Use code and apply at Claim Voucher to get 50GB .. Enjoy :)
Also.. Feel free to use below referral links (mine or others) to get another 1GB so total would be 51 GB for new accounts ;-) . Also update your referral code heretoo to get further benefits
& Can create couple of more account to have 50GB on each account.. - few users tried and worked to have more GBs :)
NOTE : This will override any other offer which is present in your account. e.g if you already have 60GB/month, then you will lose your 60GB and account will show only 50GB.
FYI existing users gets 10GB .. Login and go to Account.. click Claim Voucher and apply code.
New Users - Make sure you confirm your email address to avail this ( so that they can send ads/promotions - thats the catch I believe)
Update from jelko : I signed up as a new user (got 2GB), applied the code and it was upgraded to 10GB. Then I entered the code again and it was upgraded to 50GB
I got mine upgraded from 10GB to 50GB/ month for free :D
Update (24/04/18): You can still get 10GB free but the upgrade to 50GB code has expired.
every month 50GB free.. what's the catch?