• long running

[iOS] Google One Monthly 100GB ₺11.99 (~A$0.53), 2TB ₺59.99 (~A$2.67) @ Google One App via Turgame Gift Card


Following on from this post, Google One pricing is available using Apple subscription Turkey.

Pricing as follows:
100GB - ₺11.99 ~ $0.53AUD
2TB - ₺59.99 ~ $2.67AUD
AI Premium 2TB - ₺719.99 ~ $32.06AUD

100GB - ₺119.99 ~ $5.34AUD

Make sure you follow these steps first to create your Turkey Apple ID, purchase the Apple Gift Cards, redeem them then download the google One app (while still signed in) and subscribe accordingly. You can share this subscription with any family you have set up.

Related Stores

Apple App Store
Apple App Store


  • +1

    Can you do it with India? Which one is cheaper?

    • +1

      Turkey is far more accessible and easier.

      • How so? India gift cards are available directly from Amazon and it’s the same process for creating an Apple Account.
        Also curious on the India pricing if already using it for YouTube

        • +7

          Here is India price:

          100G -> 149 INR -> 2.72 AUD
          2T -> 749 INR -> 13.65 AUD
          2T AI -> 1950 INR -> 35.50 AUD

          • @matt wu: This is what i'm seeing too.
            the monthly price which is more than the australian price.
            so no savings for india?

    • My tink 6 months free is expiring soon , tried to cancel but unsuccessful. Can i plesse request anyone that has cancelled help with the process.

  • +2

    Who here still on the original plan few years ago? Mine still going strong being deducted from my bank card.

    • +3

      Same here. Created a turkey Google account, linked my au credit card and still working like a charm! Have also passed turkey Google pay from this same account to pay for Spotify turkey

    • yep mine still going strong too. that account is used for Google one, disney & crunchyroll too
      edit - and spotify too lol

    • When your card expires and you need to renew details, it may stop working

      • Thankfully - successfully updated mine in July - now set for another 4yrs

        • Same when updating my card on Google pay, no issues so far. Charged yearly for Google One, monthly for Spotify

          • @pichxlonco: Are you using the same Google pay account as your Spotify user here i.e. logging into Spotify with the same Turkey Gmail account? Or just changed your Spotify region to Turkey then paid via your Google pay account even though they are different?

            Just wondering whether the Google Pay thing links all the way through into Spotify, if that makes sense. Thanks!

            • +1

              @whodatdere: Hey! Yes, that turkey google acocunt, which has turkey google pay, is the main Spotify account. I create a new spotify account with it and say it's in turkey (which i can do, since the VPN will be on) and then select google pay as payment method.

              In my case, it is a family plan, so the main account (turkey) pays for stuff, and the others (family emails) leech from it. But all of them need to have their countries changed to turkey.

              To change your spotify account to turkey, you have to connect to VPN, open spotify, and then change the country. ONLY THEN you can invite those accounts to the family plan using the main account (paying for stuff)

    • how are you running YouTube premium these days?

      • No brainer method is this turkey Apple ID in app purchase

        • yeah i thought since G.one is working directly we might be able to add YT into that.

          Apple is more expensive & stuffing around. I'm waiting to see if YT carry out their threat to cancel my YT india subs. I've got an old one where I get India subs on my AU account…every few months they whinge about non-indian card, so I add a different card and that keeps them happy for a bit .

      • i'm still on Turk subscription but looks like it'll end mid-December.

        Was using family plan but if/when Turk ends, i think i'll just go down the SmartTube for the android TVs, and safari+ad blocker for ios devices

        • +1

          yeah, it's mostly used by the kids, and no doubt the Murdoch push to destroy their competition save our kids from the evils of non traditional media will extend to YouTube. So we'll go down the ReVanced/adblocker/etc route.

    • What was the OG plan from years ago?

  • I have the 200gb plan using Turkish Google Play, but it won't let me upgrade to 2tb since the crackdowns.
    I don't know if i can be bothered faffing around with gift cards, vpns and Apple ID.

