• expired

Vodafone TV - $72 Delivered @ Vodafone

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Nice price on the Vodafone TV - going for half the usual price of $144.

Excellent bang for buck IMO:

  • FTA TV tuner (can record to USB)
  • Inbuilt ChromeCast (has been working great with Kayo)
  • Quality bluetooth remote (dedicated app buttons / tactile buttons / play and pause / numeric pad etc)
  • Ethernet
  • 2 year local warranty

Would snap one up if I didn't already have one ;)

Edit: Confirmed available in store too - thanks krouton24



Review (USB recording added since review):


Credit to MrSpeaker72 on Whirlpool

Mod Update 29/12: Still available.

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closed Comments

        • Where. I can't see it on Android app. Can you post a screen shot of the button

          • @easternculture: You wont get a response as it wont cast netflix, neither does MiBox or Sony TVs

    • do you mean can you cast netflix to the vtv? if you do, why would you want to? it has netflix as a native app.

      • No netflix casting, just native app

  • do you need to switch to Vodafone can we use just the TV box without switching?

    • No switch required.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, got one - replacing WDTV :-).

    • Me too. Been looking for a replacement for a while. Hopefully, this is it.

  • +1

    Not sure what the 'Netflix cast' not working on Google chromecast is about, but I confirm on the Chromecast Gen3 I can cast from the Netflix app on my phone to CC Gen3.

    • its Google Cast not "chromecast" in the android TV framework

  • +1

    Picked up 2, thanks kirt.

  • +1

    Got two too.. thanks OP

  • Bought one from the vodafone store, working perfectly so far

  • Can we change the language of the interface/icon to be Chinese or Japanese?

    • +1

      Might of been better to get a Mi Box ;)

  • +1

    This looks like an amazing deal!

    I've got a few questions regarding the device. I currently have a chromecast ultra and just want someone to confirm if the VTV supports 4K60hz and HDR/HDR10+.

    Also does it have HDMI CEC?

    For example can the VTV pass through commands to the TV? Like power on/off, volume up/down?

    And lastly does the device communicate with Google Home interface. - will voice commands coming from the phone/google home interface work on the VTV or will it only respond to the remote control commands?

    • *Also I've noticed the Mi Box S is on offer at gearbest for 50.99USD is there any advantages of going for the Mi Box over the VTV? The Mibox UI looks a bit more polished and feature rich with the downside of no Ethernet port and FTA tuner.

      • Can I get the link/code please?

      • Good question!

    • +3

      VTV has a HDR On/Off switch. It supports 1080 60Hz as far I can tell

      It has HDMI CEC and can pass through commands to the TV

      It does communicate with the Google Home Interface

  • Just bought one.
    Hoping to find something that I can use to play / stream files from a phone or USB stick without an internet connection. Chromecast's latest update stopped the offline streaming capability if the device using localcast.

  • +1

    Which FTA (Free to air) streaming apps are available off the shelf?

  • +1

    Does anyone know if I can run Skype on this? Obviously external webcam is required.

    Or on Mi Box? Can't decide, was using one of the devices with RemixOS.

  • +4

    Couldn't resist any longer - just went and bought another Vodafone TV instore for our new outdoor entertaining area :)

    • +1


  • +1

    Bought one today. Can I ditch my Chromecast 2 now?

    • Chromecast will still stream netflix, so that is your decision

  • +3

    I just bought 1 new from Gumtree for $35 (Advertised at $55). Only damn one listed in NSW. I need Ozbargain seal of approval and 100 points to spend on Eneloops anytime I want.

    • +1

      Ooooo good deal!

  • FWIW if your sitting on the fence i went and bought one today in store. Set it up tonight took 5mins following the google sync setup + another 5mins for updates. Installed Kodi and then updated Netflix and google cast, google services etc. Then added the SMB shares for my PC and NAS (dang passwords, really need to manage those better!). Streaming from my PC and NAS seems fine, tried both a 720p and 4k file over 5.8Ghz (15 meters, several walls) seemed alright. Same for Netflix. So far so good!

