harrywwc » user profile
Member Since | 19/07/2017 |
Last Seen | 14 hours 50 min |
Badges | 4 1 |
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harrywwc commented on Car Insurance Suggestion for a 16 YO Car
a reasonable compromise between "full comprehensive" and "third-party property only" is the mid-ground of "third-party property, fire and…
> ... a place with bad management ... ah, you mean "manglement" ;)
> Can you swap roster with someone else? Most work will requires you to organise that yourself nah - that's what 'managers' are for - they…
harrywwc commented on How Fake Are These USB Sticks from AliExpress?
if they're like the one(s) I bought (two pack) a while back just for yuks, they have a small (mine were about 60MB) cheap microSD card and…
elon's gotta make some bucks from somewhere ;)
I would add that as well as 'remote' locations and those with generators, areas that have frequent blackouts would probably also benefit…
at this time they're still "bleeding edge" and probably won't be generally available for the next few years. there are some 'portable'…
harrywwc commented on Do Solar Batteries Make Financial Sense?
I keep running the numbers each year in a spreadsheet I put together - although Finn has a calculator on his solarquotes site (somewhere).…
> While you are at it make sure the blinker fluid is recently changed. it's all there - hasn't been used at all :/
harrywwc commented on Who Is at Fault? (Car Reversing out of Driveway)
insurance - let them deal with the crap from the son.
harrywwc commented on Instant Water Heater for Whole House
moved to an "instant heat" gas fired hot water system - love it! everyone (4 adults in house) has a hot shower, hot water for washing up,…
harrywwc commented on Taxing Utes and SUVs
> For the record I support this tax as long as the money is used to subsidies more economically and environmentally friendly vehicles and…
harrywwc commented on Who's at Fault? (Three Car Nose to Tail)
to the question at hand, I will add my vote to "Car C" being at fault for causing the collision - they did indeed hit someone. however, I…
> My employer has announced a policy that if a day of sick leave is adjacent to a weekend or public holiday that a sick certificate is…
harrywwc commented on Best Way to Spend $5000 on a Home?
if you've just bought the house, then you're possibly not real sure how effective (or not) the swamp, uh, evaporative a/c is during summer.…
be aware that there may also be a "known expense" rule - where, if they can prove that you knew about the expense coming up (e.g.…
harrywwc commented on I'm Getting Married - What Are The Stupid, Expensive Mistakes I Should Avoid Making When Planning The Wedding?
save the agro, save the money. elope
harrywwc commented on Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) to Become Mandatory in All New Cars in The EU from July 2024
have a newish Mazda cx-3 (my20) with some audio-feedback about speed zones (and rail crossings and school zones) as well as icons on the…
any device used 'wrongly' enough can become a 'smoke machine'
harrywwc commented on Should Another Customer Touch My Groceries?
seeing as it's Aldi, she really only needed to wait a few minutes before the cashier would be scanning your stuff lickety-spit and then…
> The problem is a RWC does not check if the car is safe, reliable, has a door issue, or a scratch on the bumper, it only checks RWC items.…
as a tax-payer, and with children who are tax-payers, and hopefully (one day) grand-children who will be tax-payers - pay off **your** debt
harrywwc replied to Brick Tamland on Bought a New Mercedes and before Delivery of Car, Dealership Damaged a Module in The Car by Jumpstarting It
it depends... I'd rather you took my 'second born' ;)
harrywwc commented on Bought a New Mercedes and before Delivery of Car, Dealership Damaged a Module in The Car by Jumpstarting It
if you decide to keep the vehicle - document the hell out of this incident. get the salesdroid to write up - on company letterhead - the…
harrywwc commented on End of Rent - Reasonable Expectations?
any landlord that expects a place to be in "brand new" condition after renting it for *any* time is nuts. for a start, that's what the tax…
my biggest concern with that presso with albo, was that he was in Tassie, and when he was asked 'tassie specific' items, he was also…
harrywwc replied to Eeples on Should People Have to Pass Rigorous Psychological Assessments before Being Allowed to Own a Pet?
nah... that sounds about right ;)
harrywwc was awarded a badge.
harrywwc replied to andresampras on Should People Have to Pass Rigorous Psychological Assessments before Being Allowed to Own a Pet?
says the 'semi-colon' user :) I loves mah 'Oxford Comma!'