• expired
  • targeted

Up to 250,000 Bonus Points for You, Up to 100,000 Bonus Points for Friend Referred @ American Express


Offers vary for different cards, see comments

Anyone receive this incredible offer? Check your email, only posting as I almost deleted it thinking it was the standard refer 10 friends receive 100,000 points

100,000 Bonus Points for you,
20,000 Bonus Points for a friend*
Check out this one-time only referral offer, just for you.

Right now, you have the opportunity to select one friend to refer an
American Express® Platinum Edge Card to, and as long as they apply by
5 June 2019 and are approved for a new Card, you could both receive a phenomenal amount of Membership Rewards points*.

You can only refer one friend so choose wisely. Hurry, this exclusive offer ends on 5 June 2019.

Card Referrer Referee Annual Fee Unique to this deal
Platinum Edge 100,000 40,000 $195 Yes
Platinum 250,000 100,000 $1,450 Yes
Explorer 120,000 70,000 $395 Yes
Velocity Platinum 40,000 Velocity Pts (~80k Amex) 100,000 Velocity Pts(~200k Amex) $375 No - Normal Rate

thanks to kcbworth for table

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    Theres also 200,000 and 70,000 referral points offers as well for the black amex.

  • +8

    Mine is “150,000 Bonus Points for you, 20,000 Bonus Points for a friend*

  • I got 200,000 QFF and 75000 email. Signed up the Wife. Approved. Waiting on the card.

    • Is that as you being an existing AMEX holder? That’s an amazing deal.

      • I would say so. I have the Qantas card.

        • Which one mate? Need to sign up for a new card myself.

  • +2

    Interesting, I got a different offer as well, for my AMEX Explorer I got:
    "120,000 Bonus Points for you, 70,000 Bonus Points for a friend*"

    • That's the one I got as well on Explorer.

    • I got 200,000 for myself and 70,000 for my mate on the Amex Explorer

  • +1

    Mine says "150,000 Bonus Points for you, 100,000 Bonus Points for a friend" if they spend $3K in the first three months on the Platinum Charge card

  • +1

    Mine is 200k and 70k for anyone who wants the explorer card.

    • Wth? Mine is only 120k and 70k for friend for explorer card as well.
      I thought it's different for different card but it seems like it's different for members as well?

      • when did you get your card and do you spend most of your bills on it? From some people below, it seems the longer and more money you spend, the more they give.

        TBH, not that i can pass this code to anyone anyways lol

        • Seems fair, only had my card last year. But I spend a lot on it. Bills, overseas transactions and such.

          Thanks for clarifying.

      • Me and my mate both have the explorer card… I've had it longer but I'm still only getting 120k/70k and he got 200k/70k…

        BUT the difference is, I got an extension on the devaluation of points till 1st of July, and he didn't get it… from guessing, 120k (pre devaluation) is worth same or more than 200k (post devaluation)

  • got mine this morning says 150k and 20k for the platinum edge, I believe is different depends on your card

    • I got the same deal too.

    • got this as well - on plat edge

  • Plat. Edge here - no email, just the standard 'You can receive 30,000 Membership Rewards points for each friend approved using your referral link' when I login. Although I've probably earned about 200k in referrals over the life of the card.

  • +1

    Amex Platinum, 150k for me and 100k for friend

    • +1

      Mine is 250k for me & 100k for friend (amex platinum), I wouldn't think any of my friends would want this card though 👎

      • Damn, do you spend a lot on the card or a long history with Amex?

        • Spend around 35k per year on it and been with Amex since 2015, how about you?

          • +1

            @jasonline: Roughly 50k~100k. Got the card last year.

            I guess they probably give out bigger bonus for old customers.

          • @jasonline: Do you use this for most of your purchases? I just cancelled my explorer and waiting out the 18 months to get the charge card but dont think I'll get enough of an income to sustain it in a frugal manner

            • @cerealsmok3r: Pretty much, unless there's a surcharge. That or when I'm hitting the minimum spend for a signup bonus on another card.

