Hi Ozbargain Community,
Curious on what you all do for a living and are you happy with what you do?
EDIT: RE: Troll comments - try to be unique.
Hi Ozbargain Community,
Curious on what you all do for a living and are you happy with what you do?
EDIT: RE: Troll comments - try to be unique.
Interesting! Link?
sales rep. slingin aircons
Enrolled Nurse in an Oncology Ward
Network "architect"
I pinch people's pennies for a living.
Not the most financially stable job though.
Registrar at a Court - public service is comfortable and secure once you've made it past the initial fixed term contract hurdle and they like you, but it's underpaid for the hours you do and shit you have to put up with. I don't think I'd do anything else though… I genuinely believe in good government.
Federal or state?
State - Victoria to be exact.
Faaark doing the summary list as a career.
Yeah, there are some lists I would never do. My job is pretty different to what most registrars do because I work for an inquisitorial court. Much more interesting case management and less 50+ case day lists. I'd also quit before I worked the personal safety list. Some jobs are not worth the trauma. The people who work them are much stronger than I am.
What's the upper end of the salary and how long does it take to reach it?
Currently work in a contract well paid job in telco but it sucks goats balls, Put up with boring and unionised any day.
@Icecold5000: I just googled this: https://www.epa.vic.gov.au/about-us/~/media/Files/About%20us…
This is the current Victorian Public Service EBA. For Courts, entry level Court Registrars are VPS 2 - most of the clerks at Magistrates will be VPS 2. Some who become more senior, and also other jurisdictions are VPS 3 (like me!) and that is where you top out because there are limited VPS 4 roles. VPS 5 and 6 are for very senior registrars and managers, so again the number of positions is quite limited.
For IT in the public service they sit mostly at 4 and 5, with senior ones probs getting higher. I know our IT guy is a VPS 4… Not sure about the actual IT departments though, onsite IT at Courts is probably pretty different to the IT jobs at the central office that run the network. I'd imagine that would be higher?
For the next couple of weeks, stay-at-home dad😊 Mad scientist by trade.
Feels like all I do is wipe poo bumbs and clean up toys all day inbetween vacuuming and doing washing.. Stay at home dad to my 3 kids, 1, 3 and 4. Wife has a law degree but is doung a PhD Biomedical research at Newcastle Uni.
Been there. Done that. It's worth it, and wonderful when the children get older. Hang in there! 😊
Criminal Lawyer
Are you single?
Lizard-person from Andromeda, scouting out and infiltrating world governments in preparation for the pending invasion
I for one welcome our lizardian overlords.
Mark Zuckerberg is that you?
Doctor. Was introduced to this site by colleagues. Everyone loves a bargain.
A manbearpig.
I make a living being Facebook Famous.
I'm a swimming instructor. Not really loving it. I need to fix up my teaching registration and start looking for some relief teaching.
Do it. TRT is good money and none of the paperwork / documentation of being a regular teacher.
What do you do for the dying?
Work in palliative care?
Pilot for Qatar airways
I'm a problem analyst, yet i can't solve any of mine :(
Postdoctoral researcher aka biomedical scientist.
Was at UQ and now I’m in the Netherlands. ABC Radio Brisbane Rebecca and Craig called me to talk about this a few months ago! Still listening to their program here.
I operate a large tattoo machine manufacturing company
We're you a tattooist before getting into the equipment side? It seems oddly specific if not?
Always been adjacent. Lots of mates who are tattooists. I work directly under the company director doing sales/marketing/admin/sponsorship management/logistics/etc.
A very broad role but a really interesting and surprisingly lucrative industry.
Great customers tattooists. Lots of expendable income
Registered Builder. People pay to have me at their company as their nominated registered builder/supervisor as I hold the licence. I like seeing houses constructed, but I hate a lot of clients who lack patience or just manners. I am either ripping them off or going to slow or they could do it better since their marketing degree and 2 seasons of watching the block makes them an expert. If I had my time again I would stay on the tools.
Play RDR2
Got that white Arabian?
Financial auditor
General Practitioner
I've been lucky enough to recently semi retire (age 34) its been a year now and I keep busy working part time 3 days a week doing recruitment, volunteer, and try different hobbies!
Can I ask what you did for work to be able to retire so early?
hey sorry i didnt see the notifications for this!
I was as a senior manager working on optimisation projects for banks (cost cutting). However I made my money from investing into property and building upon that by drawing on equity to subdivide to build duplexes. With enough cash flow and equity I realised I didnt need to be busting my butt with all the crappy politics and stress of a senior strategic role. The question I ask myself and others is "what amount of money is enough money?", as I have a few friends who could be in similar positions but keep opening new business ventures and are constantly stressed. To quote diddy and biggie "mo money mo problems" haha. So I decided to cash my chips in and enjoy retirement early (living humbly to get by - no ferraris)
Are you part of the FIRE movement?
