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AussieBroadband 1 Month Free When You Sign up to nbn 100 Plan


EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Access the nbn™️ 100 via Australia’s best broadband provider today and get a FREE MONTH as a bonus!*

Need to work from home? Make sure your internet is up to the task!

With amazing speed, reliability & amazing customer service, you don't need to worry about your connection with Aussie Broadband.

See if you qualify for nbn™️ 100 with Aussie Broadband today.

*Promotion available for new customers only. Service not available at all premises. For full terms and conditions see aussiebroadband.com.au

This seems like a great deal!

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closed Comments

  • +6

    They seem to be having loads of issues at the moment. Some users can't use Playstation/Xbox/Nintendo networks.

    • +4
      • +1

        Hmmm could be. I can download at 95mbps on my pc, but my PSN and nintendo can barely load pages, and downloading at below 200kbps

    • +7

      We are on ABB, my brothers a gamer so we opted out of CGNAT and that’s fixed any issues he’s been having.

      • +3

        I've never had any issues with broadband until I went with ABB. They said there is nothing they can do, have spoken to 3 people over the last few days. My mate is in the same situation. I switched to TPG this morning and everything is back to normal.

        • +2

          ABB have heaps of peering and CDN issues. It's been a long, ongoing problem with them.

          • +8

            @tp0: What nonsense.

            Where are said peering and CDN issues?

            • +7

              @DogGunn: Ditto. Absolutely zero issues with ABB since June last year (when I signed up).

              • @Kozhutki: You use Nintendo game store, or psn store or xboxb store?

                • +1

                  @onlinepred: Nope, have all those consoles but they're in my closet gathering dust. No issues with Steam or any other PC service though

                  • @Kozhutki: Yea the issue was with those, anyway all good and solved now.

        • +4

          Yep their implementation of CGNAT must be bad, as soon as I switched to ABB from Exetel it was noticeable straight way. Sign outs from sites, websites needed extra verification due to large traffic from single IPs and issues with gaming. NATing users like that usually makes for a bad experience, works better when each host has their own address.

        • It wouldn't be so bad if they pulled their finger out and implemented IPv6, but instead they are continuing to push out the CGNAT without IPv6 in place…

            • +1

              @Twix: @twix

              "IPv6 Open Beta Opt In

              Aussie Broadband is currently working on testing and deploying an IPv6 solution that is currently in open beta. You can sign up to this using the below link for those who want to help test this feature.

              Disclaimer: IPv6 is currently available in Beta testing only. Beta means that this feature is not supported by Customer Service. For troubleshooting, please visit our Whirlpool forums."

              Last time it was well and truly beta quality too, sometimes the BNG just stopped working with IPv6 and had to be rebooted…

              Working IPv6 needs to be in place before CGNAT

              • @robbo600: Cisco patched that BNG bug.

                I don't think turning on IPv6 for 120k+ Netcomm routers would be a priority for ABB right now.

      • Do you get charged or anything for requesting that ?

      • +1

        I moved to ABB from Superloop. The upload speeds are what is advertised, but Aussie BB's download speeds are half what is advertised or what I used to get from Superloop. After many emails to their tech support, it seems unfixable.

        • Which POI are you in? I was thinking of moving back to Abb after the superloop’s promotion ends in April. Newtown POI.

      • +2

        yep did the same and no issues. though my main reason for opting out was it was screwing with my VPN testing for work. I have SamKnows, Average download is ~90Mbps (ranges between 80 and 95 at the moment since covid started), average upload 37.9.

      • Also opted out of CGNAT here, no issues at all, speed is a solid 49/19 on a 50/20 plan on a line capable of 80/30.
        No slowdowns either up or downstream, at any time, ever.
        On Cranbourne POI.

    • -1

      As do many (looking at you iiNet).

      For the thousands holding meetings with Zoom, etal, we can be in trouble because, while ISPs first focus on their advertised download speeds, the upload speeds required for basic video-conferencing often dip below 1Mbps.

      • +2

        My parent's TPG 50/20 is giving 15/15 lately.

