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Oculus Rift VR System $529, Oculus Go $269 (Delivered) @ Oculus


Same as the Black Friday deal here: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/418254

Thanks Sven Viking for the description below.

Oculus Rift

Includes: Oculus Rift headset, 2x Oculus sensors, 2x Touch controllers, all required connecting cables, and seven free VR apps (available after you set up Oculus Rift + Touch), including Lucky's Tale, Medium, Toybox, Quill, Dead and Buried, Dragon Front, and Robo Recall.

A third sensor is recommended for roomscale setups, which would add $89. Make sure you have the required USB ports available. (For small-to-medium sized rooms the two included sensors in opposing room corners using good-quality USB extension cables is workable, though.)

Oculus Go

is a standalone mobile headset (does not connect to a PC). It includes one controller. Both are 3 Degrees Of Freedom — that is, you can look around at any angle and point or tilt the controller, but you can’t move around the room or move the controller through 3D space. (A 6DOF stand-alone headset, Oculus Quest, is releasing next year for US$400.) A smartphone is required for initial setup.

Referral Links

Referral: random (459)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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closed Comments

  • Anyone know off the top of their head what is the minimum sitting distance for Oculus?

    • What do you mean?

      • How far do you need to be from the sensors for VR to work?

        I sit close to my screen and I'm not interested in moving around. I only want seated gamepad experiences for now. But if I'm too close for the sensors to track it won't work.

        • Depending on what's on your desk you should be able to get away with it being pretty close. I do development work with my Oculus and I have it quite close to my desk so I can still interact with my keyboard.

          My sensors are half a metre away from my sitting position and about a metre away either side.

          The calibration will ask for you to centre yourself further back, but there is a quite a bit of leeway to move forward again, as long as the sensors aren't occluded. Once you're in VR you can always move back - you don't need to sit close to the screen when it's on your face.

        • Which headset are you talking about? GO doesnt depend on PC. Full Rift you just need to be in range of the light houses.

          • @beigehornet: Full rift.

            There is an ideal range. Too close and you could go out of range when you turn or get up. Too far and you won't be tracked.

            I'm more concerned about being too close.

            • @lostn: Sensor Placement

              If you're only using two sensors, try putting your sensors 1-2 metres (3-6.5 feet) in front of where you'll be wearing your headset.

              If you're using three sensors, try to put your front two sensors 1-2.7 metres (3-9 feet) in front of where you'll be wearing your headset. Then put your rear sensor directly back from one of your front sensors, and no more than 4.3 metres (14 feet) away from the farthest front sensor.

              Check to make sure the glossy side of the sensor lens is pointing towards your playing area.

              If your sensors are close together, rotate them so that they face forwards. If your sensors are wide apart, rotate them towards the centre of your playing area.


              I hope this helps?

              • @Letrico: Might be doable. But I have a lot of obstacles in my gaming room.

                I think the ideal setup of a large open space for VR is a high barrier of entry.

                It would be a bit more feasible for console VR since that is typically played in your living room which is bigger. PC VR, well, I'm not going to move my PC to the living room. My PC is in my study where I also do work on it.

                • @lostn: It depends. Rift can be played without requiring room space depending on what game you are looking to play. Standard Rift comes with 2 sensor that does not support room scale games, you will need the 3rd sensor which will enable room scale that will need a big playing area.

                  I had mine setup with 2 sensors and I could play games sitting down and standing and only requiring 1m square of playing area.

                  • @Letrico: For seated experiences I agree. That's all I can handle right now.

                    But when I picture VR, I picture moving around, ducking for cover, opening drawers, like you would in the real world. That kind of VR has a very high barrier of entry for most people. You will likely need an omni directional movement pad that lets you walk or run in any direction without actually moving from the spot. Those things are $1000+ and require a special pair of shoes with low friction soles.

                    VR limited to cockpit experiences is not real VR.

                    • @lostn: Let's get this clear, you having expectation on how VR works and how VR actually works right now is a different thing.

                      Just because you cannot do stuff like Tron does not mean that is VR.

                      • @Letrico: True.

                        Basically the tech available is a long way from an actual simulation of reality. Will we get there eventually? Maybe.

                        The problem with near simulations is like the uncanny valley effect. The closer you get to reality, the more you notice the disconnect from actual reality. When something is even less realistic and doesn't try to be, you don't knock it for being unrealistic. VR for me is something where even small disconnects from realism make it unimmersive, and VR is all about immersion.

