too, or drop the POI numbers right down.

      This is the major + for AussieBB

      • +1

        The NBN really needs to do backhaul too, or drop the POI numbers right down.

        NBN only wanted 14 originally anyway, it was the ACCC that made them increase it to 121 due to the big backhaul providers chucking the shits about it. That horse has bolted, there won't be a change to it no matter how much more sense it made then (and still does now).

      • +1

        I agree. I have no love for Vocus after the fiasco I had with Tangerine Telecom. They were using Vocus for L3. I know Launtel is only using Vocus for L2 transit. Somehow I thought that would be better. Maybe not…

    • How'd you go? What type of NBN do you have ?

      • +1

        Still with the same provider. Launtel wasn't able to port me before the end of my billing period. Will potentially try again at the end of this billing period.

  • Rep - could we request removing CGNAT at no cost? I’m not sure what Aussie BB’s policy is nowadays but previously, CGNAT could be removed for free if there was a genuine need (eg, P2P on consoles).

  • I’ve just signed up. Currently with AB. Will this just churn will the account setup on another port and do I then need to manually cancel my AB account?

  • Is there a significant difference between NBN100 and NBN50 package? Only doing casual browsing and YouTube.

    • +1

      Speed wise, if you're on FTTP/FTTB/FTTC then yes. If you're on FTTN/HFC, depending on your connection you might not even get 50Mbps.

      If you are only doing casual browsing and YouTube, there's not much difference even if you do get a higher speed.

      The advantage with Launtel is that you can test out the difference for yourself very easily (possibly within minutes) by changing your plan speed, only paying extra for one day if need be.

      • I'm sorry for being such a noob, but how do I find out what kind of connection I currently have? I'm with Kogan NBN and it keeps on dropping.

    • @robinCTS: Basically one is twice as fast as the other.

      If however you only use it for Browsing and YouTube then NBN 25/5 should be fine for that. 2.5MB/ down 0.5MB/s up. This would be twice the speed of ADSL2+ (depending on your distance from the exchamge). It also comes down to how many people in your household use it at the same time.

      Remember you can adjust your speed easily with Launtel. Start low and see how you go.

      • @robinCTS: Basically one is twice as fast as the other.

        Nope - "Basically one can be as much as twice as fast as the other" 😉

        A better way to phrase my first sentence would have been:

        "Speed wise, if you're on FTTP/FTTB/FTTC then yes NBN100 is ~ twice as fast as NBN50. If you're on FTTN/HFC, depending on your connection you might not even be able to get 50Mbps so there could be little to no difference in the two packages."

        If however you only use it for Browsing and YouTube then NBN 25/5 should be fine for that.

        Was going to suggest that… somehow omitted it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • Oops, my reply was meant to be directed @atom1319.

          • @Borg: You did so correctly, and I realised that in addition, you also replied to me in the first line.

            I chose to respond to a part of your reply to atom1319, as well as the part directed at me.

            Yes, to avoid confusion, you could have added an "@atom1319" to the second part of your comment, but I managed to work it out 😉

  • +1

    I been loving launtel on fixed wireless from tassie, Always 60+ mb/s down all day/allnight

  • +1

    the latest pricing shows $2.28 per day for nbn50. not the $2.08 shown in the title. $6 more a month

    • the latest pricing shows $2.28 per day for nbn50

      Nope. That's the normal undiscounted price for most areas (which you'll pay after 180 days), or…

      From just above where you type your address:

      We have different pricing for different areas of the country, so we need to know your address to get you the right prices. More info.

      Also, if, after entering your address, you see a "Discount Code" box below the prices, enter EARLYADOPTER there.

  • +1

    Ordered and provisioned within 2 hours. Speeds on par with Superloop. Don't have a bad word to say, the process was absolutely flawless.

    • I don’t have many good things to say about superloop network or service. Had the most dropouts of any connection ever and wait times were hours if at all.

      Launtel is night and day!