        Thinking of going 100/20 to get speeds back… But I imagine it will remain same, if all pipes are packed at the moment.

    • +1

      Was about to sign up now my Telstra cable connection has slowed heaps, this has made me think twice

      • +7

        Anyone having issues with strict/double NAT on the Playstation/Xbox networks has to simply call up and specifically ask for CGNAT to be turned off. I just finished helping a friend do this around an hour ago and his Xbox went straight over to NAT:Open

        • +1

          Is there any reason to keep CGNAT on?

          Thinking of doing the same as I'm having it come up on some games.


          • +2

            @Adamiam: @Adamiam I don't believe there are any downsides to disabling it for the end user,

            • +1

              @Gracey: Here's a downside to not using CGNAT..your router getting probed/hacked.

              Every public IP address gets regularly probed, seeking open ports and weaknesses in router security.

              If your dedicated IP address gets hammered, it will slow your internet performance and can also greatly increase your data transfers, by responding to hundreds of thousands of probe requests.

              This is eliminated when hiding behind a shared IP of a CGNAT arrangement.

              If you never need to remotely access servers behind your router, consider keep in g it CGNAT.

              For most people, everything still works fine.

              • @alxr0101: CGNAT brings a whole set of other security, scalability and reliability problems.


                It's been seen as bad practice in the industry due a range of issues of some time, importantly breaking the end to end principle of many protocols. We really should be encouraging small ISPs like ABB to focus on IPv6 for the benefit of everyone. The Internet Engineering Task Force has document these issues since 1999-2000 and these issues are the reasons for IPv6.

          • +5

            @Adamiam: Considering you game online, definitely call up and ask to opt out of it. There's no advantages to having it and no disadvantages when opting out. It's just a cost-savings measure by ABB (understandably, but it does interfere with online gaming). It also disrupts a few other things like access to almost anything on your home network from outside of it.

            For me, as well as affecting gaming, I also couldn't stream videos on my Plex server when I was away from home. Called up and it was fixed within 10 minutes, haven't had an issue since.

          • +1

            @Adamiam: No benefit to you, it's just a cost saving measure they perform so they dont have purchase as much address space. It's the essentially just means the ISP or carrier is performing some sort network address translation (NAT) between you and the internet.

            Essentially you share one IP address with other users which can cause issues for some sites or services depending on how they work.

        • Yeah, that's what I did. When I signed up to ABB, part of the information they sent me even prior to installation was that this can cause issues with gaming, and to call them after installation to get it turned off. So that's what I did - the day it was installed, as soon as the connection was working I just called them and got them to turn it off before I even bothered turning on the PS4. Never had a problem with it.

      • +2

        We were with Optus now with Aussie. 1000x better. It’s not hard to opt out of CGNAT if you experience issues with it.

      • +1

        Changing the DNS on your device could also work. Worked for me on telstra to significantly speed up game downloads

        • +1

          You can also change it on your router, that way everything on your network will use those DNS settings automatically (unless the devices are hardcoded to use other DNS settings for example, such as Chromecast).

    • Call up and request your own IP address, seems like there is issues or limitations with their implementation of CGNAT. Caused me a lot of issues as well.

      • +1

        I already switched to another isp.

  • https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/nbn-signup/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=residential_-lookalikes-cutomers7to10-_WFH&utm_content=CustomersLLA7-10&c=NBN100MONTHFREE

    Wouldn’t let me post this link above as it thought it was a referral link.

  • been gone 12 months, so pretty sure I am considered a new customer again?
    was going to wait until may to see what the 1000/50 plans were priced at, and what promos.. but may as well just do this now

    • -1

      1000 down :O

      Are you a business user or servicing apartments or something?

      • +1

        Nbn has new plans coming out for FTTP customers

        • +10

          Fibre To The Person

          Direct feed into the brain.

        • +1

          And HFC.

    • The “up to” 1000Mbps is not dimensioned and is “up to” for a reason with the NBN as it could be closer to 500Mbps. Not sure how long the ACCC will allow it.

      But the 250/25Mbps plan is dimensioned with 15% more bandwidth. I’ll guess the 250 plan will be better as no provider can afford the F*******! Stupid CVC pricing.

