Hi Ozbargain Community,
Curious on what you all do for a living and are you happy with what you do?
EDIT: RE: Troll comments - try to be unique.
Hi Ozbargain Community,
Curious on what you all do for a living and are you happy with what you do?
EDIT: RE: Troll comments - try to be unique.
I'm a field tech who fits and maintains boxes in people's homes used by the tv networks to measure the tv ratings.
I absolutely love it.
really?? how do you get those boxes anyway? does the tv network randomly chooses people or do we have to apply for it?
Homes are chosen randomly and asked to participate. It's not something you can volunteer for.
Due to an already established base of homes new installs aren't overly frequent. Usually it requires a home leaving the program, either due to them no longer wanting to participate or they've reached max time, before a new home is used to replace them.
Do you work for a research agency?
What about smelly or otherwise icky houses?
You just suck it up and hope the gear stays working :)
so tv ratings are real ?
Just curious:
- Do the participants get paid to do this?
- Is it passive, or do they have to input information for the programs watched, e.g. which members of family is watching? If latter, what other info do they provide?
Thanks in advance.
Software Developer.
Astronaut/ Brain Surgeon / Billionaire Tech Empire, You know, the usual OzBargain careers.
No philanthropist? Protector of the repo?
Tech recruiter for a financial services organisation.
It pays the bill, wouldn't call it the most challenging job
The Queen pays me every fortnight so i reckon you could say i work for the queen.
Be TA's Fan.
I'm a prostitute of a different kind. My pimp sends me to cients for work. Sometimes it is for a day. Sometimes a few weeks and at times for over a year.
My clients pay for my brain instead of my body.
On LinkedIn I call myself a consultant
from one prostitute to the other…I feel you brother…..Sometimes there are many prostitutes from different agencies all in the one place, trying to impress the customer. Oh the animosity and bitchiness is some next level shit..hahaha
Slaves… .
Consulting life at its best
Just landed a Marketing role, my first 'industry' job outta uni.
Congrats on the first job. Sounds like you're in the position I was 12 years ago. I quit after 3 years though, asked to do too many unethical things / low job satisfaction. It did allow me to make enough money to travel overseas for 4 months and allowed me to work overseas for AusAID for most of a year too.
Thanks, I studied communications & media specifically but this is what I was able to land. I'm not sure what direction I want to go in. Happy to stick it out here for the moment at this small company and build my skill-set and have something respectable on the resume until I decide what to do with myself.
Got any tips? :P
My favourite professor at uni told me "Try everything once and see what works". Useful tip for creativity.
Regarding the job / career, here's a handy diagram on finding your passion using the concept of "Ikigai"
“The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.” - Mark Twain -
This resonates with me. It could mean less pay for some periods during your career, and some people are not prepared for that kind of trade-off, which I can also respect. But if you like your job, you are going to excel, and the rewards will come, albeit later.
I find the diagram in captaincabinets' comment really apt.
@bluesky: Good thinking you two, sounds like good advise. If I can get by easily enough, I'm more concerned about job satisfaction for sure.
porn king
marketing business,
Financial Accountant for an investment firm, I basically look after all things Financial for a few companies/assets that the firm has acquired recently under one of the investment portfolios.
I collate information for the robot overlords. Thanks everyone for their answers.
Im a mercenary to the highest bidder.
what do you mean bro, I'm a professional Ozbargainer.
But you are a fish?
It's a fish eat fish world
Did you just threadmine a >1yo post for that?!
@spackbace: He caught you hook, line and sinker.
@kiitos: His comment is only worth throwing back
I work in IT - Jack of all trades, master of none. I'm happy in the sense that I don't know what else I would do so it works for me.
Same. Govt IT. You?
Legal, usually smalls teams with tight budgets.
The irony of a tight budget in legal
Any idea why there are so many IT workers on ozbargain?
For me it was the low wage that made me strive for the best price. My position is better now but I've been conditioned (addicted?).
Human mechanic.
Network Technician
I was a zoo keeper until they realize I was a chimp. Racist.
Technology Lead for a data analytics company
I make mobile apps. So far made 21 cents in 11 months. Is what it is.
Post a deal on one of your apps on ozb
Do you make any for the windows phone? They need some more loving…. ☺
full time durry smoker and loiterer
at centrelink
data guy for a consulting firm
Extreme knitter
How many needles?
It depends on the job. I'm also a budgie smuggler when I'm near the water.
I can do one knitting needle. You have to be original karate kid fast.
Work for a consultancy as a transport modeller. Did a degree in engineering to listen to everyone complain about congestion and tell me how they would solve all the problems and why I can't get it right.
Ouch. "Oh no, we've never thought of that before…"
Exactly. And being a consultant there is even less control.
-council / government want to do everything for as little as possible
-they only come to us once they have a problem they want looked at but can't do it in house (so we can't go around picking what roads they should fix randomly)
-a lot of what we work on is politically driven, so objectives are already laid out even if it may not be the best solution
Man, that sounds frustrating. Ideally there would be a ranking of every possible project in the country/state by cost/benefit ratio (using approximations), with more detailed costings for those closest to the top of the pile. Which I guess is what Infrastructure Australia is supposed to do.