              The charge definitely is expensive as hell but me and the missus travel enough to justify it, between the 850 travel credit (450+400 with the reserve companion), the free night with Acor, room upgrades with Hilton gold, priority pass and the Virgin lounge access alone get us more value than the annual fee. But yeah for a $1,450 annual fee it's definitely something you wanna run the numbers on!

              • +1

                @jasonline: yeah its something that I've been racking my brain looking at the numbers. I dont feel like I would get value from the accomodation areas because I have a preference to be local via airbnb so hoping some partnership would be made in that area, but I do plan on doing heaps of travel in the near future. I also do plan on making use of that AFR subscription as well. I'll defintitely be heading back to the numbers to determine whether its of value to me but thank you so much for your insight!

              • +1

                @jasonline: hey mate just saw your post about the card! i got the same card and curious how do you get the virgin lounge access? do you just show your card? i did not know that this was a benefit!

                • +1

                  @tkboi: show your VA boarding pass with your Amex to reception and they let you through.

                  • +1

                    @ligma2000: whattt never knew! does it work if you take tiger flights? i usually just use the priority pass for Australian Airports (very limited though)

          • +1

            @jasonline: Wow, that’s really not all that much to get that offer!

  • Anyone receive an email for AmEx Velocity Platinum Card?

    • I think I got an email a fortnight ago for 100k to new sign on and 40k to myself. Nothing like what these guys are being offered!

      • yeah me too, any takers? hehe

  • My Explorer is 200k points for me, 70k for an approved friend.

  • No email but my Essential is now 20k points for me, 10k points for friend

  • Would the referee also get the bonus 100000 points that’s currently on offer? (Amex explorer)

    • +1

      Would also like to know, otherwise why would my friend want to use my referral…

      • +1

        No they would only receive the bonus stipulated in the referral link.

        In this instance my 'friend' would be doing me the favour. This is going to be a hard sell.

        • +1

          Thanks for that. I have contacted them to see if they can up my referral, because some have mentioned here that they get 200k and 70k for a friend for the same card as mine (Explorer). They mentioned that all of the Explorers should be getting the same deal, which is 120k and 70k.

          However, you could sacrifice some of your points to entice them. For my example I can give them 30k of my bonus and they get a 100k. But that leaves me with 90k, better than nothing I guess.

          • @loadafreak: Decent suggestion :-)

            And very interesting to hear the offer for explorer's is locked at 120k / 70k. Maybe those who claimed 200k / 70k for the explorer misread the email?

            • @7effect: Nope, my email specifically says 200k. Maybe they are telling fibs

          • @loadafreak: Is this actually possible, can you transfer points to another Explorer card holder not on the same account?

            • +1

              @y: You can gift up to 50k Amex points per calendar year

              • @daft009: Thanks - How/where do you do this, have to phone support?

                • @y: amex used to have it on their site till about March/April, then for some reason they removed it.

                  If you google "amex gift points pdf form" it will the first PDF result.

                  I do have a copy saved I can email you, PM me your email address

  • +1

    Wth…nothing here

  • +2

    My Platinum Card got a 100k for a friend and 250k for me after $3k spend by the friend.

  • Does anyone knows what happens to the complementary travel insurance if I cancel my card before my flight?

    • +2

      I reckon you wouldn't be covered.

    • +1

      unless you get platinum amex (not Edge), the insurances are all pretty much rubbish.

      • does that still apply? That articles 9 years old. In particular even if Amex hasn’t changed, I’d assume the other banks policies referenced have.

        • +1

          Some of it does still apply, most notably the "100% of the cost of your return international travel ticket must be purchased on the Amex Platinum Edge credit card" to activate the insurance. You can also use your Amex Membership Rewards points to pay for the trip. Amex is pretty much out of step with most other credit card travel insurance scheme which would activate after you spent $X on prepaid travel costs.

