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Kaspersky Premium 5-Device 1 Year Digital License $22 (Save $23) + Surcharge @ SaveOnIT


Just spotted Kaspersky Premium 5 Device 1 Year Digital License for $22. Normally $45. Save $23

Surcharges: 0% bank deposit, 1% card payment, 2.6% PayPal payment.

Kaspersky Premium 5 Device 1 Year Digital License Email. Includes Kaspersky Safe Kids. Always the latest version. Replaces previous Total Security with additional features.

Fast, Unlimited VPN (worth $49.95 per year)
Secure Password Manager and Vault (worth $26.95 per year)
Premium 24/7 Remote IT Support (worth $50.86 per year)
30-day money-back guarantee

Digital license by email. Suitable for renewal or new subscription. Replaces previous Total Security with additional features. Always the latest version. Add to your own MyKaspersky account with full management of your subscription.

Limit of 5 per customer.

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closed Comments

  • -4

    really… unlimited vpn???

    • yes

      • +5

        Hold my dongle

  • +2

    Got it, works fine

    • includes vpn?

      • sure does, run it on my router and have a few devices run through it

  • +16

    Ran by Russian company. Stay cautious.

    • +1

      Yep Russian just like Kasparov!

      • +6

        No, by different Russians, more like those who go to Ukraine to kill for money.

        "Kaspersky and the Russian government": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaspersky_and_the_Russian_gove…)

        • +9

          the people who have a habit of randomly blowing up passenger planes passing by 🤦

          • +2

            @SYLTB: Yep, many private companies in both those countries are massively compromised by their relationships with tyrants. Would they prefer a different scenario? Probably. Similar but also vastly different thing is currently occurring in the good ol USA with self-interested oligarchs.

          • +4


            Cool story Panda! Again Russia Syndrome; China Syndrome!

            Tell that to the family of my school mate who was just killed by russian nazi invaders. At this point in time, Russia is a lot worse dictatorship than China. But you can bring China back into this convo when they invade Taiwan or any other neighboring country.

              • -1


                I am against any war and civilian deaths.

                These China russia syndromes kill this nation.

                So, speculatively, what would you do if your nation got invaded by a rogue neighboring country called (say) Z? Call it a Z-syndrome and surrender with a white flag?

              • +3


                I am against any war and civilian deaths.

                Fine sentiment, I'm sure most agree, but it's just hollow words if you ignore the nuace of situations. Eg: Israel had every right to respond to Hamas' murders and threats, but every response must be measured. The USA's unwavering support of Israel under Netanyahu is quite frankly appalling.

                A wise philosopher once said: (paraphrased) The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. That itself is obviously simplistic, but the message isn't.

              • +5


                "Russia is a democracy and the Russian people only recently supported Putin's mandate.."
                "Russians are fighting against nazi invaders of Donbass and Mariupol. Mariupol is now a free and thriving city.
                This is a fact."

                If you were able to be convinced of this ysk I'm having a very special deal this week on an opera house and harbour bridge combo 🤣🤣

              • +1


                Russia is a democracy and the Russian people only recently supported Putin's mandate..

                Sure, just like with Nazi Germany and Hitler. I know you'd like me to bring that up again.

              • +7


                Russia is a democracy

                Roflmao.Your understanding of what makes a democracy needs a LOT of work. Even Prigozhin's trolls wouldn't run that furphy. Russia is a a despotic dictatorship cum oligarchy. Democracy is about FAR more trhan votes even where voting is fair. The UK is a democracy of sorts due to its separation of powers, rule of reasonable law, accountability, and relatively free media but it fails badly due to its archaic House of Lords and equally archaic fptp voting system - which doesn't represent the huge range of aggregated views of the hoi polloi. One of the many complex reasons why "mandates" are largely nonsense.

                On an arbitrary scale of "democracy", if UK is a 66/100, Russia is a 10 - at best.

              • +6


                Russia is a democracy


        • +10

          What about Americans and American companies that go to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc….?

          Musk even famously tweeted "We'll coup who we want to!" , when responding to the instabilities deliberately created in Bolivia, some years ago.

          • -5


            What about Americans and American companies that go to Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc….?

            You might fight a good answer to that in "2 Decades of Russian ‘Whataboutism’: A Partial Rundown": https://www.russiamatters.org/blog/2-decades-russian-whatabo…

            • @uk3000: I just find choosing teams in this geo-political climate, a bit weird, because every one of these "empires",
              eg. USA, Russia, China, Europe, etc… are all built on wars, turmoil, economic blackmail, etc.

