heatseeker424 » user profile

Member Since 18/10/2009
Last Seen 5 hours 25 min
Badges 3 3
Location Central Coast

Recent Activities

Have basically the same unit from ALDI. Drum belt broke. No fix under warranty, but refunded. Bought a new belt. 2 hours later, $599 dryer…
12/11/2024 - 19:08
A $20 blow heater will heat a room faster if it can output 2000w. If it’s the form factor or features you like then go for it but this…
17/07/2024 - 01:03
I have a 3 and now want a 3s after getting my partner a Lift, purely because of the similar click.
17/07/2024 - 00:57
From 5 months ago - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/808060: Leap Platinum Frame Models: Original Price From: $1,614 AUD Sale Price:…
05/04/2024 - 19:41
I'm with you. Got this for $35 a bottle with a glass while transiting through Haneda last week. Cheerin'.…
12/08/2022 - 20:06
Look at the bottom of your mouse. Where would you fit a door for AAA batteries?
06/08/2020 - 18:50
"Why don't I just get it from Jocki Mart, surely they can't be that bad..." Finds: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/543605 Cheers, I'll be…
06/08/2020 - 18:27
I always just ask if they can do it cheaper because I've seen it discounted elsewhere. Find the best deal you can from a reputable seller,…
06/08/2020 - 18:23
I've used an Osmo and don't like it. There's no way you could attach lights or a mic like this one without unbalancing the thing. This also…
25/06/2020 - 14:08
Went into The Good Guys yesterday to buy this at $209, the price at Bing Lee. They wouldn’t price match because Bing Lee carry the…
04/04/2020 - 13:31
Perhaps Ticket to Ride? The board is huge and games don't take that long.
16/12/2019 - 01:28
One of my colleagues was heavily questioned on his use of afterpay when applying for a car loan. He had good money coming in and barely any…
01/12/2019 - 03:24
Have noticed that after the 2013 LVMH purchase most of the product (minus boots and selected clothing) is now made in China or Bangladesh.…
16/05/2019 - 12:23
Can confirm that the North Wyong store has great deals on meat. They also stock locally caught seafood. There's no way you'd get that at…
20/04/2019 - 15:28
Have worn an RM Williams belt almost every day for 6 years. Looks like new after being polished.
14/11/2018 - 01:48
That's just not true about Coles and Woolworths, they're just liquidating existing stock. Once they run out, that'll be it. McDonalds are…
14/09/2018 - 12:24
[@LlamaLlamaLamp](/comment/6094807/redir): At least with LEGO you can usually resell in a couple of years and recoup the value, Lepin you…
27/06/2018 - 12:19
Thanks mate, have had a targeted $30 off on my account for some time so managed to get this for $68.
23/05/2018 - 11:20
Strange, zooming in on Hong Kong International shows only hotspots for Lufthansa Inflight.
16/05/2018 - 00:49
[@dazweeja](/comment/5883837/redir): Unfair on a multi billion dollar business? (49.9% is owned by Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) I've done…
26/04/2018 - 12:13
Mods how has this not been removed? This is not a bargain as shown in multiple posts, it's cheaper on the stores own eBay account and it…
05/04/2018 - 10:50
This is lost mate, jv already linked an identical pan using the same store name on eBay for $20 cheaper.
05/04/2018 - 01:08
[@harrywwc](/comment/5615027/redir): If you don't mind me asking, what system do you use to determine electricity usage and generation?
07/02/2018 - 17:56
This is enforced by the City of South Perth so according to the most recent legislation (2017) the offence "Stopping contrary to a no…
29/01/2018 - 18:25
[@ausdday](/comment/5581889/redir): I believe they've changed the number of penalty units it attracts as that article is from 2015.…
29/01/2018 - 18:21
They're made in the US where wages are *obviously* higher than wherever the majority of NB shoes are made, therefore they *obviously* cost…
07/12/2017 - 18:30