• expired

Fibre To The Node nbn 50/20 $2.08/Day ($63.27/Mth); nbn 100/40 $2.80/Day ($85.17/Mth) (New Customers, First 180 Days) @ Launtel


*Discounted prices valid for 180 days from when you activate a service. After that the rates are $2.20/day (=$66.92/mth) for 50/20 and $3.00/day (=$91.25/mth) for 100/40. (From CIS for Fibre TO the Node)

Launtel is a small ISP run by ex Cisco engineer(s).

They have a 7 day free trial to see if the connection is right for you. No questions asked port out during the trial period.

The only ISP where you can pause, cancel and change speeds in minutes. You’re able to change between 25/5, 50/20, and 100/40 in the dashboard. No costs to do so.

Charges are done by the day. Not by the month.

Launtel runs a non congested network with public CVC charts for each POI.

Static IP is available. For techies out there I assume Launtel will be a comfortable home for your NBN connection. $0.35 a day or $150 for the life of your connection. Refunded when you no longer need it.

Network is Vocus and seems solid. Netflix and Amazon direct connect in place. Speed tests constant at all hours. So far the service and speed have been better than Aussie. Speed tests for downloads from Google were solid and so too were overseas downloads from Digital Ocean.

We have an FTTN connection and it’s been fine - no dropouts or speed issues. Changed from 100 to 50 and back to see how that worked. All of which took a few hours to switch up and down. No fuss.

Please note discounts appear to vary by suburb and location and connection type.

Example 1 for FTTC services.
Example 2 for FTTP services.
CIS for HFC services

Referral Links

Referral: random (341)

$50 account credit for referrer, $25 account credit for referee. Min $50 to apply discounts.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Jumped on the trial after being with Aussie Broadband for a year. Hope it works out alright!

    • Me too so far so fast 😀

  • Any chance of Gbps(per day) connections in the future?

    • +1

      Sure, just need to wait for a change of government.

      • So, why do they offer Gbps connection on their website!?

        Maybe let the Launtel rep respond

        • +2

          That's a business service offered in Tasmania.

          "Launtel's gigabit plans, available only in Launceston for business customers by appointment." - In the article i linked.

          There is no residential offering for 1Gpbs in Australia.


          Above was not a joke, neither NBN or the current government think 1gbps is a residential service and therefore a change in government is the only way you might see that in the near future. Whilst chorus and NZ government see 10Gbps coming in late 2020.

          • @checkingthisout: You connected with the Launtel management?

            • +1

              @Wally: I am not affiliated with Launtel, this is common knowledge for some time.

          • @checkingthisout: Is an ABN sufficient to sign up for the Launtel Gbps offering, and if so will the ability to 'pause' the connection be offered in the future?

            • @Wally: Are you located in Launceston? or Hobart? and have a FTTP connection?

                • @Wally: Well, if you are you in one of those locations, you can ask them for that connection. As this is most likely $500-1000+ you're going to have to ask them directly.

                  If you're not in those connections you can ask Aussie for a business connection https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/enterprise/

                  If you're residential and looking for a shared service for roughly $100-150 a month. Then my original comment stands.

        • +3

          If you're in TAS, then yes you can get a 1000/400 for the day - $8.17

          We can't do it elsewhere because we don't have enough CVC. This will all be fixed in May.

          • @damianivereigh:

            This will all be fixed in May.

            Lol! So you have a secret plan to fix the MTM stuffup and get fibre to the premises for everyone? And by May?! The government should have had you guys/gals roll out the NBN!! 😉

            Seriously, though, only if you are lucky enough to have FTTP/FTTC. Unlike most of us ☹️

          • @damianivereigh: Cool stuff!

            So, the 1Gig/400Mbps is available for Residential?

            or just those that provide an ABN?

    • +1

      They do offer it down here (I'm in Hobart). I was on 1000/400 for a few days during the trial (How amazing is that?).

      I can switch to 1000/400 for a day if needed. That day will cost me $8.17

      But we don't get the cheaper rates offered in this deal though :-(

      But being able to switch speeds was worth the switch (1000/400, 500/200, 250/100 etc), and the customer support is the best.

