• expired

nbn 1000/50 for $139.91 a Month (Available at Selected POI's) @ Launtel


Finally it’s here!!!, it’s cheaper than Aussie Broadband deal that was just posted recently! Only for FTTP and HFC but great price!!

Aussie Broadband typical evening speed is 250Mbps I believe but Launtel is 400Mbps

“ We’ve also invested heavily in our nbn network and backhaul capacity to ensure that you experience the fastest speeds possible without peak time slowdowns. You should expect minimum download speeds of 400mbps up to 950mbps. “

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closed Comments

  • +12

    One big thing to note is that Launtel only is able to offer the 1000/50 plan on the POI's they service. That's about 20% of the countries exchanges.

    So if you're lucky to be in one of those POI areas and then even luckier to have FTTP or HFC (but only 7% of HFC connections can get 1000/50) then this is the deal for you!

    • +33

      The POIs are:

      Hobart, TAS
      Launceston, TAS
      Queanbeyan, NSW
      Lidcombe, NSW
      Blacktown, NSW
      Eastern Creek, NSW
      Pendle Hill, NSW
      Liverpool, NSW
      Penrith, NSW
      Dalley, NSW
      Civic, ACT
      Darwin, NT
      Glebe, NSW
      Newtown, NSW
      Castle Hill, NSW
      Carramar, NSW
      Ryde, NSW
      Paramatta, NSW
      Bendigo, VIC
      Tamworth, NSW
      Coffs Harbour
      Port Melbourne, VIC

      • Is there a way I can check what my relevant POI is?

      • +1

        Where can we find this list?

        Also, list of 250 enabled HFC?

        edit: Just saw that Vocus/Lolo POI's can't get 1000 even if HFC from NBN supports it. So very limited since from what I can see, most POIs are on these ones?

        Also, refresh 10 times, get 1 page load. Keep trying folks…

        • Where did you see VOCUS can't get 1000?
          I'm curious

      • +1

        Not bad, I’ve FTTP and I’m one of these POIs. Time for an upgrade.

      • Would love if QLD could get enough customers to leapfrog/flick Vocus and open up options like this etc

      • Yay! They're in my POI…

        …my POI that's serviced entirely by FTTN. Sigh.

      • What!? your tell me Darwin can get this? lmao 💀💀

        • I'm from Darwin and have FTTP. But when I go to website it doesn't give me the option of the higher speed.

          • @D3NI3D: I am aswell, but I don't see the option either? give it time and it might be available??

      • They have added a few POI's recently such as Hamilton and Mayfield

    • but only 7% of HFC connections can get 1000/50

      Do you know what the average one can get?

  • Will TPG have something similar?

    • +12

      I'm sure everyone will have.

      And with the quoted speed for Aussie Broadband, I'm sure they are just being cautious till they know what they actual night time speeds are like. They usually perform pretty well.

      • I wonder what other wishes I made when I rubbed that lamp last week will come true.

    • +1

      No, I spoke to someone at TPG yesterday and asked them, they said there are no plans for speeds faster than 100/40.

  • +4

    I just moved to them from Belong last week. I get 94-100 mbps most of the time for the 100/40 plan on HFC.

    It's best to contact them if you're unsure if you can get these speeds in your area. Plus, they have a 7 day free trial.

    Their customer service is great and they actively follow up and check on you!

    Also, help a fellow bargainer and use Ozbargain's referral system :D

    • +1 re customer service. I had issues with my HFC, and they chased NBN and Vocus til it was eventually fixed - and was not even really Launtel's problem.

  • Im with TPG on 100mbps plan. I get 98mbps as i live in Lidcombe. Will i get close to 1000mbps if i upgrade?

    • +1

      Yeah, if you have FTTP and a decent router.

      • +1

        The router will be the killer here.

  • +5

    Don't take too much notice of those typical evening speed figures yet, they're a big unknown until these plans are live and can be tested real world. That is why Aussie have taken a conservative view for now, realistically I think they'll be in the 800+ range.

    • Launtel has been doing low contention ratio 1000/400 gigabit FTTP for years now, so providing this with a much lower upload rate is well within their means.

    • +21

      Get your stuff 10 times as fast.

    • +4

      Streaming in 4K? Download a 200GB game from steam under 30 mins?

      • +1

        You can steam in 4k on NBN 50 plans as well.

        Fast downloads is the only upside.

        • +6

          You can steam in 4k on NBN 50 plans as well.

          If you're living alone and not sharing your connection with the family.

        • Not real 4K, maybe compressed 1080p upscale. 4K actual stream jumps pass 100mbs so if you want smooth playback you need decent 5GHZ wifi and gigbit Ethernet to the TV.

      • speed is really upto the server you’re using. Your speed is your max capacity but services you connect will limit speeds per each connection / client they’re servicing.

    • +10

      I need my Linux ISOs in 4 minutes or less.

    • +2

      you can watch 40 x 4k pornhub vods all at once no problem.

  • Share house with 7 uni students streaming 4k Netflix at the same time

  • -3

    Is this available for all residential areas that already have nbn?

  • +3

    yessss, i love this price war, lets see whos lower. when it hits $100 im in

    • Well the wholesale price for 1000/50 is only $15pm more than 100/40, that AussieBB sell for $99 a month, so their is definitely some fat in their $149pm price.

      We should see some cheaper options coming at some point, especially for the 250/25 plans as they are only $3pm more wholesale than a 100/40 connection.

