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Residential Gigabit nbn Plans on FTTP and HFC 1000/50Mbps $149/mth, 250/100Mbps $209/mth, 250/25Mbps $129/mth @ Aussie Broadband


Live now!

Website is slow right now but live chat and the sales phone number are processing orders.

1000/50 - $149 a month

250/25 - $129 a month

Check what speed tier your HFC can get


Some things to be aware of:
Because this is a new plan, we don't yet know what the typical evening peak speed will be, so you'll notice that our Critical Information Summary and Key Fact Sheets for now just list the 250 plan peak evening speeds. We think the plan should achieve off-peak speeds of up to 80-90%, depending on the technology type.

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$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +76

    A gigabit connection for $150/m? In my country?! On HFC?!?!

    • +78

      *only on HFC and FTTP
      *only sometimes
      *only up to 900, typically 500 on HFC
      *not available to all HFC properties
      *only available to 7% of the HFC rollout on launch

      • +41

        if NBN didn't charge $300 for a quote to uplift technnology from coax to fibre I would do it …. just worried they have generic template that says $2000 and they pocket the $300 for the NBN christmas party.
        …… I'm less then 200M from the exchange in inner city melbourne.

        • +26

          generic template that says $2000

          I think you missed a zero there, if the Whirlpool spreadsheet is anything to go by: https://goo.gl/YfbdSv

          • +18

            @miarn: i think dream at $2000 my came back at $25,000 it cross the street from my house it was cheaper just buy a new house with FTTP

        • +12

          There's a thread on whirlpool detailing a lot of people's journey (https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/97wjj0k9) but with HFC you'd be extremely lucky to even get a quote of $2000

          This spreadsheet has a list of the quotes for people to switch from different technologies to FTTP

        • +9

          $2000? Good luck with that. More like $15000. Check the thread on whirlpool.

          • +52

            @PainToad: I tried to pay Telstra to run HFC to my house in 2001 (acreage but only 20k from the CBD).

            Quote, which I suspect they hoped would scare me off was like 9k labour + $250 per meter of cable to the junction point.

            All up it was going to be about 15-20k, depending on the run they would need to take.

            I said "great, who do I pay? When can we start?"

            At which point they retracted their 'offer'….

            • +4

              @MasterScythe: And yet, for my parent's suburban acreage… One of 4 houses in a ~100mt court, then ~80mtrs up their driveway and to the house… They just turned-up and did it. No fuss, no cost. Nice guys trenching. Couldn't believe it, after previously being moved from point to point, eventually getting 8mbit ADSL1 as only option, like 4km from exchange. Then 100mbit. Wow

            • +6


              tried to pay Telstra

              Words I never thought I would read, ever.

              • @strangeloops66: Tell that to the ~42% of metro and ~47% of regional NBN customers that love throwing away their money on Telstra as the RSP!

            • @MasterScythe: Ah well I guess different people have different experience with Telstra back in early 2000. For me they door knocked nearly every 3rd week begging us to install Foxel. Claimed it was the best thing since sliced cheese, and they would throw in a free channels if we signed up on the spot.

        • +3

          They called me before asking for the $300 dollars quote payment and verbally told me the quote would come in at between 7k to 12K to move to fibre from HFC did I still want to go ahead.

          • +4

            @dirtybigbjelke: If you don't pay for the quote, they don't need to record it.
            They are doing this now to reduce average cost of quotes recorded.

          • +1

            @dirtybigbjelke: 12k aint bad if you dont intend moving.

            Going ahead?

        • +2

          From NBN…

          Thank you for your email, I am unable to provide a ballpark figure. The cost varies on a case-by-case basis, and generally ranges from a few thousand up to tens of thousands of dollars, and on the rare occasion, far higher than that. Costs are driven by a number of factors including proximity to existing nbn™ access network infrastructure, complexity of civil construction required and remoteness of location. The cost is likely to be higher than nbn’s published figure for average cost per premises across the network rollout, which reflects the costs for deploying the network on a large scale.

          nbn assesses each application individually to provide a quote for Technology Choice, because each case is unique. These activities are additional to the planned nbn™ access network rollout. Quote fees cover costs for preparing a build quote.

          Can you please advise if you would like to proceed with the application?

          … Can we sue or government for discrimination?

        • +3

          It really isn't as simple as throwing up cable on some poles and getting you connected though. The avoidance of new aerial network means a huge chunk of the cost is in the civils.

          Lets assume that the exchange houses a node/junction that you can connect into:

          Is there sufficient capacity for you in the existing underground pits/pipes to run cable? If not, you will be quoted for any civil works there (planning, installation of new pit/pipe, digging up ground, reinstating it, potential road works if required) for as long as they need to go. After that's done, they'll need to get a fibre team in to joint and run the cable from the closest point they can drop you into the network, to your premise and all the associated work with getting you up and running there.

          2k would be astonishingly cheap.

        • +1

          I was quoted $200,000 for a FTTP connection :))

      • Considering ABB's standards on congestion management, it's a fairly promising prospect.