    • ABB new customer restriction for deals is 6 months.

  • +8

    This should still be active and its applicable to all their plans, not just the NBN100 one


  • +1

    We just signed up from ADSL, using their other one month free offer that /u/TightTerry posted above

    Keep this in mind if you're wanting to port a number also:

    Telstra have advised us that due to the impact of COVID-19 on their staff, they are putting a temporary halt on all VoIP phone number porting, from 25 March 2020.

    Because of the way the national porting system is built, this will affect nearly all VoIP number porting across the industry, regardless of whether you are currently with Telstra or not. It does not affect mobile phone number porting, which uses a different system.

    They gave us an option of not getting a brand new number, not getting the number as part of the bundle, or putting the order on hold until Telstra resumes porting.

    Sounds like it will affect ALL and not just ABB.

    • +5

      Yep. The good thing about ABB is their local support.

      Telstra is probably regretting moving 18,000 local jobs to the Philippines to cut costs, since they are now in total lockdown.

      • +4

        That kind of outsourcing should be banned. Telstra still makes ripper profits. So it means nothing.

        They also outsourced porting numbers which they had to stop because their Indian operations got shut down.

        Garbage company.

      • You realise every one of those call centre workers are now doing the same thing but at home instead?

  • Should I pay for their router for $150 or buy my own from somewhere?

    • Would be a FTTC connection in a house with about 6 people using quite a lot of internet

      • +7

        If you're tech savvy, buy your own. If not, buy theres as they'll be able to support it better.

        • Agree with this, will get better results getting your own, but only if you are confident maintaining everything yourself. I was on the fence but went default router for the ease.

    • +1

      I've got theirs and it's awful…well, the wi-fi anyway. They keep telling me it's interference but sometimes I can barely stream a Facebook video and I have their top NBN package. I've phoned them multiple times and they have admitted that the router isn't the best and many have failed but they're not willing to replace it.

      So, it's either buy a new and decent router or go elsewhere.

      • But generally, their support is excellent

      • I've had their router going on 1.5 years. Never had any issues since day one. Ask for a replacement or test with another known working one to confirm its ABB that is the issue.

      • +3

        i have there router. i turned off the wifi and added my Google wifi setup and its been amazing. went from my netgear nighthawk giving me 2Mb a sec in my office to over 40 now

    • There's a code for a free modem but it's a toss up between a free month or free modem..

      Unsure if it's works. Worth a try


    • Buy the Google router from ABB or your own.

  • -2

    So in theory new customers can signup, cancel at the end of months and they don’t have to pay anything?

    • -1

      My friend did the same so assuming yes you can

    • +11

      Don’t be a scumbag.

    • I think there's a month notice involved

  • NBN HFC - Superloop.

    If I transferred to ABB - is it a seamless transfer and I don't reconfigure on my end?

    • +2

      Correct. They both use the same settings.

      IPoE or DHCP. That means no configuration on your part.

      • Excellent, thanks DogGunn.

        Sidenote: Are you the same admin/mod from IGN/GON?

    • +1

      You may have a problem if you want to port a number to them also from an email I received, see my post above.

      • Understood. Thanks for the heads up!

        We ported from PSTN to MyNetPhone originally when we transitioned from DSL to Cable.

    • I went ABB -> SL on my hfc NBN and it was seamless. Didn't have to do anything.
      I only have NBN though, no phone or anything.

  • Will I be considered a new customer if I cancelled with ABB early Feb?

    • +2

      Normally there is a 6-12 month period you'd have to wait to be considered a new customer.

      Otherwise put the connection in another family member's name?

  • We signed up in Perth 2 months ago and we’ve been very happy with the service. Not seeing much lag with two of us working from home using VPN/Video Calling and usual streaming services. All the reviews seemed too good to be true, but the service has been awesome as well their customer service who walked me through how to setup my old Telstra modem to optimise performance for our apple devices.

  • I am tossing up between this deal and the Vodafone 100 $75 per month deal for Unlimited.

    I assume that most people dont stay on the 100Mbit speed???