I had to google that! I wasn't aware of that, what they stand for I guess is what I have done. However i'm not familiar with any of their models, I just did my own thing!
Nice! What kind of hobbies keep you occupied? Lol this is turning into an AMA
Well at the moment I'm trying to work out a structure of things important to me. The way I see it, is Health, Wealth and Hobbies are the key priorities.
Health = I've set up a home gym (bench, mats and a few dumb bells), starting to swim again I do 1km swims at my local pool, mental health I try and meditate a few minutes each morning to show gratitude, and I'm also trying to build healthier relationships with family/friends
Wealth - I'm looking at building more granny flats on existing houses, or constantly improving budgets e.g. finding better interest rates for my loans
Hobbies - I'm a huge marvel fan, so I have a tonne full of comic books I've been meaning to read, I bought a harmonica from Austin Texas ages ago which I've been meaning to learn, also I have signed up to mentor disadvantaged kids which happens to be the same high school I went to (takes up 2 hours per week), oh and I play pokemon go lol
You're living the life mate! Enjoy your retirement, you've earned it
@inasero: Thanks buddy! Its been easy for me to take it for granted, so i'm trying to make the most of it instead of sitting on my butt all day watching netflix haha
Postings will be quiet for a while - Schoolies is on!!!
Computer repair shop
I'm a mechanic. Been doing it since 2001 and it's taken me to some cool places. Deep underground, Antarctica and I'm now at one of the best golf courses in the world.
Having said that, a career change could be on the cards. I feel I've nearly taken this career as far as I can?
Investment banker
Prove it, what high yield you driving?
I'm in M&A
Rhyming slang?
Registered Nurse
Food delivery through popular app as often as I need/feel like
I really enjoy it so the crappy pay is bearable: cruising + music + do it whenever and almost always positive interactions with strangers happy to receive their food
idk why, bored I guess but I kept writing after answering the question ^
Suits my lifestyle because: $120 rent all expenses included in share-house
have enough savings to not starve/be homeless for > 1 year
Life below the poverty line can be pretty enjoyable if you're into cheap stuff
I'm super into TV shows (ooh so unique and interesting, yes I know) and emulated video games, all free
If any of this resonated with you glorious internet folk please give me a learn-as-you job in IT (I'm sure the chance of this actually happening would round down to 0% but eh, words are free..?)
Ok now I'm in a weird introspective mood, gonna watch some TV and not think as much, bye!
Are you into…butt stuff? 😏
Environmental Health Officer / Health inspector in Victoria
Also do politics
Drive a tram
Software engineer
Data analyst
Marketing grad at Google
Mate nice! Username does and doesn't check out.
DP checks out
Lawyer, aka unemployed.
Have two full time jobs and a part time job but since they're all done online, there's plenty of Ozbargain time!
ooohh interesting, More details please
Recently unemployed due to redundancy :(
Final year product design engineering student, casual at Repco and previously a croupier (poker and roulette).
I have moved around a lot of jobs (KFC > Telco level 2 > Dealer > Process Eng > Auto/Retail) and really enjoy learning new things and taking on different projects. Working at a large auto manufacturer doing some engineering stuff I am a bit disheartened at how slow things move, seems like a lot of people in the workforce just want to turn up, get paid and go home - nothing more. I really hope whatever role I find myself in I never become like this :(
I work in a church as a creative project manager.
Have you suggested the writing of a 3rd testament with a modern morality?
The Book of Mormon?
I find loopholes
Vision clearance executive AKA Window cleaner
I'm a day trader trading BIT.
I bought at 0.45 and hlding
Im a systems accountant ~
External auditor
Network Engineer.
just a uni student who works in a liquor store.
have you mastered the art of "thank you come again"
As of just recent, failed Duck Counsellor. Some job-sharing involved in that position.
Duck in question, right now in frenzied planning for a migration attempt to NZ, where his particular spiritual beliefs are now accepted. Related article.
His life one of turmoil, aspired to acquisition of sauce.
As of just recent, failed Duck Counsellor
This really made me laugh :-)
Hmm … NZ has a lot of firsts …
Fashion forward colander-wearing w/specific couleur bleue, might end-up being added to the list, I suppose.
I'm picturing lovely Jacinda wearing one of those. Colander not exactly ideal in wet/windy Wellington! :)
I'm I.T
Risk Manager
Junior Insurance Broker :)
Business Analyst
Structural Engineer. Only been working for 9 months, but loving it so far. :)
GoFundMe Hedge Fund raiser
Any ideas about networking to get a job?
Child Protection Worker
I am at nsw public service - web project administrator
Reseller :)
uni dropout
Run a YouTube channel full time ..