                        Let's get this clear, you having expectation on how VR works

                        It's not so much my understanding of how VR works, but my expectation of how it needs to work in order to live up to the name. I put a big emphasis on the 'reality' part. A pale imitation where hovering your controller near an object will get the game to automatically assume the correct action is not a good simulation of performing the action in reality. When I hover my hand over a virtual ball, I could be trying to pick it up, or I could be trying to flick it with two fingers, or I could be trying to squeeze it in my palm, or any number of possible actions that the game has no way of knowing if the only thing it tracks is the touch controller and not my actual hands.

                        Make no mistake. That is not how I understand VR to work. That's just the level of VR I would need before I can be satisfied.

                        I have not watched Tron, so I can't comment on what you mean by that. But my ideal picture of VR is that every part of your body is tracked. Either using a motion capture body suit, or a very advanced form of Kinect. This would be years away, assuming the industry is even aiming for it. But to me a near-reality experience is very unimmersive because instead of noticing how much closer to reality it is than playing on a controller in front of a TV, I will only be thinking about how far from reality the simulation actually is. You take for granted the realistic things it does and only notice the unrealistic things.

        • If you're only interested in seated experiences you could consider the Go + ALVR (for steam VR games) and/or VR Desktop (for non VR games) - the downside is you're restricted to games that support keyboard/mouse or gamepad

          • @KevinL: To be clear, I'm more interested in full VR, but because it isn't viable in my home setup, I will only play seated experiences. For now.

            • @lostn: Sure - I guess my point is that IMO for that usage the Go is an extremely viable option (at a much lower cost than a full rift setup), although you may wish to wait for the Quest (which will support 6DOF)

    • Ideally you will have a decent enough space where you can stand up and walk around, but you can get away with very small space if you are limiting it to sit down interactions like cockpit simulators.

      You ideally want a little bit of space though. The best part of VR is walking around, grabbing and throwing things.

      • I don't find touch controllers to be a good enough simulation for hands. And walking around is not practical unless you have one of those omni directional treadmills where you can move in any direction without running into things. Those are expensive though.

        For a proper VR experience like you describe, I will wait for the tech to actually be good enough. The way I picture it is, a body suit with loads of mini tracking balls like with motion capture. Your hands would be covered in gloves, and every finger and joint is tracked. That way you can actually pick things up, and not just hover your touch controller near it and have the game assume that is you picking an item up. Every part of your body would be tracked. Your fingertips and even forefinger movements would be tracked. Think Kinect but much more advanced and accurate. That would be as close to reality as you can get.

        • You will be surprised at how good the touch controller handles simulation for hands. That is the reason why every single VR/AR/Mixed reality headsets coming out are using the same controller design.

          • @Letrico: It does not track finger motions. Your hands are always gripping the controller the same way. It only tracks the motion of the touch controller itself. So subtle movements like clenching your fist and opening your palm, wiggling your fingers, those things aren't trackable unless there are sensors on your fingers.

            It's asking a bit much I know. And the tech has to progress in baby steps, but if you jump in now, you're going to expect to jump in again when the tech matures to the level you desire.

            If I'm going to buy the headset twice, the first one needs to be a very cheap holdover.

    • It will track even if as close as normal monitor distance (I had one of my sensors clamped on top of my monitor for a while as I used this mostly for flight sims).

      However keep in mind that the horizontal field of view of the sensors is about 120 degrees so obviously if you are sitting this close it may lose your hands if you move them too far off centre.

      If you only care about seated experiences, don't worry - head tracking will be fine at regular monitor distance.

  • +1

    Actually, I'm waiting for the Oculus Quest. That would be a game changer…

    • is it going to be mobile quality games though?

      • Good question, I don't know. Probably still the first of its kind of 6DoD though.

        • It is. Standalone Snapdragon 835. They might make a PC streaming thing for it though. Might.

  • Slightly more expensive on newegg.

  • +2

    Might be able to do better on Rift by combining Amazon Australia with Shopback. Oculus Rift is $542.10 there, and Shopback has 10% off Amazon (capped at $50… meanwhile watching Cashrewards to see if they match this or better it). If I've done my maths right, that makes it effectively $493.31 after cashback. Free delivery with Prime, but note it's estimated at 2-5 weeks.

