In store they've reduce the Samsung Galaxy Tab to $360
from 800 something. Quite a deal.
Get in Quick, ring first to confirm availability. Most are running out
"Our Website is not the best website in the world" - JB staff
In store they've reduce the Samsung Galaxy Tab to $360
from 800 something. Quite a deal.
Get in Quick, ring first to confirm availability. Most are running out
"Our Website is not the best website in the world" - JB staff
half the price, half the expectation!
I negged your post, Mic.
Just because the ipad made the tablet segment popular, doesn't mean a half priced tablet has to be a "half ipad."
You can compare them, but they're still different products, targeted at a different market.
Don't worry Mic, I haven't negged your post, but it's coming! Just need to wait for my neg cap to clear up.
lol ash
neg fest~!!
lol@ashlea. So cruellllllll ;)
I negged your comments too, Mic. Come at me, brah!
get ipad2 then…easy as that…
This might be why the reduction…check for yourself. I don't know enough about these.
Says new wifi version coming out on Sunday for $350. But this is US site so don't know if that's $350 US.
Its just this Galaxy tab with out the 3G.
Thanks for the rationally expressed update. Makes it a consideration if it has Wifi. However, personally I'm wanting a multi-touch tablet I can write into with the active digitizer. Bigger screen for me too.
+1 for an active digitizer. Makes taking notes a lot more intuitive. The HTC Flyer is probably the closest thing at the moment?
flyer can do real time note taking like no other tablet
perfect for students
yeah.. suddenly i feel ipad is too big to hold !
it might be larger but it works, Android is still very unstable from my experience my Galaxy S phone crashes constantly…very annoying
very strange. My android devices very very very rarely crash.
Give the JVK firmware a go and you will remove your post.
Yeah, you need to do a firmware update is your Galaxy S is crashing regularly… I haven't restarted mine in months!
running the latest firmware, the exchange mail errors have been known since 2009 and they have yet to fix them, ive switched to Touchdown app for email and it works and at least the phones become more stable, but the point I was making is that you shouldnt need to.
My iPhone crashes every few days. In the 6 months I was using my android, it crashed once. I don't think my anecdotal evidence is atypical, either.
which store is this?
zero stock in Chatswood
no stock at Belconnen, Civic or Woden stores in ACT
The + wasn't for the fact there isn't any, I just like that you let us know.
Thank you! I would have been running around all night tonight looking for one.
Chatswood said that they are $720 - never heard of the $360 deal (+ as megaloman said, 0 stock anyway).
Can anyone confirm actually buying one for $360?
Fyshwick store offered to order one in for me at $360, but wouldn't sell me the display.
did they give you any proof of that? Who told you..the red haired emo chick or the short haired one?
It was over the phone. I spoke to someone named Jack, who kept calling me 'bro', 'bruz' and 'cuz'. (Seriously)
yeah, i like JB Hi-Fi staff, they are relaxed
not much of a uniform!!!
that's awesome
Just checked in Elizabeth St Melb CBD
They do sell it at $360…
my friend must be tempted
Sydney CBD (Strand Arcade) has some on order. I have my name down for one. COnfirmed $360
Hornsby store has zero stock but confirmed the price outright at $360 too.
The 7 inch size is ideal for me in terms of holding and carrying, and at this price, it's significantly cheaper than the Ipads. If I'm going to spend $1000 I'd rather buy a 12" notebook :)
Geelong Store told me they haven't received any and then was disconnected. :o
I just spoke to WOW sight and sound in Fyshwick. They will do it for $345. I have one put aside, and I'm heading there to pick it up now. Will let you know of it goes through all good.
Mt Ommany JB confirmed the price, but out of stock until Wed-Thu.
I would get one but don't really have a use for it. My phone does everything I need already and my laptop is used everything else…good price though!
Tempted. Are there any real massive advantages over the iPad?
Yes - it is actually a phone. The size is a bit more convenient - the Mrs likes the iPad, but it is too big for her. The Galaxy's a perfect size for her. The rest kind of depends on where you fall on the Android versus Apple thing (which for mine really centres on Apple's control over apps).