    • +1

      You shouldn't need a VPN if its through Apple ID - it's generally the easiest method because all the trust is placed on the Turkish App Store.

  • -1

    Can anyone confirm if you get 10% back on Google store purchases using this method?

    • I think the problem is that you can't access the Australian Google store and thus can't buy stuff unless you're in Turkey.

  • I’m just getting “Purchase not completed. Try selecting a plan again”. My account was previously used for Pakistani Premium which is still active but due to be cancelled from the crackdown. Unsure if that makes a difference.

    • It worked with a fresh Turkish Google account in an AU family group though

      • How do you get it to be an Australian group while sharing a Turkish sub? I thought family head needed to share and that dictates the family region

        • I believe if you add the account to the family, then add a Turkish payment method it will stay in the family group

          • @pantonscott: Gotta change your account region to turkey for this to work, right? Can't seem to do it for some reason

            • @Barge: My main account is AU. Secondary one just had a Turkish billing address added in play store settings. I've also been able to use the same apple credit thing to renew my main account's YouTube premium. Premium is the one that needs the family manager to own it, with One it can be any member

              • @pantonscott: it didnt work for me, as it said the accounts have the be in the same region. Were the accounts AU and in the same region before you switched to turkey?

      • thanks for posting. i got the same error when buying the annual plan, but was able to purchase the monthly plan and then upgrade straightaway to the annual plan (I should have waited 30 days till end of free trial, as I lost that with the upgrade)

  • +1

    Is there a way to get paid Gemini version through Turkish Apple ID?

    • +1

      it's not much cheaper. ~$33/mth (no yearly plan). which is what it costs here

      • Yes, realised that it’s global pricing.

  • +1

    Anyone think there's any risk of a ban if applying these methods? Losing access to my Gmail would be disastrous, haha.

    • There is some risk, yes.

    • so create a new Google account and subscribe with it, then add your actual google account as a family member. That way if your turkish google account gets banned (haven't actually seen that happen, plenty of rumours, but it's just recycled heresay), your normal account should be fine, you'll just be told that you've got 30 days to either get below the 15gb limit or buy subs.

      • That's an option, but less than ideal for a few reasons.

        Having a read of Google's terms of service, there's nothing specifically calling out this kind of method. Plus you're misrepresenting your location to Apple, not Google.

        You can also download all your Gmail and other Google data even if your account is disabled.

        I'll probably take the risk.

  • +1

    Do I need to wait until my current annual plan finishes before trying this?

  • Is there an Apple equivalent with iCloud?

  • Just invest in an OG pixel? Unlimited original uploads for the life of the device. Once you get near 2tb of data and they crackdown on this, good luck paying normal rates to keep your data.

    • That’s only for photos and videos

  • How in the world does Turkey function when money is going to be worth half what it is today next year?

    • it's only dropped 10% vs AUD in the past year, it's nearly halved in 2yrs.

      But next year Turkey's second favourite son Dr Oz will save them from afar! Or so. one of my mates was telling me.

    • +1

      Short answer: it doesn't. It effectively has a second parallel economy of foreign financing that passes through Turkey but never touching the ground.

      You want your job to pay you in foreign currency, not Turkish. You get a loan from banks in Qatar, Spain or France, not Turkish banks. If you do use a Turkish bank, they will have posted official government interest rates and the "real" actual effective interest rate.

      Surprisingly, Turkey economy is doing better than expected. Inflation is predicted to be only 20% by 2025, down from 80% in 2022. Still bad, but not as bad as before

  • +1

    Would you do risk this you are using Google for your important documents?

    Sure do this for Netflix, Spotify etc, but file storage?

    • +4

      Yep, as much as I hate paying Australian prices, I would give this a miss for storing my lifetime of photos and documents. If google want to be dicks about it, they probably could wipe out all of your stuff due to breaching terms and conditions.

      • this is a real concern, I have an account with all my photos etc backed up, but now I cannot subscribe again, something to do with region/country, no matter what I try and change, there's no way to subscribe as it always errors out. Now I'm stuck and feeling stupid.