      • $245 a month although not the best price (blame CVC for that) is still much cheaper than I assumed it would cost. I thought I remembered it being $14 a day or so ages ago. That’s acceptable. Especially for a small business.

  • Anyone know how long it takes for the people you've referred (and the credit) to show up in your account? Do they have to sign up/put in payment details after the free trial first?

    • +1

      "Waiting for your referral to charge up account" i think they need to charge up first. Not sure how long before you get the credit, i assume after they pay.

    • It's meant to be at midnight after they top-up their account the first time (may need to top-up at least $50, can't remember exactly if there's a top-up minimum). If you know they've activated and have topped up and haven't seen the referral bonus after a week or so, just send them a message and they'll fix it. Happened to the person that I was referred by as I signed up just as they transitioned between referral programs.

  • If you can pause this indefinitely, is this a good option to have activated on a spare port (FTTP) as backup for outages? Or would an outage almost definitely affect all providers equally…

    • +2

      Yes*** it can work as a backup as long as the issues are coming from the providers network (Lets say Telstra) and not your home or the NBN. As long as Vocus (Launtel backhaul) and NBN are good, TPG/AAPT, Telstra, Optus can be down, and you should*** be fine.

      NBN down, Telstra up, Vocus up -> won't work
      NBN up, Telstra down, Vocus up - should*** work

      • What is Vocus? I guess they are a Telco, but isn't the NBN in charge of anything Launtel can't?

        • Vocus is a third party network provider, they have a direct connection to the NBN POI (Hand over for NBN). Imagine NBN is last mile and they charge Vocus to connect, Vocus is connected to NBN and the middle miles, which is backhaul, so Launtel orders from Vocus and plugs in where Vocus ends in let’s say, Sydney. And after that the network can be connected to anyone else for all other miles to the world.

          In basic terms that is.

          • @checkingthisout: Thank you for the reply. Can I clarify? So Vocus owns (hundreds of thousands of?) kilometers of cables (as opposed to the gov owning the long cables) and without them there isn't any other physical cables that could be used for many towns and suburbs?

            • +1

              @Charity: To connect to each POI (Where the NBN connects to everyone else), you need to run Fibre, and that costs a lot of money, or you need to rent it from Vocus, AAPT, Telstra etc at a usual per Mbps price.

              So Launtel and other services who cannot afford the capital will buy a portion of Fibre from these services to connect to all areas of the NBN. This means there is a middle man in the transaction which means they're always relying on a middle man.

              The NBN is not good for small telcos, it favors large, capital heavy gorillas like Telstra.

              • @checkingthisout: Thanks. Makes me a little more sick too as I always assumed the gov (NBN) owned all the major cables/fibre. Why on earth did the NBN cost so much if the big private companies built and own much of the infrastructure? lol

                • +1

                  @Charity: Unfortunately it is a political issue that has now resulted in a technology issue (copper). There's been so many providers die now, big Telcos have increased their positions, not dropped them.

                  Soon your bills will be jumping by $7.10+ i would gather as the government has been pushing for a broadband tax. So if you think it's expensive junk now, it's going to get better!


  • Anyone know how long activation should take on FTP? I signed up at 1530 today but so far have received only one email asking me to set up my portal password. In my account it says "Provision in Progress - Router offline"

  • I'm on FTTP and just applied. Will it connect on UNI-D2?

  • +1

    I am trying to understand the network graphs from Launtel and how it will apply to my POI. At the moment I am with ABB at the Wheelers Hill POI in Vic. It shows they have 3200Mbps capacity. Where do I look on the Launtel site so I can do a comparison to see how much capacity has been provisioned for my POI? Thanks.

    • You will most likely be on Vocus aggregated CVC as Launtel may not have a direct connect in your POI. 121 POI adds up and gets expensive fast. But the Vocus aggregation isn't overloaded so you should be fine. https://residential.launtel.net.au/traffic-graphs/CVCV000000…

      • So anyone in Vic that signs up to Launtel will essentially share bandwidth off the Vocus Agg CVC? Won't that 400Mbps get clogged pretty quickly? I presume they can scale up and purchase more bandwidth as the need arises. So what are the advantages of having your own POI like ABB vs using the Vocus Agg? Any difference in end user experience?

