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Motorola G5S PLUS XT1805 (32GB, 3GB Ram, Dual Sim, Unlocked) $350.44 Metro Shipped (HK) @ eGlobal


The Moto G5S Plus is a "special edition" variant of the Moto G5 Plus from earlier this year. A dual camera (two 13MP sensors, one color, and one monochromatic) has been added, the front camera has been upgraded to 8MP (from 5MP), and the display has been enlarged to 5.5 inches by diagonal. The smartphone also grows slightly bigger than the original.
Full specs here: https://www.gsmarena.com/motorola_moto_g5s_plus-8699.php

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eGlobal Digital Cameras
eGlobal Digital Cameras

closed Comments

  • Comes up as $58.90 shipping for me, dont see how that is a deal.

    • +1

      $25 economy shipping to 2000, 3000 and 5000.

      edit: Bathurst regional area goes up to $58.9

      this is normal price though, as it's a new product most retailers don't stock it yet, but once competition heats up on eBay you can start using the coupon codes + Cashback to get possibly better prices.

    • +1

      Same here it comes at $58.90 economy shipping and i live in regional QLD. Looks like a regional location tax surcharge happening here. How do they get away with this blatant regional location shipping surcharge ripoff?.

      • Nobody "important" lives remote so they don't give a rats ass about us :(

        • +1

          I live in Rockhampton, QLD. As if that is a remote location out in the middle of the bush or some thing. Yet it wants $58.90 shipping. Regional cities are remote areas?. Ripoff!. And down the bottom of the quote it's saying this.

          "*There will be a fixed surcharge of AU$33.9 for remote areas defined by couriers."

        • +1

          Yeah but omgitzrick, i live in a regional city that's directly along the Bruce Highway on the eastern side of Australia only about 600km north of Brisbane. I'm not living in the middle of Australia or some thing. Yet they want $58.90 in shipping?. This online shop can go get stuffed too if they are passing on that regional city location shipping surcharge ripoff too. But hey if people want to pay that regional shipping price ripoff then upto them.

        • +2

          @hollykryten: Sorry, mate, population density vs petrol pricing means that you are indeed effectively out bush as far as delivering anything goes. It's one of the reason things cost more there.

          I dealt with this for a few years when I lived in Mackay.

        • @hollykryten:

          Yeah but omgitzrick, i live in a regional city that's directly along the Bruce Highway on the eastern side of Australia only about 600km north of Brisbane. I'm not living in the middle of Australia or some thing. Yet they want $58.90 in shipping?. This online shop can go get stuffed too if they are passing on that regional city location shipping surcharge ripoff too. But hey if people want to pay that regional shipping price ripoff then upto them.

          Ignore of course the benefits of living where you do and just concentrate on a negative which is increased freight prices. Choose not to pay it and choose not to have this phone.

      • +1

        How do they get away with this blatant regional location shipping surcharge ripoff?.

        Well, couriers charge the extra, so the cost is passed down to the customer.

        • It's still a total ripoff. An extra $33.90 just because you happen to live in a regional city that the stupid courier thinks is a remote area. As i said i'm living in Rockhampton, QLD and it's as if that's a remote area that's out in the middle of the bush or some thing it's a city along the Bruce Highway. This courier can go bugger off with their ridiculous regional city surcharge that's over twice as much as what they charge capital city customers.

        • +1

          @hollykryten: Consider it a tax for being able to live somewhere nice and escape the congestion of major cities. ;-)

      • How do they get away with this blatant regional location shipping surcharge ripoff?

        eGlobal is an offshore camera shop, and it has been normal for such shops to charge exorbitant shipping for many, many years now,
        to make the sticker price look low. Strangely, many other shops charge less than cost for shipping.

        The large regional-vs-city difference may be an oversight. Try emailing them?

        • +2

          eGlobal is an offshore camera shop, and it has been normal for such shops to charge exorbitant shipping for many, many years now,
          to make the sticker price look low. Strangely, many other shops charge less than cost for shipping.

          It's because they send these from overseas and the large couriers like DHL etc don't have representation in these areas so have to hand them over to another courier to deliver which increases the prices.

          The large regional-vs-city difference may be an oversight. Try emailing them?

          Get a quote from say DHL for shipping from Hong Kong to Brisbane and Rockhampton and the difference is staggering.

    • I'm 25 minutes from the gold coast and it's $58.90, once they drive past a cow it becomes regional.

  • When looking at the GSMArena link, select XT1805 for this model's specs.

    • +3

      WARNING The second SIM slot is shared with the microSD card.

      I consider this is a major step backwards from previous iterations of G line.
      I'm now looking for an alternative for my next phone. Sadly B28, NFC, Dual SIM, dedicated microSD and close to stock Android seems like a rare combination.

  • Not sure you can call it a special edition. It's an iterative release, completely supersedes the G5/G5 Plus.

  • Im sniffing around for a couple of 5GS's which are still a rarity given their recent release. This retailer has them at the same price as the Plus(!) (Save $90). Or to put it another way, $10 cheaper than JBs.

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