Yeah, it's a big one - are you a techie that likes mucking around with config files and reading forums to work out how to do things, or do you just want to tap a button to read email?
Former = Android, latter = iOS.
I've got an Android phone, and an iPad, best of both worlds :)
The iPad is much nicer and more fun IMHO.
I have an android phone and I have never, NEVER had to muck around with a config file. Care to elaborate as to what 'config' files you need to get an android working?
There is a reason that Android phones now outnumber iOS phones and I assure you it is not because you need to mess with config files.
Same as lostock - I have an LG Optimus Android, never had to muck around with the config files, indeed, it is literally 'tap a button' to read e-mail (admittedly it helps that my on-line life revolves around my Gmail address). That whole techie vs consumer thing for Android vs Apple is a bit of a furphy.
Don't get me wrong, I admire Apple's ability to bring tech into the consumer markets and they're leaders on interfaces - I just think they're wildly overpriced.
well i have a Samsung galaxy s and its rubbish, the os is rubbish its unstable and for exchange email its useless, had to buy a $30 app just so i can get basic email, what a joke. Two sides to all stories, devices work for some and not for others, depends what you use them for. By the way we have a around 100 of these phones and everyones complaining about them, from techie nerd to no idea CEO so they cant all be wrong.
Goes both ways. There will always be people who complain about Android just like how there will always be people who complain about iOS.
For the record, all my android-using friends are perfectly happy with their phones - from techies to normal users.
hotzone stop trying to troll. people aren't listening to you.
it's not our fault you got ripped off paying $30 for an app to check your emails.
There is a reason that Android phones now outnumber iOS phones and I assure you it is not because you need to mess with config files.
No, it's because there's literally dozens of android phones (& soon to be tablets) compared with just the one iPhone that is targeted as an upper tier handset.
Don't get me wrong, I admire Apple's ability to bring tech into the consumer markets and they're leaders on interfaces - I just think they're wildly overpriced.
If you think the iPad was 'wildly overpriced' at $629 initially for the 1st gen base, now $579 for the 2nd gen base, what did you think of the (inferior) galaxy tab's $999 initial price??
OS wise, I suppose it's whatever floats your boat, but for me it's all about where most of the developer interest is, cause apps are what makes a smartphone and especially a tablet for me; for which, is around iOS. Even if you could run honeycomb on this, don't forget there's only a few dozen apps developed that's actually optimised for tablets on android, compared to 60k+ for iOS.
Needs a car analogy. Do you like your bonnet locked and only the authorised dealer has a key?
People who have owned a car for 2 years and still don't know where the bonnet release lever is would love an iPhone. Me, I like 'em both.
bangbang - you're forgetting that the Galaxy Tab's initial $959 price comes with 24GB/month of 3G data for one year. Add that plan to the cost of an iPad and the base 3G model suddenly becomes $1,267.
don't forget the weight too. 380g is a lot easier to hold while surfing the net on your sofa, or when reading on a bench or in bed.
Called JB Blacktown NSW store and the fellow said that they don't sell these outright, only available on a plan
They're available on plan and outright. The Telstra price is $408 and JB is doing them for $360.
Hi guys,
Anyone knows how much discount that a Samsung employee could get?
Can phone your parents on it.
anyone got the specs on this one?
Depends on your usage - with Android and the bigger screen it's more usable than a mobile. Mrs is interested specifically in the eReader functionality and being able to review documents on the go without having to lug around a laptop, and not being forced to squint at a mobile phone screen. This is more halfway between a laptop and a phone.
eh, are you saying this doesn't have wifi? hard to believe LOL
that's what Hornsby store told me….no wifi
If it does, great! Just telling you what store told me.
they all have wifi. as the article above says, there is a wifi only version being released soon, and the new, larger versions are due to be released soon.
dude they must be messing with you
everyone knows most JB hifi, dick smith and HN sales staff don't know shit.
