MOD: Please note that users here have reported:
- system issues
- accounts no longer accessible
- user information may be exposed
- being told that, something went wrong with the database yesterday, a lot of information was lost, Staples are working to recover the information, meanwhile new customers are being assigned id numbers that actually belong to customers created just before the big crash and then the new id numbers are hooked up to the old history -> new customers can see other people's data
- some people are now reporting that they can get back into their accounts though they can see other people's accounts
- some people are also reporting that they've received their orders now
update 20 May 2011:
- people are reporting items received
- people can use the code, though it may be better to play 1 round of the game (you don't have to win) and have them email confirmation of the eligibility to you
Link now changed to the link to the game
Shalom guys, this is my 48th post please be nice/nasty - whatever you want.
Potentially get 1TB HDD for $35, or a lot of Lipton Tea, or 5 reams of paper and some pens for free.
Free $20 voucher when GAME20 is entered at checkout. Orders over $55 will get free delivery via Star Track Express.
Cudos to Breadie for pointing it out on a previous thread.
mine arrived in 2 days