    Price for ABB after 6 months = 5 x $89 = $445
    Price for Vodafone after 6 months = 6 x $75 = $450 less $30 cashback = $420

    To me the Vodafone deal is slightly better than ABB for 6 months.

    • +5

      ABB quality of service and support is well worth an extra $4 odd per month. I left a perfectly stable connection on ABB for Superloop and have regretted every minute.

      • Is this just SL's support?

        • -3

          SL support is inferior as is the actual connection.

          • @cruiseronroad: Reference on why connection is inferior?

            • @onlinepred: Not the physical connection, naturally.

              Speeds aren't reliable, ABB never dipped. SL drops regularly. For example I'm getting 62mbps right now according to https://www.ozspeedtest.com/bandwidth-test/results/60374655
              On a 100/20 plan..

              • @cruiseronroad: Yes, and I was getting between 1mbps and 98mbps with game network support below 1mbps whole on ABB. Everyone had different experiences based on technology, node and allocation. You complain and nbn fixes it.

                • @onlinepred: Possible that was related to CG NAT, I was actually able to get ABB to get an NBN tech out for a previous issue, with SL I've had no such luck.

                  • @cruiseronroad: 3 different support techs and no luck. It's all about luck mate. It's like me saying I've never had an issue with tpg, doesn't mean anything as others have. No ISP is perfect.

    • +1

      ABB support and quality of their network is well worth the extra $25.

      • Thanks all for your guidance.

        I'll just need to check if my existing NBN/ADSL2+ modem supports the HFC Hybrid Fibre Coaxial technology. It worked fine on FTTH so I assume it will…

        • HFC uses a cable tv/internet or coax cable for the part inside the house doesn't it? FTTH uses fibre all the way to the NBN box. So it's a different connection that your router would be plugging into.

          See if your modem can connect like this:

          Edit: Oh, you can connect the FTTH router to that black box.. Ignore me!

        • +1

          Your existing modem/router will work on HFC if it worked on FTTP.

        • +1

          I assume it's NBN-provided HFC? If so, it will work fine - NBN supplies a connection box that connects to the coax port the technician installs in your wall, then that box is connected to your modem/router via ethernet, exactly the same as you would have plugged it in for FTTH.

          If it's non-NBN HFC (e.g. iiNet in Geelong), you'll need to use the modem they supply as it's a direct connection from the modem to the coax port, but the majority of cable modems can be put in a bridged mode to your existing router so you can still use that for your wifi etc.

  • NBN will be available in our area on 1st June (apparently). If I sign up now will ABB honour this deal?

    • Call them and ask. I'm pretty sure they will.

    • Yes, I signed up about 3 weeks early from the NBN being available using an offer from ABB, and they apply the code upfront, but billing only starts once the service has been commissioned.

    • If you are able to preorder, then you can schedule it for June, and they'll honour it.
      Anyways, this is a long running deal, so should be available later as well.

  • +8

    Although I may not be getting the best deal or the best speed, I don't really mind because I know I'm supporting an Australian business with Australian workers (unlike TPG and many others whose call centres are overseas, not in Australia). That's why I stick with ABB. Especially in times like these.

  • +1

    The thanksmum free modem promo code worked when I tried yesterday.

    • Can you stack? It seems you can only ever one at a time? So either one months free or this code?

      • I tried. No code stacking allowed.

  • +1

    If you've got an Asus modem (i've got an RT-AC86U), make sure you enable 802.1q and set the VLAN to 1. I was getting 95Mbit down on wired connections and mobiles/tablets but anything Windows based via wireless (on an AC connection) was only getting 2mbit at best.

    After much searching, found that the above mentioned setting fixed everything. Was driving me insane.

    I've had the connection (FTTB) in for a week and it's been faultless.

  • Bummer. I joined ABB a couple of days ago on their 100/40 plan. I used the $10 off for 6 months. This would have been much better. sigh.

    On the plus side I'm regularly getting around 94/37 on speed test.

    I too had issues with CGNAT with dyndns not working, but I spoke to someone in customer support and it was removed immediately no problems.

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