        • +3

          CVC is something you can buy more of, and Launtel have a no clogged pipes policy, so if the 400Mbps isn't enough, then I'd say Launtel will just buy more.

          User experience wise, Aussie can buy direct from NBN, Launtel, in many POI's will buy from Vocus, who buys from NBN. You shouldn't notice an issue with Pooled CVC or with slowdowns if the network promises to buy enough CVC. After all, CVC is an artificial limiter to make money. Some buy enough, some don't.

          Some interesting things Aussie can do are like the below: (Probably cost a fair mint to be able to do)


          If you're interested in how it works going forward:


          If you're in Bendigo, a POI Launtel seem to be direct connected to you will see your own CVC graph:


          • +1

            @checkingthisout: Thank you so much for the helpful information. Makes a lot of sense. Feel a bit board, the last time I left ABB, I came back with my tail between my legs. I guess there is an upside to NBN! The ability to churn easily!

          • @checkingthisout: Thanks for the info. I haven't kept up with the recent(!?) developments in the nbn world.

            If you're in Bendigo, a POI Launtel seem to be direct connected to you will see your own CVC graph:


            There seems to be something wrong with this graph - unless I'm missing something, Bendigo seems to be waaay over-provisioned.

            • @robinCTS: I really couldn't tell you why Launtel have 300Mbps, maybe Launtel thinks there will be demand in the future, maybe it's a minimum buy in from NBN for CVC. Only something the team could answer as it's a business decision.

              • +1

                @checkingthisout: We get the first 300Mb of CVC for free from NBN. This is also why we are able to offer discounts in some areas, but not others.

  • Anyone using them in WA able to tell me their pings to Singapore & Sydney?

  • +1

    Start 22 February 2020 20:45 End 02 ? 0 00:00

    Vocus Provisioning Down: It appears we are unable to place any new orders with Vocus at the moment. Services should be unaffected however. There will be a delay in processing new connections while they fix it.

    • +1

      What a bummer, this is part of the frustration of the 121 POI NBN that the ACCC bungled, would have been 14? Then it's cheaper/easier for smaller providers to get in direct to the NBN.

      What a mess!

      • +2

        That is one key advantage that ABB has, ie not needing to deal with any 3rd party backhaul provider.

        If ABB introduced this daily billing option with the daily selection of speeds, then that would be great!

        • +1 for that, Aussie really does have the advantage of being fully in control. I still think Aussie are great. I recommend most people to Aussie if VOIP + Mobile bundling is important.

  • I'm with ABB and my current billing period ends tomorrow 23 Feb. If I move to Launtel tomorrow morning, will I be billed for another month by ABB?

    • +1

      Churn beforehand and call to cancel or Aussie will charge you. I had to call in for 60 minutes on hold to cancel.

      • Thank you. I assume I can call to cancel on a Sunday?

        • +1

          I would put in your order now, once you notice the churn has finished, call Aussie, if you put it in tomorrow, it could be too late? NBN charges by the day it will be Aussie that will charge you by the month.

          I called within 24 hours of my next bill and it was fine. But it was cutting it close, funny that they'll still charge you for the remainder of the month though, something Launtel won't do.

          You can call Sundays.

    • They do say 24 hours notice required (just to be safe I think), but I've heard that you can cancel with less notice.

      Best to ring their Customer Support, as they can confirm it, or possibly manually over-ride the next billing. They're usually pretty good with this sort of thing.

  • Start 22 February 2020 20:45 End 02 ? 0 00:00

    Vocus Provisioning: Due some provisioning outages and the number of new connection requests we have received today, we are running a bit behind at the moment on any manual order processing. We are working late to catch up. Appreciate you patience on this!

    • I think i DDOS'd their setup department. Whoops!

      "Start 22 February 2020 20:45 End 23 February 2020 12:00
      Provisioning delays: Due to some provisioning outages and unexpected influx of new connections (thanks to OzBargain!), we have been running behind all day in doing manual provisioning. Now NBN's monthly maintenance outage has kicked in until about midday Sunday. So unfortunately there will be delays to any new orders. Existing services will be unaffected of course."