        • Should have subscribed via Apple.

      • I have google one on a separate account AND also backup my important documents on a physical hard drive. No issues so far and it's great to share photos with family

  • I’m still confused how to add the turkey account while I’m still signed it to my main account on iPhone.

    • it's apple they don't like having multiple accounts, you need to sign out & sign in with your newly created Turkish one.

      • +1

        The instructions in OP reads: Once Registered, go to Settings - click your name on top - select Payment & Delivery or Subscription to make sure you can keep you main apple account signed in but using the new turkey apple ID to sign in for subscriptions and/or payment.

        This is the part I’m confused about

  • Cancelled my current aussie google one subscription to resubscribe to this, when resubscribing it still shows aussie pricing

    • +1

      yeah I believe you'll need a new Turkish Google account and then add your Aussie one to the family.

      • Can you just add a new profile on Google?

  • Is it worth buying a second hand old iPhone to use this deal?

    • Any friend with an iPhone?

      • As a one off? Can I then use it and feed it with GC after that with my own device?

  • Shame on me for not getting it as first. Just to be clear for whoever new to this:

    Your Apple account in setting: Use your main account
    Your Apple store account: Use newly created turkey account

    Somehow if you sign in your Apple account using Turkey account like me, you won't get the Upgrade button in the google one app and they will take you to the web which doesn't allow using apple subscription.

    • So even if you have an existing Turkey itunes account you'll need to create a new one?

  • +1

    I'm confused.. i thought Google started deleting people's accounts ?

    • +1

      This is through itunes for a bit more safe.

  • What do you guys use this for?

    • Uhm to store stuff.

  • What is the main reason people opting for Google One? Is it the storage?

  • Weird I don't have a current active Google One sub but when I tried this I only get the option to upgrade to 5TB, 10TB or 20TB? 5TB is 244,99 lira which is about $11/month so not keen on that. Any advice?

  • Does this work without owning an Apple device? (sorry, I have no experience with the Apple ecosystem)

    • it's annoying, you'll have to install itunes on windows to redeem the gift card

      edit: wont work unless you have some sort of apple device

  • I have a Google One from Australia on Australian CC & YT from India on Indian CC. At 90% Usage on 100 GB storage so planning on upgrading to 200 GB. I use Apple & Google Ecosystem so What’s the best option? PS I have 5 family members on this plan in Australia

  • +1

    Don't all Google One family members account have to be in the same country?

    • yes

    • Yes, or at least have to use google accounts created for the same country.

  • Doesn't work when I try to add family member not in same country

  • +1

    Anyone know where else you can buy turkish GCs? Done with Turgame's ID verification process.

  • Anyone else getting the error message ‘purchase not complete’? Some help would be great.

    • you will get this error if your Tur balance is less than what is charged

      • My Tur balance is more than what is being charged

        • +2

          Same here, sufficient balance, getting the' purchase not complete, your device isn't authorized to make purchases' error

          edit: Answering my own question - Will need to activate in-app purchase function:

          On your Apple device
          Settings > Screen Time, tap Content & Privacy Restrictions> In-app purchase

  • Is there any option for space between 100G and 2T? like 200G?
    Also just to confirm as long as I follow the guide with Turkey apple id, my main AU google account/family doesn't need any change to subscribe (using the Turkey apple id)?

  • I am currently on a yearly subscription of Googe One in Austrralia. Do i need to let it expire first beore using this method or can i cancel t right away and will i get a refund? And if so, what happens to my data when the subscription runs out?

  • I am sorry to say that this way does not work on google one, it still works on YT premium.

  • Worked perfectly for me

  • Can anyone clarify whether you need to set your Google Account to Turkey?

    Or is it like the YouTube Premium deal, where you set an Apple Account to Turkey/India, load gift cards onto that, and then use that account to pay for your Australian based Google account?

    • Looking for this answer as well.

      When trying to sub to this like to youtube deal i am juatcgetting AU pricing.

      Cant change countries, or add dodgy account. because all family members are listed as being in australia (ans rhis will alsocmess up with the play store i think?)

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