      • Funny, I had more dropouts with ABB, moved to Superloop & it was better, until recently, but still not as bad as it was with ABB, now I'm with Launtel & it's great so far.

      • +1

        You are in the minority there with Superloop though mate. Glad to hear another service works for you however.

  • +1

    Got our new FTTC connection setup through Launtel today.

    We had some problems with our local network - our old Optus router was a piece of junk.

    Launtel's support were excellent talking me through everything, and got me up and running with a minimum of fuss.

    On the 100/40 plan, I'm getting 96/36 right now. Highly impressed with the connection.

    Then just had an email from Damian asking about how it was all working. Cherry on cake.

    Very impressed so far!

  • Anyone on Vocus agg noticing any impact/s of getting close/exceeding max CVC lately over past few days eg last night? Am contemplating signup on HFC… so TIA for any thoughts…

    • +1

      DW about the graphs. CVC has been purchased once CVC has gotten close and stayed on that pattern. Launtel has gone from 400 to 700 in a week and won’t let the connections suffer from CVC.

      • thanks, promising if that continues. I guess i can give it a go and see!

        • +2

          It's at 1000 now

  • +1

    Just signed up !

    Amazing customer service lady helped me set up easy!

  • I think the answer is yes. But does this work with Telstra Smart Modem 2?

    We were stuck with Telstra initially due to them being the only ISP who could bully the stupid NBN after they messed up our address and left us out when the NBN came to our street. We still need to pay the modem fee but paying $90 for a 50/20 plan.

    Better to pay that for a 100/20 (40) plan from a better ISP.

    • Yes it will work. Using dynamic IP.

      Make sure to use the referrals above and discount code to get $25 plus $.20 of a day.

  • Just signed up for the trial. Guessing I'm seeing peak time congestion here? (Vocus customer)

    Doesn't look like it's going to be a good fit for me.


    • Reach out to support they will fix it. Depending the line type I’ve not seen many connections be perfect in the first hours/day. NBN can mess up many things.

      • Yeah I'll give em a shot to see if it can be resolved

  • I signed up for the trial. I have LBNco at home. I like the service, I am getting about Max speed for a 50/20 connection.

    • Good to hear.

      • +1

        Tks for this deal

  • Anyone know if a port would be processed today?

    • Honestly depends more on NBN than Launtel. Play the NBN roulette.

  • +1

    Joined on the fttp tech. Easy to start up getting great speeds

  • I'm assuming you put in a referral code once you being the sign up process ?

    (Got 2 weeks left on my superloop billing cycle)

    • +1

      Just click on the referral links under the deal description at the top of the page. All you will need to enter during signup is the discount code “EARLYADOPTER”.

      The $25 will be credited to your account about 24 hours after you load funds on your Launtel account.

    • +1

      If your order is processed through Launtel’s upstream provider, Vocus, the churn may take 12 hours depending on the time you submit your order. I submitted my order about 6pm and it was connected 6am the following day.
      So don’t leave it until the last minute of your Superloop billing, as they don’t offer pro rata billing.

      • +1

        Yeh I was considering doing it on the 15th (my billing date is 16th), but I'll do it on the 14th just in case.

  • Does the referral links included in the original post still work?

    • Yes, referral credit is only applied to the referrers and referees account after the referee recharges their Launtel account for the first time.

  • Churning HFC from ABB. New service was supposed to be active 3 days ago but still showing 'Provision in Progress - Router offline'. Contacted Launtel on Friday and was told service should be active within 6 hours…

    • Have you tried calling or chatting with support? As they reply in minutes.

      • Yeah. That's what I did on Friday and just now. Was told the Order is placed with Vacus and will be completed within 5 hours. Let's see…

    • +1

      Update: service is up. Getting good speeds on the 50/20 plan: 44/16, 47/14.

  • +3

    Been with Launtel over a week and couldn't be happier. Currently syncing at 22600 Up and 54999 down on the 50/20. No drop outs and international traffic streaming Youtube/Twitch 1080P+ is great.. (unlike TPG which struggled at 480P). The one week free trial and two referrals made the deal even sweeter!