  • +1

    They're blaming ozbargain!

    Start 22 February 2020 20:45 End 23 February 2020 12:00

    Provisioning delays: Due to some provisioning outages and unexpected influx of new connections (thanks to OzBargain!), we have been running behind all day in doing manual provisioning. Now NBN's monthly maintenance outage has kicked in until about midday Sunday. So unfortunately there will be delays to any new orders. Existing services will be unaffected of course.

    • +1

      I should have given them a heads up, that's my bad. Your existing service will not drop until the new one goes through. Because of the last minute Aussie change, might be best for you to call up Aussie and give them a heads up too that you're leaving first day of your contract (if you don't churn in time that is). Fingers crossed you can.

      • I was trying to message you but you don't appear in the list of users.

        • +2

          checkingthisout needs to check the Allow private messages box in their messaging settings (just like you have done in yours) to allow other users to initiate PM's with them.

          TIP: You can click on any username anywhere and you will get a dropdown where the last item is "Start a Conversation" if they have allowed PM's.

    • Wow! Where did you get that from?

      EDIT: NM. Same place as the other message.

      • The message displays when you hit the "Connect now" button.

        • Thanks.

          It also appears at the top of all the POI CVC Graph pages, which is where I saw the previous message.

  • +1

    Unfortunately moved into an LBNCO address, so did a fair amount of researching into a provider(So many other companies with bad reviews).
    Just joined with Launtel few days ago and the Australian based team was great to deal with.
    So many great things so far (Pause,Recharge style payment, late hours phone support etc.)

    • +1

      Also, not sure if anyone mentioned it or if it makes a difference, but I found the input for the EARLYADOPTER code comes up when initally signing up via the Residential Portal.

  • Any truth to the provisioning outages/NBN maintenance?

    • +1

      I don't believe they would lie about things, no real incentive to not want people to get signed up quickly, i think it's just an unfortunate side effect of not having a POI direct connect, they're relying on Vocus.

      This shines a light on what a shambles the NBN is. This should be automated and the fact Launtel or any small ISP needs to rely on a middleman like Vocus to get connected, is a joke.

      Backhaul sure, but a middle man for CVC and user sign ups to the NBN. That's just stupid.

  • +2

    I signed up earlier today, all cutover within 2 hours! Very quick and painless and the cutomer service has been great so far.
    They're using CGNAT on IPv4 by default so if you host any serives out of your home or do any port forwarding currently you'll need to pay extra per day (0.35c is what I'm seeing for me) to disable CGNAT and have a routeable address, the other option is to pay $150 upfront to have a static address which is fully refundable when no longer needed and seems like the better option.

    • Yeah, I figured if I stay with them for longer than 1.5 years the $150 up front is the better deal. And that's with it NOT being refunded. I guess it seems like a rental bond :-)

  • Seems alright, I like that you can pause it whenever you want.
    Will give them a go when our contract is finished

  • +1

    "Provisioning delays: Due to some provisioning outages and unexpected influx of new connections (thanks to OzBargain!), we have been running behind all day in doing manual provisioning. Now NBN's monthly maintenance outage has kicked in until about midday Sunday. So unfortunately there will be delays to any new orders. Existing services will be unaffected of course."

    haha they got influx from ozbargainers

  • Should I move from superloop fttp? Though I still have the old pricing $69.95 from superloop for 50/20.

    • +2

      You don't need to move, order a trial with Launtel on your FTTP it will load on port 2, plug in your modem WAN port to port 2 and test. After 7 days, if it doesn't work, cancel it. Or churn by cancelling Superloop and leave Launtel on port 2.

      Easy! no downtime at all.

      • True that, I wonder what's the best way to test speed accurately these days?

  • I have a HFC connection with a tiny NBN box(Arris CM8200) modem perphaps?. Can I use Asus AC68U router to connect with Launtel?

    What do I need to connect? I can't seems to find any info about modem and router best suit your products.

    • I am using the AC68U router with that exact NBN box on Launtel service with no issues.

