This was posted 13 years 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Staples AU Online Free $20 Voucher [Issue Resolved]


MOD: Please note that users here have reported:
- system issues
- accounts no longer accessible
- user information may be exposed
- being told that, something went wrong with the database yesterday, a lot of information was lost, Staples are working to recover the information, meanwhile new customers are being assigned id numbers that actually belong to customers created just before the big crash and then the new id numbers are hooked up to the old history -> new customers can see other people's data

- some people are now reporting that they can get back into their accounts though they can see other people's accounts
- some people are also reporting that they've received their orders now

update 20 May 2011:
- people are reporting items received
- people can use the code, though it may be better to play 1 round of the game (you don't have to win) and have them email confirmation of the eligibility to you

Link now changed to the link to the game

Shalom guys, this is my 48th post please be nice/nasty - whatever you want.

Potentially get 1TB HDD for $35, or a lot of Lipton Tea, or 5 reams of paper and some pens for free.

Free $20 voucher when GAME20 is entered at checkout. Orders over $55 will get free delivery via Star Track Express.

Cudos to Breadie for pointing it out on a previous thread.

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closed Comments

  • +21

    Shalom guys

    Assalamu alaikum…

  • So… suggestions on what to get?

  • Free Paper :) thanks OP

    • Sweet I got 10 reams for $5.50 WOW

  • Great deal, got the 1tb HDD + some paper for ~$45 all up.

  • +8

    WOW just ordered a 1TB hard disk for $35.49 delivered !!!!

    can i vote another 100 +'s for this deal ???

    • +2

      same, hopefully they honor it

      • +2

        they better, i got an invoice confirming the purchase…

  • I got 12 Bic 4-pens and a sharpie for $5.50. Good code. Thanks OP

    • LOL that's exactly what I just bought!

  • +2

    Thanks a lot as well.
    I got that same deal for the hard drive.
    Can't beat that price.

  • I got 1 hard drive for 35.49. Then the desktop bundle for 15.49 more lol.

  • +12

    OZBargain you shall be cursed !! I just bought a 1TB Hard disk for 35.49 delivered too !
    I have enough of this drives, but 35$ c'mon ! Who can resist.
    I changed the shipping address to work, my Miss would KILL ME !

  • +13

    Can you please mention in the description that this store will not deliver to QLD?

    • +1

      I really wish they'd get with the programme and offer nationwide delivery.

    • SO DEVO!

    • +6

      I refuse to call this a great deal unless they ship to QLD!! :(

  • same, got hard drive. definitely don't need it….. to hard to resist though.

  • Great, they don't ship to WA!!! Still a great deal though.

    • +1

      yep good deal but no delivery to WA which is friggin lame to say the least!!!
      an express aussie post sachet costs the same everywhere does it not?

      • Don't they use star track express?

    • Makes me feel sad to be in WA :(

    • +1

      I don't understand no shipping to WA, makes me feel like we're 3rd world of something.

      • +1

        sent them an email
        and this was the reply….

        "Thanks for contacting Staples Australia. We have only just opened up here in Australia and are slowly rolling out to other states. The overwhelming response from WA and QLD is massive and we aim to help you and open up to all of Australia by the end of the year."

        END OF THE YEAR!!!! struth Ruth!

  • -2

    anyone know if you can take the HDD out of the 3.5 and put it in a PS3?

    • +3

      Dude, PS3s take 2.5" hard drives.

      • +7

        That just means a larger hammer is required…Staples may sell those too! ;)

  • +5

    This is gonna piss off a lot of people who bought the hard drive yesterday - of which I am one.

    • Yeh i would be too

      • lucky i waited, im going to buy this now although maybe tomorrow it will be $40 voucher..?

        • +3

          I wonder if OW will 5% the voucher?

    • Me too but the Coupon was there all the time, i just didnt see it.

      • But for Breadie no one would see it now.
        Credits for him, alez.

        • +1

          But for me being so bored as to play that stupid boxing game, I definitely wouldn't have seen it lol

  • damn, not for qld.

  • what should i buy apart from the 1TB?

    • Tea


    Got the HDD.

  • Wait a minute, you can use this voucher more than once!?

    I've heard of being a loss leader but how is this joint making ANY money?

    • U can use this voucher ONCE for 1 ACCOUNT. Got what I meant?
      Nw, this one is one of the biggest office suppliers out there…

  • There is a big difference ( i would hope) between an assload and a arseload of tea. What is it ?
    I assume you mean 'arseload'this being an Aussie site, and all.

    • I'm pretty sure most self-respecting burritos could carry a shitload more tea, than anyone here could fit up their rear end.

  • not working for me… keep getting an error cause says contact them directly if problems persist?

  • +4

    The only real thing there i want/need is the paper. I feel like a bit of an arse to just clean them out of $20 of paper hmmm might add some teabags :)

    EDIT: Ended up getting 2 lots of paper, theres already a $10 discount on them so 10 reams of paper is costing $9 delivered. I'll have paper until 2030 now.

    • +1

      Hey Clickit: how do you manage to get 2 boxes (ie 10 reams) for $9 delivered ??

      2 reams = 39.90 - $10 (BOX10) - $20 (GAME20), PLUS deliv to metro melb for $5.5

      So the total they are showing me is 15.40.

      How did you get it for $9 ?.. !!??!?!?!?

  • Im so sad!! NOT AVAILABLE IN QLD! :((

    • +1

      you don't know anyone in NSW you can get it sent to?? Then get them to send it to you.