But the current reality is that driving big infrastructure projects takes political capital, so it's always driven by political desires. I can only speak to what happens in Sydney, but here you get silly outcomes like:
* A $38 million dollar pedestrian bridge at Moore park that almost nobody seemed to want and which was built in the wrong place: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/the-tibby-cotter-walkway…
* A 2008 Sydney metro was announced with any proper planning, and just a ballpark price guess of $4 billion: https://www.abc.net.au/4corners/off-the-rails/1088230 ; 2 years were wasted before it was cancelled: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_Metro_(2008_proposal)
* The current light rail extension the CBD and eastern suburbs seems badly organised. Instead of building individual sections quickly to minimize disturbance, and progressively opening the line by progressively expanding the existing service, they've tried to build it all at once, but it seems to be inordinately slow. So a 3.5 year project has turned into a 5 year project, and during those 5 years there's been extensive disruption along most of the new route: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_rail_in_Sydney . The most frustrating bit is that Sydney previously had an extensive tram network, the second largest in the Commonwealth, secondly only to London, but we ripped it all up in the 1950s, so now we get to rebuild what we already had at vast hassle and expense: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trams_in_Sydney
* Westconnex: There seems to be an awful lot of community resistance to stage 3, and cost of the whole project has kept on climbing. From an original cost estimate of $10 billion, we're now up to $45 billion, and climbing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WestConnex
So, yeah, it's frustrating just as an ordinary citizen to watch this stuff, but sounds like from the inside it's like being in an episode of Utopia :-)
@nickj: You aren't wrong! And those are just the ones that make the news.
Utopia is extremely close to reality.
@nickj: You choose thephenomenon
Corruption or Bad Planning
Ever wonder when you go to developed Asian countries and see how do they have so many infra, super structure, road project, mega shopping mall build up so quickly? I doubt that the asians work faster reasoning.
It's the tax payers money…just another few billion to put into the govt debt no big deal. Public just read the papers and go thats rediculous and thats about where it ends.
Who puts in a govt tender building project that has a projected estimate of 10b and won the tender but balloons to 45b with double the duration estimate.
Imagine your parents just gave you a $100 note to buy a piece of $5 candy and you blew it up by buying a piece of the $50 candy. You say oopsie and your parents just shook their head….and it happens again and again.
@luffyex2010: I used to get angry about all this stuff, now I just watch with detached bemusement. Humans are fundamentally flawed and the sooner we realise this the happier we'll be.
i help a man (my boss) become wealthier.
Eneloop enthusiast
I turn up
I turn down.
We keep each other employed.
I turn left.
I disrupt your industry.
Good luck, we have the politicians in our pockets :p
@idonotknowwhy: Typical down-wing politics
Design kitchens, run a cnc machine.
Bargain hunter
Table Games Dealer at a cas 8-)
Hopefully one of the more jovial ones, nothing worse than a stone cold dealer who won't entertain me when I'm drunk ;)
Slaving away just like the rest of you
Account manager Full time. Also run a Sole trader business at home. 60+ Hr a week, luckily 20+ of those hours are at home.
Man, 60 hours a week, do you enjoy it?
Run my own consulting firm and staggering through my part-time MBA to improve my ability to run/grow said firm.
Hard work - Want to shed the MBA to focus more on business development. But overall, quite good to do my own thing rather than spend my whole career working for the big firms.
Hey Trusty Dussty - can I send you a PM for some advice? Seems like you have the career track I'm after and would love some advice
I design and build penny farthings. We have a surprisingly big market in Victoria. The Victorians just love them!
Told the kids that I play games on the computer. Mainly Excel. Sometimes Word. And now the Cloud. Beat that Super Mario!
Student :/
I teach Film Studies at a secondary school (years 11 & 12). I also do freelance work writing how-to articles for tech websites.
Business Analyst
Nothing at the moment except taking care of the kids, I was made redundant in June after 15 years and been looking for something else but I don’t see the point of any of it anymore
I have to be
I wish you well!
Don't have to be. It's OK to not be OK. Just make sure you seek help if you aren't. Sometimes it's a struggle and you just need that helping hand!
@Name: my only concern is being put into the system as having mental issues which could affect my kids. I don't want to lose them or be constantly hounded by people to get treatment or checked on
@BrendaEagles: It should be ok. My wife has battled / battles depression off and on over the decades. Gets therapy when needed and isn't on a "watch list". Sometimes it gets bad enough to require medication like for the year or so after her dad died, other times like now she is trying to just through using therapy and the "toolbox" that was created for her to manage it.
I battle anxiety, when it's bad I take valuim (diazepam) but I try to limit it to only when it's really bad.
We are raising a kid fine.
You'll find most people (I think it's something like 1 in 3 or higher) suffer from some form of depression or anxiety or some mental health issue. It's just the stigma that is attached that stops a lot of people from reaching out.
@Name: Thanks you've help alot and given me some things to think about
You're not alone, a lot of people, many in my immediate family, suffer from anxiety & depression. I wouldn't worry about being labeled on a system. The backlog for Department for Child Protection (at least in my state) is so high you have to be spectacularly awful to get looked at. Get the help you need, I have and it's been much better.
App Developer - I develop and sell my own apps
How is the apple stote or play store thesedays? Still indie friendly?
I'm Apple only - Yeah, all is pretty good for me. People complain a lot, but as an indie I have been featured in the USA by Apple. All good.
Apple are certainly not your friend but they treat me OK.
I am a business analyst.
Nah not AGS, with a government Department.
I wouldn't really be tempted to do an AMA but happy to answer any question you send me via pm.