I recently signed up for NAB trade (18th Dec 2019) and tried out the promo code 'NAB1000', and it still works! Awards you $1000 free brokerage for 90 days (FX rates for international trades still apply). Not sure when it expires.
NABTrade $1,000 Free Brokerage for 90 Days (New Users Only)

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Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice
Sell when it's high and buy when it's low
Mortimer, we're back!!!
solar power and microchips.
AVZ and anything lithium.
Check out Argosy Minerals Limited.
@wengerboy: Argosy Minerals Limited - 49 trades per day today with $63,203 value in total. Very small company.
My tip is to keep away from nabtrade after the free brokerage deal as there are other companies like selfwealth.com.au that charge max 9.50 per trade. I honestly don't understand how nabtrade get away with those fees.
I've heard CommSec has the most efficient mobile app, though the fee is the highest - 0.12%. ($30 on a $25K trade)
How NABtrade and Selfwealth apps compare with Commsec? How about the taxation reports/data for ATO?they probably give brokers commissions to use them.
I bought NHL (now TD1) in Oct for 2c and sold at 10c 2 weeks later.
thats amazing. how to you get onto things like that if you dont mind me asking, I'm a rookie and I want to make some good moves.
Did you move to the NBA or the NFL after that? Or just straight to UEFA?
Ask who ever gave you that tip then tell us.
How much is it per trade?
$14.95 for a parcel up to $5k
What’s the $1000 for? To use for fees or to actually trade with?
To use for fees.
yes they are giving any one who wants a $1000 for free trading
I just bought $1000 of Apple and sold them right away, now I’m looking for the biggest TV $1000 will buy.
That’s not how it works silly
Can I short on NABTrade?
Don't think so, you can buy put option though…
You can only short with CFD's. So no, you can't short with any australian bank.
Wow thats a hell of a deal - I have accounts with a bunch of brokers but jumping on this to day trade with!
Can you buy with nabtrade and then transfer open positions to another broker (say Commsec)?
want to know this as well. In my case, is it possible if open NabTrade, buy some shares, then transfer to SelfWealth?
Yep. Did exactly this when they offered the same deal last year.
How does it work with feeding your data to ATO for income tax purposes?
Does NABtrade transfer all your historical data to the new broker?@alexshel: Sharesight is a good resource when keeping records of trades and costs. Feeds info directly from nabtrade and CommSec amongst other brokers.
how do you transfer?
Yes, broker to broker transfer is supported by nabtrade. I did it a few times.
Related question: Let's say I buy X number of share ABC, then transfer them to Selfwealth. If I later on buy Y number of share ABC with NabTrade, what is the process to move them to Selfwealth?
You can do broker to broker transfer by Hin with all the holdings or specific holding with specific amount. However the 2nd option tends to be more troublesome i.e. Back and forth. I have never done it but that is what people say
@od810: It's easy enough…
If you make the mistake I did and set up a DRP on both sets of holdings though, that becomes slightly more painful.
What's the cost?
is it free of charge?
Yes, it is free.
Silly question, do you need to ‘transfer’ the shares from your current broker to the new one- when you are building up your ‘investment portfolio’?
No, u just keep 2 different HINs.
Where do I enter promo code and can I use for company ?
There's a field to enter the promo code when you sign up.
Is there a minimum trade amount?
$500 if you don’t own the securities.
What is considered a new user? New email?
I’d say it’s a bit more than that. Most likely linked to your TFN.
What does barefoot investor says about investing in shares
Barefoot recommends to invest in index funds and not individual shares.
Wasn't his paid service half about stock picking?
Sweet thanks mate. Was just about to enter the game seriously and was getting pushed towards micro investing apps because of huge fees but this allows me some choice. Great stuff, pity it only lasts 3 months but its enough time to get your feet wet.
What’s the international trading light?
What’s the fee?are you the type of person who got your mate to do your homework? lol
Absolutely. School, uni, workplace. Haha
GOOD MAN thats the way to do it
wish i knew about this earlier, just spent $25 using commsec
do you need an existing NAB account?
You can’t enter occupation using safari on an iPhone or iPad Pro, which is a mandatory field.
You can Use puffin browser.
Where do you put the code in? I have started my application and on the first page it doesn't have Promo Code. I have added it in via my Internet Banking, Is it just for New Nab Trade customers or all NAB Customers?
Post title has '(New Users Only)'.
New NAB users or New NABTrade users? I am a NAB Account holder but never held a NabTrade Account
I think it is for new NabTrade users.
Same here… have nab loan/account, signed up via my existing CRN and got to the end and still no where to put the code.
can I use NabTrade to purchase some ETFs then transfer to another platform e.g. CMC or SelfWealth easily ?
Is it free to do so?Also, bit off topic, which brokers (if any) support NPP for quick money access/transfer?
can I use NabTrade to purchase some ETFs then transfer to another platform e.g. CMC or SelfWealth easily ?