              Even with that mind, you can pay attention, to the most recent 70 years of our shared history and figure out which country(ies) have been involved in more than 70 conflicts DIRECTLY, when everyone else just wants to stay in peace, but guess what?
              People got to keep fighting, otherwise Armageddon won't arrive, as "prophesized".

              • -1


                I just find choosing teams in this geo-political climate, a bit weird…

                This sounded equally convincing back in 1939, when Nazi Germany occupied Poland.

                • -5

                  @uk3000: great.. already mentioned nazis, 1939, Nazi Germany.
                  I guess you win the argument.

          • +2

            @whyisave: Yep, as most Afghan women will attest, Afghanistan is far better off under the Taliban.

            Quoting anything Musk says about complex issues is the modern equivalent of Godwin's law. Interestingly, Musk has expressed not hugely dissimilar views to the Taliban about the role of women (among others) https://www.newsweek.com/elon-musk-shares-controversial-theo…

            • +2

              @Igaf: I don't really care what Musk says or doesn't say.

              I just used that as an example, of how honest he was, at revealing an imperial country's subversive ways at securing resources (ie. lithium in Bolivia),
              which is what most conflicts have been about (for resources), except there are some ideological conflicts where it is only about weakening or removing the threat, to the existence of a certain country.

              • +2

                @whyisave: "Honest"? Now there's a word I doubt you'll often see linked with Musk's lunatic rants.

                • +1

                  @Igaf: Focusing on Musk -IS- the mis-direction.

                  • @whyisave: Yet you appeared to think his comments were rational honesty. The USA has a long history of meddling (both for profit and for longer term altruistic reasons) but there's still a HUGE difference between it and other regimes, although those differences are already crumbling with the replacement of lies for truth and the undermining/corruption of their legal and political systems.

            • +4


              Yep, as most Afghan women will attest, Afghanistan is far better off under the Taliban

              That line is obviously SARCASM

        • Global United Biotechnology Inc. - Responsible for providing Fentanyl to the Mexican cartels (Jalisco New Generation, Sinaloa Cartel, Cartel Del Golfo, Juarez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel) to smuggle into the U.S which causes 140,000+ deaths/overdose every year.

          Boeing - Responsible for a lot of war equipment, most notoriously the B-52 used the Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Yemen, Palestine, Syria and more.

          • @deangalanoz: Which one of them conducted a large scale invasion of a peaceful neighboring country?

            Not giving any money to Russia, simple as that. Continue worshiping the dictator at your leisure.

        • -1

          What about these companies?

          Global United Biotechnology Inc. - Responsible for providing Fentanyl to the Mexican cartels (Jalisco New Generation, Sinaloa Cartel, Gulf Cartel, Juarez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel) to smuggle into the U.S which causes 140,000+ deaths/overdose every year

          Boeing - Responsible for a lot of war equipment, most notoriously the B-52 used the Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Yemen, Palestine, Syria and more…

      • +1

        Comparison is ludicrous. Kasparov is a vastly different kettle of fish to Kaspersky.

      • I guess this is just a play on words, but Kasparov was warning about Kaspersky and other types of Russian bloatware about a decade ago, and more generally criticizing the idea that there can be free companies under any dictatorship.

        At the time big companies that wanted "business as usual" just mocked him for this. But those partnerships with western companies are now dead, and Kaspersky itself is barely alive.

        More generally, if you trust Microsoft enough to use their OS, why do you not trust them also to make your AV? Having random Russian bloatware is only adding a vector by which things can go wrong.

        • +3

          American companies have been exposed in putting in backdoors,
          eg. Intel CPUs, Linux kernel ring 0, etc. because of the 3-letter-agencies.

          These were all in Wikileaks Vault dumps, and 'another reason' why Assange was pursued.

          • +2

            @whyisave: Of course the yanks do it. Until maga runs america in an ongoing way (TBC in 4 years) I trust america far more than I trust Russia who are basically caricature villains.

          • +3

            @whyisave: So, as you are already exposed to America you want to expose yourself to Russia as well, right? I'm a competitive market lol

            • @Ozzster: They're competing for your eyeballs, for your stomach, for your mind.
              They can fight it out, inside your computer, ie. Chinese motherboard, American CPU, Taiwanese SSDs, American OS, Russian anti-virus, etc.

    • +2


    • +3

      Yeah, russian antivirus. Youd probably be signing up to lend CPU/network to their propaganda botnet if you install this - not even joking.

