Tasmaniac » user profile

Member Since | 22/11/2014 |
Last Seen | 19/12/2024 |
Badges | 7 2 |
Location | Hobart |
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Stocks don't remain overpriced for decades. The hatred for Tesla is what makes it a bargain.

So you don't know yet you claim price manipulation ? Tesla have been valued as a car company for years with no regard to their software and…

Then where's the price correction ? CNBC have been saying that for years.

Tasmaniac commented on Tesla Sales Slump
Even now there's millions to be made on Tesla options. Its actually absurd at this point, I know people who've made enough to retire. Good…

I hate modern Australia and spend most my time overseas. People are being reduced to project timelines and risk mitigators. Timelines exist…

Tasmaniac commented on Puma Rise NITRO Unisex Basketball Shoes $53 + $8 Delivery (Free with $120 Order) @ Puma Australia
High School me is judging this thread so hard right now.

Deglobalization is now in full swing. The only microchips that China can produce will barely run a calculator, they wouldn't know how to…

Yeah but they need everything else from Dairy to meat to machinary. Sure they can limp along and maybe lose 400-500 million but China is…

Tasmaniac commented on Rental Crisis Will Be over
China import 90% of their agricultural inputs. Any war with the west will lead to sanctions that will/could starve hundreds of millions of…

Tasmaniac commented on OzBargainers Guide to Travel!
Just make sure you get your hotel bookings right. Nothing worse than flying half away around the world just to have some hotel Clark tell…

Tasmaniac commented on Sudden Collapse of Another US Bank
Thanks God banks are required to keep 10% of all deposits just in case this happens. If banks had their way, and they nearly did, they…

Tasmaniac commented on Is Exercise Bad for You?
Alcoholism and bad health ruin 20% of all retirements. That's 40% when you count the impact on the spouse. Looking after your body is not…

I've been practicing a form of Reiki since 2008. It revolves around a guided Heart Meditation that wakens the spiritual heart for improved…

You want to add 20 seconds of wait time to every controlled intersection in Australia ?. You must love the daily commute. Some people…

Tasmaniac commented on [AMA] I am a theatre (operating) nurse
Have you ever had to deal with a severed penis ????

Tasmaniac replied to
Matt88 on [eBook] $0: Healing Through Reiki, Master Excel, Anyone Can Draw Bunnies, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) & More @ Amazon

Well it made me more gentle, calmer, peaceful, joyful, energetic, empathetic, loving, healthy and improved my nervous system and general…

From this point most major car companies would have to run at a loss for years in order to produce something comparable to the model S…

Tasmaniac commented on I Work Less than 10 Hours Per Week and Get Paid for 40 - Am I Crossing a Line Here?
I just wanted to say that the same f###ing people would want your head on a Pike mate if you were the victim of intergenerational poverty…

Catch phrase !

It's good, not generic at all. I dug it.

Tasmaniac commented on Casio DATABANK Calculator Watch: Green $29.85 + $8.34 Delivery ($0 with Prime & $49) @ Amazon US via AU (Black expired)
No thanks OP I'm trying to reduce the amount of women chasing me at the moment.

You sound like you're rude. I hope you really need some information someday and someone stone walls you.

Why don't we give everyone a free acre of land ?

Tasmaniac commented on Which Brands Do You Blindly Trust and Why?
Airbus and Boeing. Let's face it, there's not much anyone can do if things go sideways at 1000kms/h.

Tasmaniac commented on Which Bicycle Do You Have ?
Roadbikes, all the effort of a gym membership with none of the reward.

Tasmaniac commented on Aren't ETFs Basically Just a Pyramid Scheme?
I mean you do have a point. Investment banks are willing to underwrite and sell newly listed shares for whatever they can get. You need to…

Tasmaniac commented on Got Scammed by Russian Buyer on eBay
One day that graphics card will be scrap and forgotten about forever. You on the other hand will have two wooden blocks and a treasure…

Tasmaniac commented on QLD Snap Lockdown - How Long Will It Last?
Word on the street is that grandma Jeannette saw a bin chicken sneeze so now she wants another four weeks. Better safe than sorry I guess.

Coles sell kangaroo patties and they're great. Quick to cook and lots of flavour.

Tasmaniac commented on [eBook] Free - Nostradamus/Christopher Columbus/Rembrandt/George W. Carver/Harriet Tubman/Thomas Aquinas - Amazon AU/US
Nostradamus predicted his book would be advertised here. P25-26.