    • +1

      I've been sitting on the fence for the past 2 days and my bum is very sore and my fingers itchy. I currently have a Windows 10 PC with WMC, VLC, MPC, Plex & DVD attached to a FHD TV and I cannot see how this Android TV device will give a superior viewing experience to justify $72. Am I missing something good here?

      • Via HDMI from gfx card? It comes down to conveniece of just streaming via apps using a remote while staying plonked in your seat ultimately. There is the recording TV side of things but im not interested in that.

        • Yup, via HDMI. It also has a dual TV tuner for recording and live TV pause, rewind and catch up. As for remote control I have a Harmony Ultimate which talks to it via Bluetooth, and an Echo which talks to it via the Hub. I won't be missing much without this Vodafone TV, will I? This device seems to need a lot of workarounds to get it to do what you want.

          • +1

            @alvian: Ok that is very similar to my old setup. I disagree about the workarounds comment its just different, but yes you are correct in thinking you are not missing much. When you upgrade to a 4K TV you may wish to revisit your setup but until then I'd say stick with what is working fine for you.

  • Can I sideload terrarium?

  • Does anyone know how Twitch 1080p 60 fps works?

    Doesn't work well on my Chromecast v2, so this would be a good replacement instead of a Chromecast Ultra.

    • My experience with casting is proper google Chromecasts work best. That said i believe you can install the Twitch app on the Vodafone TV. Im not a twitch user but if you can detail what you want i can give it a go.

      • That would be awesome if you could do that please. Thanks!

        Basically just testing any stream that does 1080p60. Here is one that is active at the moment:

        I've found on the Chromecast v1 and v2 that it doesn't play well and lands up stuttering every second due to the high quality bitrate.

        • +1

          Installed Twitch from playstore and am streaming one of the top streams on main page. Its "PGL_DOTA2" and its 1080p60 according to the stream rate option of twitch. I tried a few others that said 1080p and 720p. Let it run 5mins and was fine.

          Just for you found dansgaming and watched some hitman content 1080p60. It did pause for a second once or twice but otherwise was smooth.

          • @Xizor: Awesome! Thank you very much for doing that!

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

    Just set it up and it does indeed have a bluetooth remote, however it also has in IR emitter. Anyone know how to unlock this feature to control other devices?

    • +1

      AFAIK you can't program it to send IR commands to other devices like your TV etc (more than happy to be proven wrong though!) - I believe it's used for the following:

      • the initial setup, and can be used to control the VTV over IR if you need to disable bluetooth
      • to program universal IR remotes
  • +9

    Anyone wanting to add the Vodafone ATV box to a Logitech harmony - Add it using "Technicolor" as the manufacturer and UIW4030VHA as the model.

    • Didn't work on my hub. Entered the above details but not in the database.

    • isnt the remote bluetooth, or is it only a IR remote?

    • Just discovered something I had no idea about. If yo enable CEC HDMI on your TV, the harmony can almost fully control this box in the original TV mode. No need to add this device or program anything. (except the Netflix and Youtube buttons). Must admit I had no idea what CEC meant until I just looked it up and it makes sense.

  • +3

    Anyone else having issues with Toll delivery? Toll attempted delivery and I was not home, so they left a card. I called them to arrange re-delivery but they are refusing saying the only option is to pick up the item from their Tullamarine warehouse or call Vodafone and ask them for permission to redeliver ? WTF?
    So I called Vodafone and they are stuffing me around, been on hold for 20 minutes during my lunch break…..
    Toll are always a pain to deal with in my experience.

    • mine got returned to the depot without a card left. they might try a re-delivery again today

      • It's being delivered to a collection point now, what a joke!

    • Same here!
      'Vodafone only pay for 1 delivery attempt so you'll have to pick it up'

    • Want to complain about delivery as well.
      I was home when i got the notification that attempted delivery and then dropped at local BP service station to pick with no card left in the post.

    • +1

      Picked up my box this morning from a newsagent and put a complaint in to vodafone about the horrible delivery experience


    • +1

      Toll (and Vodaphone) are an absolute nightmare. Same problem.