  • -7

    who uses anti virus in 2025.

    • common bro

    • me

      • +3

        then you are being sucked in. Nothing more than bloat ware. Windows Defender does a perfect job all for nothing.

    • +1

      Pretty much everyone does thanks to Windows Defender.

      The real question is: 'Who uses anything else?"

  • -1

    Wait I think this is a fake sale, I bought it at this price over a year ago from the same place

    • Which essentially means this is a marginally better deal.

    • +1

      I paid $24 back in August, last year, so I doubt it was $45 - unless there's been a huge jump.

      • They have regular sales, varying between products.

  • can i get one device 5 years for the same price?

  • How is the VPN?

    • +11

      The best FSB can provide…

    • Great for Yandex

      • -1

        great for porn

  • -1

    will this activate in Ukraine?

    • +4

      Only via a drone drop-off

      • free delivery, bargain!

  • +11

    Is this easy to Putin my device?

    • +2

      Is your device cuntry specific?

  • +1

    I like Kaspersky but my employer doesn't… Doesn't pass the guidelines to access our servers

  • I had kaspersky for a few years, no issues, this time switched to Norton and bought it from these guys. That one also comes with vpn which is handy.

    • +1

      Is Norton any better these days? Used to be woeful but I get the impression it's vastly improved. I dumped Kaspersky recently, currently using the horribly intrusive free version of Avast.

      • +3

        Norton is great now, low on resources. It can't get rid of its old reputation of being a resource hog

        • Thx. AV Test and AV Comparatives seem to agree but user expereince is what I want to know about.

          AV Test gives Avast free version top marks but they obviously don't test for constant intrusions/warnings, which are sorta understandable given it's free, but very annoying nevertheless

        • Any view on their high false positives?

  • +9

    If you're on Windows, there's really no need to pay for an AV. Kaspersky and Norton are behind Microsoft in security.

    • +2

      that's the conclusion i came to years ago. why clog up system resources when windows security is already included in the OS and does a fine job for most users?

      • +2

        why clog up system resources when windows security is already included in the OS and does a fine job for most users?

        So you disable defender? It clogs it up too. According to av-comparatives it slows your PC down more than many of the others, it places 13 out of 16 in regards to impact to performance.

        In other words, there are 12 AV products that might actually make your computer quicker by using them instead of Defender.

        • +3

          Yep, common misconception subjectively because it's bundled with Windows it'll run better. Not necessarily according to AV-Comparatives.

    • +4

      They aren't according to reputable tests, and "never" have been whenever I've checked.

      Ms (Windows) security is now far better than it was previously and good enough for most "moderate" users.

    • -1

      I said same thing an got -12 votes hahaha

      • +1

        There are a lot of unintelligent ppl on this website.

        • Lot of unintelligent people on this planet lol

    • What do you mean by behind? The detection rate for windows is better?

  • +4

    Any sale on ESET Security Antivirus?

    • +2

      I switched from Kaspersky to ESET years ago, Kaspersky was starting to be a hog and ESET had less bloat. Since I hadn't found a sale for ESET (OEM) products in a while I let my subscription lapse and defaulted back to MS, so far MS seems to be doing the job nicely.

    • +3

      I never see one anymore, and I've looked. Sometimes there are dubious keys for sale on eBay.

      ESET is very expensive now.

      That said, ESET and Kaspersky are among the best AV products on av-comparatives.

    • +2

      You can try Stacsocial if you are happy with single user 1 year Nod32 licence. $10 USD

  • +1

    Lol who pays for antivirus? It’s 2025 not 2005

    • -2

      boomers who shop at Harvey Norman.

      • that's salesman skills ;)

  • Do you still need AV now every new computer has Windows Defender?

    • +5

      Generally no IMO

    • Depends on "where you shop online" so to speak, and what extras you might be getting. Having multiple companies doing AV monitoring, testing and research is a good thing though.

      I'm looking forward to the day they can detect and remove unwanted "AI".

    • -1

      Yes, as it's only a matter of time until you make ONE lapse in judgement, exposing everything.

    • Check out pc security channel in YouTube. Kaspersky is the best as well as bitdefender.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Last year I moved to Norton and regretting it with Norton always trying to upsell, slowing down the browser and the laptop. Can't wait to get back to Kaspersky.

  • +2

    Wow a personal cybersecurity product owned by Russians, no thanks

    • In particular, "Secure Password Manager and Vault (worth $26.95 per year)" feels really tempting 🥲

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