    • +1

      $487.89 after uncapped Cashrewards :)

      • How would one access uncapped? I don't use cashrewards yet.

        • Both ShopBack and CashRewards have stopped their 10% cashback promotions :/

  • still waiting for Samsung, JDI and INT to mass produce ~1000ppi per eye

  • +1

    Yup, VR has been stagnant for a long time. PiMAx isn't really cutting it either. Need the next big thing. Quest might be SD 835, but just might be the right system for the masses.

    • The new Vive wireless headset is pretty close to ideal VR. The problem is that it's super expensive and won't succeed until it's affordable.

      What does Quest do differently than inserting your Galaxy S8 into GearVR?

      • Quest will have 6DOF. Oculus go and gear VR are fairly similar but the controller is better and battery/overheating is less of an issue.

  • Roomscale works fine you just put one behind you and the other in front. You can just skip the setup when it complains that the sensors are too far etc, works fine like that.

    If you wear glasses, buy VR lenses ASAP I went with WIDMOvr but still waiting for them to arrive. Using glasses in VR is less than ideal.

    Let the rift "warm up" too so they don't get foggy.

  • Can someone point to a good introductory into this VR world? How it works, what you need and what you get.. Thanks

    • +2

      If you go with this $529 Rift bundle, the only other thing you need is a decent gaming PC (this requires 8GB RAM, Windows 10, minimum GTX 960 video card, 1 USB 3.0 port and 2 USB 2.0 ports). This bundle comes with built-in headphones, a pair of motion controllers, 2 motion sensors and a few games (one of which is very good).

      You place the sensors around your PC / play area so they track your hand/head movements then put the headset on your head and off into virtual worlds you go. A play space of 2 x 2 metres or so is recommended to play "room scale" games (using the motion controllers as your virtual hands, doing whatever virtual things the game has you doing). In too small a space you'll end up smashing your (real) hands into (real) walls/things. There are also games you can play seated, like racing games or flight simulators, using any kind of PC controller (you can even use your keyboard and mouse if you're a masochist).

      The Rift's major competitor in terms of VR market share is the HTC Vive, largely equivalent to the Rift in quality but much worse value in my opinion (HTC sell the headphones, sensors and/or controllers separately, they also sell a Vive Pro with a higher resolution screen for even more money).

      The last option are Windows Mixed Reality headsets (made by Dell, Acer, Samsung, Lenovo, etc.). These don't use external motion sensors (so less wires running around your room, but less precision in tracking your hand movements) and many of them don't have built-in headphones (you just BYI headphones). But these can be found cheaper than the Oculus Rift and some of them have higher resolution screens.

      All of the above can play mostly any of the VR games available on Steam. Oculus is owned by Facebook and also run their own game store where they sell largely the same games plus some exclusive ones funded by them to promote their hardware and platform.

      Personally I think that for someone interested in room scale games or VR gaming in general this Oculus Rift bundle is the best value, most newbie-friendly introduction to PC VR. Full disclaimer: Had a Rift for a year, loved it, have recently switched to a Samsung Odyssey+ WMR headset, also love it.

      I don't know much about the Oculus Go other than that it's a standalone experience with limited head movement tracking and no hand tracking at all. It's much closer to one of those mobile-phone-based VR rigs (Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR) than to the PC VR system I've described above.

      • I'm running a relatively old PC with the Oculus Rift. Radeon 390 graphics card and AMD 8350 CPU with 8GB RAM. The Rift is running fine on that but we're not running the most graphically challenging software. You don't need stacks of room. We have about 2.0m x 2.0m of floor space and that's enough. We also got 10% cashrewards with the $529 bundle so purchased the 3rd sensor but haven't had a chance to set it up yet.

  • Wow it's still worth this much?? I gotta get my set out of the garage and sell.

  • That's a good deal, however the hassle of having a high spec compatible pc and the hassle of syncing them together leads me to wait for the oculus quest which is coming soon in March. The rift will be much cheaper especially second hand ones since this Quest version requires no PC.

  • Both models are $10 cheaper on Amazon AU with free delivery :)

  • +1

    You can get a further 10% off the $529 sale by going to the Occulus reddit forum and asking for a code in the ‘Black Friday’ sticky post at the top. I just bought a bundle for around $476 delivered


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