Some are really helpful and great with tech but most don't even care about the stuff they sell.
everyone knows tech rep are full of shit
6 left at chadstones as of 6pm, (saw them with my eyes)
EDIT: Their inventory system was showing 1 at Chadstone when I was in the Elizabeth Street store. But most stores were showing little or no stock.
No stock in Narre Warren but the staff confirmed the price is $360 'as of the moment'.
how good is the graphics on galaxy tab? is it hd graphics or graphics like the ipad 1? is it better graphics than ipad 1 or 2?
what is the normal going price of these (Ozbargain perspective not RRP)? thanks
I can't comment on normal going price, but WOW offered me $345 straight away, I didn't even ask.
no stock in Perth as well..
is there any place we can price match that $345 in Sydney Metro?
If I can get down there before they close tonight (9pm) I will put the receipt up.
wait..they close at 9? I thought it was 6/7 PM
They said 9pm on fridays. Think it's so everyone can stock up on subwoofers for croozin on the weekend ;)
so any news on sydney stock levels?
Perth Osborne Park store sold out before the price reduction…..apparently they saw the new model last week and probably comes out end of month.
is wow open til 9pm?
Rang Werribee, one of the staff told me that the galaxy tab price is $760 outright, and when I asked about $360, he told me it was WIFI version ONLY and will coming out sometimes next week and asked me to check the website regularly,
if anyone bought it and willing to share the receipt it will be greatttt :)
Werribee? I think the lack of Galaxy Tab stock is the least of your concerns.
Now I live in WA, I never hear werribee jokes. Thankyou for lighting up my night.
Vapid salesfloor drone at Perth Cannington said they don't sell it outright, only on contract >:-(
Waste of a drive, the department wouldn't pick up the phone when I tried calling earlier.
I'd recommend waiting for a Honeycomb tablet. The Motorola Xoom should be coming out this month. If you absolutely need a 7 inch tablet, check out the HTC Flyer or wait for the new Samsung 8 inch tab.
Personally, I'm waiting for the Asus eee Transformer Pad - the best of both the laptop and tablet worlds.
I work at a retail store that shall remain nameless… the entire shipment of Samsung Galaxy Tab keyboard docks we got in were all faulty and had to be sent back. The Samsung build quality (and pricing for accessories) doesn't impress me too much, and the range of available accessories is very poor. The charging/sync cables they use may be hard to come by because they are a proprietary connection.
Now why didn't Samsung just launch at this price, I'd probably have picked one up, they'd have gained a lot of market share in the meantime and made a bigger splash on the tablet market.
That said, it's a bit too late now, and I'm concerned that once I get this, it will be impossible to get Honeycomb on it.
There is already a Honeycomb port available in the meantime if you are familiar with rooting Android devices. In the US, Samsung (as well as American carriers) have been slow to update Galaxy phones to Gingerbread. This does not bode well for Honeycomb on the Tab, but you never know…
Totally agree at this price even I thats not a fan of Android would grab one for some playing around with but at the release price and months after not a chance.
stop talking out of your own ass and start using your brains!
another idiot
Why buy a car? Better to get a tricycle.
Why buy an oven? Better to get a washing machine.
Why buy a tablet? Better to get a phone.
there is wifi.. u gona need to have ur eyes checked.
Go away, troll!
bloody idiot
i gave my dad a nokia phone. He's very happy with it.
I understand that the way I wrote it probably changed the meaning I intended to deliver.
I meant "my dad tried couple of tablets including the samsung and iPad an he chose the iPad" I just happen to pay for it.
Any way I don't see how on earth these100 people who pos this deal may buy actually one of this samsung galaxy! Even if they had them in stock.
If you Are Really One of those Apple Crazy Fanatics Who think Apple is really good value for money and is the best , Don't bother commenting on this thread as Its out of your league..
In Simple Contrast , Galaxy Tab Has Flash , You get atleast 70,000 free apps straightaway and more if you just get from 4shared , much more compatible with websites ..
Try loading some international encrypted website on the ipad , You'll need a computer for that.. hehe
You are bounded to buying apple crazy priced accessories !!!
Wow~~, it makes me thinking getting this instead of the ipad2.