          A lot of the other stuff has changed though, the insurance is no longer provided by ACE Insurance, instead it's provided by Chubb. A lot of limits and excesses have shifted around. You'd really need to go through it in detail to see if it's going to work for you.


  • no email yet

  • +2

    Any of these cards have no fee ?

    • The Essential doesn't have a fee and some people are noticing a referral bonus for it (20k/10k). Amex also has the Low Rate Card that has no fee but I haven't seen anyone talk about offers for that one yet.

    • The Essential and Qantas Discovery have no fees, and when Amex point changes occurred on 15 April 19, they restarted the referral incentive again.

      As I updated my Essential and Discovery posts to reflect these point changes then, I mentioned the bonus 10,000 points for applying using referral, assuming it is the same for everyone with these card types (not targeted). Most likely is the case for these cards.

      If anyone finds this not to be true, would appreciate if you please let me know - as I try to keep the info in these posts as accurate as possible.

  • +1

    250,000 Bonus Points for you,
    100,000 Bonus Points for a friend*

    American Express® Platinum Card

    • -1

      wow, can I be your friend?

  • To get these bonuses, you cannot have had an amex for the past 18 months right?

    • Yup

      "You cannot refer a friend who already has one of our Cards or has held one in the last 18 months. "

      • It has never been enforced. I have referred people who aldy has 1 card and I still got the referral bonus. The referee gets nothing though.

        • For this deal or for the 40k referral?

      • Thanks. I realised this deal puts the referee in a worse position because for example, ultimate card sigon bonus is usually 100k, with this deal they only get 75k~

  • I have Amex Platinum velocity and didn’t get an email yet… I’ve hsd this card for around 6 years now

    • Same here, card holder for 2 years.

  • I think Amex is getting desperate for customer, but it is indeed a very good offer.

  • I got 120k bonus + 70k to refer a friend on Amex explorer

    • Can you tell us if you can see this offer as a logged-in user at this page?

      If you can see it, someone who didn't get an offer email can check to see if they are targeted but the email was filtered.

  • Title says Platinum Edge, but the referral links given are for David Jones? Is that right? Am I missing something?

    • Hit Show 11 More.

      • How much does DJ pay to always be at the top?

        • $0. No one pays us for anything around here. Bunch of tightarses.

          If an Amex card came out starting with the letter A B or C (or a number/symbol/emoji possibly) then they would be the top listing.

          • @neil: I yearn for the (づ๏ω๏)づ card

  • My Ultimate is 40K to me and 65K to the friend - not much of an incentive for my wife to get a card given we share points. Just wait for a regular 100k or better offer.

    Seems the platinum has the big points on offer.

    Does expenditure on the card affect the offers made? I would do six figures a year on cards but usually it is on my Qantas card.

    • I got 120K to me and 75K to the friend for the Qantas Ultimate. I only got my card 6 months ago and put a lot of purchases on for myself and others for points so it could be the expenditure?

      • Mine is the same. 120k for me and 75k to a friend or family member on the Qantas Ultimate. Have had the card for roughly 6 months also.

  • I have the plat edge 100000 and 20000 offer.

    My wife is a supp holder on my plat edge.

    Can I still refer this to her? And if yes do I need to cancel her supp card?

    • Yes if she has no primary cards. No need to cancel supp card.

    • yes, you can refer her. Supplementary card holder are not considered as current amex card holder.

      • Thanks. Devaluation doesn’t help but better than nothing.

  • Platinum Edge 150k and 20k offer here.

    • Wow amazing offer for you. Not so much for your friend.

      • Yeah, lol

  • +2

    Read email this morning and thought that's a fantastic offer, then remembered the points are valued at half much as they used to be, so not as fantastic.

  • +1

    Westpac Altitude American Express Black - no offer :(

    • Same. I have a definite referral, but no offer came my way.

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