        • +1

          ABB cannot manage the NBN layer, unfortunately. I agree that they would hold up their end on CVC etc

          • @The 10th Doctor: You're right there. If NBN can't manage the extra load, it'll all go up in (hopefully) metaphorical flames

      • +50

        Thanks Malcolm

        • +1


        • +12

          Must be great to be able to make terrible decisions then hand it off to other ppl to deal with the mess you've created.

        • +35

          they find a way to blame labor for it.

          • +12

            @nikey2k27: There are still too many people that blame Labor for the shit show that is the NBN. As Kevin announced the NBN it must surely be his fault right?

            Cant believe the Australian public has given the liberal party a free pass on this issue.

            • -1

              @Sancho123456: Off you go to Whirlpool, then, where all the morons think Conroy's FantasyBand was a done deal until the Libs werecked it just because it was a Labor plan…

          • @nikey2k27: But the NBN was in a shambles when they got it! That's why it took 4 (looking like 5 now) years more then they stated and 20 billion more dollars to build

            /s. Thankfully it looks like my family's moving to Darwin when these lock downs lift, and as far as I can tell it's practically all FTTP.

        • Today's AFR is running an article that Telstra infrastructure will buy the NBN, according to the communications minister.

          NBN is worth $8.7 billion according to the government. They paid Telstra $9 billion for their copper network in 2013.

      • +2

        Imma the 7%. And I've preferenced ALP in every election, I've earned my gigabit internet thank you.

    • +11
    • +2

      Many countries around the world have been offering gigabit over HFC for years.

    • I am one of the og people that worked on nbn hfc, back in 2014. I can't believe they are going 1gb, would be lucky to hit 480 in it's current state.

    • +6

      I wish it was 500/500 instead of 1000/50

      Upload speeds are what I need these days with remote work.

      • +1

        Have a look at their business plans

      • +1

        I'd be happy with 1000/100 for the price. But I'm in the same boat, can't justify the extra costs as upload is my biggest pain point.

    • -1

      Why this is even a deal? what is the usual price? or just a sheep effect?

  • +15

    As great as this is it isn't a deal is it?

    • +39

      When you used to pay $130/month for Telstra Cable, I'd consider this a deal

      • -1

        I wouldn't. I pay $80/mth (was $40/mth for the first 12 months) for this: https://www.speedtest.net/result/9500553941

      • When did you pay $130 per month for Telstra cable? Never seen it that price in the last few years.

        • +11

          Was a few years ago. $100 for the base package with 1TB of data + $30 a month for the speed boost to 100/5.

          • +1

            @hellohi: Gotcha - speed boost makes sense.

          • @hellohi: Speed boost is free now?

            • +2

              @congo: It was free back then too. They got screwed.

              Source; Ran a Telstra store from 2010-2017

      • +3

        Just sad that had to step back so far with NBN, pre NBN $100 on telstra cable got me this:
        https://www.speedtest.net/result/7593748804 - 114Mbps
        I'm lucky to get over 90Mbps now (Malcolm's dodgy NBN's fault, not ABB's:)

        • +1

          Same, I got similar peak speeds on Telstra cable pre-NBN and now get 94-95 Mbps peak download on AussieBB 100/40 on HFC over the same connection

          Here's hoping 250 or 1000 Mbps will be available soon

        • +2

          Yep, although I appreciate the much higher upload speeds

          • +1

            @Soppro: This - I'll take the extra 30 Mbps upload at the cost of 25 Mbps download any day of the week. I also get to have an ISP that isn't Telstra.

        • That's why I've had for 8-10 years and I haven't crossed over yet. I'm waiting til the last minute!

          • +1


            I'm waiting til the last minute!

            Don't. I did this and they cut off my connection and then had to wait a month for an NBN technician to hand-deliver and install the Arris cable modem box (no self-install available). Better to make the switch beforehand to minimise downtime and enjoy your CVC'd up the ass, shared with all your neighbours inferior NBN HFC.

      • It shouldn't be that much for Telstra cable. I'm paying $89 and getting 90 - 104Mbps for unlimited, have had it for a while. I got the dreaded "NBN available in your area" letter recently and am FTTC, so likely going to have to pay more for slower downloads. Thanks Malcolm!

        • +1

          FTTC can reach 100/40. Aussie have 100/20 $89. Telstra customers on FTTC can only sign up for 25/5 $75 or 50/20 $90.

          • @Twix: The issue is ”can reach 100" as opposed to "is reaching 90 - 104". Also the current deal has unlimited phone included. I’m hoping for better speeds or cheaper prices in the long run, but that seems unlikely unfortunately.

            • @tolchok: FTTC does reach 90-98 down. NBN has introduced AVC overhead allowance on the downstream and soon FTTC will get around 107 down.

              • @Twix: I keep seeing posts on Whirlpool about people often getting 75 to 95 on FTTC, but if you can link me to data that shows those to be an outlier, then I'm happy to accept what you are saying.

                If not, then it is that FTTC "does" reach a certain speed vs "will" reach a certain speed.