      • +5

        Which hopefully is being used to buy more capacity as I'm sure there is barely any actually included by NBN

  • +30

    Note… Launtel charge $0.35 per day for removing CG-NAT so cost will be $4.95/day or ~$150.56/month. This makes it more expensive than ABB since ABB do not charge to remove CG-NAT.

    If you need to remove CG-NAT, you are probably better off going with ABB since some of Launtel's backhaul is currently with Vocus.

    • +2

      Oof, great catch.

    • What is CG-NAT?

      • +6

        Carrier Grade Network Address Translation. Basically means you're sharing your dynamic IP address with other users. If you have anything running on your home network that you want to access from the outside, it won't work. If you don't do any of that sort of stuff, don't worry about it.

        • What sort of stuff we talking about.

          • +5

            @[Deactivated]: hosting a plex server for one

            • +1

              @Solrak: Only if you want to access it from elsewhere. It'll still work in your local network.

              Anything to do with port forwarding.

            • +1

              @Solrak: Yep this is the main thing for me
              I was like wtf is going on why can’t I see it outside my network for ages then it clicked lol

              Even bought a new router ahahha

              • +2

                @modgod: This happened to me. Was pulling my hair out for a week until I found out ABB moved me over to CG-NAT. Rang ABB up and they changed me back, no additional cost, all sorted. I just need ISP's to pull their finger out and offer more upload bandwidth at a reasonable price. 250/100 for $209 a month is $$$$$!

        • +9

          Includes playing on the xbox - had to have CG-NAT removed in order to play FIFA 20 online against friends.

      • +5

        Seen a few posts previously about it causing issues some games online too.

        I had to remove it with ABB as I could not VPN back into my home network with it enabled.

      • +3

        Many people sharing the same IP. It means you can't port forward.

        Accessing your home server remotely or hosting P2P multiplayer matches won't be possible.

    • +7

      you can also put a 150 fully refundable deposit for a ipv4 address to be assigned

    • +1

      You can always put the $150 refundable deposit for a static IPv4 address.

      Also, IPv6 is fully supported by Launtel, so there may be less issues with games

    • Also, free static IP with AussieBB

      • +1

        Nope ABB charge $5 a month for a Static IP.

        Sticky IP is free and IP rarely changes.

    • On Whirlpool we asked for that to change, and the owner said "done".
      So I expect that fee will drop to near zero.
      I am going to give it a try, if it isn't good there is no contract so I can go straight back to Aussie.
      FTTP churning is quick, unlike FTTN churning.

    • My one is $0.15 a day, and $100 deposit if want free public ip.

  • Good to see more competition

  • +1

    What is the cost for 250/25?

  • -3

    How about just offer everyone 100… can’t even get that right.

    • Lol. Talk to the government.

  • Hmm, I am in an OptiComm estate and the gigabit plans are still $300 plus. I hope the NBN gigabit plans force OptiComm to lower their prices. $140 for gigabit is incredible.

    Not sure about that range though 400-900mbps… hmm.

    • +3

      Their prices will increase $7.10 next year

      • I think that only affects areas that are competing with NBN. There shouldn't be NBN available where Opticomm is therefore it's not competing.

    • +3

      At least you get gigabit! I'm in a Telstra Velocity area and the maximum speeds are 100/5 with no plans to improve.

    • Why they have the monopoly on fixed unless 5g is available and priced well there price will remain or go up. Down is unlikely for their business model

  • what does this exactly mean? Your property has a pure fibre (FTTP) nbn connection

    • +2

      FTTP or ‘Fibre to the Premises’ means fibre is connected all the way to your office or house. Best NBN technology you can get atm. No old copper cables or phone lines are used.

  • +19

    Makes me sad. Lived in Nelson NZ for all of 2019. Three houses. All with fibre. $99 for 1000Mb/s down and 400Mb/s up. I only just got FTTC here in Sydney. 100/40 is still way better than the old 14/1 I guess. Booo the copper

  • -2

    Is this bps or kbps

  • +1

    I don't even have NBN yet in my area and I am in Sydney

    • -3

      I have fttp, but turned it off the box for Telstra air.

      And o don't even own.

      What the hell could I do with fttp anyways.

      • lol why?

        • Because Telstra air is free and I live 15 metres from it.

  • +4

    Hobart gets this stuff before Perth:(

    • +2

      Back in 2010 Tasmania had a tech savvy Premier, David Bartlett (Labor), who worked with the Gillard Government at the time to push for the initial roll-out to begin in Tasmania with 3 trial sites (towns). Tasmania was set for a complete FTTP roll-out with fixed wireless and satellite intended to cover a much smaller footprint of homes where FTTP wasn't viable, but this was changed after the 2013 federal election and we now have a patchwork of haves and have-nots, despite the Coalition pledging to complete the Tasmanian FTTP roll-out as planned.

  • +1

    EDIT: disregard, I just noticed the plan customiser at ABB.

    How are these guys compared to Aussie broadband? I was about to sign up to aussie until I noticed that uploads are limited to 20mbps.

    • +2

      ABB have higher upload plans. I am on 100/40

  • -2

    Add some wagyu beef on a knife for $599 and the knife $100, and you got your self a great deal.

    • #BeefAF

  • -1

    ABB might want to fix its pricing, if more ISP's come out with discounts to entice them over!….

    • +11

      ABB never competed on the price front but rather 'get what you pay for' in terms of CVC bandwidth, no slowdowns, advance maintenance notifications and top notch customer service. It works.

      Hearing good things about Launtel though so might be tempted.

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