      Did not get to select delivery time/day. Was not home at time of attempted delivery. Received a card. Called them up and arranged for the item to be delivered to my closest collection point. Receive call next day stating that this collection point is actually beyond 5km so they can't take it there and that my only option is to collect it from Tullamarine depot - very inconvenient. I confirmed with Toll that I will send someone to collect it on my behalf as I cannot get there during business hours. They say this is fine, and to wait for the text to confirm pick up is available and ready from Tullarine. Never get a text so I call up and find out this can take 24+ hours. I wait another day and they call me and confirm that the item is almost ready for collection. I ask the lady if I can provide the name of the person who will be collecting on my behalf. She says that's not possible - only I can collect the item now. I have to contact Vodaphone to lift the restrictions on the parcel. Vodaphone phoneline have no options to discuss delivery options and they all have NFI what I'm asking for and direct me back to Toll.

      I'm about to flip my shit.

      • +1

        Update: Vodaphone are for whatever reason unable to contact Toll and lift the restrictions. Guess I will wait for my parcel to be returned to Vodafone and ask for delivery via another courier or refund

        Horrific ordeal

        Will never purchase from Vodafone again (or any other seller who uses Toll)

        • Would it have been possible to send it to your work instead?

          • @gimme: Apparently voda restrict toll for redirect to alternate address even though you can done it via toll website.

          • @gimme: Seems like there are a number of ridiculous contractual agreements and each party is either too incompetent or unable to moderate the agreement for the customer. They both bounce you around in circles.

            They only attempt delivery once
            They will only take your parcel to your local collection point if it's within 5km of your delivery address. Otherwise, you must collect from their Tullamarine depot
            Only the person who purchased can collect the parcel
            You have to collect it within 7 days

            • @mmustica: I meant to say, if there is a chance that someone won't be home during delivery (i.e They have a job), wouldn't it make sense to send the parcel to your work address in the first place?? I get the idiosyncrasies of couriers in general but I'm constantly surprised when people place themselves in these types of situations. Of course there could have been a valid reason.

    • +1

      THIS. Just spent 30 minutes on the phone to Toll (mainly waiting due to 'high call volumes') to be advised that the order had been returned back to sender due to a failed delivery attempt (which I was never advised of - received an email from Toll advising the delivery was 'on its way' some days prior but just not the failed delivery attempt - so they had my correct email address) and due to lack of response they automatically return to sender rather than leave at a local depot.

      Then subsequently spent another 45 minutes to Vodafone who managed to transferred my call between 4 different departments/people (i.e. nobody had any idea what to do about online sales orders for anything other than a mobile service - they only want to sell you postpaid and prepaid, not other products like vodafone tv). Apparently they are now organising a re-delivery within the next 3-5 working days, although I'm not convinced this is going to happen as it sounds like the person on the phone was just fobbing me off and couldn't provide me a reference number or any email confirmation to state as such, only advising that the system will automatically send me an update when the order is re-shipped.

      With service like this, I'm glad I'm not with Vodafone.

      • I've been having the same issue. It's been two weeks since my order, and I still can't get Vodafone to get their act together to have the VTV redelivered to the nearest Toll collection point. Calls keep getting transferred, nobody knows what happening as much as the next person, their customer service is without a doubt non-existent. Still on the phone with them as I type this……

        I've never experienced such incompetence for such a simple thing as a delivery of one item.

        • I've never experienced such incompetence for such a simple thing as a delivery of one item.

          That's the Toll tag line - "we might deliver it to you, maybe"

  • Ping -experts on kodi/flex/other good stuff etc

    I have been using wd streaming player for yonks since we got the $50 rebate when i was a young bloke

    Just got this VTV and have no idea how delete files from attached flash drive or hard drive etc like i could with old wd player… that was dead easy to delete/move and copy files.

    Also i have no idea what i need to use the chrome cast features, what exact app do i need on android fone or iphone?

    Most important is what is best app to use on VTV to watch and delete watched video files etc

    I am an expert on some things but on this i need expert advice

    tnx to all

  • -2

    So I got one, and its only an IR Remote compared to the MI Box that is bluetooth remote, that is very disappointing.

    The unit is twice the size of the MI Box.