                My Telstra Cable connection "does reach 110-114 down" and does so frequently. It was 111 Mbps on a speedtest just done then via WiFi with two other people working from it. Reliably it is always 90 - 104Mbps. I'm not trying to convince people to switch to Cable or Telstra and I will be switching away when I'm forced onto the NBN if they don't offer 100Mbps (or 100+ Mbps) plans.

                That said, my concerns are valid. I WILL be paying more (considering current plan includes phone) for likely slower downloads when I am forced to change unless there are network upgrades in the meantime.

    • +1

      It's ten times faster than TPG's Internode plan for 50% more price. And twice the upload speed. How is this not a deal?

  • Is there a hierarchy of NBN technologies? Eg. FTTP being the best, then what FTTC?

    • +46

      Best to worst:
      HFC* (at the moment because of these plans)
      FTTC (potential to be good is there)

      *I'm well aware of HFC's limitations, and I'd rank FTTC above HFC if these plans were available on it, which they aren't.

      • +2

        Can you share any info on the FTTC potential? Does it require rewiring of copper?

        • +5

          Only if the copper is shit.

        • +4

          Basically, fibre runs to <150m away from the house and rest by copper wiring to the NBN box. Will help great deal with speeds to get rid of home wire joints.

        • +4

          I'm no expert, and I'm sure someone more qualified will correct me, but as I understand it no new copper is required. The DPU in the pit on the street may/will need to be upgraded to support "G.fast" (I think some already do, but not sure on that).

          Theoretically, G.fast can do gigabit speeds, but subject to the usual copper caveats.

          • +4

            @miarn: Correct. The older DPUs cannot handle G.Fast so would need to be replaced to give higher speeds.

            This would involve an outage for all users connected to the DPU, and some users still could not benefit from increased speeds.

            G.Fast give an Aggregate speed of almost 1Gb over 70M. This means a download speed of 500Mbps, less for those further away.
            G.Fast2 supports higher spends, but even shorter copper.

            Compared with FTTP which supports 2.5G down without upgrade, with none of this 'up to'. There are heaps of upgrade options already in the field, with end user speeds of 10 and 40Gbps.

        • I think it comes down to the VDSL vs G.fast with FTTC.. I would imagine for FTTC where they have used G.fast on the last leg towards the house for most installs then these speed plans would be available to FTTC connections. Looks like there probably is much more VDSL there on the last leg for FTCC… Just a hunch.. Anyone care to give some facts on this point?

        • +2

          Except you can't get these plans.

        • +13

          FTTB is basically FTTN with very short copper

            • +3

              @Austere: FTTB is basically FTTC with FTTB allowing the shortest copper run for buildings or dense dwellings and FTTC allowing the shortest copper run for homes. In the diagram that you attached it looks like FTTB allows for shorter copper runs than FTTC, but the scenario shown in the diagram is for a buildings only. I don't think NBN utilises FTTC for buildings and uses them for homes only.

              • -3

                @Knight2000: Big reason for FTTB > FTTC is that the FTTCs DPU is outside in the ground on multiple split connections and subject to elements/tampering while the FTTBs MDU has a direct connection and is inside the property

                Actual performance you get is subject to what NBN offers for your area, but from a technology standpoint FTTB is basically FTTP

              • +2

                @Knight2000: I know a guy on FTTC in a unit. Rare, but it is done in some areas. Probably depends on how the building was originally wired.

                • @elusive: It can depend on how many units are in the building. FTTB should have a fixed cost for the building as a whole so the more units there are the more the cost can be spread out. If there's too few then it's easier to just use whatever is used in the area.

          • -6

            @BROKENKEYBOARD: FTTP is basically FTTN with the node (modem) inside your house :)

            • +2

              @Ozybargdias: Incorrect. FTTP is GPON->Ethernet, and there is no VDSL2 as used in FTTN and FTTB in the NBN MTM model. VDSL2 only goes up to 300Mbps downstream under ideal conditions with profile 35b.

              • @forumninja:

                VDSL2 only goes up to 300Mbps downstream under ideal conditions with profile 35b.

                No way you can get this in here XD

              • -5

                @forumninja: Sorry nerd, it's not real FTTP unless the fibre optic cable goes straight into your brain.

        • +1

          last mile is still copper my dude

      • FTTB is better than FTTC, usually shorter copper lengths in buildings

        • +2

          Good point, probably could have put FTTB and FTTC in the same category.

        • +1

          Depends, my FTTC pit is less than 10 metres away from the front of my house where the phone jack is.

        • +8

          FTTB is better than FTTC, usually shorter copper lengths in buildings

          Huh? FTTB would have copper from the ground floor all the way up to the unit. If you’re on level one, great, if you’re on level 21, that’s a lot of copper.

          • @PainToad: Best practice for FTTB is installing MDUs every few stories

        • +1

          Actually FTTC is better that FTTB. (Except number of faults)

          With FTTC you are almost assured of being able to get 80Mbps+

          FTTC would have been a good way to deliver some FTTB, but FTTN nodes and micro nodes were used. A lot of MDUs have FTTN from the street anyway, addind th to distances.

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