  • Awww offer over :(

    • +2

      The referral discount still applies (should that help a little) if signing up regardless. $25 to new person signing up and $50 to the person who referred. Links noted under OP description.

  • Code still working for me

    • +1

      Yeah it’s not expired the monkeys.

      Discount code: EARLYADOPTER

      Note: The above prices include a daily discount for new customers until 12/10/2020

  • +1

    Mods fix this. It still works.

    Discount code: EARLYADOPTER

    Note: The above prices include a daily discount for new customers until 12/10/2020

  • Got connected today.

    Double NAT on my Xbox one now and can’t connect to rocket league games :(

    • Contact support and they will assist.

      • Connected to my 2.4 wifi signal and it works now
        Mill see how it goes again tomorrow

  • Can we schedule the date of connection in the future or when I press Connect button, it will connect within minutes ?

    • +1

      I'm pretty positive once you sign up the churning process beings

      • Ok thanks

  • personal view:
    I was with Aussie broadband best one so far then moved to super loop on 6-month promotion and now I am paying 69 from this month. moving to this one is about 30 bucks cheaper over 6 months. the super loop is great so far and moving over every 6 months just feels unfair to these isps.

    • -2

      Looking around the net Superloop has horrible reviews and lot of people shilling for them. Aussie on the other hand is great. I've found Launtel great. No one does what Launtel does though with the speed changes which i find fantastic.

    • +1

      Fair = It's fine as you get to try them. You can also recommend them to others depending on their needs and budgets. I tried ABB for free month and they were great and support was also fantastic. They weren't for me as I wanted a static IP but wasn't game to pay $5 a month extra. In turn went to Launtel and paid $150 (refundable). I would recommend either depending on end users requirements are whereas I would not recommend Vodafone due to very poor support. If however somebody needs 4G backup, then I would recommend Vodafone over Telstra as their 4G runs ar around 1100Kbps where as Telstras only runs at around 600Kbps (personal experience). Its good exposure for them all.

      • Why is the static up payment refundable with Launtel,

        Interested to know

        • +1

          I more ask why others charge for one :-)

          My guess would be that there is a limit to the number of avail of Static IPs. Rather than giving one to all (most don't require it), they apply an upfront fee of $150 to ensure it makes one think before asking/requiring one. The fact that they will refund it when you no longer require OR cancel your account I would consider them being nice……….and that is another Plus for Launtel.

          Static IP's are avail for free from many ISPs but more often than not are usually by those that include a VoIP phone number with your account. VoIP if I am not mistaken requires a Static IP to be applied as its linked to the Phone number.

  • So I spoke to Launtel today and they're telling me I can get FTTN at my apartment but would have to pay $300 because of the NBNco, and that this charge applies to all ISP's and therefore any ISP I go to I'd end up having to pay that. WTF. Thats the first time Im hearing of this charge.

  • Drooped by superloop 50/20 and went to launtel 100/40. So good

    • Welcome to the 'change speed in minutes', 'see cvc In real time gang', gang

      • I found that my speed change took about 15 hours to take effect. I guess this be due to me being connected by Vocus?

        • +2

          Not sure. Vocus is manual. NBN direct is minutes. But I’m averaging under 30.

    • The online chat is great too

  • Just signed up & also got a referral code - I think I added it to the random list (I signed up with a random generated link).

    Currently says
    Provision in Progress - Router offline..

    Fingers crossed all gets sorted

    • Does anyone know if the ping is terrible or just a bad day? The gamer in the house said 94ping is unacceptable

      • I acerage around 30 on my Xbox connected over Wifi

        Mid to low 20s when on Ethernet

        Im on FTTN

        • average* not acerage…

          NB: Also noticed lately I have been having lag spikes in game; I'm not sure if its my connection or the servers I'm playing on (Rocket League). Also noticed it for my son when he plays Fortnite

      • If the servers in Sydney and you’re not in Perth then 90ms+ is bad. Contact support. They also have a new service coming for gamers.


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