After deciding to sign up for Alinta Energy, I received a call from AGL's customer retention team (21 days later but prior to the meter read) who decided to better the already very attractive offer made by Alinta. They started the call offering 26% off Electricity and an extra 2% off Gas to bring my discount to 8%. After asking the operator if that was really the best deal they could do, they come back offering 14% on Gas. After further investigation - I determined that Origin was by far the cheapest for me in QLD for GAS SUPPLY as the rates were way cheaper. (Usage First 25.51 - $0.0308 Usage after 25.51 $0.0284 Daily Supply $1.0833 Discount (with DD option) 8% )
New Electricity Schedule is as Follows
26% Pay on Time discount
12 Months Agreement but No Contract exit penalties, Quarterly Billing
Tarriff 11: 26c Ex GST (Same Prince as Alinta)
Supply Charge $1 Ex GST (1c ex GST more than Alinta)
EDIT: Discounts were Applied Immediately by AGL - I didnt have to wait for the scheduled Porting Date which was still 45 days away.
Thanks chrislheilig,
Just to clarify, you signed up on Alinta's website to switch and AGL called you afterwards?
How long did it take for AGL to call you?