      • nah.. have few friends but dont wanna trouble them.. lol

      • +2

        Makes me wonder… I'm in Coolangatta (one street from NSW)… wonder if I put Tweed Heads postcode whether it'll work and they'll deliver.


  • +3

    Good thing this came along. I almost bought another toy helicopter.

  • +2

    $5.50 is not bad for an 8GB USB drive such as this one:…

  • So with the BOX10 discount that's automatically applied, that means I can get 5 reams of Reflex ultra white for delivery fee ($5.50)!!! (it's $27.45 before discount) (oh and some pens or something to bring the total to $30 first xD)

    • free delivery changed at the end of my process, so i dropped back to 1 box for $11 delivered. Maybe they just changed it.

    • -1

      @ baron, you have nearly more negs for that comment, than you have posts.

      • +1

        and yet s/he was right!!!!
        i think there are a few people out there who owe him/her an apology

        • Um, no s/he wasn't right at all.

          The website wasn't 'hacked'; nor was it a sinister plot to conduct identity theft or CC fraud.

          Their server/DB just went ass-up…they acknowledged it & fixed the problem.

          It seems most of us have already received shipping notices from what is a major chain store in the US seeking to gain a foothold here!

  • +5

    combined with the external drive bargain this is great value. I'm in Qld, so I just get it delivered to my NSW office, and get it sent up in internal mail. Bingo.

    • +1

      Can I send mine to your office as well??????

      • Did you want to send Tim a gift? That's kind of you … :P

  • +1

    Very tempted, but got too many hard drives…
    Anyone know if this USB3 hard drive would be faster than other similar usb2 hard drive using USB2 port ?
    (I get about 31Mb/s read, 26wMb/s write with the 1TB samsung 2.5")

    • +1

      Your USB2 port would be the limiting factor so drive will seem the same speed as others (assuming similar drive speeds)

      • thanks. then I think I would skip this one.(also because of the design)

  • +1

    I'm undecided, paper, various flavored tea bags, or milo…

    • I can give you a teabag for free if you want.

      • +1

        What flavour; and are you a jiggler or a dangler? :p

  • Thats damn cheap, 1tb + paper for $45 delivered!
    Many thanks!

    • just 1 box of paper u bought?

    • Did exactly same. Figured I'd have to get 3 boxes of paper to take the total ex-shipping over the $55 limit for free delivery, and personally I just don't need 15 reams of paper! Also the delivery cost only gets added once they know your location (after you've made an account), until then it doesn't appear at all.

    • +1

      Haha I read that as 1TB of paper. I'm not even sure if that would be heaps or hardly any

  • +3

    At that price, hard not to order the 1TB drive.

    I did notice that the payment processing page was not secure. Buyer beware.

  • Can anyone link me to this $35 1tb hdd? I can only seem to find the verbatim external 1tb…

    Or is that the one people are talking about?

    • It is. Use the voucher to get it at 29.99 + 5.50 shipping. Otherwise add more and more, exceed the 55 threshold and get free shipping.

    • that's the one

  • does that 1TB hard drive use electricity or is it only usb powered?

    • It's a 3.5" so uses electricity I believe. 2.5" are the USB powered ones.

      • thanks

    • Electricity powers the USB drives as well but we know what you mean ;-)

      3.5" drives are externally powered (power point). 2.5" drives get their power from the PC via the usb cable.

    • usb uses electricity too… 5V

  • I'm not sure if it's my postcode (2250) but from the time it took from checkout to finding my credit card the deal changed, the GAME20 discount changed from $20 to $9.95 on mine plus free delivery changed to $11. All in all i got a box of paper delivered for $11 which is still half price but not the bargain originally stated. I think they've wised up to the fact they'll be giving away a whole lot of free paper.

    • When you add copy paper to your basket a $10 off paper promo offer automatically activates:

      Buy any select box of A4 paper and receive $10 off - Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per customer. Only valid for residents in NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS/SA


      The $20 off still applies to other items you add to your basket, just not the paper as the BOX10 promo is automatic when you add paper to your basket. And the free delivery is on orders over $55 …

  • +1

    +1 for the use of 'assload' in description

  • +1

    nice deal, lets hope they honour the billion orders they are about to get, sites already getting really slow…

    • They sell Billion ???

      • i think that is meant to be "Brazillion"

  • Awesome deal, thanks OP.
    Let's just hope they honor the deal!

  • Hope they haven't oversold the HDD. Just ordered. :)

  • Meh, no shipping to WA

  • +8

    Ordered a box of 12 of my favourite pens for ($25-$20+$5) = $10 delivered and used my free cash from ing direct to pay for it HAHAHHAHA.

  • +1


    They are the only people to stock the Pilot Boardmaster refillable whiteboard markers. WIth $20 off, that's almost 15 free refills (which will last more than one school term for a single teacher!)

    • Wouldn't the school supply that?

      • Julia does. There a big cupboard full of them in the back of the school halls ;-)

      • Not if you're a casual teacher.

      • +2

        As much as the school supplies whiteboard markers, unfortunately public schools are limited by what they can buy from their damned suppliers.

        Our supplier has negotiated a contract with us that in fact WITHHOLDS certain products (to stop us buying anything that is "too innovative"…). Pilot Boardmaster refillable whiteboard markers is one of them — more environmentally friendly, more user friendly…. :)

        • Yes but your supplier would prefer you to buy more expensive non-refillable items. Maybe you need a new contract negotiator that saves you/taxpayers money ;-)

  • damn….no delivery to QLD…whats wrong with QLD people…..

    • +16

      you just left yourself open to comments me thinks

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