      • Thanks for confirmation. Gotto support this team, I'll switch over tomorrow. Hopefully it goes smoothly.

  • +2

    Will probably give them a go once my current superloop month ends. The ability to pause my service while I'm away for work seems pretty handy.

  • +2

    Super expensive $3.58/day ($108.89/month) in ACT.

    • I just checked and the pricing discount isn't applying on the signup page. I've let them know. You actually do get a discount when in the dashboard, its the pricing table on signup that isn't updating.


      With a discount your price becomes roughly $62ish using a referral code you'll get down to $37ish for the first month.

      • -1

        But after 180 days you are back to paying 60% more than Exetel, as far as I can see.

        • Exetel from what I can see doesn’t offer any of the automated things Launtel is making its name for. They also don’t seem to have any open CVC charts.

          $84 a month for Launtel 100Mbps (normal price)

          $99 a month for Exetel 100Mbps (normal price)

          Where did you get 60%

          • @checkingthisout: Hey Checking. $108.80/$66.70 that I pay with Exetel ≈ 1.6

            • @mrwoo: Fair enough. When I go and check Exetel it comes up with $109/month for 100/40. Looks like you've got an excellent deal.

            • @mrwoo: If that’s 100Mbps then that’s a great deal.

              • @checkingthisout: No it's for 50/20. I'm comparing it to the 50/20 prices on Laun:

                Data Limit
                $3.58 per day

                Apologies for not making this clear before. My bad.

                • @mrwoo: Oh right. The normal price is actually $2.28 a day with the discount period being $2.08.

                  So $64-68ish a month for 50Mbps. For the normal price after discount.

                  I don’t believe the discounts are showing correctly on the signup page. I see different pricing on the dashboard.

                  If you’re getting great speeds and service. Doesn’t seem worth switching for you. Unless you want 250Mbps.

                  • +2

                    @checkingthisout: It depends on where you are. The "normal" price you are quoting isn't available to me in Hobart either in the portal, or for new signups. ACT was also an existing market for Launtel, so are probably on the older rates.

                • @mrwoo: Ah yep. And you're getting the current/previous prices (I believe not on Vocus backhaul). Those are the rates also available to me, but I'm on the slightly cheaper 100/20 (actually 100/40) at $3.54/day

                  • +1

                    @odgregg: From Launtel:

                    "Those prices are correct. We are only giving discounts to certain areas (actually it is almost everywhere - just not north ACT and TAS). We have given up trying to have flat pricing, because the costs of the underlying network are all so different."

                    Seems ACT and TAS are expensive to offer therefore pricing is higher.

  • +1

    Signed up to 100/40 on FTTP and currently running Launtel and ABB.

    Speed tests - Launtel vs Aussie Broadband


    87 Mbps down
    36 Mbps
    37ms ping

    Aussie Broadband

    93 Mbps down
    37 Mbps up
    7 ms ping

    • To what speed test host out of interest?

    • Try test.launtel.net.au or fast.com

      There’s something wrong with that speed. Definitely hit the chat support up.

      • +3

        That first test was speedtest.net.

        Speedof.me results:


        73 Mbps down (max 83Mbps)
        27 Mbps up (max 35Mbps)
        28ms ping

        Aussie Broadband

        103 Mbps down (max 104 Mbps)
        27 Mbps up (max 34 Mbps)
        23 ms ping

        fast.com results:


        87 Mbps down

        Aussie Broadband

        95 Mbps down

        test.launtel.net.au results:


        87 Mbps down
        33 Mbps up (max 35Mbps)
        26ms ping
        2ms jitter

        Aussie Broadband

        94 Mbps down
        33 Mbps up
        22 ms ping
        0.84 ms jitter

  • +3

    Hi all,

    So NBN order processing is now back on line so all the automated stuff is going through. However we are currently holding off on the Vocus orders while we fix some of the code to make it more automated, because otherwise it will kill us. If anyone has any time critical orders (e.g. cutover dates), that can't wait until tonight, message us and I see what I can do.

    Then when this current influx lessens a bit I will do an AMA on here. Happy to be totally open about us, our network, our philosophies etc.


  • Are the speed changes immediate?

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