Yes, you need to fill in a form and send to your new broker for them to bring the holdings across
Is it free to do so?
In my experience (Commsec and Nabtrade to Selfwealth), yes
Also, bit off topic, which brokers (if any) support NPP for quick money access/transfer?
None that I know of. Commsec let you buy without having the money in your trading account though, it has to be there by 2 days time when the transaction actually happens. So you can buy and then transfer the money, if your plan was to be able to jump on a deal without having to wait for a slow transfer.
it has to be there by 2 days time when the transaction actually happens
If transaction only happens 2 days after, then would it use the price when you execute the order or when the transaction happens (i.e. 2 days after the order)?
Yes, you need to fill in a form and send to your new broker for them to bring the holdings across
If the HIN on the source platform is registered under joint names and I transfer the holding to a target platform where the HIN is registered under only one of the names, would that work?
Would it trigger CGT?Thanks for your insights btw.
If transaction only happens 2 days after, then would it use the price when you execute the order or when the transaction happens (i.e. 2 days after the order)?
When you buy or sell shares, you're entering into a contract to exchange the shares for a certain amount of dollars on the settlement date. On the ASX, the settlement date is 2 days after the contract. So your price is locked in when the order executes but things don't legally change hands for 2 days (which is why Commsec give you that time to fund your account)
If the HIN on the source platform is registered under joint names and I transfer the holding to a target platform where the HIN is registered under only one of the names, would that work?
Nope, has to be exactly the same name. If you want to change ownership you have to do a off-market transfer (costs $$$$$) or sell and re-buy under the new ownership on the market.
Would it trigger CGT?
A broker to broker transfer, no. A change of ownership, depends, probably.
So this would cover $1000 worth of the fees, I've never traded before and wondering what I should invest in or how I should approach this.
I wouldn't be asking these bargain hunters for share trading advice. I'd suggest Google some articles and start researching elsewhere
Bargain basement fee ETFs are a good start! And generally come recommended for people who don't know or want to know about stock picking.
already a nab banker but never had a trade account , just registered and put the promo code in and it gave me a green tick, when i signed up i coudnt find $1000 amount in any cash or tade accounts, do they take time to put that in or why didnt i get it, what should i do?
If you go to 'Personal Details' you should see the amount listed there.
nope cant see any amount like that
Click on the tab next to 'Settings' and 'Nicknames'.
@slartibartfast960: sorry to be pain, i think they havent sent me nothing, looked in every tab and place on the website can only see $0
when inside admin settings checked on every tab and pages nothing@slartibartfast960: i looked in my email they said they havent activated, i will give tax number and vertfy identification maybe after that they probably put that $1k in my account
Tbh I hope you mean "customer" not "banker"…
I also have a NAB bank account, I was thinking whether I would qualify as well.
Can anyone recommend an Aussie broker that let's you long/short tesla..with a decent mobile app?
Frontpoint or Brownfield Capital.
At which point do you put the promo code in?
Do they actually wave the fees when your order gets executed?
A bit risky as the old promo page with the offer conditions is no longer active - https://www.nabtrade.com.au/nab1000Has anyone tested this recently to confirm it's working? Pretty sweet deal if it works!
Yeah I'd rather wait to see someone make a trade and find out whether there are actually any fees added on for brokerage, before pulling the trigger :-)
Would it make a difference, for this promotion that is, if I opened an individual account or a joint account. The joint account means I could spread the income with my wife at TAX time.
"Sorry, invalid promotion code." :(
Dam meant to sign up………..left it too late. Silly me :-)
No-one has actually validated that it worked apart from a tick during the signup process.
How do you transfer funds from the cash account to another bank account?
Using the "transfer funds" option, doesn't give me the option to input an external bsb and account number
Has anyone successfully traded with free brokerage?
Signed with bonus, but when I try to place an order, still shows a brokerage fee.
ThxReceived the following email from nabTrade:
Thank you for your email.
There is no current promotions for $1000 free brokerage, in fact there is no free brokerage promotions running at all.
We are aware of the expired code being distributed online, unfortunately we are unable to honour this code, we are no longer running any promotions for free brokerage as we are confident our brokerage rates are competitive in the market.
Are they serious? The code was accepted by their website and acknowledged during signup. Are they definitely not going to honour it at all for those who already signed up?
Where do you enter the nab1000 code?
I made a trade recently on my account that was opened using the NAB1000 code. I was charged $14.95 brokerage when confirming the trade. Upon settlement, the brokerage was set back to $0.00 and I can see that my $1000 Free Brokerage value was deducted, look it up here: https://nabtrade.com.au/personal-space#personal-details
So if you opened your account with the NAB1000 code and have Free Brokerage in your account, go ahead and use it.
Anyone got any tips for 2020?
I got on the Afterpay bankwagon a couple years ago and sold in Nov 19 a happy man.