    So it wont work in the kids rooms hidden behind TV where the MI Boxes work great.

    • +4

      I'm guessing you haven't set it up yet, cause the first thing you do is pair the Bluetooth remote ;)

  • +3

    WOW! These are incredible value devices. Bought 3 mainly for Plex clients with remotes (which it does very well) but all the extras make for a very slick little TV box. Never used a Mi Box but with local PSU, local support and warranty these are far better options, IMO.

    Also can confirm they are 10/100Mb network but unlikely to be an issue unless trying to run full bitrate 4K vids, which I don't.

    Thanks OP.

    • Hi, so with this you can browse plex movie collections just using the remote provided? Also, can you setup parental lock so that kids don't run app that they should not be running (eg. youtube when parents not around, etc)

  • +6

    Just set mine up and handed the wife the remote. Five minutes later she isn’t as pissed off at me for spending more money on crap.

    If you are sitting on the fence. Just buy it!

    Absolutely worth the money

    • Totally agree, wives will hop on board this thing. Just works! And works well.

  • Any Kodi users able to pass through correctly? Only getting 5.1 stereo according to my receiver and not the source ie DTS or DTS-MA etc?

  • Is it possible to install the FetchTV app on this device so it can replace my (old) FetchTV mighty?

    • +1

      Features available to all users:
      • Browse and search the Fetch catalogue
      • Watch movie trailers on your Android device
      • Browse and search the 7 day TV guide and setup reminders
      • Post comments about what you're watching on Facebook or Twitter

      Features available to Fetch customers using eligible devices* connected to your Fetch set-top box:
      • Watch Movie Box movies^ anywhere in Australia
      • Watch Live selected subscription channels^ anywhere in Australia
      • Watch the Movies Now Showing trailer channel
      • Schedule recordings wherever you are
      • Browse the recordings on your set-top box
      • Manage scheduled and Series Tag recordings
      • Change channels, and adjust the volume on your TV
      • Rent or buy an on demand movie to watch on your TV or device
      • Buy TV shows to watch on your TV or device
      • Download selected movie and TV shows to your Android device and watch them offline.

  • +7

    Did up a guide for those who want to record FTA to USB:


    • Nice work!!

      btw do you get full EPG? I'm only seeing the 'next' program and nothing more.

      • To be honest I use Fetch for all of my FTA needs, so haven't spent much time using the FTA features of the VTV, but from memory I was getting at least one full day if not more?

        Edit: Live Channels 1.18 beta was just released today, which will include "Program Guide shows up to 14 days of programing on select devices", so maybe we will see some changes on the VTV?


  • does this do 4k Netflix and YouTube?

  • +5

    Bought one dont know why….

  • Is there a way to put Foxtel Go on these?

    • You can cast Go if you have Foxtel multiroom, or load a Foxtel Now app, but AFAIK you can't load a Go app.

  • This device is good for a lot of things but AFL isnt one of them, they FTA Broadcasts are very studdery on this thing. Only thing we have ever had issues with, had to switch back to the TV Decoder to watch the footy.

    • Switch to 50hz for digital tv. Mine was the same. Default 60hz was juddery. 50hz is smooth and perfect

  • When I try and cast to the VTV, the screen goes black for a second or two as if about to cast, but then reverts to the VTV home page. I have Google Cast installed on the VTV and Google Home on my phone. Do I need any other apps or services? Anyone experience this problem and find a solution? Chromecast 2 is working fine.

    • Is that for one particular app, or all apps?

      • All castable apps.

        • Check you have the latest "Chromecast built-in" version (1.33.133253), and you can also try clearing the data and cache from that app too.

          Also check you have updated Android TV (version 7.1.1 with security patch level 1 June 2018).

          • @kirt: Both those version numbers check out. Cleaned the data (there was nothing in cache) for the casting app. Now the Chromecast page displays, but the apps on the phone have the cast icon lowlighted, whereas before, they were highlighted, but no luck when tapped. Frustration levels building…

    • It happened to me when one of the devices was connected to a VPN. I had to go into the VPN settings and make an exception for Chromecast. It casts well after that

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